Typecasting EventHandler in C++/CLI - casting

I have a form (which I'll call MainForm) embedded with a TabControl. Every time the user creates a new tab it is filled with an instance of a pre-built Panel (which I'll call MyPanel) which contains many controls.
My MyPanel class has a private variable bool save_state which is set to false every time one of the (editable) controls is edited and set to true when the user "saves" the state of the panel.
I want a visual flag to keep track of tabs that have unsaved changes (e.g. the tab "Tab1" will instead display the text "Tab1 *" if it has unsaved changes). So I want to set up the event handler in my MainForm which can call a method in MyPanel to add the handler to each control.
Since not all my controls use the same EventHandler type (for example, I also need to track DataGridViewRowsAddedEvent, among others), I currently have several methods adding the appropriate handler to the corresponding controls (one for each type of Event Handler), each of which is running the same code (i.e. set the save_state bit to false and append " *" to the tab text.
For example, in MainForm.cpp I have:
#include "MyPanel.h"
void markUnsaved(void) {
// set panel bit to false
// append " *" to tab text if we haven't already
void MainForm::handler1(Object ^sender, EventArgs ^e) {
void MainForm::handler2(Object ^sender, DataGridViewRowsAddedEventArgs ^e) {
void Main::FormaddNewPanelToTab(int tab_index) {
// check index is valid ...
// make the new panel
MyPanel ^new_panel = gcnew MyPanel();
new_panel->addEventHandlerToControls(gcnew EventHandler(this, &MainForm::handler1));
new_panel->addDgvEventHandlerToControls(gcnew DataGridViewRowsAddedEventHandler(this, &MainForm::handler2));
// rest of code...
Though this currently works as intended, this (along with the several other Event Handler types I have to manage) makes my code look really silly.
I am hoping to be able to have have a single event handler in MainForm and a single method in MyPanel which type-casts the Event Handler passed and adds it to all the controls with the appropriate types.
I have tried doing simple casts such as:
void MyPanel::addHandlerToControls(EventHandler ^handler) {
control_NUD->ValueChanged += handler; // this works because ValueChanged is of type EventHandler
control_DGV->RowsAdded += (DataGridViewRowsAddedEventHandler ^)handler; // this compiles but throws an exception
// rest of the code...
to no avail.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I know this is maybe a bit late for answer but I'd want to show how would I solve this.
Firs of all I suggest to get rid from idea of casting event handlers. Kind of such approach may work in C# (with some adjustments) but as far as I know it's not possible in C++ /CLI.
I'd go for adding new event to a MyPanel class that will be invoked every time when the data on a panel is changed. But to avoid adding a lot of different handlers to a control events in a MyPanel class it's better to create one generic method that will handle all the neccessary control's events and fire new event. Maybe this sounds messy, let me show the code:
public ref class MyPanel
// Add a new event
event EventHandler^ DataChanged;
// Add a method that will fire new event
// this methid will be invoked on every control's event that you'll subscribe
generic <typename T>
void DataChangedHandler(System::Object^ sender, T e)
// Fire the event
DataChanged(this, EventArgs::Empty);
// Once the controls are initialized you may add the event handlers
// I put it in a constructor only for example
control_NUD->ValueChanged += gcnew EventHandler(this, &MyPanel::DataChangedHandler<EventArgs^>);
control_DGV->RowsAdded += gcnew DataGridViewRowsAddedEventHandler(this, &MyPanel::DataChangedHandler<DataGridViewRowsAddedEventArgs^>);
// and so on...
/// And now in a main form we only need to subscribe to a DataChanged event
public ref class MainForm
// the handler
void MyHandler(Object^ sender, EventArgs^ e)
void FormaddNewPanelToTab(int tab_index)
// make the new panel
MyPanel ^new_panel = gcnew MyPanel();
new_panel->DataChanged += gcnew EventHandler(this, &MainForm::MyHandler);
Hope this helps.


