Find the Peaks of contour in Python-OpenCV - python-2.7

I have got a binary image/contour containing four human beings, and I want to detect/count all humans. Since there are occlusions, so I think it is best to get the head/maxima in the contour of all the humans. In that case human can be counted.
I am able to get the global maxima\topmost point (in terms of calculus language), but I want to get all the local maximas
The code for finding the topmost point is as suggested by Adrian in his blogpost i.e.:
topmost = tuple(biggest_contour[biggest_contour[:,:,1].argmin()][0])
Can anyone please suggest how to get all the local maximas, instead of just topmost location?
Here is the sample of my Image:

The definition of "local maximum" can be tricky to pin down, but if you start with a simple method you'll develop an intuition to look further. Even if there are methods available on the web to do this work for you, it's worth implementing a few basic techniques yourself before you go googling.
One simple method I've used in the path goes something like this:
Find the contours as arrays/lists/containers of (x,y) coordinates.
At each element N (a pixel) in the list, get the pixels at N - D and N + D; that is the pixels D ahead of the current pixel and D behind the current pixel
Calculate the point-to-point distance
Calculate the distance along the contour from N-D to N+D
Calculate (distanceAlongContour)/(point-to-point distance)
There are numerous other ways to do this, but this is quick to implement from scratch, and I think a reasonable starting point: Compare the "geodesic" distance and the Euclidean distance.
A few other possibilities:
Do a bunch of curve fits to chunks of pixels from the contour. (Lots of details to investigate here.)
Use Ramer-Puecker-Douglas to render the outlines as polygons, then choose parameters to ensure those polygons are appropriately simplified. (Second time I've mentioned R-P-D today; it's handy.) Check for vertices with angles that deviate much from 180 degrees.
Try a corner detector. Crude, but easy to implement.
Implement an edge follower that moves from one pixel to the next in the contour list, and calculate some kind of "inertia" as the pixel shifts direction. This wouldn't be useful on a pixel-by-pixel basis, but you could compare, say, pixels N-1,N,N+1 to pixels N+1,N+2,N+3. Or just calculate the angle between them.


Efficient way of computing slopes of edge lines

I performed edge detection on images (with Python 2-7 and OpenCV 3.2) and have results like the following picture, i.e. one-pixel-wide edges not necessarily closed (can have "loose ends"), and with possible holes :
Now I would like to get the "derivative" of these edges, meaning the "slope" at each point, as in the following image :
For the moment, the only way I managed to do it is very locally. For each point of the edge (in red in next "zoomed" picture), I create a circle around it (in pink), mask the circle with the edge to get the red point's neighbors, then compute the slope of these two neighbors.
However, it can be quite messy if edges have holes (which they often do) or are close to other edges (which they often are) and masking all the points is pretty computationally intensive, so I wonder if there is a better way.
My first idea was spline interpolation, but you need to give as input an ordered list of points, which you can't have for a given edge unless you use a pixel neighbor tracking algorithm which can also get quite messy in case of not-that-good edges.
I also thought of findContours but it needs closed edges or else it yields the contour of a one-pixel-wide edge, i.e. two lines on both side of the edges, started at an arbitrary location on the edge, in short it's a mess.
Is there a cleaner and more efficient way than my actual method to achieve what I want ? Does OpenCV have any resources or is its job done after edge detection (I think the latter is more probable !) ?
P.S. : "I don't think there is a better way" is an answer I'm ready to accept !
So, if I understood everything correctly, what you need is an ordered list of your points free from holes, because after that it seems you know how to proceed to obtain your result. So, you should concentrate in getting an ordered gapless list.
FindContours does output an ordered list, but probably not in the order you need. It groups connected pixels with a TOP-DOWN / LEFT-RIGHT priority. So, it swipes each row sequentially, when it hits a white pixel, it finds the first contour. So, in your image, the first contour it finds is actually the one on the right, since it has the closest to 0 Y value.
In the case of this particular image, if you rotate it 90 degrees you'll realize that it will actually order your contours and points in the way you need. But will this always be the case? Only you can tell. If there is a pre-process method to apply to your images that will guarantee that findContours will order your pixels in the correct way, the rest will be easy. If not, I suggest you create your own pixel-connectivity algorithm that will work as you need it to, since all your problems depends on getting an ordered list.
Once you have the ordered list, just interpolate the missing pixels.
If you have an ordered set of pixels, "closing the gaps" is easy, since you just need to find the gaps and interpolate between them as an approximation that probably wont hurt your algorithm.

