how to add up elements of lists netlogo - list

I am trying to calculate the average of elements of lists. Therefor I have to add all the first elements of ten lists separate and the second element.. etc.
So far I have this:
set averagec map [ [x] -> item 0 x] finaltable
set averaged map [ [x] -> item 1 x] finaltable
set averagegemiddelderan map [ [x] -> item 2 x] finaltable
set averageunf map [ [x] -> item 3 x] finaltable
set averagetft map [ [x] -> item 4 x] finaltable
set averagepav map [ [x] -> item 5 x] finaltable
set averagetftt map [ [x] -> item 6 x] finaltable
set averagertft map [ [x] -> item 7 x] finaltable
set averageswit map [ [x] -> item 8 x] finaltable
set averagehm map [ [x] -> item 9 x] finaltable

Here are two ways to produce a list that holds the means across the rows, which I believe is what you asked for. The first method adds up the rows and then divides by the number of rows. The second method transposes the list of lists (which is apparently the structure of your finaltable) and then maps mean across the result. The finaltable must be rectangular in both cases.
globals [finaltable]
to setup
;fake data (rectangular list of list)
set finaltable n-values 10 [-> n-values 15 [-> random 100]]
to go
;first method
let _sum reduce [[?xs ?ys] -> addvecs ?xs ?ys] finaltable
let _n length finaltable
print map [?x -> ?x / _n] _sum
;second method
print map mean transpose finaltable
;two helper functions, for the two methods
to-report addvecs [#xs #ys]
report (map + #xs #ys)
to-report transpose [#lstlst]
let _n length item 0 #lstlst
let _start fput n-values _n [-> []] #lstlst
report reduce [[?lstlst ?items] -> (map [[?lst ?item] -> lput ?item ?lst] ?lstlst ?items)] _start


Netlogo select min first value of lists of lists

I am looking for a solution in Netlogo to get a value from a list of lists with the minimum pair value.
As an example I have a list:
ListofLists = ((2,3)(5,8)(1,9))
I want to select the list with the minimum first value. --> here (1,9) and write the second value out of it.
Goal: Get 9!
my try looks like this:
ListofLists = ((2,3)(5,8)(1,9))
let ChoosedList []
set ChoosedList min (item 0 ListofLists)
set ChoosedValue item 1 ChoosedList
Do you have a solution for this?
The easiest way to do this is to sort the list of lists by the first element of each sublist, then take the second element of the first sublist in the sorted list of lists. Here it is in stages:
let sorted-list sort-by [[a b] -> item 0 a < item 0 b] [[2 3] [5 8] [1 9]]
let ChoosedList first sorted-list
let ChoosedValue item 1 of ChoosedList
or, in one line,
let ChoosedValue item 1 first sort-by [[a b] -> item 0 a < item 0 b] [[2 3] [5 8] [1 9]]
sort-by is very useful for sorting lists of lists.

