How do I configure GDB correctly, to stop error "You can't do that without a process to debug" - gdb

Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS, GNU gdb (Ubuntu 7.11.1-0ubuntu1~16.5) 7.11.1
I am trying to call a function in a compiled C program and get the following:
"(gdb) call getVarName(someParam)
You can't do that without a process to debug."
There are no other codes or messages.
I can run the program from the shell prompt
jef#ubuntu$ ./program.
I can run the program within gdb after designating the file. Permissions are 777 (just to cover all bases).
Based on research, I set the SHELL with "export SHELL=/bin/bash"
set kernal.yama.ptrace_scope = 0 in /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf
I still get the same behavior.

I still get the same behavior.
The error you are getting means: you can't do this, unless you are debugging a live process.
This will work:
(gdb) break main
(gdb) run
... GDB is now stopped, *and* you have a live process.
... you *can* call getVarName(...) now
(gdb) call getVarName(...)
(gdb) continue # causes the process to run to end and exit
[Inferior 1 (process 195969) exited normally]
(gdb) # Now you no longer have a live process, so you *again* can't
# call functions in it.


gdb is showing "program exited" during startup

Why is gdb showing that the program exited during its startup, so before to stop at the first breakpoint in the main function ?
Some steps:
$ gdb --cd $programhome -tui -tty $reservedtty --args myprogram
b main
gdb shows:
Starting program: myprogram
During startup program exited with code 1.
I already tried to break at exit() function, without success.
Why is gdb exiting before to stop at the first breakpoint in the main function
GDB is not exiting. Your program does.
It does exit before reaching main.
This can happen for a few reasons, such as:
Corrupt binary -- the kernel rejects it in execve system call for some reason and not a single instruction of the program actually runs.
The dynamic linker rejects it (e.g. because some required library or symbol is missing)
Your shell refuses to execute the program (bad ~/.bashrc, bad $PATH, etc).
You can narrow down the actual cause by running the program outside GDB (does it run?), running without ~/.bashrc, using (gdb) catch syscall exit_group (on Linux), etc.
There was a permission issue accessing the secondary terminal port.
The gdb is being started with the parameter -tty which switches the input/output to another tty port (in that case pseudo: pts).
When the two terminals are opened by different users, that problem occurs, even if after the first logon you change the user with su command, the first user logged needed to be the same among the two ttys.

How to redirect std::cin to a Linux terminal when debugging with GDB?

