Obtain variable from derived class c++ - c++

I'm looking to do something only if the class is a specific derived class. That is I have:
class X{
int id;
class A: public X{
void run();
class B: public X{
int lala;
And I want to do something along the line of:
vector<X *> types;
types.push_back(new A);
types.push_back(new B);
int var = 0;
for(int i = 0; i<types.size(); i++){
if(types[i].isType(A)) {types[i].run();}
for(int i = 0; i<types.size(); i++){
if(types[i].isType(B)) {var = lala;}
I do not want class B to have anything equivalent to run(), nor do I want class A to have an equivalent to lala.
I know fortran has a workaround with
select type ( x => var )
class is ( A )
end select
But I wasn't sure what my options in C++ were.

You are looking for dynamic_cast.
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class X {
int id;
virtual ~X() = default;
class A : public X {
void run() {}
class B : public X {
int lala;
vector<X *> types;
types.push_back(new A);
types.push_back(new B);
int var = 0;
for(int i = 0; i<types.size(); i++){
if (auto ta = dynamic_cast<A *>(types[i])) {
for(int i = 0; i<types.size(); i++){
if (auto tb = dynamic_cast<B *>(types[i])) {
var = tb->lala;
Also see it in action here: https://onlinegdb.com/B1d29P5if.
I had to fix a few other problems with the code. Since they are not a part of your question, I won't clarify here, but you are welcome to ask if something is not clear.
EDIT: The above solution has memory leaks, which I didn't fix, as it wasn't required by the question. For completeness, here is the main function with memory leaks fixed (https://onlinegdb.com/ByeOmu9iz):
int main() {
vector<unique_ptr<X>> types;
types.emplace_back(new A);
types.emplace_back(new B);
int var = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < types.size(); ++i) {
if (auto ta = dynamic_cast<A *>(types[i].get())) {
for(int i = 0; i < types.size(); ++i) {
if (auto tb = dynamic_cast<B *>(types[i].get())) {
var = tb->lala;
Note that this is a C++11 solution.
If you're working with an even older compiler, you'll have to keep using plain pointers as in the original solution, and deallocate the memory manually at the end by calling delete on each element of the vector. (And hope nothing throws an exception before you reach that step.)
You'll also have to replace auto ta with A* ta and auto tb with B* tb.

A modern C++17 solution to this problem is to use a vector of variants, i.e. std::vector<std::variant<A, B>>. You need a modern compiler for this.
Here is a complete example, based on the std::variant documentation:
#include <vector>
#include <variant>
#include <iostream>
class X {
int id;
class A: public X {
void run() {
std::cout << "run\n"; // just for demonstration purposes
class B: public X {
B(int lala) : lala(lala) {} // just for demonstration purposes
int lala;
int main() {
std::vector<std::variant<A, B>> types;
types.push_back(A()); // no more new!
types.push_back(B(123)); // no more new!
int var = 0;
for (auto&& type : types) {
std::visit([&](auto&& arg) {
using T = std::decay_t<decltype(arg)>;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, A>) {
} else {
var = arg.lala;
}, type);
std::cout << var << '\n'; // just for demonstration purposes
As a nice bonus, this solution elegantly gets rid of dynamic allocation (no more memory leaks, no smart pointers necessary).

I have two ideas....
Why not have a shared method that returns a value that gives context as to whether or not it is an A or B? If for example, lala is expected to return only values 0 or greater, you could have void run() instead be int run() and return -1 at all times.
class X {
int id;
virtual int run() = 0; //Assuming X isn't meant to be instantiated
class A: public X {
// Return -1 to differentiate between As and Bs
int run() { return -1; }
class B: public X {
int lala;
int run() { return lala;}
Then you have...
vector<X *> types;
types.push_back(new A);
types.push_back(new B);
int var = 0, temp = 0;
for( int i = 0; i<types.size(); i++ ) {
if( (temp = types[i].run()) != -1 )
var = temp;
Again, only works if lala would never expect to return a particular range of values.
You could also hide information in X, upon creation of an A or B to keep track of what you have.
class X {
int id;
bool isA;
class A: public X {
A() : isA(true) { };
void run();
class B: public X {
B() : isA(false) { } ;
int lala;
Then you have...
vector<X *> types;
types.push_back(new A);
types.push_back(new B);
int var = 0;
for( int i = 0; i<types.size(); i++ ) {
if( types[i].isA == true ) {
else {
var = types[i].lala;
Naturally if you expect to add C, D, E, .... it will no longer be worth it, but for only two derived classes it isn't all that bad.
I would justify this based on the fact that users are already going to have to peer into the derived classes to see why they behave so differently for being derived from the same class. I would actually look into whether or not it makes sense for A and B to derive from X based on their interface.
I also wouldn't recommend dynamic_cast(ing) without informing someone that it's one of the more dangerous casts to perform and typically not recommended.