Filtering a list of lists based on a variable number of combinations in Netlogo

Suppose I have a list of lists I want to filter. The list is such that, in each element, the first two strings are the contents
I want to keep, the third number is the number of times it should appear in the filtered list, and the
last element is the value of the list determining what particular combination appears.
The idea is to keep only the n most valuable items of each, where n is the third element of each list inside, and the value is
determined by the last entry, but also, if there are less combinations than the third item, keep as many as possible.
Thus, in the example below, I would like to have only the first "a", "b" combination, keep the first two "a" "c" ones,
and retain the last, (even though there is no further "a" "d" combinations in it):
I have been trying to use several combinations of filter and thought about ways to retain list elements,
without success for this particular problem.
to setup
let temp-example []
set temp-example [["a" "b" 1 5] ["a" "b" 1 3] ["a" "c" 2 4] ["a" "c" 2 2]
["a" "c" 2 1] ["a" "d" 4 1]]
Desired output is the following list:
[["a" "b" 1 5]["a" "c" 2 4]["a" "c" 2 2] ["a" "d" 4 1]]
I'm sure one of the heavyweights around here will chime in soon with a one-or-two line solution, but for now I think this does what you're after. With these reporters:
to-report multifilter [ list_ ]
; Get the content pairs
let content-pairs remove-duplicates map [ i -> sublist i 0 2 ] list_
; Reorganize list into sublists for each content pair
let by-content-pairs map [ i -> filter [ j -> sublist j 0 2 = i ] list_ ] content-pairs
; Sort the sublists
let sorted-by-value map [ i -> sort-with 3 i ] by-content-pairs
; Keep only first n items of each sublist,
report reduce sentence map [ i -> keep-n 2 i ] sorted-by-value
to-report sort-with [ ind lst ]
; Sort the sublists by one of their indexed values
report sort-by [ [ a b ] -> ( item ind a ) > ( item ind b ) ] lst
to-report keep-n [ ind lst ]
; Keep only as many values as are passed by ind, or the length
; of the list, whichever value is smaller
let n item ind first lst
if n > length lst [
set n length lst
report sublist lst 0 n
Call multifilter on a list with the format you've shown and you should get your desired output:
to filter-multi
let temp-example [
["a" "b" 1 5] ["a" "b" 1 3] ["a" "c" 2 1]
["a" "c" 2 4] ["a" "c" 2 2] ["a" "d" 4 1]
print multifilter temp-example
[[a b 1 5] [a c 2 4] [a c 2 2] [a d 4 1]]
Another example:
to filter-multi
let temp-example [
["a" "b" 1 31] ["a" "b" 1 15] ["a" "b" 1 -53] ["a" "b" 1 10] ["a" "b" 1 3000]
["a" "c" 2 1] ["a" "c" 2 4] ["a" "c" 2 2] ["a" "c" 2 -10] ["a" "c" 2 14] ["a" "c" 2 40]
["a" "d" 4 1] ["a" "d" 4 12]
print multifilter temp-example
[[a b 1 3000] [a c 2 40] [a c 2 14] [a d 4 12] [a d 4 1]]
I think this more or less answers it as well:
to-report frequency [an-item a-list]
report length (filter [ i -> i = an-item] a-list)
; Reporter to keep the n most valuable combinations
to-report take [n xs]
report sublist xs 0 min list n (length xs)
to go
set temp-1[]
set temp-2[]
set temp-3[]
set temp-4[]
foreach temp-example[[i] ->
set temp-1 lput (list item 0 i item 1 i) temp-1
set temp-2 lput item 2 i temp-2]
foreach temp-1[[j] ->
set temp-3 lput frequency j temp-1 temp-3
;First: obtain all existing combinations between the two letters:
foreach (range 0 (length temp-example)) [[j]->
ifelse item j temp-2 <= item j temp-3 [set temp-4 lput take (item j temp-2)
filter [i -> (list item 0 i item 1 i) = item j temp-1] temp-example temp-4];
[set temp-4 lput item j temp-example temp-4]; caso contrario, colocar so ate aos
item 2 j:
show remove-duplicates temp-4

Netlogo: How do I flatten a list of lists of lists?

I can do the following:
> set one-deep [[3] [3] [1] [3] [2]]
> reduce sentence one-deep
: [3 3 1 3 2]
But how do I flatten deeper lists of lists ... of lists?
> set two-deep [[1] [3] [1] [2] [[1] [1] [2] [3] [3]] ]
: [1 3 1 2 1 1 2 3 3]
If you're sure that your list of lists in only two-deep, you can simply do:
reduce sentence reduce sentence two-deep
But if you want a more general solution, something like this should work:
to-report unnest [ xs ]
let ys reduce sentence xs
report ifelse-value (reduce or map is-list? ys) [ unnest ys ] [ ys ]
The (reduce or map is-list? ys) expression makes heavy use of NetLogo concise anonymous procedure syntax, but it simply means "is any item in ys a list?"

Filter elements from nested lists

I am having a hard time with understanding the logic behind functional programming. So, this should be something quite easy but not working for me.
What i am trying to do is:
A function with a parameter list, and a list is something like this: [[1,2,3], [5,7,8,12,34], [2,4,6,8]]
and first i should delete the values less than 6 and then delete all the lists with less than 2 elements. My code is like this:
f11 :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
f11 xs = ( filter (\s -> if a <= 6 a then True else False )) (map (filter (\x -> length x <= 2)) xs)
You can also use the do notation, thanks to lists' instance of Monad.
f11 xss = do
xs <- xss
let ys = [x | x <- xs, x >= 6]
guard (length ys <= 2)
return ys
do notation for lists basically denotes a foreach loop. We extract each element xs from xss, then feed it through a list comprehension to filter out the elements less than 6, naming the result ys. Then guard filters out ys longer than 2.
You are getting it the other way around, check this:
f11 :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
f11 = (filter \x-> length x < 2) . (map (filter \x -> x > 6))
It's a matter of taste, but, for readability, you might want to use intermediates:
f11 :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
f11 xs =
less6Cleared = map (filter (\x -> x >= 6)) xs
filter (\x -> length(x) >= 2) less6Cleared
This says that less6Cleared is the list of lists whose all elements have been cleared of less than 6. You now apply a filter to less6Cleared.
If you want to go crazy with point free style and partial function application...
f11 :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
f11 = (filter $ (>= 2) . length) . (map $ filter (>= 6))
... but it might not be clearer, especially to those not used to it.
Also I took your requirements of "less than" to be strict, so values of 6 are not deleted, and list of lengths of 2 are not deleted.

