How can I use mlpack in Cython? - c++

I downloaded the source files, but I don't know how to combine it with Cython. Is there a Cython wrapper for mlpack?

mlpack's build infrastructure will automatically generate Cython bindings; all you need to do is the usual build instructions:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../
make && sudo make install
Just make sure that when you configure with CMake, the necessary dependencies are available (the output from CMake will tell you).
You can also see for more details.


Install eigen3.3.7 on MacOS

I am trying to build a program on MacOS and that program requires Eigen version <= 3.3.7 but mine has 3.3.8 with brew install eigen
I went to Eigen website but 3.3.7 source is no longer available anymore.
Any workaround?
Thanks a lot!
Updates: thanks a lot but I am still very confused with how to proceed. Below is the information of the installation details and directory info.
The directory of the program source code that I want to build look like:
the program has the following instructions:
Create the build directory in the source tree root
mkdir build
Configure cmake, from the build directory, passing the Shogun source root as an argument. It is recommended to use any of CMake GUIs (e.g. replace cmake .. with ccmake ..), in particular, if you feel unsure about possible parameters and configurations. Note that all cmake options read as -DOPTION=VALUE.
cd build
cmake [options] ..
Install (prepend sudo if installing system-wide), and you are done.
make install
Sometimes you might need to clean up your build (e.g. in case of some major changes). First, try
make clean
Then I have downloaded eigen3.3.7, where the INSTALL file is as following. How should I proceed?
Method 1. Installing without using CMake
You can use right away the headers in the Eigen/ subdirectory. In order
to install, just copy this Eigen/ subdirectory to your favorite location.
If you also want the unsupported features, copy the unsupported/
subdirectory too.
Method 2. Installing using CMake
Let's call this directory 'source_dir' (where this INSTALL file is).
Before starting, create another directory which we will call 'build_dir'.
cd build_dir
cmake source_dir
make install
You can install Eigen 3.3.7 by compiling the source code(available here).

Cmake question: How do I use vcpkg to install dependencies automatically?

I'm working on c++ project on a linux machine and it uses several boost libraries. I've installed them on my system using vcpkg and build it using the toolchain provided by vcpkg. My question is:
How do I define the dependencies so that they automatically install on a different system, if they were to build it?
Conan has a way of doing it by defining the dependencies in conanfile.txt. How do I do the same with vcpkg?
Edit1: I've found autovcpkg which does the job I'm looking to do but can the same be done natively inside cmakelists.txt or by vcpkg itself?
If you have vcpkg as a submodule for your project, define a manifest for the libraries you want vcpkg to build, and are using the vcpkg CMake toolchain - then you will get everything you want.
Adding vcpkg as a submodule means that your users don't need to install it themselves, the CMake toolchain will install it on your behalf. It also means that you can fix the package versions
Using a manifest file is how you programmatically tell vcpkg which packages to get and build during a CMake configuration phase
Using a CMake toolchain file is the only way to tie this into your project's build system
$ git clone .../my_project
$ cd ./my_project
$ git submodule update --init
$ mkdir ../build
$ cd ../build
$ cmake ../my_project
-- Running vcpkg install
-- Running vcpkg install - done
I've found autovcpkg which does the job I'm looking to do but can the same be done natively inside cmakelists.txt or by vcpkg itself?
You can write a vcpkg port for your library or executable by providing a CONTROL and portfile.cmake file. In the CONTROL file you define all the dependencies and possible features while the portfile contains the build instruction. You can use vcpkg create <myport> <url> <filename> to create the CONTROL and portfile.cmake from a template which can be customized to your needs.
Together with a port-overlay this port can also be used by others without being merged into vcpkg/master