Edge following with camera

I want to follow the rightmost edge in the following picture with a line following robot.
I tried simple "thresholding", but unfortunately, it includes the blurry white halo:
The reason I threshold is to obtain a clean line from the Sobel edge detector:
Is there a good algorithm which I can use to isolate this edge/move along this edge? The one I am using currently seems error prone, but it's the best one I've been able to figure out so far.
Note: The edge may curve or be aligned in any direction, but a point on the edge will always lie very close to the center of the image. Here's a video of what I'm trying to do. It doesn't follow the edge after (1:35) properly due to the halo screwing up the thresholding.
Here's another sample:
Here, I floodfill the centermost edge to separate it from the little bump in the bottom right corner:
Simplest method (vertical line)
If you know that your image will have black on the right side of the line, here's a simple method:
1) apply the Sobel operator to find the first derivative in the x direction. The result will be an image that is most negative where your gradient is strongest. (Use a large kernel size to average out the halo effect. You can even apply a Gaussian blur to the image first, to get even more averaging if the 7x7 kernel isn't enough.)
2) For each row of the image, find the index of the minimum (i.e. most negative) value. That's your estimate of line position in that row.
3) Do whatever you want with that. (Maybe take the median of those line positions, on the top half and the bottom half of the image, to get an estimate of 2 points that describe the line.)
Slightly more advanced (arbitrary line)
Use this if you don't know the direction of the line, but you do know that it's straight enough that you can approximate it with a straight line.
dx = cv2.Sobel(grayscaleImg,,1,0,ksize=7)
dy = cv2.Sobel(grayscaleImg,,0,1,ksize=7)
angle = np.atan2(dy,dx)
magnitudeSquared = np.square(dx)+np.square(dy)
You now have the angle (in radians) and magnitude of the gradient at each point in your image.
2) From here you can use basic numpy operations to find the line: Filter the points to only keep points where magnitudeSquared > some threshold. Then grab the most common angle (np.bincount() is useful for that). Now you know your line's angle.
3) Further filter the points to only keep points that are close to that angle. You now have all the points on your line. Fit a line through the coordinates of those points.
Most advanced and brittle (arbitrary curve)
If you really need to handle a curve, here's one way:
1) Use your method above to threshold the image. Manually tune the threshold until the white/black division happens roughly where you want it. (Probably 127 is not the right threshold. But if your lighting conditions are consistent, you might be able to find a threshold that works. Confirm it works across multiple images.)
2) Use OpenCV's findcontours() to fit a curve to the white/black boundary. If it's too choppy, use approxPolyDP() to simplify it.

Find point of interest on image

I'm trying to track little white dots on edges table. In most of case it works. I'm using cornerHarris function like it's used in this tutorial : .
Sometimes, I have got a problem : reflection of the light on edges creates point of interest which I have to not consider.
For example :
I'm searching to the two nearest points of the top corners, as you can see on the right edges, i have find dots(red and green dots) and on the left edges, light noise is a problem (cyan and blue dots).
Does someone knows a method to keep only dots white on my picture ? Thankyou and sorry for my english
On the purely image processing part, I would recommend using some kind of shape feature analysis(like comparing the histogram in say 8x8 around your currently examined point of interest to precomputed ones of the features you want .
This would mean that you first look for points with Harris corners, then compare the features to dismiss unwanted ones ( euclidian distance in the 8x8 = 64D ?). This of course assumes the existence of a strong feature (read "taking time to find a good one")
It also assumes you already know what your feature points look like beforehand.
Alternative more on the computer vision side : use geometry of your corner points repartition to your advantage : you probably want a distorted rectangle, so make sure you find one ! Surely you can compute a function that gives the validity of the last feature point assuming 3 others ? (Distance of intersection of the 2 lines generated by the other 3 points ...)
The typical and coolest approach would then apply RANSAC to it : try random (but not all !) combinations of your points and check which one fits best using that function, and consider those as good.
If you intend on tracking over time or over several images, you will have to tune it a bit, as ransac can occasionally fail (statistics of random combinations ...), and you would then use points from your previously successful run to guestimate the position.
Last idea for the moment : use some color-aware derivation technique : do you compute Harris corner of the rgb image or of a flattened version to gray ? Some gradients use color information as extra tip to discern edges, and I'm not sure the corners you're finding use any of those. Then again it might mean reimplementing Harris corners algorithm (try it, it's fun, and not that hard if you have a good algebra library to do the heavy work)
I recommend the geometric test of fitting as it uses wisely model-info of your system rather than assumptions on how reflections look like.
Really funny introduction to RANSAC :
Edit : Trusty photoshop knows what I mean : I highlighted the invalid shapes
Valid grid, photoshop says so
Invalid grid, logical, right ?