Haskell - List comprehension with infinite lists

This is the piece of code
primepowers n = foldr merge [] [ map (^i) primes | i <- [1..n] ] -- (1)
merge::(Ord t) =>[t]->[t]->[t]
merge x [] = x
merge [] y = y
merge (x:xs) (y:ys)
| x < y = x:merge xs (y:ys)
| otherwise = y:merge (x:xs) ys
which is equal to the mathematical expression {p^i | p is prime, 1 <= i <= n}.
prime returns an infinite list of prime numbers. What I am interested is in the evaluation of (1).
These are my thoughts:
If we first just look at [ map (^i) primes | i <- [1..3] ] this would return an infinite list of [[2,3,5,7,9,...],...]. But as we know p^1 (p is prime) never ends, Haskell will never evaluate [p^2] and [p^3]. Is this just because it is an infinite list or because of lazy evaluation?
Let's carry on with merge:
merge will return [2,3,5,7,9,11,...] because again we still have an infinite list or because of some other reason?
Now to foldr:
foldr starts evaluating from back. Here with specifically ask for the rightmost element, which is a infinite list [p^3].
So the evaluation would be like this
merge (merge (merge [] [p^3]) [p^2]) [p^1]
But we should not forget that these lists are infinite, so how does Haskell deal with that fact?
Could anyone explain me the evaluation process of the above function?
The trick is to define it as
primepowers n = foldr (\(x:xs) r-> x:merge xs r)
[] [ map (^i) primes | i <- [1..n] ]
(as seen in Richard Bird's code in the article O'Neill, Melissa E., "The Genuine Sieve of Eratosthenes").
The lists to the right of a current one all start with bigger numbers, there's no chance of their merged list ever producing a value smaller or equal to the current list's head, so it can be produced unconditionally.
That way it will also explore only as many of the internal streams as needed:
GHCi> let pps_list = [ map (^i) primes | i <- [1..42] ]
GHCi> :sprint pps_list
pps_list = _
GHCi> take 20 $ foldr (\(x:xs) r-> x:merge xs r) [] pps_list
GHCi> :sprint pps_list
pps_list = (2 : 3 : 5 : 7 : 11 : 13 : 17 : 19 : 23 : 29 : 31 : 37 :
41 : _) :
(4 : 9 : 25 : 49 : _) : (8 : 27 : 125 : _) : (16 : 81 : _) :
(32 : 243 : _) : (64 : _) : _
To your question per se, foldr f z [a,b,c,...,n] = f a (f b (f c (... (f n z)...))) so (writing ps_n for map (^n) primes), your expression is equivalent to
merge ps (merge ps_2 (merge ps_3 (... (merge ps_n [])...)))
= merge ps r
where r = merge ps_2 (merge ps_3 (... (merge ps_n [])...))
because you use merge as your combining function. Notice that the leftmost merge springs into action first, while the expression for r isn't even built yet (because its value wasn't yet needed - Haskell's evaluation is by need.)
Now, this merge demands the head value of both its first and second argument (as written, it actually checks the second argument first, for being []).
The first argument isn't the problem, but the second is the result of folding all the rest of the lists ("r" in foldr's combining function stands for "recursive result"). Thus, each element in the list will be visited and its head element forced - and all this just to produce one very first value, the head of the result list, by the leftmost merge call...
In my code, the combining function does not at first demand the head of its second argument list. That's what limits its exploration of the whole list of lists, makes it more economic in its demands, and thus more productive (it will even work if you just omit the n altogether).
Your example Haskell expression [ map (^i) primes | i <- [1..3] ] returns finite list of length 3, each element being an infinite list: [[2,3,5,7,11,...],[4,9,25,...],[8,27,125,...]] so foldr has no problem translating it into merge [2,3,5,7,11,...] (merge [4,9,25,...] (merge [8,27,125,..] [])):
foldr merge [] [ map (^i) primes | i <- [1..3] ]
