Run Custom Tool not available to generate resources.designer.cs - visual-studio-2017

In my project on one computer with VS2017 Version 15.5.4 I have the ability to run a custom tool on Resources.resx
On another computer with VS2017 15.5.6 I have
The code is cloned from the same project
How can I get the custom tool working?

Right click Resources.resx and select properties
then right click the Resources.resx file with the propeties window open. Run Custom tool is now available.

Right click 'Resources.resx' and select properties then add in advanced->Custom Tool option this 'PublicResXFileCodeGenerator'. The Run Custom tool option is now available.


A windows app starting and receiving a fil with dag-and-drop c++

I have updated to vs2019.
I have been unable to find out how set up input argument when debugging?
That setup has moved and I can't find it in the menu system, where is it ??
Using c++;
Found it: In the Solution Explorer, Right click on project name to open menu, open Properties, select Configuration Properties, Debugging, Command Arguments

Eclipse CDT, CMAKE project: No C/C++ Build Menu Item

Thanks in advance for the help.
This is on Windows/MSYS2 (mingw64) Eclipse CDT Version: 2019-09 R (4.13.0) Build id: 20190917-1200.
I have figured out how to run cmake in order to create an Eclipse compatible project file. I then got the project into Eclipse via I got this File->Open Project from File System. I can then make/build that file and create my executables. I do get a couple warnings regarding improper project path but the code all compiles without error.
However, I need to "connect" the cmake build directory (i.e. the project in Kicad) to my source code in order to edit and/or debug the changes I wish to make. Based on my research I believe I have to do this via the Project Properties C/C++ Build menu, however, this menu is not present. I believe I access this menu by selecting the project on the left and right clicking or alt-enter or from the top menu Project->Properties.
For some reason I can't do a screen grab on Eclipse but I pulled the image attached from the online help file: (
My "Project->Properties" menu looks similar in that it shows Resource, Builders, plus more things but there is no C/C++ Build entry: it just goes from Builders to C/C++ General.
I found this "solution" which seemed appropriate as I had installed the standalone debugger, however, uninstalling it had no effect.
Any suggestions?

Netbeans 9 C++ Support

I wonder if there is a support for C++ in Netbeans 9. This link shows C++ on screenshot (when creating new project). However, after installing, I don't have one.
I wonder if there is a support for C++ in NetBeans 9.
The answer to that is definitely no, and definitely yes...
No, in the sense that the use of C++ on NetBeans 9 is not currently supported by Apache, and it is done at your own risk. NetBeans is currently being handed over from Oracle to Apache, and they haven't got to the C/C++ part yet. See What's Happened to My Favorite NetBeans Plugins? for more information.
Yes, in the sense that it is technically feasible to do it; the NetBeans 9 IDE allows you to use C/C++.
This is what you need to do:
Step 1 of 2: Make C/C++ available as a plugin.
Tools > Plugins > Settings tab > click the Add button.
On the Update Center Customizer screen:
Enter some value in the Name field (e.g. "My plugins"),
Enter in the URL field
Click the OK button.
This should create a new entry in the Configuration of Update Centers list in the Settings tab.
Checking that new entry should instantly add plugins to the Available Plugins tab.
Click the Available Plugins tab, then click the Category column to sort the entries by category.
The Name of the entry at the top of the list should be C/C++. If so, you have successfully made the plugin available:
Step 2 of 2: Install the C/C++ plugin.
Check the C/C++ entry shown in the screen shot above, and then click the Install button.
Follow the wizard's instructions. The plugin will be downloaded and installed, and you will be required to restart NetBeans.
To confirm that C/C++ has been installed, click Tools > Plugins > **Installed tab. You should see an entry for the C/C++ plugin you just installed.
Also, verify that you can now create a C/C++ project through the Project wizard:
The finer details on configuring C/C++ on NetBeans 9 (Tools > Options > C/C++) are unchanged from NetBeans 8.x. Refer to Configuring NetBeans IDE 8.0 for C/C++/Fortran for that.
Much of this answer has been copied from an answer I gave on problems with Tomcat on NetBeans 9, but the details are sufficiently different to merit a separate answer.
Netbeans 10 and 11 - adding C / C++ also works in the same fashion.
In Netbeans go to Tools->Plugins->Settings
Entry NetBeans 8.2 Plugin Portal is already present.
Click the checkbox next to this entry.
Switch to Available Plugins tab, click Check for Newest.
C / C++ is now on the list.
Computer that this is done is on Windows 10 x64.
You have to install C++ plugin (Tools -> Plugins)