Edge detection / angle

I can successfully threshold images and find edges in an image. What I am struggling with is trying to extract the angle of the black edges accurately.
I am currently taking the extreme points of the black edge and calculating the angle with the atan2 function, but because of aliasing, depending on the point you choose the angle can come out with some degree of variation. Is there a reliable programmable way of choosing the points to calculate the angle from?
Example image:
For example, the Gimp Measure tool angle at 3.12°,
If you're writing your own library, then creating a robust solution for this problem will allow you to develop several independent chunks of code that you can string together to solve other problems, too. I'll assume that you want to find the corners of the checkerboard under arbitrary rotation, under varying lighting conditions, in the presence of image noise, with a little nonlinear pincushion/barrel distortion, and so on.
Although there are simple kernel-based techniques to find whole pixels as edge pixels, when working with filled polygons you'll want to favor algorithms that can find edges with sub-pixel accuracy so that you can perform accurate line fits. Even though the gradient from dark square to white square crosses several pixels, the "true" edge will be found at some sub-pixel point, and very likely not the point you'd guess by manually clicking.
I tried to provide a simple summary of edge finding in this older SO post:
what is the relationship between image edges and gradient?
For problems like yours, a robust solution is to find edge points along the dark-to-light transitions with sub-pixel accuracy, then fit lines to the edge points, and use the line angles. If you are processing a true camera image, and if there is an uncorrected radial distortion in the image, then there are some potential problems with measurement accuracy, but we'll ignore those.
If you want to find an accurate fit for an edge, then it'd be great to scan for sub-pixel edges in a direction perpendicular to that edge. That presupposes that we have some reasonable estimate of the edge direction to begin with. We can first find a rough estimate of the edge orientation, then perform an accurate line fit.
The algorithm below may appear to have too many steps, but my purpose is point out how to provide a robust solution.
Perform a few iterations of erosion on black pixels to separate the black boxes from one another.
Run a connected components algorithm (blob-finding algorithm) to find the eroded black squares.
Identify the center (x,y) point of each eroded square as well as the (x,y) end points defining the major and minor axes.
Maintain the data for each square in a structure that has the total area in pixels, the center (x,y) point, the (x,y) points of the major and minor axes, etc.
As needed, eliminate all components (blobs) that are too small. For example, you would want to exclude all "salt and pepper" noise blobs. You might also temporarily ignore checkboard squares that are cut off by the image edges--we can return to those later.
Then you'll loop through your list of blobs and do the following for each blob:
Determine the direction roughly perpendicular to the edges of the checkerboard square. How you accomplish this depends in part on what data you calculate when you run your connected components algorithm. In a general-purpose image processing library, a standard connected components algorithm will determine dozens of properties and measurements for each individual blob: area, roundness, major axis direction, minor axis direction, end points of the major and minor axis, etc. For rectangular figures, it can be sufficient to calculate the topmost, leftmost, rightmost, and bottommost points, as these will define the four corners.
Generate edge scans in the direction roughly perpendicular to the edges. These must be performed on the original, unmodified image. This generally assumes you have bilinear interpolation implemented to find the grayscale values of sub-pixel (x,y) points such as (100.35, 25.72) since your scan lines won't fall exactly on whole pixels.
Use a sub-pixel edge point finding technique. In general, you'll perform a curve fit to the edge points in the direction of the scan, then find the real-valued (x,y) point at maximum gradient. That's the edge point.
Store all sub-pixel edge points in a list/array/collection.
Generate line fits for the edge points. These can use Hough, RANSAC, least squares, or other techniques.
From the line equations for each of your four line fits, calculate the line angle.
That algorithm finds the angles independently for each black checkerboard square. It may be overkill for this one application, but if you're developing a library maybe it'll give you some ideas about what sub-algorithms to implement and how to structure them. For example, the algorithm would rely on implementations of these techniques:
Image morphology (e.g. erode, dilate, close, open, ...)
Kernel operations to implement morphology
Thresholding to binarize an image -- the Otsu method is worth checking out
Connected components algorithm (a.k.a blob finding, or the OpenCV contours function)
Data structure for blob
Moment calculations for blob data
Bilinear interpolation to find sub-pixel (x,y) values
A linear ray-scanning technique to find (x,y) gray values along a specific direction (which will also rely on bilinear interpolation)
A curve fitting technique and means to determine steepest tangent to find edge points
Robust line fit technique: Hough, RANSAC, and/or least squares
Data structure for line equation, related functions
All that said, if you're willing to settle for a slight loss of accuracy, and if you know that the image does not suffer from radial distortion, etc., and if you just need to find the angle of the parallel lines defined by all checkboard edges, then you might try..
Simple kernel-based edge point finding technique (Laplacian on Gaussian-smoothed image)
Hough line fit to edge points
Choose the two line fits with the greatest number of votes, which should be one set of horizontal-ish lines and the other set of vertical-ish lines
There are also other techniques that are less accurate but easier to implement:
Use a kernel-based corner-finding operator
Find the angles between corner points.
And so on and so on. As you're developing your library and creating robust implementations of standalone functions that you can string together to create application-specific solutions, you're likely to find that robust solutions rely on more steps than you would have guessed, but it'll also be more clear what the failure mode will be at each incremental step, and how to address that failure mode.
Can I ask, what C++ library are you using to code this?
Jerry is right, if you actually apply a threshold to the image it would be in 2bit, black OR white. What you may have applied is a kind of limiter instead.
You can make a threshold function (if you're coding the image processing yourself) by applying the limiter you may have been using and then turning all non-white pixels black. If you have the right settings, the squares should be isolated and you will be able to calculate the angle.
Once this is done you can use a path finding algorithm to find some edge, any edge will do. If you find a more or less straight path, you can use the extreme points as you are doing now to determine the angle. Since the checker-board rotation is only relevant within 90 degrees, your angle should be modulo 90 degrees or pi over 2 radians.
I'm not sure it's (anywhere close to) the right answer, but my immediate reaction would be to threshold twice: once where anything but black is treated as white, and once where anything but white is treated as black.
Find the angle for each, then interpolate between the two angles.
Your problem have few solutions but all have one very important issue which you seem to neglect. Note: When you are trying to make geometrical calculation in the image, the points you use must be as far as possible one from the other. You are taking 2 points inside a single square. Those points are very close one to another, so a slight error in pixel location of of the points leads to a large error in the angle. Why do you use only a single square, when you have many squares in the image?
Here are few solutions:
Find the line angle of every square. You have at least 9 squares in the image, 4 lines in each square which give you total of 36 angles (18 will be roughly at 3[deg] and 18 will be ~93[deg]). Remove the 90[degrees] and you get 36 different measurements of the angle. Sort them and take the average of the middle 30 (disregarding the lower 3 and higher 3 measurements). This will give you an accurate result
Second solution, find the left extreme point of the leftmost square and the right extreme point of the rightmost square. Now calculate the angle between them. The result will be much more accurate because the points are far away.
A third algorithm which will give you accurate results because it doesn't involve finding any points and no need for thresholding. Just smooth the image, calculate gradients in X and Y directions (gx,gy), calculate the angle of the gradient in each pixel atan(gy,gx) and make histogram of the angles. You will have 2 significant peaks near the 3[deg] and 93[deg]. Just find the peaks by searching the maximum in the histogram. This will work even if you have a lot of noise in the image, even with antialising and jpg artifacts, and even if you have other drawings on the image. But remember, you must smooth the image a lot before calculating the derivatives.