You could use dynamic_cast to check if the base class pointer is convertible to a derived instance.
Another option would be to have a virtual function that returns the typeinfo of the class and thus use that information to cast the pointer to a convertible type. Depending on how dynamic_cast is implemented this could be more performant. Thus, you could use this if you want to try and see whether or not this method is quicker on your platform.
As #Jarod42 noted, you would need to have a virtual function, destructor in this case, for dynamic_cast to work. In addition, you would simply need a virtual destrctor to avoid undefined behavior when deleting the instance.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <typeinfo>
struct A {
virtual ~A() {
virtual const std::type_info& getTypeInfo() const {
return typeid(A);
struct B : public A {
virtual const std::type_info& getTypeInfo() const override {
return typeid(B);
struct C : public A {
virtual const std::type_info& getTypeInfo() const override {
return typeid(C);
int main()
std::vector<A*> data;
data.push_back(new A);
data.push_back(new B);
data.push_back(new C);
for (auto& val : data) {
if (val->getTypeInfo() == typeid(A)) {
std::cout << "A";
else if (val->getTypeInfo() == typeid(B)) {
std::cout << "B";
else if (val->getTypeInfo() == typeid(C)) {
std::cout << "C";
std::cout << std::endl;
for (auto& val : data) {
delete val;


C++ operator new returns unexpected value

I am working with conversion operators and I an error just popped out of nowhere. C class is derived from B and has no relation with class A, however, debugger shows that when doing C* val1 = new C val1 is showed as C* {A<B>}. It also produces an error because that A in the C* pointer has a size of an unreasonable size (it gives a different size each time it is executed so I just suppose it gets a number from another application).
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
template<typename widget_type>
class A
std::vector<widget_type*> value;
virtual ~A() {}
void Add(widget_type* val)
template<typename return_type>
operator A<return_type>()
unsigned int size = this->value.size();
std::vector<return_type*> return_value;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++)
return_value[i] = dynamic_cast<return_type*>(this->value[i]);
A<return_type> target;
target.value = return_value;
return target;
class B
virtual ~B() {}
class C : public B
void Print()
std::cout << "C CALL\n";
class D : public B
int main()
std::cout << "Start!\n";
A<C> source;
C* val1 = new C;
A<B> target = source;
A<B>* target2 = dynamic_cast<A<B>*>(&source);
std::cout << "END\n";
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++)
return_value[i] = dynamic_cast<return_type*>(this->value[i]);
You are invoking undefined behaviour by accessing return_value[i] on an empty vector.

Access child class functions from a vector of a parent class without downcasting

How can one access child class functions from a vector of a parent class without downcasting?
class a {
class b : public a {
double output() { // both child class have memeber function called output,
// but they return different data type.
return 0;
class c : public a {
bool output() { return false; }
// main
vector<a> vec;
b obj;
c obj2;
for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) {
cout << vec[i].output();
error: no member function called "output" found in a
I have tried function overridding:
class a{
auto output()
This approach don't work because I sometimes need to pass multiple parameters and this function doesn't allow that and will throw me the error: Function output expected 0 parameters, received x parameters.
It is possible like this
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
struct result
} tag;
union ret {
double d;
bool b;
} r;
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &s, const result &r)
switch (r.tag)
case result::DOUBLE:
s << r.r.d;
case result::BOOL:
s << r.r.b;
return s;
class a
virtual result output() = 0;
class b : public a
result output() override
result r{result::DOUBLE, 132.};
return r;
class c : public a
result output() override
result r{result::BOOL, false};
return r;
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
std::vector<a *> vec;
a *obj = new b;
a *obj2 = new c;
for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++)
std::cout << vec[i]->output() << std::endl;
return 0;
but its ugly. even more then

