Wanted but not invoked: Mockito and Retrofit - unit-testing

I'm trying to unit test a call to my api using Mockito.
I took a look at all the issues already mentioned here on S.O together with the solutions, but so far, none of them have been conclusive.
MyService is an interface which holds several resources. Here's a sample:
public interface MyService {
Call<MyResponse> getDataFromServer();
Inside my Application class, I have a static class which returns an instance of MyService
public static MyService getApiService() {
return mApiService;
So, from there on inside one of my classes, I make the call to the web service:
Call<MyResponse> call = getApiService.getDataFromServer();
The rest follows with the callback method being called....
Here's my test class:
public class SampleTest {
private MyService mService;
private ArgumentCaptor<Callback<MyResponse>> callbackArgumentCaptor;
private Call<MyResponse> mockCall;
// Rule to trigger the creation of #Mock annotated objects.
public MockitoRule mockitoRule = MockitoJUnit.rule();
public void testDoAction() throws NullInsteadOfMockException {
Here's the error I have once I run the test:
Wanted but not invoked:
<Capturing argument>
Actually, there were zero interactions with this mock.
I have the same error even if use MockitoJunitRunner (in place of AndroidJunitRunner) and initialize my mock objects inside a setup method I define like this:
public void setUp() throws Exception{
Mockito version : 2.7.19
I want to be able to test the API response, so I mocked the API service, defined a captor for the retrofit Callback

It's a bit strange what you're trying to do here. You're testing a class, but you mock it. You should test the real class - MyService. I assume that your service looks a bit like:
public class MyService {
private final Call<MyResponse> call;
public MyService(Call<MyResponse> call) {
this.call = call;
public void doSomeAction() {
Ideally you should have something like:
public class SampleTest {
private MyService mService;
private ArgumentCaptor<Callback<MyResponse>> callbackArgumentCaptor;
private Call<MyResponse> mockCall;
public MockitoRule mockitoRule = MockitoJUnit.rule();
public void setUp() throws Exception{
mService = new MyService(mockCall);
public void testDoAction() throws NullInsteadOfMockException {
So the idea is to mock all the dependencies of the class you're unit testing and pass them to the class somehow. Here I'm injecting them in the constructor. I don't know if this is the case for you, but a setter or a field works too.
Then the test simply calls the real method in the service class and if this method is suppose to enqueue the call, then the verify should pass.
The reason it doesn't work in your case is because you're mocking the service so when you call mService.doSomeAction() this doesn't call your implementation, which I suppose should call enqueue. This is why the verify fails. In other words, it's true that enqueue is never called on the call object.


Does The program flow go deeper into the bean being mocked in MockMvc?

From what I understand about mocking, the test should not go deeper into the bean being mocked. For example the control flow shouldn't go into the function apiService.getSomeData() and instead it should just return the string "Hello there".
But is that how mocking works or does the program keep going deeper and should I be able to see the print statements of getSomeData() in the stdout?
When I actually run the code below, it doesn't go deeper. But is that how it's supposed to work?
Suppose this is the Rest Controller Code:
#RequestMapping(value = "/testing")
public class ApiController {
ApiService service;
#PostMapping(path = "/events/notifications",consumes = "application/json", produces = "application/json" )
public ResponseEntity<String> checkMapping(#Valid #RequestBody String someData, #RequestHeader(value="X-User-Context") String xUserContext) throws Exception {
String response = service.getSomeData(someData);
return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.OK).body(response);
Suppose this is the Controller test code:
public class ApiControllerTest {
MockMvc mockMvc;
ObjectMapper mapper;
ApiService apiService;
public void testingApi() throws Exception {
Mockito.when(apiService.getSomeData("")).thenReturn("Hello there");
MockHttpServletRequestBuilder mockRequest = MockMvcRequestBuilders.post("/testing/events/notifications")
Suppose this is the Api Service code:
public class ApiServiceImpl implements ApiService{
public String getSomeData(String data) throws Exception {
System.out.println("Going deeper in the program flow);
return "Some data";
public void callThisFunction(){
System.out.println("Going two levels deeper");
In your test you are not talking to ApiServiceImpl at all, but an instance that is created by mockito and that is also implementing the ApiService interface. Therefore, your implementation of getSomeData() is not executed at all. That's what mocking is about. You create a "mock" implementation (or let a tool like mockito do it for you) of the thing you do not want to be executed and inject it instead of the "real" thing.

