Code Generation in TDS - sitecore

I am new in TDS and i'm a bit lost in 'Code Generation' property. I can't fully understand the process going on in here and don't really know what to do next. I've followed the instructions here --> ' ' to enable code generation. I created those header and template files and clicked 'Regenerate code for all items' which generated a cs file that contains 2963 lines of code. I don't know if i'm doing the right thing. Please help me understand.


How do I use the "launch.json" in VS Code to automaticly select enviroment and Konfiguration for C++

Very simple question.
Every time I want to run my C++ program in VS code by hitting F5, VS Code askes me to choose one of 2 enviroments
and then again to select a konfiguration (for some reason it only allows me upload one picture total here but the 2nd choise lets me choose between the g++ compiler which I use or a cpp one which I don't.)
So every time I hit F5 i need to hit enter twice which is just a little anoying.
I'm shure you can easiely fix that with the launch.json but I don't know how.
I read the documentation and the doc for debugging in C++ in VS Code but that doesn't explain how to use the launch.json for my problem ... or even at all.
I don't know how better to search for this so I ask here.
Can anyone give me a hint in the right direction?

debugging options with rmarkdown

I am using the rmarkdown with the rshiny for generating word file reports. I am using the R studio-server for development. On executing the rshiny application, it halts due to some error in the one of the rmarkdown.
The error says...
Quitting from lines 11-486 (/home/KS127/dev/shiny_apps/pashiny/inst/shiny/dataframe_source.Rmd)
Quitting from lines NA-486 (/home/KS127/dev/shiny_apps/pashiny/inst/shiny/dataframe_source.Rmd)
It's providing the line numbers which are not useful to identify the root cause. Adding print statements are also not useful as I am generating the word file report, until and unless the complete .Rmd doesn't get successfully executed, I won't be able to see print statements output.
I tried changing the rmarkdown output setting from chunk output inline to chunk output to console as mentioned here as well but it is of no use.
Is there any way to print the .Rmd file print statements or the output to the console or is there any way to debug the .Rmd file?
In addition to my comment above, Abhinandan, I've recently stumbled across a new package, called testrmd.
Although it is new, it seems to work with a number of different test packages and provides a useful front-end for Rmarkdown documents. (I'm certainly going to use it.)
You might want to check it out. Here's the link:
I hope this helps you.
See My .Rmd file becomes very lengthy. Is that possible split it and source() it's smaller portions from main .Rmd?
That's what I do. -
Split your code chunks in separate files and add them one by one

How to register Shell Thumbnail handlers

I am trying to define 2 custom filetypes that I want them to feature thumbnail previews within windows explorer and I used this code sample ( to register the new shell extension but I can only make one of them work at a time.
The moment I try to register the second one it seems it replaces the IThumbnailProvider's Handler Subkey {E357FCCD-A995-4576-B01F-234630154E96} and breaks the first filetype's registration. If anyone has some experience with this, my question is,
can I register more than 1 filetypes at a time using this code sample?
Is there an alternative?
Thank you!
I managed to register more than 1 custom files, but the way I did it leaves me baffled... So if anyone could take the time to explain it to me I d sure appreciate it.
I copied the c++ project/solution to a new folder, changed the custom filetype parameters inside the code to match my 2nd custom filetype needs, build this new project and registered the resulting .dll.
So basically, what made it work, is that when you build the project/ solution the files that are being produced (the .dll being just one of them) are essential for the thumbnail handler to work.
And this is what baffles me.
I would expect that after you register the .dll, the new filetype is established and that I could even get rid off the aforementioned files. But apparently not only you have to register the .dll, but also make sure you keep the other files that are being produced upon built, unchanged in everyway.
So that basically means, 1 project/solution per custom filetype, nicely saved in its own folder :)
Is this the right way to do this, or am I just hacking it here?

Injecting new section into PE file. Having trouble

So I've been spending the last 2 days trying to inject a new section into a PE file, but unfortunuately, without much luck. I am able to dis-assemble, and then re-assemble the whole PE, but when I try to inject a new section, the file becomes corrupt. As soon as I try to launch the file, I get the useless error message "This program cannot be run.". I wanted to try and fix it myself, but I'm completely stuck. Here is my code, there are a couple of temporary hacks in there for debugging purposes, which I will get rid of later.
My code:
Sorry for the rather large file, but the problem is that I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. Any help is appriciated.
My goal is to write a packer which would allow me to secure exe files. I'd have a builder, which encrypts all the existing sections, adds a new executable section, and change the entry point to that section. The code in the new section would decrypt the other sections, and jump to the original entry point.
I can see the new .inj section with PE explorer, and it also displays the data "Test".

sketch flow -- how do we rename .xaml and .cs files without breaking sketchflow map?

how do we rename .xaml and .cs files?
would like to be able to keep development in synch with the original sketchflow. i.e. sketchflow has features such as the ability to collect client feedback on a per screen basis, etc.
... I kind of answered my own question here, so I'll post it as a follow up. Asked the original question 9 hours ago on the MS site without response... still trying to work out where the best place is to talk to the community, so sorry for the duplicate.
Context: Sketchflow is a prototyping tool. In large teams possibly you want to keep the prototype seperate from the finished version, or there's a large prototyping phase.
My view is that I really like Sketchflow. It's one of the coolest things I've seen for a while (well done Microsoft).
... so for me, I want the prototype to become a the finished product. I want the designers to step in and make transitions whenever they want. I want the designers to kick the process off, and the developers to put in the detail. I'd like our customers to be able to post feedback at any time during the build process. btw: get your developers to check out MVVM. It's very cool.
My bet is that the feedback could get lost if you make a breaking change (a file rename) -- so just beware of that. That wont be a problem for us. We'll get our file names to make sense and then mostly leave it alone. Of course MS could fix this this by creating a globally unique id (Guid) for each screen that is created. Perhaps they've done this already. If someone from MS reads this, please put this on your requested features list.
So here is the answer that works for me:
don't try to hand-edit the xaml / cs, as all the cross referencing that you might be doing with behaviors will break if you aren't really careful. Typical files that need to be modified: .csproj, Sketch.Flow, xxxx.xaml, and xxxx.cs.
To auto do it, download a tool like Ultraedit. Alternatively, you might be able to just use VS 2010 (untested).
Steps with ultraedit:
Search/Replace In Files...
Find in files... "Screen_1_19"
Replace with... "Welcome"
In Files/Types... "."
Match Whole Word Only
Hit "Start"
follow the prompts
rename the files (.xaml & .cs) to be Welcome.???? (where ???? is .xaml or .cs) . Since I use SVN, this step gets done for me in one step (no big deal).
If using VS2010 for steps 1 through 8, be careful do longer string replacements first e.g. Screen_1_19 before Screen_1. I think VS treats _ as a word break. On ultraedit you'll be fine.
If there's interest, in the spare time that I don't currently have, I could release a quick tool to do this on codeplex.
** note: because we are working with XML and XML is very particular about being correct, I close expression blend down, and then reopen it again after the replace/rename to see if I was successful + my screen map still has all the flow lines still drawn in.
answer is above in the body of the question.