How do I create a demo account in Django? - django

I have visited a couple of sites and they offer the option to try their site without registering, but you can login with something like and somesiteguest.
I want to implement this for my own site. Currently I am using django-allauth for handling registration and logins.
I am just not sure how to handle users login with the same credentials.


django redirect to other page and auto login to that page

Is there a way to redirect to other page and automatically log into that page?
So it's like I make django webpage with login and create link to facebook. When user clicks to facebook link, it should automatically login to his facebook page. Of course, I will have his facebook username and password on db I used to create the website.
Is this possible? Basically, I am trying to create interface page on django with link to several different webpage and make user access to his page by simply logon to this interface page alone.
I suggest that you have a look at the Django-allauth, which is an Integrated set of Django applications addressing authentication, registration, account management as well as 3rd party (social) account authentication
It does most of the things you want, you can go through the documentation

django-allauth: letting user complete all steps for signing up but prevent login

Is it possible to configure django-allauth such that a user can proceed to verify emails after signing up, but not log in until I manually enable the account in the Admin site?
Background: I will be releasing an app on the Internet but I don't want everyone to start using it. I want to manage the number of users logging in just in case my website is crashed. The server is hosted on AWS. I'm not sure if this is a good strategy. Should I start autoload balancing from day 1?
Possible duplicates:
Django Allauth Signup Prevent Login
Conflicting answers - one is saying I don't need to extend the SignUp view and another has the extension.
prevent user login after registration using django-allauth
The answer is for cases where email verification is not needed.

django-allauth restrict social login to registered users

What is the recommended way to restrict social login to registered users?
As it is any user with a social account gets passed as authenticated after signing into a social site (google, facebook, etc) even though they aren't registered with my secure site.
Lets assume I'm using the default domain/accounts/login templates. If we can sort it out with those I can make it work my forms or templates.
Hopefully someone else has done this so I don't have to reinvent the wheel here....
I can post any code if you like.

Get Social websites profile link and attach those to a django user

I am working on a django app. What i want to do is that in my app i want to allow people to add their facebook, twitter and google+ profile links but after only getting authenticated to these. I want my website should recognize a user if it gets login from facebook or twitter or g+ and redirects it to the user page with which these social media profile links are attached. I am trying it to do using python requests package. But i am not getting a way how can i do it. Should i get a oauth token from the site to store or should store the profile link of the user. I have implemented the social authentication mecanism using python-social-auth
Please suggest me.
A small example will be appreciated
Sounds to me like you want to extend the pipeline with a function to redirect users. You can use Social User to get at the auth used to log in.

How do I make my Django website act as an open id provider? I want logged in users to be able to use my site as an openid provider

I don't want to let my users login to my site with an openid.
I want all of my users who login to my site with their username and password to be able to use my site as an openid server/provider to login to other sites. Is there a Django plugin available to enable this?
Maybe one of these will be useful:
Haven't tried it out, but I saw this come across twitter yesterday:
Looks like there are two projects worth looking at based on these two URLs:
OpenID-auth and OpenID-consumer: