Resizing Qlabel image upon resizing window using resizeEvent - c++

I want to use ResizeEvent to receive the size of the window and set it to the size of a QLabel, in order to make the image stretched and adapted to the window's a left click of the mouse I can resize my window and the image takes a new size.

You must have the following considerations:
It is not necessary to store QPixmap by means of a pointer since when passing it to the QLabel it is copied by value.
Therefore, if you change the size of the QPixmap p will not be reflected in the QLabel since the QPixmap that has the QLabel is a copy of the one you established at the beginning.
It is not necessary to use a layout for this task since it will create an infinite loop since this also intervenes in the resizeEvent of the widget where it has been established so if you change the size of the QLabel, it will change the size of the QWidget, and this again I will try to change the QLabel, and so on.
It is not advisable to modify the original QPixmap since changing its size modifies the pixels and you will get an unexpected effect.
Using the above we obtain the following code:
#ifndef TESTSIZE_H
#define TESTSIZE_H
#include <QWidget>
class QLabel;
class testsize : public QWidget
explicit testsize(QWidget *parent = 0);
QLabel *image;
QPixmap original_px;
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event);
#endif // TESTSIZE_H
#include "testsize.h"
#include <QLabel>
#include <QResizeEvent>
testsize::testsize(QWidget *parent) :
image = new QLabel(this);
original_px = QPixmap(":/wallpaper.jpg");
resize(640, 480);
void testsize::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event)
QPixmap px = original_px.scaled(event->size());
You can find the complete example in the following link.


moving child widget inside parent widget without repainting

I am trying to make a child widget to be aligned to the right-bottom corner of a parent widget. The repainting of the child widget is costly so I want to avoid it. Because I am only moving the child widget with a static content, theoretically no repainting is necessary. But I do not know how to achieve that. I react to resizeEvent(), in which I update the child's position to the corner. I have set the widget attributes (trial-error method) to minimize the paint events as far as I was able to. But there are still some repaint events called for the child when the parent is being resized - when enlarged and shrinked as well. When being resized slowly and only in one direction (x or y), it seems only 1 pixel wide band is repainted. When resized faster and in both directions at the same time, the child widget is repainted all. Is it possible to tweak the code to avoid the repainting of the child widget completely? I would like to avoid write manual double-buffering algorithm for this case myself, I hope Qt is able to solve this somehow for me. Is it?
#include <QApplication>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QPaintEvent>
#include <QWidget>
class ChildWidget : public QWidget
ChildWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent)
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) override
qDebug() << "paintEvent" << event->rect();
QPainter painter(this);
painter.fillRect(event->rect(), QBrush(QColor("red")));
class ParentWidget : public QWidget
m_childWidget = new ChildWidget(this);
m_childWidget->resize(100, 100);
resize(200, 200);
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) override
m_childWidget->move(width() - 100, height() - 100);
ChildWidget *m_childWidget;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
ParentWidget w;;
return a.exec();
Note: In my final use case, this parent widget is intended to be covered completely by several non-overlapping child widgets and each of these child widgets will be opaque and will take care of painting its whole area. I.e. no special handling of alpha channel is needed. This might be important information for setting the widget attributes.
Note: I tried a trick, not moving the child immediately, but postpone it with QTimer::singleShot(0, [this]{m_childWidget->move(width() - 100, height() - 100);}); This prevents repainting during parent widget resizing but only in cases when the size of the parent grows. When it shrinks, it is the same as before.