Fit a circle or a spline into a bunch of 3D Points

I have some 3D Points that roughly, but clearly form a segment of a circle. I now have to determine the circle that fits best all the points. I think there has to be some sort of least squares best fit but I cant figure out how to start.
The points are sorted the way they would be situated on the circle. I also have an estimated curvature at each point.
I need the radius and the plane of the circle.
I have to work in c/c++ or use an extern script.
You could use a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to map your coordinates from three dimensions down to two dimensions.
Compute the PCA and project your data onto the first to principal components. You can then use any 2D algorithm to find the centre of the circle and its radius. Once these have been found/fitted, you can project the centre back into 3D coordinates.
Since your data is noisy, there will still be some data in the third dimension you squeezed out, but bear in mind that the PCA chooses this dimension such as to minimize the amount of data lost, i.e. by maximizing the amount of data that is represented in the first two components, so you should be safe.
A good algorithm for such data fitting is RANSAC (Random sample consensus). You can find a good description in the link so this is just a short outline of the important parts:
In your special case the model would be the 3D circle. To build this up pick three random non-colinear points from your set, compute the hyperplane they are embedded in (cross product), project the random points to the plane and then apply the usual 2D circle fitting. With this you get the circle center, radius and the hyperplane equation. Now it's easy to check the support by each of the remaining points. The support may be expressed as the distance from the circle that consists of two parts: The orthogonal distance from the plane and the distance from the circle boundary inside the plane.
The reason because i would prefer RANSAC over ordinary Least-Squares(LS) is its superior stability in the case of heavy outliers. The following image is showing an example comparision of LS vs. RANSAC. While the ideal model line is created by RANSAC the dashed line is created by LS.
The arguably easiest algorithm is called Least-Square Curve Fitting.
You may want to check the math,
or look at similar questions, such as polynomial least squares for image curve fitting
However I'd rather use a library for doing it.