C++ type casting alternative to virtual methods

In C++ you can use virtual methods to have following code work as you expect:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
class BaseClass {
virtual std::string class_name() const { return "Base Class"; }
class FirstClass : public BaseClass {
int value = 1;
std::string class_name() const { return "FirstClass"; }
class SecondClass : public BaseClass {
long long value = -1;
std::string class_name() const { return "SecondClass"; }
int main() {
const int array_size = 5;
const bool in_first_mode = true;
void *data;
int sample_size;
if (in_first_mode) {
data = new FirstClass[array_size];
sample_size = sizeof(FirstClass);
} else {
data = new SecondClass[array_size];
sample_size = sizeof(SecondClass);
// this is class-independent code
for (int index = 0; index < array_size; ++index) {
BaseClass *pointer = static_cast<BaseClass*>(data + index * sample_size);
std::cout << pointer->class_name() << std::endl;
return 0;
This will work correctly for both in_first_mode = true and in_first_mode = false.
So, basically, when you want to write code that works for both classes you can just use pointer to the BaseClass.
But what if you already given data buffer, filled with data of type TypeOne, TypeTwo, TypeThree or TypeFour, and in runtime you know that type, which stored in int type. Problem is that TypeOne, TypeTwo, TypeThree and TypeFour have not inherited from one base class. In my case, actually, they are structs from 3rd party library, which is already compiled C-compatible library, so I can not modify it. I want to get something like pointer from the example above, but problem arises with identifying what C++ type should have this pointer.
It there a more elegant type-casting alternative to making C++ class wrappers to these four types (which gives something similar to the example above), and to making pointer be void * and necessity of
if (type == 1) {
TypeOne *type_one_pointer = static_cast<TypeOne*>(pointer);
// do something
} else if (type == 2) {
/* ... */
every time I use pointer?
If the classes are unrelated, you can store them in a std::variant (or use Boost.Variant if your compiler is not C++17 compliant) and access the value with a visitor. This is more flexible than templates, as it allows you to include types with a different interface in the variant type.
For example (I did not compile this code):
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
struct TypeOne {
std::string class_name() const { return "Type one"; }
struct TypeTwo {
int value = 1;
std::string class_name() const { return "Type two"; }
struct TypeThree {
long long value = -1;
// note the different function signature
static std::string class_name() { return "Type three"; }
struct TypeFour {
std::string getMyClassName() const { return "Type four"; }
struct Visitor {
template <class T>
void operator ()(T&& value) const {
std::cout << value.class_name() << std::endl;
// special case
void operator ()(const TypeFour& value) const {
std::cout << value.getMyClassName() << std::endl;
int main() {
typedef std::variant<TypeOne, TypeTwo, TypeThree, TypeFour> Variant;
std::vector<Variant> values;
for (const auto& var : values) {
std::visit(Visitor{}, var);
Thanks to #ForEveR, I find the solution. I need to use templates.
It means that if in the example above FirstClass and SecondClass would have no BaseClass one can do so:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
class FirstClass {
int value = 1;
std::string class_name() const { return "FirstClass"; }
class SecondClass {
long long value = -1;
std::string class_name() const { return "SecondClass"; }
template <typename T>
void do_my_stuff(void* void_pointer) {
T *pointer = static_cast<T*>(void_pointer);
std::cout << pointer->class_name() << std::endl;
int main() {
const int array_size = 5;
const bool in_first_mode = true;
void *data;
int sample_size;
if (in_first_mode) {
data = new FirstClass[array_size];
sample_size = sizeof(FirstClass);
} else {
data = new SecondClass[array_size];
sample_size = sizeof(SecondClass);
for (int index = 0; index < array_size; ++index) {
if (in_first_mode) {
do_my_stuff<FirstClass>(data + index * sample_size);
} else {
do_my_stuff<SecondClass>(data + index * sample_size);
return 0;