gRPC cmake installation doesn't generate targets file

I've been trying to build and install gRPC with cmake. Building the project went relatively smoothly with ninja after some confusion related to acquiring nuget packages and updating the git submodules.
I am having trouble installing gRPC though. After reading the cmake file I discovered that you need to manually set the gRPC_INSTALL cache variable to ON in order for cmake to generate an install target. After doing this I can invoke the install target and the libraries and headers and cmake config files are emplaced. But the cmake targets file is missing, and it isn't even being generated. The config file is simple, all it does is call the targets file:
But it doesn't look like the CMakeLists file in gRPC is even attempting to generate this file, unless I am missing something? You can't even build the example cpp project in the gRPC repo with cmake because when it tries to find the gRPC package, the config file fails to find gRPCTargets.cmake. So what is the proper way to build, install, and link to gRPC with cmake? I am on Windows but that shouldn't matter with cmake.
on OSX:
run these command:
cd grpc
mkdir -p cmake/build
cd cmake/build
cmake -DgRPC_INSTALL=ON -DgRPC_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DgRPC_PROTOBUF_PROVIDER=package -DgRPC_ZLIB_PROVIDER=package -DgRPC_CARES_PROVIDER=package -DgRPC_SSL_PROVIDER=package -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/Cellar/openssl/1.0.2r -DOPENSSL_LIBRARIES=/usr/local/Cellar/openssl/1.0.2r/lib ../..
make install

How can I build libpoppler from source?

I just download poppler to Linux system,and I want to incorporate it in my app to parse pdf file.
(My goal is to convert pdf file to plain text.)
How can I do this?
Poppler's git tree includes a useless INSTALL doc that just tells you to run ./configure, but they don't include automake/autoconf auto-generated files (including configure) in git. (Probably they do include them in tarball source releases.)
I just built poppler from git source (on Ubuntu 15.04) like so:
git clone --depth 50 --no-single-branch git://
cmake -G 'Unix Makefiles' # other -G options are to generate project files for various IDEs
# look at the output. If it didn't find some libraries,
# install them with your package manager and re-run cmake
make -j4
# optionally:
sudo make install
It appears that they maintain an autoconf/automake build setup, so you can use that OR cmake to create a Makefile.
If you just want to see if the latest git poppler works better than the distro package, you don't need to sudo make install, you can just run utils/pdftotext or whatever right from the source directory. It apparently tells the linker to embed the build path into the binary, as a library search path, so running /usr/local/src/poppler/utils/pdftotext works, and finds /usr/local/src/poppler/
If the latest poppler does work better than the distro-packaged poppler, you should install it to /usr/local/bin with sudo make install. When you upgrade to the next version of your distro, check your /usr/local. Often the new distro version will be newer than when you built it from source, so you should just remove your version from /usr/local/{bin,share,lib,man,include}. (Or make uninstall in the source dir, if supported).
Their website explains it very clearly :
Poppler is available from git. To clone the repository use the following command:
git clone git://
Once you download the source code, read the INSTALL file where it says :
cd to the directory containing the package's source code and type
./configure to configure the package for your system.
Type `make' to compile the package.
Type `make install' to install the programs and any data files and
Since some time has passed and it seems there was some uncertainty, I also took a look.
At the end of 2021, their homepage says
We run continuous integration via the gitlab CI
I checked out their .gitlab-ci.yml which has many build tasks. It would seem these days we build libpoppler like this:
git clone git:// test.repo
mkdir -p build && cd build
cmake -DTESTDATADIR=`pwd`/../test.repo -G Ninja ..

Can't run, what should I do?

I got a C project to compile and run in Linux. It is a very big project with many subdirectories. Inside the parent directory there are files and
I tried running make -f, and got the following error:
make: Nothing to be done for `'.
What does it mean? How do I accomplish my task?
These files are used with the Autotools suite. files are compiled to Makefiles using automake.
Have a look to see if there is a configure script in the directory. If there is, then type:
If not, then run:
in the directory, which should create the configure script (you will need to have the Autotools suite installed to run this).
After that, you should have a configure script that you can run.
After the configure is complete, you should have a normal Makefile in the directory, and will be able to run
What has been left out: are transformed to using automake. are transformed to Makefile by running configure.
Neither of these (Makefile.{am,in}) are supposed to be used with make -f.
If the tarball already ships with configure, just run that and make. If it does not, run ./ or bootstrap(*). If that does not exist, use autoreconf instead.
(*) autogen/bootstrap: A convenience script added by developers that should just call autoreconf. Unfortunately there are some people that eschew autoreconf and unnecessarily call all the lowlevel commands themselves.
To supplement what has already been said:
Search for a script called configure in the project directory. If it is there, building the project will be:
and optionally, to install:
sudo make install
or su -c "make install"
Even if there is no configure script. there might be one Run this script to generate the configure script and do as above. is probably to be used with automake.
you might also just want to try
make -f
Since this is the product of running automake