Does not match when the string does not have a dot but it will match multiple dots [duplicate] - regex

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Regex to allow alphanumeric and dot
(3 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I am trying to match the string when there's 0 or multiple dots. The regex that I can only match multiple dots but not 0 dot.
These are the test string I am using
The Regex will match these
But not this one:

If you really must use a regex, here is one (but it is inefficient):
It says:
Match a string so that the beginning of the string is not followed by a whole string with a single dot.
It does some backtracking when parsing the negative lookahead.
As mentioned in the comments to the question, I do think, unless you must have a regex, that a simple function might be better. But if you like the conciseness of a regex and performance is not a huge concern, you can go with the one I gave above. Regexes with "nots" in them are generally a tad messy, but once you understand lookarounds they do become doable. Cheers.

Or, in plain English:
Match EITHER a dot, then any number of characters, then another dot; OR the beginning of the string, then any number of non-dots, then the end of the string.


Match character and any whitespaces around it [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Splitting a String by number of delimiters
(2 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I have a file containing informations in the following format :
Fred,Frank , Marcel Godwin , Marion,Ryan
I need the match commas and any whitespace around them, but not any comma inside brackets.
My problem is that with my current regex [\s,]+ the whitespaces between words are matched. So in this example the whitespace between Marcel and Godwin.
I thought about using something like \s,\s* but it wouldn't match parts when there is no whitespace around the comma, like between Fred and Frank
Surely, it's a simple fix but I can't figure it out.
I think this will match the commas including the whitespace before and afterwards like you explained in your question.
This is a positive looahead: (?=\,), it means it matches any whitespace if there is a comma afterwards.
This is a positive lookbehind: (?<=\,), it means it matches any whitespace if there is a comma rigth before.
Try it out yourself. You can use this page to check the output in your browser.

Regex for alphanumeric with at least one digit [duplicate]

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RegEx for an invoice format
(5 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I'm looking for a regex for Invoice Number in Vbscript
It can have alphanumeric but at least one numeric digit is a must.
I'm using the below regex but it matches ALPHA String INVOICE also. It need to have at least one digit
Expected Match String
Expected Unmatch String
If we use ([A-Z0-9]*[0-9]+[A-Z0-9]*), I can't specify the length.
Please suggest a proper regex. Please note its totally different from the suggested duplicate as the requirement, format is different.
The blanket .* in your lookahead will happily skip past the trailing \b if it has to. Make it more constrained, so it can't.
(I removed the backslash before the -; if you really want to allow a literal backslash, obviously add it back, to the character class in the lookahead also. A dash at beginning or end of a character class is unambiguous and doesn't require a backslash escape; this is also the only way to have a literal dash in a character class in many regex dialects.)

Matching a substring of n numbers, but not if there are any numbers after that [duplicate]

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Java RegEx that matches exactly 8 digits
(3 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
Basically I'm looking for a regex that matches some simple phone numbers.
I want to match numbers in a longer string of text like 123 4567, 891-0111, or 21314151, something that is (hopefully) identified by (\d{3,4}[- ]\d{3,4}|\d{4,8}), but I don't want to match them if they're part of a longer number like 3919503570275.
If I require the next character to be a non-digit or the end of a line, then that next character is also included in the match, which I don't want.
Surround your regex with a lookahead and a lookbehind to reject \d on both sides:
(?<!\d)(\d{3,4}[- ]\d{3,4}|\d{4,8})(?!\d)
Note that this would accept a string that looks like a phone number preceded or followed by letters.
Depending on what programming language you use, I suggest to either use negative look-ahead or to use groups to extract the number.
See for information about lookaround pattern.

Regex for string containing one string, but not another [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Regular expression for a string containing one word but not another
(5 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
Have regex in our project that matches any url that contains the string
Need to modify it so that it won't match urls that also contain "help"
Shouldn't match: "/dealer/help/us/en/pdf/simple.pdf"
Should match: "/dealer/us/en/pdf/simple.pdf"
If lookarounds are supported, this is very easy to achieve:
See a demo on
(?:^|\s)((?:[^h ]|h(?!elp))+\/pdf\/\S*)(?:$|\s)
First thing is match either a space or the start of a line
Then we match anything that is not a or h OR any h that does not have elp behind it, one or more times +, until we find a /pdf/, then match non-space characters \S any number of times *.
((?:[^h ]|h(?!elp))+\/pdf\/\S*)
If we want to detect help after the /pdf/, we can duplicate matching from the start.
((?:[^h ]|h(?!elp))+\/pdf\/(?:[^h ]|h(?!elp))+)
Finally, we match a or end line/string ($)
The full match will include leading/trailing spaces, and should be stripped. If you use capture group 1, you don't need to strip the ends.
Example on regex101

Regex IP wildcard Conversion [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Reference - What does this regex mean?
(1 answer)
Closed 4 years ago.
I need to convert the following to Regex. I need the second, and third octets to be a wildcard. I am awful with Regex as I rarely ever need to use it. I have searched the web for a solution. Can someone help with this?
Short and sweet:
10\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.248 will get you pretty close, and is relatively simple.
Escape the dot with \. to prevent it from matching any character
Use \d to match any digit character
Use {1,3} to limit the number of consecutive digits to 1, 2, or 3
More complicated, but more exact:
To only match numbers between 0 and 255, you could replace \d{1,3} with ([01]?[0-9]?[0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]):
- or -
Testing/developing regex patterns in the future
There are a lot of regex tester websites out there. I personally use since I develop .Net applications, but there are other more generic options too such as
'\.' matches with '.', '\d' matches with any digit. '\d+' matches with 1 or more digits.
Other characters matches with themselves.
You'll need to escape the dot metacharacter with a backslash, but something like this will work:
Note: this pattern isn't bulletproof. It doesn't check if the IP address is valid, it only checks if it matches an IP-like pattern. For example, it will match 10.999.999.248.