Redefine a constant member variable in inherited class

Say I wish to define a member variable in a parent class and set its value in an inherited class. Perhaps these identify functionality available in the class or the nature of the child class. For example:
class A
inline int getX() { return x; }
const int x = 0;
class B : public A
const int x = 10;
class C : public A
const int x = 50;
It should go without saying that scope issues will prevent the above from working properly. However, is there a way to make this work as intended?
Since the variable is meant to identify the nature of the inherited classes, I would prefer if it were const - this problem would not arise if it were not const and merely redefined in the constructor, so far as I can tell.
While fiddling with the compiler trying to make sure my example code made sense, I actually came across the fact that the way I was attempting to define the constants was C++11-specific. That led me to look into the ways it was done before, and I found this question, which shed some light on the matter indirectly.
Defining a variable in this way should be done by having the base class take an argument in its constructor, in the form of:
class A
A( const int& type ) : x(type) {}
inline int getX() { return x; }
const int x;
class B : public A
B() : A(10) {}
class C : public A
C() : A(50) {}
This will work as intended and allow the constant x to be redefined by inherited classes.
To demonstrate the point I made in my comment, here is an example of what I think you're trying to do (deduced from comments).
I have provided both duck-typed and polymorphic solutions in the same program with a timed run through each.
I use 10 million samples of each to eliminate memory cache noise.
You will notice that the run time of the polymorphic solution is significantly less than that of the duck-typed solution.
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <Windows.h>
double get_cpu_time(){
FILETIME a,b,c,d;
if (GetProcessTimes(GetCurrentProcess(),&a,&b,&c,&d) != 0){
// Returns total user time.
// Can be tweaked to include kernel times as well.
(double)(d.dwLowDateTime |
((unsigned long long)d.dwHighDateTime << 32)) * 0.0000001;
// Handle error
return 0;
#include <sys/time.h>
inline double get_cpu_time() noexcept {
return (double)clock() / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
struct A
A(bool copy_) : copy{copy_} {}
virtual ~A() = default;
const bool copy = false;
struct RealA : public A
RealA() : A { false } {}
struct CopyA : public A
CopyA() : A { true } {}
// A Thing holder will hold any object which has an interface supports do_something_to(T& thing)
struct AHolder {
template<class Thing>
AHolder(std::unique_ptr<Thing> ptr)
: _ptr { std::move(ptr) }
template<class Thing, class...Args>
static AHolder construct(Args&&...args)
return AHolder { std::make_unique<model<Thing>>(std::forward<Args>(args)...) };
void do_something() const {
struct concept {
virtual ~concept() = default;
virtual void do_something() = 0;
template<class Thing> struct model : concept {
model(Args&&...args) : _thing { std::forward<Args>(args)... } {}
void do_something() override {
Thing _thing;
std::unique_ptr<concept> _ptr;
using namespace std;
size_t copies_processed = 0;
size_t reals_processed = 0;
void do_something_to(const CopyA&)
// simulate work
void do_something_to(const RealA&)
// simulate work
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<A>> duck_typing;
std::vector<AHolder> polymorphic;
constexpr size_t samples = 10000000;
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < samples ; ++i) {
if (i % 2) {
else {
auto duck_start = get_cpu_time();
// nasty duck-typing solution
for (const auto& ptr : duck_typing) {
if (ptr->copy) {
else {
auto duck_stop = get_cpu_time();
auto poly_start = get_cpu_time();
for (const auto& a_like : polymorphic) {
auto poly_stop = get_cpu_time();
cout << "duck typing : " << duck_stop - duck_start << endl;
cout << "polymorphic : " << poly_stop - poly_start << endl;
cout << "copies processed : " << copies_processed << endl;
cout << "reals processed : " << reals_processed << endl;
return 0;
sample output :
duck typing : 0.162985
polymorphic : 0.137561
copies processed : 10000000
reals processed : 10000000

Initialization array of pointers to functions

I'm coding in VS2010 basic calculator based on FSM patter. So, I need action map.
How correctly initialize a static two dimensional array of pointers to functions in C++?
I've already tried
static void (*action_map[])() = {A, pA}; //one dimension for example
static void (*action_map[])() = {&A, &pA};
and many others doesn't work.
Everything should be done inside class.
Example below doesn't work for me
public class A {
void func1() { cout << "func1\n"; }
void func2() { cout << "func2\n"; }
void func3() { cout << "func3\n"; }
void func4() { cout << "func4\n"; }
typedef void (*function_t)();
function_t function_array[2][2];
function_array[2][2] = { { func1, func2}, { func3, func4 } };
int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
A * tst = new A();
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
return 0;
Please point what exactly I did wrong.
If your compiler supports C++11 initialiser lists, then you just need do drop the spurious array sizes in your assignment.
function_array = { { func1, func2}, { func3, func4 } };
Or better still, initialise it directly, rather than assigning after default-initialisation:
A::A() : function_array { { func1, func2}, { func3, func4 } }
If your compiler doesn't support C++11, you'll need to assign them by hand:
function_array[0][0] = func1;
function_array[0][1] = func2;
function_array[1][0] = func3;
function_array[1][1] = func4;
You'll also need to make the functions static in order to store simple function pointers to them; if they have to be non-static members, then you'll need to either store member-function pointers and call them with a class instance, or store std::function objects, created using std::bind (or their Boost equivalents if you don't have C++11).
Note the type 'function_t' has changed:
class A
void func1() { cout << "func1()\n"; }
void func2() { cout << "func2()\n"; }
void func3() { cout << "func3()\n"; }
void func4() { cout << "func4()\n"; }
typedef void (A::*function_t)();
static const function_t function_array[2][2];
const A::function_t A::function_array[2][2] = { { &A::func1, &A::func2 },
{ &A::func3, &A::func4 }
// Example use.
A my_a;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
If the array 'function_array' is changeable between class instances then a 'static const' is not appropriate and it must be populated in the constructor.
Both of them are fine if A and pA are the name of functions taking no arguments and returning a void type.
Since you're using MSVS2010 which has implemented many C++11 features, how about doing this:
void f1() {}
void f2() {}
void f3() {}
void f4() {}
std::vector<std::function<void()>> action_map = {f1, f2, f3, f4};
for(size_t i = 0 ; i < action_map.size(); ++i)
action_map[i](); //invoke action!