Django 2.0 allauth Facebook 2018 - django

I got Twitter and Google login with Django all-auth.
Having issues with Facebook now.
Tried every single combination between localhost/ (also went extreme routes by changing my hosts to - even got an SSL thing going as Facebook apparently blocks http access (since March 2018).
Got this far... now I get this error
Can anyone lead me into the right direction?
I'm about to pull my hair out.
KeyError at /accounts/facebook/login/token/ 'access_token' Request Method: POST Request
URL: https://localhost:8000/accounts/facebook/login/token/ Django
Version: 2.0.3 Exception Type: KeyError Exception Value:
{'error': {'code': 5,
'fbtrace_id': 'Bs4PHOvc+rZ',
'message': "This IP can't make requests for that application.",
'type': 'OAuthException'}}
Addition details:
'facebook': {
'METHOD': 'js_sdk',
'SCOPE': ['email', 'public_profile', 'user_friends'],
'AUTH_PARAMS': {'auth_type': 'reauthenticate'},
'INIT_PARAMS': {'cookie': True},
'LOCALE_FUNC': lambda request: 'en_GB',
'VERSION': 'v2.5',

Django 1.4.15, django-allauth 0.18.0, Facebook upgrade API v2.8
Since Mars 2018, Facebook sets "Use Strict Mode for Redirect URls" YES by default. My problem was in the Facebook App configuration, not in django-allauth.
Working again App settings:
Settings Basic
- App Domains: ""
- Privacy policy URL: ""
- Website: ""
Settings Advanced
- Server IP Whitelist: let it blank
- Domain Manager: let it blank
Facebook login Settings
Yes Client OAuth Login
Yes Web OAuth Login
Yes (new: forced) Use strict Mode for redicect URLs
Yes Embeded Browser OAuth Login
Yes Enforce HTTPS
Valid OAuth Redirect URLs: "" (mandatory)
Hope it helps.

Update in case anyone else is struggling with this in 2020:
In facebook developers:
create a test app from your main app
settings -> basic, add localhost and to app domains. set site url to https://localhost:8000
Products -> facebook login -> settings. client, wen login enabled. Embedded Browser OAuth Login enabled.
Add all of these into Valid OAuth Redirect URIs:
In django:
pip install django-sslserver
add sslserver to INSTALLED_APPS
python runsslserver
In admin:
Create 2 sites, and https://localhost:8000/
Add a social application, facebook, add in your test app id and key. Register the 2 sites above into it.


How to get django allauth google sign in to redirect to home page?

Hello I am using django and django all auth for authentication and am using the google feature so that when a user decides to sign in it authenticates with his google account then it will redirect him to the home page in my case to localhost:8000 in developement. But when I do try it does authenticate but instead of sending to localhost:8000 the home page it sends to this url: http://localhost:8000/accounts/profile/# not sure why.
Here is my file.
'google': {
'SCOPE': [
'access_type': 'online',
any help I would appreciate Thank you.
From the docs
The default behaviour is to redirect authenticated users to
LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL when they try accessing login/signup pages
So all you need is to set this:

How to solve facebook django url social-auth-app-django problem?

Im trying to have social-auth-app-django facebook on my website and im getting this error, on localhost everything works but now when i changed settings to my website it isn't work :(
SOCIAL_AUTH_FACEBOOK_KEY = '***********' # App ID
SOCIAL_AUTH_FACEBOOK_SECRET = '***********' # App Secret
I solve it on my own !
What i did:
added to
i followed this tutorial
no such table: social_auth_usersocialauth
1.pip install python-social-auth==0.2.21
2.pip install social-auth-app-django
3.Set Django's app list and the backend-related settings according to the settings paragraph of the migration page.
4.Apply migrations: python migrate
5.Uninstall the old package: pip uninstall python-social-auth
i set on developers facebook status to live
Valid OAuth Redirect URIs:
First Go To And Put This Code End Of All Codes:
Second Go To FaceBook Developer In This Address :
And Make One Account There.
After go To My Apps And Then Click On Create App And Then Put Your Website Name ((Attention...If You Use Your Local Host You Need To Put One Domain Name For Your Local Ip)) And Your Email And Click On Create App ID And In Your Dashboard Looking For Facebook Login And Click On Set Up .
And Then In First Step In Web Window Put Your WebSite Name For Local Host For Example Put And Click On Save And Other Options Just Cross .
Now In Your Dashboard On The Left Side Click On Setting And Then Basic If You See Your APP ID And Your APP SECRET Put This Two In Your After That Last Code .
SOCIAL_AUTH_FACEBOOK_KEY = 'Put Your App Id Code Here'
SOCIAL_AUTH_FACEBOOK_SECRET = 'Put Your App Secret Code Here'
If You Want To Take User's Email Also You Can You This As Well .
Now In You Dashboard Go To Settings And After Go To Basic An In Field App Domains Put Your Website Name Also Go To Settings After Advanced And Put Website Name In Domain Manager With CLick On Add a Domain .
Now Again In Dashboard Go In Products+ Part And Click On Facrbook Login After Settings And Check These Option Be Active(Yes) :
• Client OAuth Login
• Web OAuth Login
• Enforce HTTPS
• Embedded Browser OAuth Login
And IN This Form Your Are Now Also Go In This Field Valid OAuth Redirect URIs And Put This URL :
And Put Your Button In Your Website Page That Have This Login Auth :
Sign in with Facebook