MFC Edit control message handle access Document object

I create a new class extend CEdit to override some of the message handles.
My ultimate goal is when edit control is on focus, some of the toolbar buttons become available.
I created a bool variable in doc. then the pCmdUI->enable() set to this bool. The onfocus is overridden in new edit control class. I'm having trouble to update this bool vairbale from the onfocus message handle.
void CMFCDoc::OnUpdateTextColor(CCmdUI *pCmdUI)
// TODO: Add your command update UI handler code here
class CMFCDoc : public COleServerDoc
bool shape_onfocus_;
//edit control
#include <afxwin.h>
class CEditControl :
public CEdit
afx_msg void OnEnSetfocus();
void CEditControl::OnEnSetfocus()
//----- I want to update shape_onfocus_ here. -----
this->SetWindowTextA(_T("Hello world"));
Assuming your CEditControl instance is a child of some sort of CView, you could go about it like this:
void CEditControl::OnEnSetfocus()
CView *view = static_cast<CView *>(GetParent());
CMFCDoc *doc = static_cast<CMFCDoc *>(view->GetDocument());
doc->shape_onfocus_ = true;
Assuming the edit-control is a child of a CView-derived class, you should better put the OnUpdateUI() handler in the view class, not the document one.
For example, if the view-class is CFormView-derived (dialog), you could simply write:
void CMyView::OnUpdateTextColor(CCmdUI *pCmdUI)
This piece of code works for both SDI and MDI applications.
If the view class is not CFormView-derived (the edit-box was created programmatically), the code above could be modified slightly, and instead of calling GetDlgItem() you should enumerate the view's children list (search your edit-box there).
If the only reason to override the edit-control was to capture the EN_SET/KILLFOCUS messages, sorry this wasn't worth the effort, as you could simply capture these in the view's code. Then the view's message-map would contain:
and the view-class code:
void CMyView::OnEnSetfocusMyEdit()
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
void CMyView::OnEnKillfocusMyEdit()
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
These are generated by the wizard. Go to the Class View tab, select your class and then go to the Events page; in the Controls subtree you can find your control and add handlers for its events. But all this is not needed, as you can just use GetFocus()/GetDlgItem() as suggested above.
And as other members said, you can access the document class from any of its views by calling the GetDocument() function.

Unreal GAS: Print out the current value of an attribute to UI when it changes

When the base value of an attribute changes, there is UAttributeSet::PostGameplayEffectExecute() available to access the (new) value and GameplayEffect with its context. I'm using this to print the changed value to UI (this is also done in ActionRPG).
Is there something similar available for the current value of an attribute? How to notify UI, when FGameplayAttributeData::CurrentValue is updated?
Though UAttributeSet::PreAttributeChange() is called on every value update, it doesn't provide any context so it is not possible to access the UI from there (events broadcasted by FAggregator also don't fit).
It is possible to use a GameplayCue instead, to set the value of FGameplayAttributeData::CurrentValue within the UI (the cue is triggered by the GameplayEffect who sets the current value). This is possible by deriving from a GameplayCueNotifyActor and use its events OnExecute and OnRemove. However, instantiating an actor just to update UI seems to be a waste of resources.
It is also possible to fetch the information using the UI itself (calling a function which accesses the attribute each tick or with a timer), but in comparison to event driven UI update, this is also wasteful.
The GameplayAbilitySystem has UAbilitySystemComponent::GetGameplayAttributeValueChangeDelegate() which returns a callback of type FOnGameplayAttributeValueChange that is triggered whenever an attribute is changed (base value or current value). This can be used to register a delegate/callback, which can be used to update the UI.
Minimal example
In MyCharacter.h
// Declare the type for the UI callback.
DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_OneParam(FAttributeChange, float, AttributeValue);
class MYPROJECT_API MyCharacter : public ACharacter, public IAbilitySystemInterface
// ...
// This callback can be used by the UI.
UPROPERTY(BlueprintAssignable, Category = "Attribute callbacks")
FAttributeChange OnManaChange;
// The callback to be registered within AbilitySystem.
void OnManaUpdated(const FOnAttributeChangeData& Data);
// Within here, the callback is registered.
void BeginPlay() override;
// ...
In MyCharacter.cpp
void MyCharacter::OnManaUpdated(const FOnAttributeChangeData& Data)
// Fire the callback. Data contains more than NewValue, in case it is needed.
void MyCharacter::BeginPlay()
if (AbilitySystemComponent)
AbilitySystemComponent->GetGameplayAttributeValueChangeDelegate(MyAttributeSet::GetManaAttribute()).AddUObject(this, &MyCharacterBase::OnManaUpdated);
In MyAttributeSet.h
class MYPROJECT_API MyAttributeSet : public UAttributeSet
// ...
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "Mana", ReplicatedUsing=OnRep_Mana)
FGameplayAttributeData Mana;
// Add GetManaAttribute().
// ...
Example for updating the UI via the EventGraph of the character blueprint, which derived from MyCharacter. UpdatedManaInUI is the function which prints the value to the UI.
Here, UpdatedManaInUI retrieves the value by itself. You might want to use the AttributeValue of OnManaChange.

Change Control's Value by a Function in MFC?