AppCode - Debug C++ program within Objective-C project?

I have an Objective-C project with a large portion of it written in C++. I've also written a C++ main file in the project which allows the processing done in the C++ side of things to be run as a standalone without the iOS component. Is there anyway to setup a C++ debug execution configuration inside of the iOS project? As far as I can see I can only create configurations meant to run on an iOS device when in an iOS project. Yet, AppCode does have the project type to create command line tools. Is there anyway to enable those command line tool configurations inside of an iOS project? Thank you much!
Yep, you can do it using your current project.
Here are some screenshots which hopefully are clear enough. Note this is Xcode 6.
In Xcode, in the Nav Area, select the project (selected on the left in the image). You'll see your targets. Click on that '+' to add a new target.
You'll then get a a dialog sheet where you can select your OSX Command Line Tool. It will then let you configure how that target is setup.

Run as administrator not showing in start menu

My C++ application developed by VS2008 and use the VS setup project to create installer for that. After installation it will create two shortcuts to application. one is in user desktop and second one is in start menu. Application(myApp.exe) installed to the Program files directory.
Question: If I right click on the icons in the start menu, there is a option Run as Administrator for most of them. But if I right click on the shortcut that related to my application. It doesn't show Run as Administrator. How to fix this?
Edit: But if i right click on the myApp.exe in the Program files, it shows "Run as Administrator".
Set your embedded manifest to require administrator. On the project property page:
...on the (highlighted) UAC Execution Level, change asInvoker to requireAdministrator. Build your project to embed the new manifest, and it should be ready to do its thing.
Oh -- I didn't think to do it here, but in the Configuration drop-down, you probably want to select All Configurations, instead of the (default) Active configuration that's selected in the screen shot. Gets seriously annoying -- you think you've got things fixed, then you change to "Release" and a bunch of stuff suddenly breaks, and you have to go through figuring out what you'd changed, and edit those changes into the Release configuration as well.
In manifest file there is option "requestedExecutionLevel" and "UIAccess" which will manage it.
I found the answer for this after so much testing and searching. So here I mention it for use of any one.
Windows only shows Run as Administrator in the context menu for that shortcuts those are directly targeting to some exe file.
If you use VS deployment (setup) project to create your installation with desktop and start menu shortcuts. Those shortcuts not targeting to exe (Application.exe) file.
Instead of that shortcuts targeting to application folder (MS office 2007 also same). This is called installation-on-demand and advertisement. Here is the more details.
This will help your application to repair from file missing (pray Google for more).
So we have to disable this feature if you want to target your shortcuts directly to exe file.
For this you can use command prompt or some tool. here is how to do it.
Nirmally windows installer having a exe and a msi.
These setting are stored at at msi generated with setup file.
So You have to alter the file and add the entry DISABLEADVTSHORTCUTS=1 to property table.
Using Command prompt:
msiexec /i <path to your msi> DISABLEADVTSHORTCUTS=1
Using Orca Tool:(Meny other tools also there)
Download Orca tool from here and install it.
Right click your *.msi file and click edit with orca.
Go to property table and add new entry DISABLEADVTSHORTCUTS and value is 1 , save and close.
Now you done.
Install using setup.exe file and check the target of the shortcuts. those are directly target to the exe file in application folder.
Now if you right click on the shortcuts those shows Run as Administrator option in context menu.
Note: Doing this you will gain Run as Administrator but scarify the windows auto repair capability.