Dynamic table creation using J2HTML in java - j2html

How to create dynamic table using j2html and java, I have map so when I iterate it if there is any content I need to create table and new rows according to the content . How can achieve this .
Thanks in advance


how to create a dataframe from information extracted from a text with python?

I'm new to programming, and I have a txt file with a lot of information sorted like this...
without data
...And the point is that I would like to convert it into a dataframe that associates each main_data to its respective secondary_data and that in turn associates the secondary_data to its Tertiary_data with python.
I know how to create lists from the data and how to create dataframes from the lists, but when the lists have different number of items, I don't know how to join them into one dataframe, can anyone help me with this? I would really appreciate it

PostgREST - How to create tables?

I want to create a new table using postgREST, but I was not able to find anything about this in the documentation. Is it possible to create tables? If yes, how?
Sorry if this questions was already asked, but unfortunately I always found solutions for postgres (without t :D)
Thx :)
you can create stored function that creates the table for you, then call that function via postgrest
something like:
create or replace function create_foo_table() returns void as
execute format('create table foo (id int primary key)')
$$ language plpgsql;
then call /rpc/create_foo_table in Postgrest
you'd need to reload Postgrest's schema cache after this, in order to read the table: https://postgrest.org/en/v7.0.0/admin.html?highlight=reload#schema-reloading
This likely has security implications, so be careful, especially if using dynamic SQL to create the table

flatbuffers: Using add_myTable(table) to encode data

I am trying to use the following method of building a table, as taken from the flatbuffers tutorial:
MonsterBuilder monster_builder(builder);
But having done this for my root table I am unsure if I need to call .Finish() before adding it to the table that then contains the table above.
Is anyone able to provide me with an example of how usage of the add_member commands may be used in nested tables?
You call .Finish() on any tables you create with a table builder. You call .Finish(root) on your FlatBufferBuilder instance only once at the end to finish construction of the buffer.

Visual C++, CMap object save to blob column

I have a Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) CMap object built where each object instance stores 160K~ entries of long data.
I need to store it on Oracle SQL.
We decided to save it as a BLOB since we do not want to make an additional table. We thought about saving it as local file and point the SQL column to that file, but we'd rather just keep it as BLOB on the server and clear the table every couple of weeks.
The table has a sequential key ID, and 2 columns of date/time. I need to add the BLOB column in order to store the CMap object.
Can you recommend a guide to do so (read/write Map to blob or maybe a clob)?
How do I create a BLOB field in Oracle, and how can I read and write my object to the BLOB? Perhaps using a CLOB?
CMAP cannot be inserted into blob/clob since its using pointers.
first of all use clob
and store array/vector instead of cmap.

How do you get child bands in ultragrid without using related tables in a dataset?

I'm using linq to pull back an object (i.e. customer) that might have a collection of other objects(customer.orders). I would be nice if I can pass this list of customers to the ultragrid and a hierarchical view of customers and thier orders displayed on databind. When I try this, I just get customers. Anyone know how to get this to work with non dataset objects?
Figured it out. IList collection works and will create bands for properties of your domain object if it is an IList<T>. Just make sure thatDisplayLayout.ViewStyle = ViewStyle.MultiBand.
I've tried the following and it didn't work:
DisplayLayout.ViewStyle = ViewStyle.MultiBand
I read from this blog that it must be List and not IList in order to work, and it did.
We work with our own custom datasource for grid, so we first create a structure of bands and then we initialize data OnDemand, handling events
We use Tags to navigate through the structure.