= merge [2,3,5,7,11,...] (foldr merge [] [ map (^i) primes | i <- [2..3] ])
= merge [2,3,5,7,11,...] (merge [4,9,25,...] (foldr merge [] [ map (^i) primes | i <- [3..3] ]))
= merge [2,3,5,7,11,...] (merge [4,9,25,...] (merge [8,27,125,..] (foldr merge [] [])))
= merge [2,3,5,7,11,...] (merge [4,9,25,...] (merge [8,27,125,..] []))
= merge [2,3,5,7,11,...] (merge [4,9,25,...] [8,27,125,..])
= merge [2,3,5,7,11,...] (4:merge [9,25,...] [8,27,125,..])
= 2:merge [3,5,7,11,...] (4:merge [9,25,...] [8,27,125,..])
= 2:3:merge [5,7,11,...] (4:merge [9,25,...] [8,27,125,..])
= 2:3:4:merge [5,7,11,...] (merge [9,25,...] [8,27,125,..])
= 2:3:4:merge [5,7,11,...] (8:merge [9,25,...] [27,125,..])
= 2:3:4:5:merge [7,11,...] (8:merge [9,25,...] [27,125,..])
As you can see, the rightmost inner list is examined first, because merge is strict in (i.e. demands to know) both its arguments, as explained above. For [ map (^i) primes | i <- [1..42] ] it would expand all 42 of them, and examine the heads of all of them, before producing even the head element of the result.
With the tweaked function, mg (x:xs) r = x:merge xs r, the evaluation proceeds as
foldr mg [] [ map (^i) primes | i <- [1..3] ]
= mg [2,3,5,7,11,...] (foldr mg [] [ map (^i) primes | i <- [2..3] ])
= 2:merge [3,5,7,11,...] (foldr mg [] [ map (^i) primes | i <- [2..3] ])
= 2:merge [3,5,7,11,...] (mg [4,9,25,...]
(foldr mg [] [ map (^i) primes | i <- [3..3] ]))
= 2:merge [3,5,7,11,...] (4:merge [9,25,...]
(foldr mg [] [ map (^i) primes | i <- [3..3] ]))
= 2:3:merge [5,7,11,...] (4:merge [9,25,...]
(foldr mg [] [ map (^i) primes | i <- [3..3] ]))
= 2:3:4:merge [5,7,11,...] (merge [9,25,...]
(foldr mg [] [ map (^i) primes | i <- [3..3] ]))
= 2:3:4:merge [5,7,11,...] (merge [9,25,...]
(mg [8,27,125,..] (foldr mg [] [])))
= 2:3:4:merge [5,7,11,...] (merge [9,25,...]
(8:merge [27,125,..] (foldr mg [] [])))
= 2:3:4:merge [5,7,11,...] (8:merge [9,25,...]
(merge [27,125,..] (foldr mg [] [])))
= 2:3:4:5:merge [7,11,...] (8:merge [9,25,...]
(merge [27,125,..] (foldr mg [] [])))
so it starts producing the results much sooner, without expanding much of the inner lists. This just follows the definition of foldr,
foldr f z (x:xs) = f x (foldr f z xs)
where, because of the laziness, (foldr f z xs) is not evaluated right away if f does not demand its value (or a part of it, like its head).
The lists being merged are infinite, but that doesn't matter.
What matters is that you only have a finite number of lists being merged, and so to compute the next element of the merge you only need to perform a finite number of comparisons.
To compute the head of merge xs ys you only need to compute the head of xs and the head of ys. So by induction, if you have a finite tree of merge operations, you can compute the head of the overall merge in finite time.
[map (^i) primes | i <- [1..3]] returns just thunk. Nothing is evaluated for now. You could try this:
xs = [x | x <- [1..], error ""]
main = print $ const 0 xs
This program prints 0, so error "" wasn't evaluated here.
You can think about foldr being defined like this:
foldr f z [] = z
foldr f z (x:xs) = f x (foldr f xs)
primepowers n = foldr merge [] [map (^i) primes | i <- [1..3]]
evaluates like this (after it was forced):
merge thunk1 (merge thunk2 (merge thunk3 []))
where thunkn is a suspended computation of primes in n-th power. Now the first merge forces evaluation of thunk1 and merge thunk2 (merge thunk3 []), which are evaluated to weak head normal forms (whnf). Forcing merge thunk2 (merge thunk3 []) causes forcing thunk2 and merge thunk3 []. merge thunk3 [] reduces to thunk3 and then thunk3 is forced. So the expression becomes
merge (2 : thunk1') (merge (4 : thunk2') (8 : thunk3'))
Which, due to the definition of merge, reduces to
merge (2 : thunk1') (4 : merge thunk2' (8 : thunk3')
