resetZoom in Chartjs - chart.js

I need a help. I followed this tutorial
I managed to start chartjs-plugin-zoom.
Now i want to add button "Reset zoom"
I fallowed this tutorial:
Add zoom event handler to charts for chartjs with chartjs-plugin-zoom
But when i add right after $.ajax({}); in app.js
$('#reset_zoom').click(function() {
and press the button error is displayed:
app.js:131 Uncaught TypeError: mycanvas.resetZoom is not a function
at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (app.js:131)
at HTMLButtonElement.dispatch (datatables.min.js:15)
at HTMLButtonElement.r.handle (datatables.min.js:15)
Can you give me an advice?

Kind of surprised this hasn't been answered yet. I remember running into this myself a while back. You are doing the same thing I was doing..
Effectively what you're doing is trying to run the .resetZoom() function on an HTML canvas element. You need to do this on the chart object, not the canvas element.
YouTube video walking you through it:
Working CodePen:
A couple examples of what not to do..
document.getElementById('myChart').resetZoom() // vanilla JavaScript
or even
$("#myChart").resetZoom() // jQuery
What you actually need to do is tack the .resetZoom() onto the Chart object from when you instantiated the chart. So in your code here:
const myChart = new Chart('myChart', {}
Whatever you set the variable to when you created the chart is what needs to have the .resetZoom(). So this would work:
Now to make that a clickable button we can create a function. That function accepts whatever the chart Object was named.
resetZoomBtn = (chart) => {
and then in our HTML we call that function and pass whatever you called the chart when you instantiated it as the parameter.
<div class="chart-container">
<canvas id="myChart"></canvas>
<button onclick="resetZoomBtn(myChart)">reset zoom</button>
Hopefully that helps anyone who views this question since it comes up at the top of the search results on Google. I know chances of it being marked 'answer' four years later are slim.


React boostrap Table custom Cell doesn't render

I am using react bootstrap table and decided to customize a cell. My changes, however, do not render until I click into the cell. This is shown in the image below:
Button doesn't render
Button now renders now that I clicked into the cell
My goal is to have the button render automatically in the cell.
I defined it as this:
<TableHeaderColumn dataField='knowledgeReference.0.docUrl'
tdStyle={{whiteSpace: 'normal'}}
customEditor={ { getElement: createUrlEditor, customEditorParameters: {
}} }>
Resource URL</TableHeaderColumn>
Has anyone seen an issue like this before? How did you resolve it?
Resolved the issue by using dataFormat instead of customEditor. The bootstrap table doc doesn't clarify the distinction adequately.
<TableHeaderColumn dataField='knowledgeReference'
tdStyle={{whiteSpace: 'normal'}}

Trigger view function with bootstrap button

I don't really get how to make a button click trigger my view function... I already googled, but nothing really helps me understand...
In my html, I have:
<a class="btn btn-large btn-info" href="{% url "device-detail" %}" name = 'rotateleft'>Rotate Left</a>
And in my
class DeviceDetail(DetailView):
def rotate_left(request, self):
if request.GET.get('rotateleft') == 'rotateleft':
print 'TEST!!!!'
If I click the button, the page seems to be reloaded as planned, but as 'TEST' is not printed (and the image is not rotated, but it might be that the code that is supposed to rotate it doesn't work yet, I wanted to call the function to see if it works), I'm guessing that this function is never called.
I am relatively new to Django and very new to the web interface side of Django, so help would be really appreciated!
You seem to be confusing a few things here. Clicking the link will "refresh" the DeviceDetail page as you noticed. Adding a name attribute on your HTML link won't however affect the request made to the server.
Based on what you are trying to accomplish it seems you should use a simple view function and perhaps read in a a GET parameter for deciding which way to rotate your image. Note that the parameters you pass to your view needs to be within the link URL, like:
href="{% url "device-detail" %}?rotate=right"