Spring boot mocking static methods with PowerMock in Integration test

I'm writing integration test on a RestController in SpringBoot.
Normally I would run with SpringRunner.class, but when it comes to Mock a static method I need to use PowerMock.
The strange fact is that when I run the single tests, they individually pass (but returns error messages), when I try to run the entire test class, no test passes and it returns the same error message.
//#PowerMockRunnerDelegate(SpringRunner.class) THIS DOESN'T WORK!!!
#SpringBootTest(classes = SpringBootJwtApplication.class)
public class RestAccessIntegrationTest {
#Autowired #InjectMocks
RestController restController;
HttpServletRequest request;
public void operationsPerAccountWhenSuccessfulTest(){
String expected = ... ;
String actual = restController.getOperations();
assertEquals(actual, expected);
If I run the test or the entire class I get an error of this type:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.powermock.core.MockRepository.addAfterMethodRunner(Ljava/lang/Runnable;)at org.powermock.api.mockito.internal.mockcreation.MockCreator.mock(MockCreator.java:50)
If I uncomment #PowerMockRunnerDelegate(SpringRunner.class) there it comes this other error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/powermock/core/testlisteners/GlobalNotificationBuildSupport$Callback
at org.powermock.modules.junit4.internal.impl.DelegatingPowerMockRunner.run(DelegatingPowerMockRunner.java:139)
In the when method, try using any(HttpServletRequest.class) instead of the request mock object. Also use MockHttpServletRequest instead of mocking HttpServletRequest. This should work,
#PowerMockIgnore( {"javax.management.*"})
public class RestAccessIntegrationTest {
private RestController restController;
private MockHttpServletRequest request;
public void setUp() {
request = new MockHttpServletRequest();
new ServletRequestAttributes(request));
public void operationsPerAccountWhenSuccessfulTest() {
String expected = ... ;
// does your getOperations take HttpServletRequest
// as parameter, then controller.getOperations(request);
String actual = restController.getOperations();
assertEquals(actual, expected);
It was due to incompatibility in library version of PowerMock and Mockito. I suggest to check the compatibility version table provided by PowerMock team or to switch to JMockit to mock static and private methods.

Eclipse Scout client unit tests with ScoutClientTestRunner

I am trying to create unit test with scout context and I can't find proper tutorial or example for it.
When I create test with ScoutClientTestRunner, I get error
java.lang.Exception: Client session class is not set. Either set the default client session using 'ScoutClientTestRunner.setDefaultClientSessionClass' or annotate your test class and/or method with 'ClientTest'
I try to set client session class like this :
public void setClassSession() throws Exception {
public void setClassSession() throws Exception {
I try to add #ClientTest to the class and to all methods but I still get same error.
How to set client session in tests if you use ScoutClientTestRunner ?
The ScoutClientTestRunner ensures that the JUnit tests are executed having all the Scout Context (OSGi and so on) available.
Your attempts with #Before or #BeforeClass are too late. You need to provide the Scout Context initialization parameters before that. As the exception message says, you have 2 possibilities:
(1) #ClientTest annotation
You can annotate test classes or methods with #ClientTest using the clientSessionClass parameter:
#ClientTest(clientSessionClass = ClientSession.class)
public class DesktopFormTest {
public void test1() throws Exception {
//Do something requiring a scout context:
//for example instantiate a DesktopForm.
If necessary you can also do it at method level:
public class DesktopFormTest {
#ClientTest(clientSessionClass = Client1Session.class)
public void test1() throws Exception {
//client session is an instance of Client1Session.
#ClientTest(clientSessionClass = Client2Session.class)
public void test2() throws Exception {
//client session is an instance of Client2Session.
(2) Defining a TestEnvironment
When the test is run (directly or using maven-tycho), a lookup for a fully qualified class org.eclipse.scout.testing.client.runner.CustomClientTestEnvironment is done.
The CustomClientTestEnvironment class should implement org.eclipse.scout.testing.client.runner.IClientTestEnvironment
The method setupGlobalEnvironment() is called once and can be used to define the default client session with ScoutClientTestRunner.setDefaultClientSessionClass(..). This method can also be used to register required services.
Here an example:
package org.eclipse.scout.testing.client.runner; // <= can not be changed.
// add imports
public class CustomClientTestEnvironment implements IClientTestEnvironment {
public void setupGlobalEnvironment() {
//Set client session:
public void setupInstanceEnvironment() {
Of course (1) and (2) are compatible. The second mechanism defines only the default and ClientSession configured with (1) will override the default.

