Saving objects to UserDefaults that confirm to a protocol(using protocol oriented programming paradigm) - swift3

I have multiple object types that I want to save to UserDefaults.So, I have written a UserDefaultsManager class where I have methods to save objects in UserDefaults using NSKeyedArchiver and to fetch using NSKeyedUnarchiver.Here are the methods:
class UserDefaultsManager
class func saveToUserDefaults(object:Any, Key:String)
let data = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: object)
UserDefaults.standard.setValue(data, forKey: key)
class func userDefaultsForKey(_ key:String) -> Any
let data = UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: key)
let object = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObject(with: data as! Data)
return object as! LoginUser
As you can see that objects to be saved can be of any type, so I have defined the parameter as 'Any'. Now while I need to fetch the object, I am down casting it to 'LoginUser' object type and then returning it.
I can also add another parameter called 'type' and based on that I can downcast it to that particular type.But that's not the point here.
The point here is that I was thinking of creating a protocol, say,'UserDefaultsPersistence' and only the classes confirming to that protocol can call such methods and be saved in UserDefaults.Here is an example:
class func archiveObject<T:UserDefaultPersistence>(object:T) -> Data
let data = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: object)
return data
But the problem is that when I fetch the object from UserDefaults,I will have to downcast it to that particular object to use its properties.So what's the whole point of using protocols?

The point of using a protocol would be so the programmer knows which objects are and are not explicitly supported for archiving by the app (although, you can still archive other things). Also, since the method signature enforces conformance to the protocol, you will have to make/declare each object conform to it to be able to use it with those methods. This will make your code easier to understand and more type safe, as it will prevent you from accidentally trying to archive or unarchive something which you don't explicitly support.
If you are supporting many objects being archived, I would assume using Core Data would be a better option. In the short term, it will take some time to get set up, but in the long run it will save you time, since you will have access to a strongly typed database. UserDefaults is really for simple things and is not meant to replace a database.


Avoiding downcasts in a Swift 3 completion handler with Google Drive REST API

I'm using the Google Drive REST API in a Swift 3 app. Queries are executed using the executeQuery method of GTLRDriveService. This method takes a completion block of type GTLRServiceCompletionHandler?, which in turn is declared as
public typealias GTLRServiceCompletionHandler = (GTLRServiceTicket, Any?, Error?) -> Swift.Void
Because of this declaration, the second parameter must be downcast to the appropriate type inside the block. For instance:
let createPermissionQuery = GTLRDriveQuery_PermissionsCreate.query(
withObject: permission, fileId:
driveService.executeQuery(createPermissionQuery) { (ticket, result, error) in
if (error == nil) {
// need to downcast result to GTLRDrive_Permission
let permission = result as! GTLRDrive_Permission
The second parameter is always of a specific type that is completely determined by the particular query passed to executeQuery. For instance, if one passes an instance of GTLRDriveQuery_PermissionsCreate, then the second parameter (if the query succeeds) will always be of type GTLRDrive_Permission. However, if I try to declare result to be of any type other than Any?, the code won't compile.
In Objective C, the completion block can be specified with a type that's specific to the query. For instance (adapted from here):
GTLRDriveQuery_PermissionsCreate *createPermissionQuery =
[GTLRDriveQuery_PermissionsCreate queryWithObject:permission
[driveService executeQuery:createPermissionQuery
completionHandler:^((GTLRServiceTicket *ticket,
GTLRDrive_Permission *permission,
NSError *error) {
if (error == nil) {
// work directly with permission
Is there any way to avoid this downcast? (I'm asking out of ignorance; I'm somewhat of a newbie to Swift.) If I was writing my own library, I'd design the method signatures differently, but this is Google's library and am kind of stuck with what they supply. Perhaps some sort of extension or layer on top of Google's code?
You might be able to specify an extension that wraps the Google execute method, takes a generic and casts to your generic type in the block. This would basically just be a pretty abstraction of what you're doing already, but for all types your extension would be designed to cover.

Tensorflow Modify OpKernelConstruction Attributes

In kernel operations, an OpKernelConstruction pointer is given to the OpKernel constructor, for example
I would like to change some attributes in the context before passing it to the parent constructor.
For example, something like
explicit StreamQueueOp(OpKernelConstruction* context) :
But it appears in the description of OpKernelConstruction, that no modifying method exists. Is there a way to modify it?
I want to modify the attributes because I am attempting to make a FIFOQueue that pulls data from a database. I only want the user to have to specify the data stream id and then the queue would hit the database for the shape and type of the data. As such, I want to modify the context to add the shape and type info after I get it from the DB, but before I pass the context onto the base class. The base class makes use of shape and type, so I need to make sure it is in correspondence with the DB.

Should instance fields access be synchronized in a Tapestry page or component?