How to render Ember component on same line

This Ember template code...
<div class="detail bedrooms">
<span>Number of bedrooms:</span> {{rental.bedrooms}}
<div class="detail temperature">
<span>Current Temperature:</span> {{city-temperature}}
...results in this rendering...
How could one get the "25C" text to render on the same line as "Current Temperature" in the same way that "San Francisco" is on the same line as "Location"?
I have tried getting the city-temperature component to return only text, but (secondary question here) is it even possible for a component to return only text if the text is from a remote ajax request since the promise seems to need a DOM element to append to?
This Ember app is available here on GitHub. It's a modified version of the official Ember.js tutorial app with this "Current Temperature" detail added.
The problem is that; city-temperature is a component; and by default ember components is assigned div as their tags. Due to this; the content of city-temperature starts at a new line.
What can you do? Play with css and make sure div tag of city-temperature does not start at a new line; but instead floating right within the owner div. The second option is making city-temperature component tagless; so that it does not start at a new line. To achieve that; you can just declare:
tagName: ''
within city-temperature.js. You can see the following twiddle to see the second option I mentioned.
After reading your comments; I have forked your repository and made minor modifications to achieve what you want. You can check my repository and my corresponding commit to see what I changed.
Basically; I really did not like the idea that weather service is returning a DOM element. I have changed it to return an instance of ember promise (I mean Ember.RSVP.Promise). Within city-temperature.js I just set a retrieved weather value from weather service and set it to the component instead of making DOM modification. Finally; I modified city-temperature.hbs to render weatherValue and added a simple css item in order to prevent weather-container div to insert a new line break.
I am not sure; whether you will like my solution or not; but I guess you will retrieve the visual appearance you want. You can always rely on promises for async tasks; you do not need to create DOM elements and pass them around to components and append them to somewhere within DOM tree of the corresponding component. I believe one of the reasons we are making use of a framework like Ember is to prevent such DOM modifications. Best regards.
An ember component adds a div by default. If you don't want to add this div tag, you need to set tagName to an empty string.
That's called tagless component.
Further, for your case, you can give a tagName='span' so you will not need a span in your template.
export default Ember.Component.extend({
tagName: 'span',
classNames: ['weather-container'],
weather: Ember.inject.service(),
//rest of your code...

Django Crispy Forms - Add Button via Helper

I studied the Crispy-Forms documentation and I tried to put an extra button into one of my forms. With
self.helper.add_input(Button('back', "Back", css_class='btn'))
I can add a nice button. But the Button() wont take an onclick or on_click-attribute. So how can I add logic to this button? Adding an onclick event with JQuery isnt a very nice solution...
Are you certain that Button will not take onclick in its kwargs?
I just added an onclick="javascript here" to a Submit() element and it displayed fine.
I also peered a bit at the underlying code, and I think all inputs by default flatten the kwargs that aren't popped because of special use (i.e. template), and pass those through into the rendered HTML. This may be new since April '12 (when originally posted), but it currently seems to be as simple as the following:
self.helper.add_input(Button('back', "Back", css_class='btn', onclick="alert('Neat!');"))
This is not included by default (afaik..).
If you just need this once, is possible to use crispy-forms HTML Layout Object
HTML('<input type="button" name="Save" onclick="do_whatever" />')
What do you then dislike using jQuery? You could handle this rather easy and generic, using something like:
$('form :submit.ajax_submit').live('click', function(e) {
var my_form = $(this).parents('form');
// do whatever
and then just pass the class:
Submit('save', 'save', css_class='ajax_submit')

How To I Replace New Elements Added To A Page With Jquery

Here is the scenario... I have a a checkbox next to each field that I am replacing on page load with jquery with "Delete" text that enables me to delete the field via jquery, which is working fine. Like so...
$(".profile-status-box").each(function(){ $(this).replaceWith('<span class="delete">' + 'Delete' + '</span>') });
The problem comes in however is that after page load, I am also giving the user the option to dynamically add new fields. The new added fields though have the checkbox and not the delete link because they are not being replaced by jquery since they are being added after the initial page load.
Is't possible to replace the content of new elements added to the page without doing a page refresh? If not, I can always have two templates with different markup depending one for js and one for non js, but I was trying to avoind taht.
Thanks in advance.
You can use the .livequery() plugin, like this:
$(this).replaceWith('<span class="delete">Delete</span>')
The anonymous function is run against every element found, and each new element matching the selector as they're added.
Have a look at this kool demo. It removes and adds elements like a charm.
Here's how:
First of all, the (x)html is real simple.
xHTML Snippet
<input type="hidden" value="0" id="theValue" />
<p>Add Some Elements</p>
<div id="myDiv"> </div>
The hidden input element simply gives you a chance to dynamically call a number you could start with. This, for instance could be set with PHP or ASP. The onclick event handler is used to call the function. Lastly, the div element is set and ready to receive some children appended unto itself (gosh that sounds wierd).
Mkay, so far so easy. Now the JS functions.
addElement JavaScript Function
function addElement() {
var ni = document.getElementById('myDiv');
var numi = document.getElementById('theValue');
var num = (document.getElementById('theValue').value -1)+ 2;
numi.value = num;
var newdiv = document.createElement('div');
var divIdName = 'my'+num+'Div';
newdiv.innerHTML = 'Element Number '+num+' has been added! <a href=\'#\' onclick=\'removeElement('+divIdName+')\'>Remove the div "'+divIdName+'"</a>';
And if you want to,
removeElement JavaScript Function
function removeElement(divNum) {
var d = document.getElementById('myDiv');
var olddiv = document.getElementById(divNum);
and thats that. bobs your uncle.
This is taken from this article/tutorial:
I've just learnt this myself. thank you for the question
Hope that helps.