Can't install local NuGet package - visual-studio-2017

Using Visual Studio 2017
Built NuGet package with NuGet Package Explorer
Placed .nupkg file in local folder on disk
Added folder to Package Sources in Visual Studio
I attempt to install the package using the Visual Studio GUI (Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Manage NuGet Packages for Solution...).
My package shows up in the list in the GUI, but when I click install, an error message says it can't find the package in the folder I put the .nupkg file in:
Package 'TDDeviceIntegration 1.0.0' is not found in the following primary source(s): 'C:\Users\j.smith\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\LocalNugetRepository\'. Please verify all your online package sources are available (OR) package id, version are specified correctly.
What I've tried
Putting the NuGet Package I've built in several different local folder locations and adding those to the Package Sources, all with the same result (it can't find the package I JUST put there).
I've restarted Visual Studio several times.
I've restarted my computer.
I've cleared my NuGet cache(s) from Visual Studio
How do I diagnose this? How do I fix this? I just want to make sure that the NuGet package works locally before I give it to the rest of the team.
Thanks in advance!

How do I diagnose this? How do I fix this? I just want to make sure that the NuGet package works locally before I give it to the rest of the team.
Just as #orhtej2 comment, you should:
you rename it to TDDeviceIntegration.1.0.0.nupkg? (dot instead of
space between package name and version).
Additional, some info about why dot is really the only allowed package name-version separator.
That because namespace of nuget package follows a pattern similar to namespaces in .NET, using dot notation instead of hyphens.
You can get the source from following document:
Choosing a unique package identifier and setting the version number
Hope this helps.

According to this link from the NuGet GitHub Repository, you can possibly encounter this error when the version of your package is not "normalized", i.e. it's not made up of 4 digits.
Yours has 3 digits, so...
(and the last digit might have to be 0).


Building and running unit tests with Visual Studio build tools

I am adding unit tests to an existing C++ Visual Studio projects, using the Google Test adapter.
It's all running fine on my computer with Visual Studio 2019, but when I try to run them on the build server I get the following error
error : This project references NuGet package(s) that are missing on this computer. Use NuGet Package Restore to download them. For more information, see The missing file is ..\packages\Microsoft.googletest.v140.windesktop.msvcstl.static.rt-dyn.\build\native\Microsoft.googletest.v140.windesktop.msvcstl.static.rt-dyn.targets.
However, we're not using NuGet for package management. I tried installing it but complained about missing folders. This is not a .NET project, so I think that's a red herring.
I was able to install the Google Test adapter on my computer using the Visual Studio Installer, but it does not show up as a part of the VS Build Tools on the build server.
Running msbuild -t:restore does not help, it just reports "nothing to do."
I don't understand why the Google Test adapter isn't available for VS Build Tools, since it seems to be required in order to build the unit tests. Does anyone know why it doesn't work? What's the best practice for handling this?
The problem is that your c++ project has missed the content of googletest nuget package. So the solution is to restore the whole nuget package in your c++ project.
Update 1
First of all, take a brand new backed up project and restore it to when the problem started.
Besides, msbuild -t:restore command applies to projects with PackageReference nuget management format.
Since your c++ project used packages.config nuget management format, msbuild -t:restore will not work. See this official document.Instead, you should use nuget restore command.
This command works for your current project and running this command will restore the nuget packages and then you will never face the issue.
Before using it, you should download nuget.exe CLI and config its path into System Environment Variable PATH so that CMD can invoke nuget.
The steps about configing nuget.exe, you can refer to this link.
1) delete packages folder under the solution folder
2)Then, open build tool, run:
nuget restore xxx\xxx\xxx.sln(the full path of solution file containing the c++ project and the unit test project)
Then, you can build the project with the command. And I hope the error will disappear.

Nuget packages doubled

I have a visual studio solution with several projects all specifing their own packages.config.
If I run "nuget restore blablabla.sln", I get e.g. grpc.core\1.11.0 in my packages folder.
If I let Visual Studio do this I will get grpc.core\1.11.0 and Grpc.Core.1.11.0 in my packages folder both with the same contents!?
Why is that?
Nuget packages doubled
According to your description, you should have more than two package resources in your Visual Studio with same nuget package grpc.core\Grpc.Core (Ignore case). As we know, nuget is not case sensitive when searching and restoring packages. So:
Double check the packages grpc.core\1.11.0 and Grpc.Core.1.11.0 are the same except capitalization.
Clean up your \packages folder before restoring the nuget from
Visual Studio.
If you confirm the above, please check if your package feed have the nuget package grpc.core\1.11.0. You can remove it, since it have the same contents as package Grpc.Core.1.11.0 in the default package source
Hope this helps.