django-rest-auth google and facebook sign up returning access token and code

I am building a rest api with Django, and I an using Django rest auth for social authentication. I believe I am doing everything right. upon visiting the route I get a response that I am to provide both access token and code for both Google and Facebook. I am lost at this point what to do. Please anyone who has an idea, please share.
I have gotten the secret key and client id from both providers and inputed them in my and django admin.
'facebook': {
'METHOD': 'oauth2',
'SCOPE': ['email', 'public_profile', 'user_friends'],
'AUTH_PARAMS': {'auth_type': 'reauthenticate'},
'INIT_PARAMS': {'cookie': True},
'VERSION': 'v2.12',
'APP': {
# get the key from ""
'client_id': 'code',
'secret': 'code',
'key': ''
'google': {
'SCOPE': [
'access_type': 'offline',
'APP': {
# get from "" then apis then credentials then oauthclient
# fill in in the “Authorized redirect URI” field
'client_id': '',
'secret': 'code',
'key': ''
SOCIALACCOUNT_ADAPTER = "allauth.socialaccount.adapter.DefaultSocialAccountAdapter"
OK I'm in a similar situation and have been doing a lot of reading. Looks like you have performed all the setup correctly. And now you are trying to perform signup / login via your API from a client.
I'm going to make some assumptions as you don't provide a lot in your question by way of detail. For instance, I'm not sure what route you are visiting, or, what kind of an API client (DRF browseable API, React frontend, mobile app?) you are using. That said, it shouldn't really matter what kind of client you use, the process should be the same.
Here are the steps:
You will need to initiate signup / login from your API client either by rolling your own code or using whatever libraries are available for the technology you are using. For instance, Facebook provides its own JavaScript SDK. If you are using React, you could use react-facebook-login. Note that I've personally used neither so YMMV.
On successful authentication, at Facebook for instance, you will get a accessToken, which your client should send to your API at /rest-auth/facebook/ (or whatever you have configured in your
When this flow happens, a new user should be created in your backend with all their details.
Here is an example blog post that I found where the author shows this flow for a React frontend application:
Here is another example of a similar flow I found on SO. In the answer, the user is using the python-social-auth package instead of django-allauth but the flow is similar:
Since your client will be making requests to your API, I believe that you will also have to setup CORS correctly for such requests to succeed.
Hope that points you in the right direction. I'm going to be attempting this myself soon and if I learn that something is different, I will get back to edit this answer.
As far as I understand, the problem it's that are you sending a GET request, when the login view only accept a POST request. You must change the method.

Django allauth facebook login failed to redirect back when in an in-app-browser

When in an in-app-browser, like Google Hangout, Telegram or LINE messenger, the user won't be redirected back to my website after a success login through facebook login dialog. It just shows a blank page.
Everything works fine when using iPhone Safari app or Android Chrome app.
I am using Django==1.11.3 and django-allauth==0.34.0 (which utilizes Facebook Graph API v2.5), and here are my
'facebook': {
'SCOPE': ['email', 'public_profile', 'user_friends'],
'METHOD': 'js_sdk',
'LOCALE_FUNC': lambda request: 'zh_TW',
Anyone experienced the same issue?
As of 2013, Facebook: Native iOS and Android apps must not use their own web views for Facebook Login.
Technically, the root cause of the problem is that FB opens a new page to get correct login credentials, then close the new page and post the credential back to the parent page. However, there is no parent page in webview (only a single page), so it stays there as a blank page. see Making facebook login work with an Android Webview

django-allauth with SSL : "DoesNotExist at /accounts/google/login/callback/"

I'm testing my django (1.6.5) app in localhost. I use django-allauth and without ssl everything was ok.
I installed django-sslserver and change as follows:
os.environ['HTTPS'] = "on"
Api Google Console
REDIRECT URIS : http://localhost:8000/accounts/google/login/callback/
When I logged in with my google account, I accepted the authorization, but when it's redirected back to my app, shows the error:
DoesNotExist at /accounts/google/login/callback/
User matching query does not exist.
Request URL: https://localhost:8000/accounts/google/login/callback/?state=PwKj3DsvzmNp&code=4/16ttwvGn7SIZKyHWZ9sSy8YOx7sg.4t9M4AcGcoEfoiIBeO6P2m9E6KmpkAI
allauth/socialaccount/ in _login_social_account
def _login_social_account(request, sociallogin):
**return perform_login(request, sociallogin.account.user, ...**
signal_kwargs={"sociallogin": sociallogin})
The error is in the return line.
Can you help me? Thanks! :)