In Linux, GDB doesn't allow set new-console on and in stead uses something called tty. With
set inferior-tty /dev/pts/[number of an active console],
in a .gdbinit file (requires editing the number every time) it redirects std::cout, but std::cin isn't working properly. It just interprets my input as if I'm sending a bash command and reports an error, and my program continues to wait for input. I can no longer type in the console after that, so I assume std::cin is being redirected, but doesn't work properly.
I tried looking up how to launch a terminal from the application itself. I could only find this answer, which also mentions a bug that it doesn't redirect input.
Is there any way to fix this issue and redirect std::cin (and std::cout) to a Linux terminal properly when debugging?
Background info: What I'm trying to do should be simple. Print a > in front of user input before using std::cin. I have simple code in place that prints the >, flushes cout and then calls getline(). It works when just running the program normally. But sadly, GDB refuses to flush the stream when there isn't a newline, so it doesn't print the >, ignores the first character of the user input and then does prints the >, immediately followed by the error message that my program sends because of the mutilated input string.
In Windows, I've solved it by making a .gdbinit file with set new-console on. This causes GDB to use a Windows console in stead of its own and that works as intended.
If you need to start the debugging after the program has a chance to pause, just run the program in a terminal, and then gdb - your-program-pid in another terminal. Otherwise there's a sequence of steps which is faster to do than to describe.
Start two terminal windows.
In one terminal, figure out the PID of the shell. ps should tell you.
In the other terminal, use these commands
$ gdb - pid-of-the-other-shell
(gdb) br main
(gdb) c
Now you have gdb attached to your shell in another terminal. Not very useful.
In the first terminal, type at the shell prompt
$ exec your-program
Now you have one terminal running gdb and another terminal running your program under gdb, stopped at main. Bear in mind that when the program exits, its terminal window will close. If you don't want this, start a second level shell in the first terminal and attach gdb to it.
You can also use set inferior-tty command, but you must make sure the other tty exists and no other program attempts to read from it. The easiest way is to run a shell in another terminal and give it a while true; do sleep 1000; done command. Note that you may get warning: GDB: Failed to set controlling terminal: Operation not permitted messages. They are harmless.
You can use gdb's multiprocess debugging feature and a terminal emulator like xterm to do this. (gnome-terminal won't work so well as explained later)
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
enum {
N = 100,
char name[N];
printf("> ");
scanf("%s", name);
printf("Hi, %s\n", name);
return 0;
set detach-on-fork off
set target-async on
set pagination off
set non-stop on
file /usr/bin/xterm
# -ut tells xterm not to write a utmp log record
# which involves root privileges
set args -ut -e ./prompt
catch exec
Sample Session
$ gdb -q -x xterm.gdb
Catchpoint 1 (exec)
[New process 7073]
Thread 0x7ffff7fb2780 (LWP 7073) is executing new program: /home/scottt/Dropbox/stackoverflow/gdb-stdin-new-terminal/prompt
Reading symbols from /home/scottt/Dropbox/stackoverflow/gdb-stdin-new-terminal/prompt...done.
Catchpoint 1 (exec'd /home/scottt/Dropbox/stackoverflow/gdb-stdin-new-terminal/prompt), 0x0000003d832011f0 in _start () from /lib64/
(gdb) inferior 2
[Switching to inferior 2 [process 7073] (/home/scottt/Dropbox/stackoverflow/gdb-stdin-new-terminal/prompt)]
[Switching to thread 2 (Thread 0x7ffff7fb2780 (LWP 7073))]
#0 0x0000003d832011f0 in _start () from /lib64/
(gdb) break prompt.c:11
Breakpoint 2 at 0x4004b4: file prompt.c, line 11.
(gdb) continue &
Breakpoint 2, main () at prompt.c:11
11 printf("> ");
12 scanf("%s", name);
(gdb) next
13 printf("Hi, %s\n", name);
A new xterm window will appear after executing gdb -q -x xterm.gdb and you can interact with prompt inside it without interfering with GDB.
Related GDB commands:
inferior 2 switches the process GDB's debugging much like the thread command switches threads. (GDB: Debugging Multiple Inferiors and Programs)
continue & means to continue executing in the background. (GDB: Background Execution)
I used xterm because gnome-terminal uses dbus-launch to ask another process to launch the new terminal outside of the parent-child process relationship that GDB relies on.

Run process with gdb and detach it

Is it possible to run a process with gdb, modify some memory and then detach from the process afterwards?
I can't start the process from outside of gdb as I need to modify the memory, before the first instruction is executed.
When you detach from a process started with gdb, gdb will hang, but killing gdb from another process makes the debugged process still running.
I currently use the following script to launch the process:
echo '# custom gdb function that finds the entry_point an assigns it to $entry_point_address
b *$entry_point_address
set *((char *)0x100004147) = 0xEB
set *((char *)0x100004148) = 0xE2
detach # gdb hangs here
quit # quit never gets executed
' | gdb -quiet "$file"
This happens in both of my gdb versions:
GNU gdb 6.3.50-20050815 (Apple version gdb-1824)
GNU gdb 6.3.50-20050815 (Apple version gdb-1822 + patches v0.4)
I'm pretty sure that you can't detach from an inferior processes that was started directly under gdb, however, something like the following might work for you, this is based on a recent gdb, I don't know how much of this will work on version 6.3.
Create a small shell script, like this:
#! /bin/sh
echo $$
sleep 10
exec /path/to/your/program arg1 arg2 arg3
Now start this up, spot the pid from echo $$, and attach to the shell script like this gdb -p PID. Once attached you can:
(gdb) set follow-fork-mode child
(gdb) catch exec
(gdb) continue
[New process NEW-PID]
process NEW-PID is executing new program: /path/to/your/program
[Switching to process NEW-PID]
Catchpoint 1 (exec'd /path/to/your/program), 0x00007f40d8e9fc80 in _start ()
You can now modify the child process as required. Once you're finished just do:
(gdb) detach
And /path/to/your/program should resume (or start in this case) running.