Unable to find nuget local source error occurred while restoring nuget packages the local source doesn't exist

I've been given a visual studio 2017 solution. When I open it fails as with the error:
Error occurred while restoring NuGet packages: The local source '\\network-location\' doesn't exist.
I can manually acquire a copy of these packages but I don’t know where this original path is configured and how I would go about changing it to the new location.
Any suggestions as to where I should look please?
The package sources can be found in the Visual Studio options (Tools -> Options) under NuGet Package Manager -> Package Sources or directly by clicking on the according icon in the NuGet dialog (context menu of a solution/project -> Manage NuGet Packages...):
Your local package source should then be listed in the following dialog:
The package source may, however, be solution or project specific and may therefore be specified in a NuGet.config file in the solution directory. Beginning with NuGet 3.4, Visual Studio looks in the project's directory or "or any folder up to the drive root", according to the NuGet.config reference. Up to NuGet 3.3, also subdirectories with the name .nuget where searched for NuGet.config files.
The file containing your local package source must be changed in order to restore the correct packages.
Nothing of the proposed solutions above did it for me. And, honestly, I really don't like, what Microsoft is doing for some time now: each time there's another surprise when installing an update. :-(
Error occurred while restoring NuGet packages: The local source 'C:\Microsoft\Xamarin\NuGet' doesn't exist.
Obviously NuGet is trying to restore from C:\\Microsoft\\Xamarin\\NuGet for s solution that has nothing to do with Xamarin. The solution compiled many times before and even getting it back from GIT did not change anything. So, the problem is not my solution. It is something more global.
By the way: I DONT WANT TO USE THIS FOLDER, cause I don't use Xamarin!
I found the following reference in the *.csproj.nuget.dgspec.json files in any obj folder of my solution. All these json files pointed to this Xamarin folder:
"fallbackFolders": {
"C:\\Microsoft\\Xamarin\\NuGet": {},
"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft SDKs\\NuGetPackages\\": {},
"": {}
Question: How does VS know about the fallbackFolders?
I did not find any hint in any of my Visual Studio / NuGet configuration settings, as proposed above. I deleted all objfolder but each time when trying to compile or restore my packages, the reference came back.
The SOLUTION for me was :
delete all objfolders in your solution (as mentioned above)
delete c:\Program Files (x86)\NuGet\Config\Xamarin.Offline.config
There you will find the following:
<add key="Xamarin Offline Packages" value="C:\Microsoft\Xamarin\NuGet\"/>
This file was introduced on my machine one week ago, and I think it came with the latest VS update (16.2). I did not go away with the latest update (16.2.1) from today.
You will encounter the same issue in Visual Studio 2019. I have the same issue, I thought it was a conflict on Visual Studio 2017 but it wasn't.
The fix is you have to remove the source that is causing the issue.
You can remove it via Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Package Manager Settings
In my case i have getting this error:
Error occurred while restoring NuGet packages: The local source 'C:\Microsoft\Xamarin\NuGet' doesn't exist.
I have accidentally deleted 'C:\Microsoft\Xamarin\' folder.
After this VS2019 was not able to restore packages.
I just manually created 'C:\Microsoft\Xamarin\NuGet' folder.
Restarted VS, cleaned solution and everything goes well after this.
All answers are relevant however they are not complete, wasted 30 mins on this.
Below worked fine:
1 . Clear cache & remove issue folders:
Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Settings
> NuGet Package Manager > General > Clear All NuGet Cache(s)
Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Settings
> NuGet Package Manager > Package Sources
> Available package sources
> {uncheck the folder that is giving error}
> OK
2 . Restore NuGet Packages on VS Solution
Right-click on Visual studio solution (not project)
> Restore NuGet Packages
3 . Build & run project
Hope that helps.
I had this error in different situation. I checked contents of Nuget.config in my solution folder and under <packageSources> node it had an entry pointing to ./nuget. This folder didn't exist in the solution directory, so I just created an empty folder with this name and the solution compiled without any problems.
In My case the only way to solve it was to clean up all the NuGet cache(s).
You can find it at Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> General
Clear All NuGet Cache(s) print
but I don’t know where this original path is configured and how I would go about changing it to the new location.
To resolve this error, please search the file NuGet.config in the given solution, then edit it with notepad, you will find following setting in that file:
<add key="LocalServerName" value="\\network-location\" />
You could change the value to the new location.
Same situation:
Error occurred while restoring NuGet packages: The local source 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Shared\NuGetPackages' doesn't exist.
My solution is re-creating the folder.