I Set an int Variable for IDC_EDIT1 Control.
now i Want Change it With a Function, But when clicking on Button, Show an Error!
void test()
CthDlg d;
d.m_text1 = 5;
void CthDlg::OnBnClickedOk()
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
// pThread = AfxBeginThread(ThreadFunction, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL);
In the test function you define a completely new instance of the CthDlg class, and try to modify it. That will not work as it's not properly created, and also have no relation with the actual dialog being displayed.
Instead, if test is a stand-alone (not member) function then you should pass the actual dialog instance as an argument, and use that.
For example
void tesy(CthDlg& dlg)
dlg.m_text1 = ...;
void CthDlg::OnBnClickedOk()
The controls are created when you call DoModal or Create.
And therefore calling UpdateData will only succeed when the Dialog is created.
This is the usual sequence: The value members may be set before you Launch the Control. The data is transferred when the Dialog is created and transfered back from the controls into the data members when the Dialog is closed with OnOK.

form properties not called during resize

I have a .NET form with a boolean property called _isResized, which is set to true when the SizeChanged event is called and is set to false when the bool isResized() function is called.
ref class net_window : public System::Windows::Forms::Form
bool _isResized;
: _isResized(false){
void InitializeComponent(void){
this->SizeChanged += gcnew EventHandler(this, &net_window::eventResized);
bool isResized(void){
bool temp = _isResized;
_isResized = false;
return temp;
Void eventResized(Object^ sender, EventArgs^ e){
_isResized = true;
I also have an native C++ class called window which acts as a layer around the .NET form. This class is updated every frame of the main loop and uses the bool isResized() function of the form to see if the size has changed.
class Window
void* _net_window_handle;
_net_window_handle = new gcroot<net_window^>;
(*(gcroot<net_window^>*)_net_window_handle) = gcnew net_window;
delete _net_window_handle;
void update(void)//Called every frame.
if( (*(gcroot<net_window^>*)_element)->isResized() )
//Do stuff.
The delegate added to SizeChanged is called whenever the form is being resized, so _isResized is set to true as soon as the form size changes, but for some reason the thread of the main loop freezes whenever the window class uses the bool isResized() function, until the user has released the edge of the form and thus the resizing has finished.
Is it not possible to access .NET form values as long as it is being resized. Is there an alternative?
I use a main loop which calls System::Windows::Forms::Application::DoEvents() every frame. When the thread of the loop enters this function and the main window is resizing, it freezes. Is there a way to avoid this problem.
DoEvents strikes again. Windows pumps a modal message loop when the user starts dragging a window edge. Which means that your DoEvents loop isn't running anymore. Use a timer instead, SetTimer with a 15 or 31 msec interval is about right. Having your code respond to the Resize event directly of course highly preferred.
Thanks Hans Passant

Enable a button after closing a form

I want to Enable a button from the main form whenever a second form has been closed. I've read something about invokes, but didn't understood much.
How could I achieve this?
When you close the second form, its FormClosed event is automatically raised. Before an event is raised, you can register an event handler to events. This enables you to write code, which is automatically executed, when the event occurrs.
Registering an event handler in .NET is realised by adding a delegate instance to the event. A delegate is a type that describes a method signature. If you instantiate a delegate with gcnew you associate it with a function in your code. You can call the delegate by yourself (which is not needed here) or you can pass it to some other code, which then can invoke it. The latter one is used for events.
For your case that means:
Look at the FormClosed event's delegate type. It is the FormClosedEventHandler which is defined as delegate void FormClosedEventHandler(Object^ sender, FormClosedEventArgs^ e)
This means you must implement a method returning nothing (void) and accepting two arguments: a System::Object and a System::Windows::Forms::FormClosedEventArgs
Instantiate a FormClosedEventHandler delegate and associate it with your method
Register to the FormClosed event on the second form and enable the button in the event handler.
An example:
ref class MainForm
// event handler function (compatible to the FormClosedEventHandler delegate)
void OnSecondFormClosed(Object^ sender, FormClosedEventArgs^ e)
myButton->Enabled = true;
void DoSomethingWithSecondForm(Form^ secondForm)
// get a disabled Button
myButton->Enabled = false;
// create an event handler by instantiating a delegate
FormClosedEventHandler^ handler = gcnew FormClosedEventHandler(this, &MainForm::OnSecondFormClosed);
// register event handler
secondForm->FormClosed += handler;
(I did not compile the code, but this is how it works in general)
When both involved forms are created from within the same thread, there is no need to do some additional Invoke. Otherwise you must put changes to controls into the same thread that created the control. You can achieve this by passing a delegate to Control::Invoke or Control::BeginInvoke.
// event handler function (compatible to the FormClosedEventHandler delegate)
void OnSecondFormClosed(Object^ sender, FormClosedEventArgs^ e)
if (myButton->InvokeRequired)
// create a delegate to call the same event handler again
FormClosedEventHandler^ handler = gcnew FormClosedEventHandler(this, &MainForm::OnSecondFormClosed);
// BeginInvoke causes the delegate to be called asynchronously from the UI thread
myButton->BeginInvoke(handler, sender, e);
// nothing to be done here, the actual work happens when the delegate is actually called
myButton->Enabled = true;