A static website on AWS not acccessible - amazon-web-services

Somewhat curious about how to make a website on AWS, yesterday I went following this document:
in order to get started with something simple.
I clicked the button Get Started with the Implementation Guide and found myself here:
It went pretty well, except that even today, I still can't acccess the site with the expected URL (http://example.com).
For the sake of simplicity I decided to leave alone http://www.example.com for the time being.
Since the Step 2.5: Test Your Endpoint and Redirect could be performed without any problem;
I suspect that something went wrong when performing Step 3: Create and Configure Amazon Route 53 Hosted Zone.
I did not find the explanations in the guide very clear, but I did what made sense to me, based on what I could see on the screen and on my previous experience in similar cases with other providers (other than AWS).
Anyone has tried this before and has something to point out?
For reference here is the kind of display I can see on Google Chrome:
This site can’t be reached
example.info’s server IP address could not be found.
Did you mean http://example.com/?
Search Google for example info

In case something similar happens to someone else, here is what I did.
I finally solved the problem by following Step 5: Route DNS Traffic for Your Domain to Your Website Bucket
of this document:
creating an Alias record.


Why is my github pages not displaying for all users?

I made a portfolio website using a Jekyll template in Github Pages. 16 hours or so ago, I connected the Github pages site to a personal domain I purchased. I did so by creating a CNAME folder in the Pages repository and adding this CNAME as well as a few A variables to the DNS records with my domain provider (Domain.com) An hour or so after making these DNS changes, Github pages said my site was published on the new domain.
I shared the link to my new website with a few people. Several of them were able to access it without any issue; however, some reported that they received an empty white page when arriving to the site or a generic page with messaging along the lines of 'this domain hasn't been set up.' The failure to see the site seems to have no pattern across browser or device.
For me personally, I was able to see the site last night but this morning after deploying some new changes, I couldn't see the site for 30 minutes or so, until it suddenly worked again. During the time I couldn't see it, other friends reported that they were able to view it.
Any idea why this might be happening? I'm brand new to this stuff and I can't figure it out.
You could use dnsmap.io and check if the CNAME propagation is complete or still in progress.
You can see more at "Why are my CNAME Records not propagating?": that would explain the empty white page.
That being said, this could also be affected by an GitHub incident currently pending.

How to forward my domain registered with AWS Route53 to Google My Business?

My domain: fishercoder.com is registered with AWS Route53.
Now I'd like to configure Google My Business to use this domain.
I searched on Google's doc and found that they do offer clear instructions on how to purchase a new domain through them, for third-party domain they listed instructions for GoDaddy, eNom and Network Solutions, but none for AWS Route53.
I thought it might be similar, so I tried to simulate what I can do on AWS Route 53 console, but didn't find any luck.
Any could share any ideas how to achieve this?
More details:
Right now, when people search "fisher coder", this page shows up: https://ibb.co/pRWjRc9, and if they click Website, it'll take them to the default Google My Business website which is not what I desired, I'd like to change it to point to my own domain: fishercoder.com
You can do it but it’s not a pretty solution. Not only that but a Google My Business Site (I assume this is what you mean) is so basic it’s not a good website replacement at all. It’s a good free option to set up because it’s free but other than that, it’s meant to keep people in Google, not to help you. You can only map custom domain buy from from business sites option given there.
Here’s how you do it:
Buy a domain wherever you prefer (I like Namecheap but Google Domains is also a good option).
Forward the domain to the Google Sites URL (many registrars will allow you to do this for free).
That’s it!
It’s not a pretty solution nor ideal because the URL of the Google Site will still be the original URL and they won’t stay on your custom domain at all.
So, simple description: if someone types in http://customdomain.com they will get forwarded to your Google URL and remain on that URL. It essentially just forwards to your Google Site, that’s it.
In AWS routes you will get option to forward domain. https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/redirect-domain-route-53/
This all information based on own experiment and study based on below link
Reference info : https://www.quora.com/How-can-I-attach-a-custom-domain-to-a-Google-Sites-website

Amazon Web Services "400 Access Restricted" - Cannot log in

I signed up to AWS 1 month ago, everything it was working pretty nice, but one week ago, suddenly, I am not able to sign in. I am getting the following message:
400 Access Restricted.
Your access is being restricted because you appear to be located in a country or region where we do not provide services. We apologize for any inconvenience.
I am not able to find one place inside aws site (or google) explaining this, and I cannot get support from them because firstly I have to log in... .
I think it happened because I cleaned all cookies and history in chrome (I am not sure it is happening from that moment). But, if this would be the case, it should work from Internet Explorer, or the cookies are shared by every navigator?.
How could I get access again?

How to test my website on PythonAnywhere before setting up my CNAME?

I've gotten part way through deploying my new webapp on PythonAnywhere, and currently it's got the 'Coming Soon' place holder.
When I refresh the app from the web tab it tells me I need to set the CNAME,and from what I remember that involves redirecting from my Domain Service (Gandi in this case).
There is a problem with your domain name configuration. Take a look at the DNS setup section below for details. Be aware that DNS changes can take some time to propagate across the internet. The exact time they take will depend on your domain configuration, but it could be as long as a day.
You domain's current CNAME is webredir.vip.gandi.net. Check this help page for more information about how to set it up correctly.
I don't want to do that yet.
What I want is to 'preview' my page at webapp-XXXXXX.pythonanywhere.com before it goes live.
This suggests that I:
add a line with the IP address you got from the previous step, then a tab, then the host name you've set up the web app with in PythonAnywhere.
But I've not found that to work, and besides, how would that let me see what's hosted online? It would just let me access it via a different URL.
Here what I added to my hosts file: webapp-206115.pythonanywhere.com/
How can I test my website on PythonAnywhere before setting up my CNAME?
The easiest solution i found for this is to rename the webapp to <username>.pythonanywhere.com. Thats the default for the free subscription and it still works for me after i change to a payed plan. But i dont know if this is because i already had registered a webapp under this name or if this always works.

Functioning domain even when the server is off

Something might be a wrong with my domain name. When i visit the url its still functioning right and shows the default webpage even after the server has been off for weeks now
You may have already tried this, but the two things I would check are:
You could be viewing a cached version of the page. This is the most obvious explanation but I'm guessing you cleared your browser cache.
You might be viewing a copy on a backup server. That'll depend on whether your NS records have an alternate server specified that isn't off.
Are you sure your server is off? What response do you get when you ping it via the domain name? As this is basic troubleshooting, you may have already tried these things, so if you did, what you encountered may be helpful in diagnosing the cause.