NServiceBus.Host.exe is missing while installing NServiceBus.Host on aspnetcore 2 in visual studio 2017

I am trying to run NServiceBus with AspNetCore2 on visual studio 2017. While I install NServiceBus(Version 7.0.0-beta0001) and NServiceBus.Host(Version 8.0.0-beta0001) through nuget, it says package installed successfully.
However, when i try to check installed dll's and exe files of NServiceBus within bin/debug folder, it's not there.
Quick observations i made are, NServiceBus (version 7.0...) is installed correctly whereas NServiceBus.Host (version 8.0....) is showing a warning message under nuget folder in visual studio:
Package 'NServiceBus.Host 8.0.0-beta0001' was restored using '.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1' instead of the project target framework '.NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0'. This package may not be fully compatible with your project.
Please help me to resolve this issue or point me to correct question if it's already been answered (which i could not find in SO)
NServiceBus.Host is being phased out for the reasons specified here. Long story short, in .NET Core it does not add much of a value and has more cons.
You can however, still run the NServiceBus process in a console app. Have a look at the self-hosting sample here.

NuGet packages not restore in visual studio 2017

I have Asp.netCore solution which was working fine on Visual Studio 2015 and then i moved to Visual Studio 2017. Now the problem is that in Visual Studio 2017 on every nuget packages there is yellow exclamation mark. Following are solution which i have tried so far.
I'm using Visual Studio Version: 15.3.1
Run as 'Administrator' and restore package.
Clear All Nugget Cache(s) from Tools > options > NuGet Package Manager > and again restore Nuget.
Note: I have searched and found following solution and tried but did not resolve my issue.
Solution 1
I found the answer on another thread here and credit should go to #AxelWass although he did not specifically focus it towards this, it absolutely fixes this issue. The above answer did not.
I had the same issue and solve it by opening the project in a text editor and deleting the following section:
<Target Name="EnsureNuGetPackageBuildImports" BeforeTargets="PrepareForBuild">
<ErrorText>This project references NuGet package(s) that are missing on this computer. Use NuGet Package Restore to download them. For more information, see The missing file is {0}.</ErrorText>
<Error Condition="!Exists('..\packages\Microsoft.Net.Compilers.1.0.0\build\Microsoft.Net.Compilers.props')" Text="$([System.String]::Format('$(ErrorText)', '..\packages\Microsoft.Net.Compilers.1.0.0\build\Microsoft.Net.Compilers.props'))" />
<Error Condition="!Exists('..\packages\Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.1.0.0\build\Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.props')" Text="$([System.String]::Format('$(ErrorText)', '..\packages\Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.1.0.0\build\Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.props'))" />
Once this is removed, it will resolve this nightmare issue that VS2017 and PM seems to be unable to resolve. I too have run into this multiple times - especially when I blend many projects in the same solutions directory.
As mentioned in Microsoft Installing and reinstalling packages with package restore Documentation, you should Update-Package -reinstall:
Update-Package -reinstall -ProjectName <project> command where
is the name of the affected project as it appears in
Solution Explorer. Use Update-Package -reinstall by itself to restore
all packages in the solution.
If you still have the error, try edit your project file, check if there is A path refrence error there, also check the project/solution nuget config file.
By default, new installation of visual studio did not configure package source to search packages online. That caused the problem.
I found the answer with a little bit more work from a stackoverflow link:
That answer mentions to use "" url to restore packages. When I opened the package manager console in visual studio 2017, I found it was searching for packages from my PC only (offline search).
I then added "" url as a source for restoring packages and it worked.
Follow below steps to add a package source.
Right click project > Manage nuget package and you will see "package source label".
Add highlighted URL to package source.
Select "All" as package source.
Once you have configured your visual studio to search for packages online, your all packages will be restored.
I discovered a wrong configuration in the nuget.config. I don't know why, in this file there are some exclusion for my current project.
You can see your global configuration running this command in File Explorer