crash when calling new operator outside constructor in qt

I'm having a question about a weird (At least it was unexpected for me) behavior (It crashes) of qt when initializing pointers on a member class different than the constructor. I am attaching part of my code:
In mainwindow.h:
class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
QPixmap *qpm_s1_yaw;
QPainter *s1_yaw_painter;
In mainwindow.cpp:
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
initGraph(qpm_s1_yaw, s1_yaw_painter, ui->YAW1);
void MainWindow::initGraph(QPixmap *map, QPainter *painter, QLabel *label)
map = new QPixmap(label->size());
painter = new QPainter(map);
... doing some stuff ...
label->setPixmap(*map); // ++(Remember this LINE)++
That actually works, but when I comment the line:
and instead set the Pixmap in the constructor (MainWindow::MainWindow) by writing:
I got a segmentation Fault.
Could someone explain what is wrong with it? To make it work I had to initialize all the pointers in the constructor (and commenting those line in the classs member initGraph), like this:
qpm_s1_yaw = new QPixmap(ui->YAW1->size());
s1_yaw_painter = new QPainter(qpm_s1_yaw);
initGraph(qpm_s1_yaw, s1_yaw_painter, ui->YAW1);
This is a trivial misunderstanding of how C++ works, nothing to do with Qt.
Your code lies to you: you can equally well write: initGraph(0, 0, ui->YAW1). You're initializing local variables instead of class members. The values you pass as the first two arguments are not used for anything.
It's also completely unnecessary to hold the pixmap and the painter by pointer. Hold the pixmap by value, and only instantiate a painter for it when you do the painting.
Holding a painter to a pixmap when you're not painting on it can cause unnecessary copies of the pixmap to be made when the pixmap is consumed (read from): a pixmap with an active painter is considered "dirty".
What you should do then is to hold pixmaps by value and you can return the new value from initGraph - this decouples initGraph from the detail of the surrounding class where the pixmaps are stored. The user of initGraph has an option of not storing the pixmap, and e.g. querying the label itself for it.
class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
Ui::MainWindow ui; // hold by value
QPixmap qpm_s1_yaw; // hold by value
QPixmap initGraph(QLabel *label) {
QPixmap pixmap{label->size()};
QPainter painter{&pixmap};
//... doing some stuff ...
return pixmap;
explicit MainWindow(QWidget *parent = nullptr) : QMainWindow(parent) {
gpm_s1_yaw = initGraph(ui.YAW1);

Can't use QPainter in paintEvent of custom QWidget (Qt5)

The error in question is as follows:
QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called
QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 1
QPainter::setPen: Painter not active
QPainter::setFont: Painter not active
After looking at a ton of online forum posts that all came down to people making the same mistake of trying to paint on their widgets outside of paintEvent(), I've been unable to have any luck. I tried drawing directly on this custom QWidget subclass, I've tried making a child QWidget and drawing on that. Can someone please show me what thing I'm (probably obviously to someone else) doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
#include <QWidget>
class TextDisplay : public QWidget
TextDisplay(QString text, QString fontFamily = "Helvetica", int fontSize = 20,
int fontColor = Qt::black, QWidget* parent = 0);
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
QString text;
QString fontFamily;
int fontSize;
int fontColor;
#include "textdisplay.h"
#include <QPainter>
TextDisplay::TextDisplay(QString text, QString fontFamily, int fontSize,
int fontColor, QWidget* parent)
: QWidget(parent), text(text), fontFamily(fontFamily),
fontSize(fontSize), fontColor(fontColor)
this->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum);
void TextDisplay::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent*) {
void TextDisplay::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) {
QPainter painter(this);
painter.setFont(QFont(fontFamily, fontSize));
QRect rect(QPoint(0, 0), this->size());
QRect bound;
QTextOption options;
painter.drawText(rect, Qt::TextWordWrap | Qt::TextWrapAnywhere, text, &bound);
Edit with solution:
Thanks to both responders - I needed to do two things to get it working:
a) Get rid of paintEvent(NULL). I got rid of the resizeEvent override as well, it was unnecessary as suggested.
b) Set a minimum size for the widget. Without this, the paintEvent was never called by Qt.
If you want to schedule a redraw for your widget, just call update().
If you need an immediate repaint (which you almost never need) you can call repaint() instead.
Calling paintEvent() directly will not work -- Qt needs to prepare the backing store to handle the painting, so you can't bypass the update mechanism. Instead, call the methods above, which will result in a call to paintEvent() (if the widget is visibile, not occluded, etc.etc.etc.).
Note also that you should not need to reimplement resizeEvent() just to update your widget. That should already be done for you by Qt...