And again:
2 : merge thunk1' (4 : merge thunk2' (8 : thunk3')
Now merge forces thunk1', but not the rest of the expression, because it's already in whnf
2 : merge (3 : thunk1'') (4 : merge thunk2' (8 : thunk3)
2 : 3 : merge thunk1'' (4 : merge thunk2' (8 : thunk3')
2 : 3 : merge (5 : thunk1''') (4 : merge thunk2' (8 : thunk3')
2 : 3 : 4 : merge (5 : thunk1''') (merge thunk2' (8 : thunk3')
2 : 3 : 4 : merge (5 : thunk1''') (merge (9 : thunk2'') (8 : thunk3')
2 : 3 : 4 : merge (5 : thunk1''') (8 : merge (9 : thunk2'') thunk3')
2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : merge thunk1''' (8 : merge (9 : thunk2'') thunk3')
Intuitively, only those values become evaluated, that are needed. Read this for a better explanation.
You can also merge infinite list of infinite lists. The simplest way would be:
interleave (x:xs) ys = x : interleave ys xs
primepowers = foldr1 interleave [map (^i) primes | i <- [1..]]
The interleave function interleaves two infinite lists, for example, interleave [1,3..] [2,4..] is equal to [1..]. So take 20 primepowers gives you [2,4,3,8,5,9,7,16,11,25,13,27,17,49,19,32,23,121,29,125]. But this list is unordered, we can do better.
[map (^i) primes | i <- [1..]] reduces to
We have the precondition, that in every n-th list there are elements, that are smaller, than head of the (n+1)-th list. We can extract such elements from the first list (2 and 3 are smaller than 4), and now we have this:
The precondition doesn't hold, so we must fix this and swap the first list and the second:
Now we extract 4 and swap the first list and the second:
But the precondition doesn't hold, since there are elements in the second list (9), that are not smaller than the head of the third list (8). So we do the same trick again:
And now we can extract elements again. Repeating the process infinitely gives us ordered list of prime powers. Here is the code:
swap xs#(x:_) xss = xss1 ++ xs : xss2 where
(xss1, xss2) = span ((< x) . head) xss
mergeAll (xs:xss#((x:_):_)) = xs1 ++ mergeAll (swap xs2 xss) where
(xs1, xs2) = span (< x) xs
primepowers = mergeAll [map (^i) primes | i <- [1..]]
For example, take 20 primepowers is equal to [2,3,4,5,7,8,9,11,13,16,17,19,23,25,27,29,31,32,37,41].
This is probably not the nicest way to obtaining ordered list of prime powers, but it's fairly easy one.
Look at the Will Ness' answer for a better solution, which is both easier and nicer.
It is true that merge needs to completely scan its whole input lists to produce its whole output. However, the key point is that every element in the output depends only from finite prefixes of the input lists.
For instance, consider take 10 (map (*2) [1..]). To compute the first 10 elements, you do not need to examine the whole [1..]. Indeed, map will not scan the whole infinite list and "after that" start returning the output: if it behaved like that, it would simply hang on infinite lists. This "streaming" property of map is given by laziness and the map definition
map f [] = []
map f (x:xs) = x : map f xs
The last line reads "yield x, and then proceed with the rest", so the caller gets to inspect x before map produces its whole output. By comparison
map f xs = go xs []
where go [] acc = acc
go (x:xs) acc = go xs (acc ++ [f x])
would be another definition of map which would start generating its output only after its input has been consumed. It is equivalent on finite lists (performance aside), but not equivalent on infinite ones (hangs on infinite lists).
If you want to empirically test that your merge is indeed working lazily, try this:
take 10 $ merge (10:20:30:error "end of 1") (5:15:25:35:error "end of 2")
Feel free to play by changing the constants. You will see an exception being printed on screen, but only after a few list elements have already been produced by merge.