Setting Up Qt 5 - c++

I downloaded and installed the community version of Qt 5.10 and Qt Creator for a C++ project I'm working on. I'm just wondering if I did something wrong during the installation because in my options, there is no cmake file, or any debuggers. Or am I supposed to set these up myself?


QT5 Creator "/usr/bin/g++" is used by qmake, but "/usr/bin/g++-9" is configured in the kit

In QT5 Creator, I changed the compiler version in the project kit, but it's throwing the above error now(note: 'g++' in this context refers to version 10, which QT5 isn't compatible with). I found some information on using terminal commands to change some stuff with qmake, but does anyone know how I can fix this?
Edit: To clarify, a kit different from the default kit is being used for this project(that's what I changed), and I'm migrating this project from QT4 to QT5. This is installed on Ubuntu, and there aren't multiple versions of QT on here(installed from Ubuntu repositories)

Do I need to install Mingw compiler components in Qt installation if i had already installed Mingw in my computer?

I installing Qt open source framework in my window 10 pc. I already downloaded Mingw compiler and installed it to write C/C++. Now I wanna learn QT framework. I using Qt online installer. I choice to download custom compoment. Do I need to selet mingw component to download if i had already installed?
Note that there's not just one MinGW distribution and version out there. You can check out the exact supported version per Qt release at .
Anyhow, if you install the pre-built Qt binaries via the online installer, the matching MinGW version will automatically be installed for you, and will be registered in Qt Creator so that things just work. There is actually no official way to prevent this.

how to configure code::blocks to work with Qt?

i want to know how how to configure code::blocks to work with qt to create QT Applications..
i have installed the latest version of QT that is 5.3.2 and i have QT creator ( but don't want to use it) . can someone explain the Code::Blocks Settings for Qt Development ? or what the directories and libraries should i add tho the project ??
i tried this way but i didn't find the directories in the article.

c++ Qt Qwt build issue

I a Qt neophyte so I apologize in advance if this question is obvious...
I just downloaded and installed the latest version of Qt Creator 5 as well as Qwt (Qt Widgets for Technical Applications) on my Windows7 machine. does not build using QT Creator on my windows machine.
It all worked fine on my Ubuntu machine using Qt Creator 4.
Is there a compatibility issue with Qwt and the newest version of Qt??
Have you installed the MinGW version Qt? If not make sure you have installed Visual Studio, which contains the MSVC compiler. To get started use the MinGW version, the MSVC compiler is faster on Windows but more complicated to set up. For testing run qmake in your Qwt directory directly from the Qt console (start menu). Also make sure you can build a simple hello world project with Qt Creator first.

Qt error after switch to ITK 4

We have a Windows7 VS2008 C++ app that uses both ITK 3.10.1 and Qt 4.5. We run CMake 2.6-patch 4 to generate both ITK and our app C++ projects, and everything run OK.
Now I switch to ITK 4.1.0, and to do this I had to upgrade CMake from 2.6 to 2.8 and generate ITK 4.5 and our app with this CMake. Now ITK compiles OK, but the app does not. The error dialog reads "There is no Qt version assigned to this project for platform Win32. Please use the 'change Qt version' feature and choose a valid Qt version for this platform.".
The platform was Win32 and still is; the computer is the same, and I did not touch Qt. Obviously I did not do something that should be done or did something that should not.
Any help will be highly appreciated.