How to have gdb exit if program succeeds, break if program crashes?

I seem to have some kind of multithreading bug in my code that makes it crash once every 30 runs of its test suite. The test suite is non-interactive. I want to run my test suite in gdb, and have gdb exit normally if the program exits normally, or break (and show a debugging prompt) if it crashes. This way I can let the test suite run repeatedly, go grab a cup of coffee, come back, and be presented with a nice debugging prompt. How can I do this with gdb?
This is a little hacky but you could do:
gdb -ex='set confirm on' -ex=run -ex=quit --args ./a.out
If a.out terminates normally, it will just drop you out of GDB. But if you crash, the program will still be active, so GDB will typically prompt if you really want to quit with an active inferior:
Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
0x00007ffff72dad05 in raise (sig=...) at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c:64
64 ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c: No such file or directory.
in ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c
A debugging session is active.
Inferior 1 [process 15126] will be killed.
Quit anyway? (y or n)
Like I said, not pretty, but it works, as long as you haven't toggled off the prompt to quit with an active process. There is probably a way to use gdb's quit command too: it takes a numeric argument which is the exit code for the debugging session. So maybe you can use --eval-command="quit stuff", where stuff is some GDB expression that reflects whether the inferior is running or not.
This program can be used to test it out:
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
int main() {
if (time(NULL) % 2) {
puts("no crash");
You can also trigger a backtrace when the program crashes and let gdb exit with the return code of the child process:
gdb -return-child-result -ex run -ex "thread apply all bt" -ex "quit" --args myProgram -myProgramArg
The easiest way is to use the Python API offered by gdb:
def exit_handler(event):
You can even do it with one line:
(gdb) python x : gdb.execute("quit"))
You can also examine the return code to ensure it's the "normal" code you expected with event.exit_code.
You can use it in conjuction with --eval-command or --command as mentioned by #acm to register the event handler from the command line, or with a .gdbinit file.
Create a file named .gdbinit and it will be used when gdb is launched.
Run with no options:
gdb --args prog arg1...
You are telling gdb to run and quit, but it should stop processing the file if an error occurs.
Make it dump core when it crashes. If you're on linux, read the man core man page and also the ulimit builtin if you're running bash.
This way when it crashes you'll find a nice corefile that you can feed to gdb:
$ ulimit -c unlimited
$ ... run program ..., gopher coffee (or reddit ;)
$ gdb progname corefile
If you put the following lines in your ~/.gdbinit file, gdb will exit when your program exits with a status code of 0.
def exit_handler ( event ):
if event .exit_code == 0:
gdb .execute ( "quit" )
gdb .events .exited .connect ( exit_handler )
The above is a refinement of Kevin's answer.
Are you not getting a core file when it crashes? Start gdb like this 'gdb -c core' and do a stack traceback.
More likely you will want to be using Valgrind.

GDB - how to find out from where program exited

While debugging a program in GDB, I get an unexpected "program exited normally". So I'm wondering if is there a way to find out from where (which line) the program exited.
Program is multi-threaded, if that matters.
You could try the GDB command break exit to set a breakpoint on the exit(2) library call. If that doesn't get you what you need, maybe break _exit. You might need to start your program with 'sta' before getting the latter breakpoint to take. In either case, you should then be able to use the where command to get a stack trace showing where you were when the program decided to exit.
Usually with the command below when the application has finished executing:
(gdb) thread apply all bt
Of course, if you want to know the exact line you must compile your application with debugging symbols, i.e. -g
Set a breakpoint on _exit and then examine the stack.