Spring Aspect not triggered in unit test

OK, we're talking Spring (3.2.0) MVC
We have an pointcut defined to be triggered "around" an annotation like so:
public void someFunction() {
Then in a controller we have:
public class MyController {
private MyService service;
#RequestMapping(value = "/myendpoint", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = "application/json")
public Object myEndpoint(#RequestBody MyRequestObject requestObject, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
return service.doSomething(requestObject);
Then we have a unit test that looks like this:
#ContextConfiguration(locations = {"../path/to/applicationContext.xml"})
public class MyControllerTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private MyController controller;
private MyService myService;
public void setup() {
this.mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(controller).build();
public void myTest() {
MyRequest request = new MyRequest();
MyResponse response = new MyResponse();
String expectedValue = "foobar";
Mockito.when(myService.doSomething((MyRequest) Mockito.any())).thenReturn(response);
MockHttpServletRequestBuilder builder = MockMvcRequestBuilders.post("/myendpoint");
String request = IOUtils.toString(context.getResource("classpath:/request.json").getURI());
Mockito.verify(myService, Mockito.times(1)).doSomething((MyRequest) Mockito.any());
The test runs fine, but the aspect defined around the annotation (MyAnnotation) does not execute. This executes just fine when the endpoint is triggered by a real request (e.g. when running in a servlet container) but just doesn't fire when running in the test.
Is this a particular "feature" of MockMvc that it doesn't trigger aspects?
FYI our applicationContext.xml is configured with:
and as I mentioned the aspects do actually work in reality, just not in the test.
Anyone know how to get these aspects to fire?
OK.. so the solution eventually presented itself from.. you guessed it.. reading the documentation :/
Furthermore, you can inject mock services into controllers through Spring configuration, in order to remain focused on testing the web layer.
So the final solution looks like this:
#ContextConfiguration(locations = {"testContext.xml","../path/to/applicationContext.xml"})
public class MyControllerTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private WebApplicationContext wac;
private MyService myService;
public void setup() {
this.mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(wac).build();
public void myTest() {
MyRequest request = new MyRequest();
MyResponse response = new MyResponse();
String expectedValue = "foobar";
Mockito.when(myService.doSomething((MyRequest) Mockito.any())).thenReturn(response);
MockHttpServletRequestBuilder builder = MockMvcRequestBuilders.post("/myendpoint");
String request = IOUtils.toString(context.getResource("classpath:/request.json").getURI());
Mockito.verify(myService, Mockito.times(1)).doSomething((MyRequest) Mockito.any());
Then you simply define a context file for this test testContext.xml that has the mock of the service object:
<bean id="myService" class="org.mockito.Mockito" factory-method="mock">
<constructor-arg value="com.mypackage.MyService"/>
Importantly the MyService instance is #Autowired into the test so it can be orchestrated.
This allows you to mock out any instances you like, whether they are in service classes, aspects etc as long as you name the bean appropriately. So in this case the MyService would be declared as:
public class MyService {
you need to enable aop in test:
public class MyControllerTest {
I had a similar setup using MockMVC to perform integration tests through the layers. The Annotation was working fine without any extra code until I renamed the annotation's package. It stopped working. The annotation would not execute. After banging my head for a while, I realized I had already solved this once: ComponentScan the annotation's package.
You probably have a similar statement in one of you application's configuration class files. You will need to repeat any of those types of declarations here in your Test Class.
public class MyControllerTest {

Mockery - creating a mock in the constructor

Is there a way to create a mock in the test class constructor/class setUp function such that the mock is available to all test methods?
I have tried creating in the constructor like:
public class testMocks extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
protected $mock;
public function __construct()
$this->mock = Mockery::mock('myMockedClass');
But this doesn't work. If the first test passes, then all tests that assert on the mock pass even if they should fail (i.e running a shouldReceive that should fail). Any ideas?
You have to use setUp function, like this:
public function setUp()
$this->mock = Mockery::mock('myMockedClass');
You shouldn't overwrite the constructor of PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase, see my answer on #15051271 and also #17504870
You also need to call Mockery::close() on tearDown method. The close method cleans up the mockery container for your next test and runs the expectations you have setup.
public function tearDown()