The right way to show a image in Qt

I am new to Qt and almost every tutorial I find says to add the image to a QLabel using setPixmap(). Maybe this is the right way, but it doesn't feels to be, since using a label for a image seems to go beyond the purpose of a label.
Could anyone tell me if there is a "right way" or a special Class for this, or if the "Label way" is the right one, not just the simple one.
Using QLabel is the usual way to display an image in a QtWidgets-based UI. That might indeed feel a bit awkward, as QLabel's API is mostly concerned with text rendering. However, it does the job and there's no other class dedicated to only painting images. One could think of writing his own class (taking a QPixmap, reimplementing paintEvent(), sizeHint()), but that would only make sense to me if functionality is needed that QLabel lacks.
There are of course many other ways to paint an image, depending on the context, like images on buttons (QToolButton, QPushButton, ...), images in graphics scenes (QGraphicsScene/View) etc., but they all serve either more specialized or more complex use cases.
easiest way is to use a ImageViewer example they use QLabel ..
another way
QGraphicsView view(&scene);
QGraphicsPixmapItem item(QPixmap("c:\\test.png"));
Here is a simple class that isn't Label based. I suppose it depends on what you personally feel is the proper way to do it and what you need to do with it. I prefer implementing my own class so you can add on to it later(maybe you want to manipulate the image).
#include <QPainter>
#include <QImage>
#include <QWidget>
class QPainter;
class QImage;
class ImageWidget : public QWidget
ImageWidget(const QString &filename, QWidget* parent = 0);
bool load(const QString &fileName);
bool save(const QString &fileName);
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event);
QImage img;
#include <QDebug>
#include "imagewidget.h"
ImageWidget::ImageWidget(const QString &filename, QWidget* parent) : QWidget(parent)
bool ImageWidget::load(const QString &fileName)
return true;
bool ImageWidget::save(const QString &fileName)
{, "PNG");
return true;
void ImageWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*)
QPainter painter(this);
painter.setViewport(0, 0, width(), height());
painter.setWindow(0, 0, width(), height());
painter.drawImage(0, 0, img);

Qt Scrollbar doesn't appear on custom widget

I tried to modify this example code ( so the image can be scrolled when the size is too big.
Basically this is a code to create a mspaint-like program (my code is almost identical to the tutorial, except i changed the class name):
class ImageDisplay : public QWidget
ImageDisplay(QWidget *parent = 0);
void LoadImage(QString img);
void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event);
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event);
bool modified;
bool scribbling;
int myPenWidth;
QColor myPenColor;
QImage svgImage;
QPoint lastPoint;
void ResizeImage(QImage *image, const QSize &newSize);
void DrawLineTo(const QPoint &endPoint);
Code attaching custom widget to scroll area
scrollArea = new QScrollArea(centralWidget);
myImageDisplay = new ImageDisplay();
myImageDisplay->setGeometry(QRect(0, 0, 780, 559));
QSizePolicy sizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Preferred);
myImageDisplay->setMinimumSize(QSize(0, 0));
gridLayout->addWidget(scrollArea, 0, 0, 1, 1);
I put my custom widget inside scrollarea, but the scrollbar never appears. When i debug it, the size of the widget cannot be larger than the srollarea.
I've read somewhere the size of a widget can;t be expanded larger than the container size, or sort of, i don't quite understand.
i found a inelegant solution which seems to be "hack" where i set the minimum size of the widget to be the size of the image, i put the code inside load image
void ImageDisplay::LoadImage(QString img)
QImage loadedImage;
QSize newSize = loadedImage.size().expandedTo(size());
ResizeImage(&loadedImage, newSize);
svgImage = loadedImage;
modified = false;
// "hack" code
This isn't really a "hack." This is how it is supposed to be. If you want the widget to never be smaller than the image it displays, then that's what you do; you tell it that it should never make itself smaller than the image. But in your code, you've specified that it can be smaller than its contents:
QSizePolicy sizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Preferred);
What this means is that the widget will prefer to have a size that fits inside the visible area of its container, even if it means that its contents are getting cut off.
The more elegant way to do this is though, is using this instead:
QSizePolicy sizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
This will tell the layout to never try and resize the widget at all. You set a size when you load the image, and it will keep that size unless you manually resize it yourself.
With that being said, maybe you should be looking at using a QLabel instead of a custom QWidget class. QLabel is already set up to display images, and I believe it knows on its own which size it should be.