If a page or component class has one instance field which is a non-synchronized object, f.ex. an ArrayList, and the application has code that structurally modifies this field, should the access to this field be synchronized ?
public class MyPageOrComponent
private List<String> myList;
void setupRender()
if (this.myList == null)
this.myList = new ArrayList<>();
void afterRender(MarkupWriter writer)
// Should this be synchronized ?
if (someCondition)
I'm asking because I seem to understand that Tapestry creates only one instance of a page or component class and it uses this instance for all the connected clients (but please correct me if this is not true).
In short the answer is no, you don't have to because Tapestry does this for you. Tapestry will transform your pages and classes for you at runtime in such a way that wherever you interact with your fields, they will not actually be working on the instance variable but on a managed variable that is thread safe. The full inner workings are beyond me, but a brief reference to the transformation can be found here.
One warning, don't instantiate your page/component variables at decleration. I have seen some strange behaviour around this. So don't do this:
private List<String> myList = new ArrayList<String>;
Tapestry uses some runtime byte code magic to transform your pages and components. Pages and components are singletons but the properties are transformed so that they are backed by a PerThreadValue. This means that each request gets it's own copy of the value so no synchronization is required.
As suggested by #joostschouten you should never initialize a mutable property in the field declaration. The strange behaviour he discusses is caused beacause this will be shared by all requests (since the initializer is only fired once for the page/component singleton). Mutable fields should instead be initialized in a render method (eg #SetupRender)

Dynamically create the structure and variables of a class based on user input in c++

I'm new to the site (and to c++) so please forgive me if this is a basic question - I've googled and looked through this site without success so far, so any help anyone can provide would be hugely appreciated.
I'd like to add some functionality to an app, that allows a user to fully define the structure and contents of an object. For example, user would be presented with a configuration screen that allows them to list each property of the object - given my limited knowledge I've assumed this might be achieved by using a class:
Class Name: CustomClassName
Class Property 1: property1Name property1DataType property1DefaultValue
Class Property n: propertynName propertynDataType propertynDefaultValue
The user would then be able to hit a button to save their custom configuration, and the program could then reference that configuration as a Class:
class CustomClassName
property1DataType property1Name = property1DefaultValue;
propertynDataType propertynName = propertynDefaultValue;
I'm not even sure this is possible using Classes, so if there's another mechanism that facilitates this I'm open to suggestions!
You can't create classes in runtime, but since dynamic typing is in essence a subset of static typing, you can fake it.
Start with the Property type1:
using Property = variant<int, float, string>;
A simple "dynamic" class could look like this:
class DynamicClass {
std::map<std::string, Property> properties;
Property const& operator[](std::string const&) const
Property operator[](std::string const&);
DynamicClass d;
d["myInt"] = 5;
1 Example implementation. Internals of variant should be tailored for your specific purpose. If you need an open variant, where you don't know all of the possible types beforehand, this gets more complicated, calling for something like any.

design pattern for "save"

I'm currently working on a "save" mechanism, which allows a user to save the project his working on on hard disc. The output will be a XML file containing all kinds of data.
Now our project structure is about to change and we need to write a new xml file (create a new save method).
So now here comes the challenge: When saving I want the user to be able to choose which file format he will be creating (version1 (old) or version2 (new)).
Does anyone now how to achieve that? Is there a suitable design pattern around?
- The data we are saving can be seen as unrelated blocks, so it would actually be easy to exchange an old block with a new one.
- The whole goal of the thing is, it should be readable again when loading an old project. (I assume this can be done by tags, and just react on tags when loading?)
This sounds like a good application for the Strategy pattern.
You would create an abstract base class FileFormat (the Strategy interface) with two virtual functions, projectToXml and xmlToProject, which are supposed to turn your internal project representation into XML or vice versa.
Then you create two implementing subclasses FileFormatNew and FileFormatLegacy (these are the concrete strategies).
Your save functions would then additionally require an instance of FileFormat, and call the corresponding method of that object to do the data conversion. Your load function could choose the strategy to use by examining the XML tree for something which tells it which version it is.
And when you ever need to support another file format, you just have to create a new class which is a subclass of FileFormat.
Addendum after the exchange in the comments
When you are going to have a lot of versions with very small differences and you still want to use the Strategy pattern, you could make the FileFormat a composite of multiple strategies: A CircleStragegy, a RectangleStrategy, a LineStrategy etc.. In that case I wouldn't use different classes for different versions of the FileFormat. I would create a static factory function for each version which returns a FileFormat with the Strategy objects used in that version.
FileFormat FileFormat::createVersion1_0() {
return new FileFormat(
new LineStrategyOld(),
new CircleStrategyOld(),
new RectangleStragegyOld()
FileFormat FileFormat::createVersion1_1() {
// the 1.1 version introduced the new way to save lines
return new FileFormat(
new LineStrategyNew(),
new CircleStrategyOld(),
new RectangleStragegyOld()
FileFormat FileFormat::createVersion1_2() {
// 1.2 uses the new format to save circles
return new FileFormat(
new LineStrategyNew(),
new CircleStrategyNew(),
new RectangleStragegyOld()
FileFormat FileFormat::createVersion1_3() {
// 1.3 uses a new format to save rectangles, but we realized that
// the new way to save lines wasn't that good after all, so we
// returned to the old way.
return new FileFormat(
new LineStrategyOld(),
new CircleStrategyNew(),
new RectangleStragegyNew()
Note: In real code you would of course use more descriptive suffixes than "Old" and "New" for your strategy class names.