Google Maps Embed without cookies - cookies

I'm currently using a Google Maps embed on my website like this.
It shows me the correct position as well as raitings, opening hours and so on.
The only problem I have is that it places some cookies which I am not allowed to use (EU law, it would require some specific informations I do not want to display).
I already read some threads where people advised to use Google Maps API V3 but I can't figure out how to display the exact same informations like icon, raiting.
Is there any way to remove those cookies using the iframe method?


Cookies set by Google Maps Javascript API

I am using Google Maps JavaScript API in my website to display maps of various locations.
Based on online info and a couple of relevant posts on SO, the API is not supposed to create any cookies when called.
However, I have noticed that once in a while, just when rendering a map, I get two additional cookies in my browser: 1P_JAR & CONSENT (both from the domain
Whenever I delete the cookies they won't come back for a while even after numerous renditions of maps.
As a source for the Maps API I am using
It seems then that I am wrong believing that the API would not create any cookies. Could somenone confirm? And most importantly, is there a way to avoid those cookies being created in my website?

How to get the widget data using rest api or some other ways in ESB6.5?

I want use another dashboard project based on Javascript to show data ,but I don`t know how to get the Statistical data. Is there any api or some way to get the data?
It would be better if you can share what kind of data do you want to portrait in your dashboard. Anyhow you can use the admin services available in ESB 6.5 to get the available data.

Displaying my own analytics data to unauthenticated users

I am writing this question after considerable investigation into this matter.
I have gone through Google's easy dashboards (gadash JS library), superProxy and plain analytics API, and couldn't find the best solution for my needs, although I can't believe my needs are so uncommon.
This is why I am turning to you, I have got a feeling I am missing something.
My requirement:
Display my own analytics account data to users on my website, preferably with Google's chart API or ga-dash, to resemble google analytics views as much as possible.
Users will not have to take part in authentication with Google API
Each user has his own query which is built dynamically !! (this is probably why superProxy cannot work for me because I think you need to manually set the queries in advance)
I use django-python as the basis for my website
problems with solutions I tried:
GAdash library - the problem is that each user has to be authenticated, and shown their own data, meaning they need access to my profile- that's simply not what I am looking for. It works great, but only for me. On the other hand if there was a way to make my profile truly public...
superProxy - sounds like a solution for this need exactly, however I don't think that you can programmatically set the queries.
I did find a way to retrieve the data for a query on the server side using my own credential which is a bit hacky, I am still missing that JS library which will parse this XML on the client side and display it as charts.
I ended up using Mark's solution (embeddedanalytics), since I could not find a better, easier solution.
Other alternatives were:
1. superProxy (lacking the ability to dynamically, programmatically loading new queries)
2. gaDash library - requires authentication from each user
3. Implement my own server side querying, and display to the user with some js graphics library - which would require considerable work on my side.
Check out This is a platform/service which will do exactly what you are looking to do (disclosure - I work with them).
We also support your requirement that each user have its own dynamically built query. This is what we call our CMS Integration version. Are you trying to create a dashboard system for a CMS system you have built?

Can I prompt a user to log in to facebook through a bookmarklet generated div?

I'm looking to see some info about my facebook contacts, and I want the info to be overlayed on the currently open website.
Currently, I'm trying to do this via a bookmarklet.
Is it possible for me to overlay a div over the currently open web page and populate it with a functioning facebook login button (if the user is not logged in)? Are there publicly available working examples of something like this?
It is probably not possible to simply embed Facebook within an iframe because Facebook blocks people from embedding their pages within frames or iframes by putting this into the response header, "X-Frame-Options: DENY". This is most likely to prevent click-jacking and similar security exploits.
To test this, enter any page from Facebook into
Facebook has an API which allows you to do many things, but it requires server side code, and can not be done simply with a bookmarklet.
There is also always the brute force method where your server scrapes data from any website you want it to. Then that data could be put into a bookmarklet.
Finally, the same thing could be achieved by writing an add-on or a user script without using a bookmarklet at all.

Displaying Own Data Using OAuth2 and Google APIs with No Login

I am trying to build an application with ColdFusion.
I've been reading documentation and trying things out for days and for the life of my I can't seem to figure out how to display my own data to users from Google's APIs using OAuth2.
For example, I want to be able to display some of my stats to users with the Google Analytics API. How many unique hits, page views my site gets and from what countries. The data is private, however, so there isn't a way to do so. Or YouTube just changed their API so video tags can no longer be seen unless logged in. I want to be able to show my video tags so they can search for related things on my own site, but I can't pull them because I'm unsure of how to do this.
I know how to display and manipulate public data, but when it comes to private data, I'm at a complete loss. OAuth2 is kicking my butt!
Is there anybody that can please, please help me with OAuth2 so that I can allow my users to see my private Google data without there being any kind of log in process for them? Examples using ColdFusion would be so much appreciated.
The answer is more or less what I said at How to retrieve my own private playlist through YouTube API?
You'd want to use the OAuth 2 for Installed Applications flow, and generate new access tokens via your refresh token when your old access token expires. I'm not familiar with any libraries for doing OAuth 2 in Cold Fusion, though.