How to get most similar words to a document in gensim doc2vec? - word2vec

I have built a gensim Doc2vec model. Let's call it doc2vec. Now I want to find the most relevant words to a given document according to my doc2vec model.
For example, I have a document about "java" with the tag "doc_about_java". When I ask for similar documents, I get documents about other programming languages and topics related to java. So my document model works well.
Now I want to find the most relevant words to "doc_about_java".
I follow the solution from the closed question How to find most similar terms/words of a document in doc2vec? and it gives me seemingly random words, the word "java" is not even among the first 100 similar words:
docvec = doc2vec.docvecs['doc_about_java']
print doc2vec.most_similar(positive=[docvec], topn=100)
I also tried like this:
print doc2vec.wv.similar_by_vector(doc2vec["doc_about_java"])
but it didn't change anything. How can I find the most similar words to a given document?

Not all Doc2Vec modes even train word-vectors. In particular, the PV-DBOW mode dm=0, which often works very well for doc-vector comparisons, leaves word-vectors at randomly-assigned (and unused) positions.
So that may explain why the results of your initial attempt to get a list-of-related-words seem random.
To get word-vectors, you'd need to use PV-DM mode (dm=1), or add optional concurrent word-vector training to PV-DBOW (dm=0, dbow_words=1).
(If this isn't the issue, there maybe other problems in your training setup, so you should show more detail about your data source, size, and code.)
(Separately, your alternate attempt code-line, by using doc2vec["doc_about_java"] is retrieving a word-vector for "doc_about_java" (which may not be present at all). To get the doc-vector, use doc2vec.docvecs["doc_about_java"], as in your first code block.)


Google Natural Language Sentiment Analysis incorrect result

We have Google Natural AI integrated into our product for Sentiment Analysis ( One of the customers complained that when they write "BAD" then it shows a positive sentiment.
On further investigation, we found that when google Sentiment Analysis Natural Language API is called with input as BAD or Bad (pls see its in all caps or first letter caps ), it identifies text as an entity (a location or consumer good) & sends back the result as Positive while when we write "bad" in all small case, it sends negative.
Has anyone faced a similar problem? How did you solve it?
One obvious way looks like converting text into a small case but that may break some other use cases (maybe where entities do not get analyzed due to a small case text). Another way which we are building is to use our own dictionary of words with sentiments before calling google APIs but that doesn't answer the said problem, which may occur with any other text.
Inputs will help us. Thank you!
The NLP API uses an underlying model that is neural in nature. The knowledge comes from training on real world text. It is normal to get different results for different capitalizations as they can relate to different uses of the same trigram, e.g. Mike (person), mike (microphone, slang), MIKE (military alphabet entry).
The second key aspect is that the model is tuned and meant to be used on larger pieces of text and not on single words, hence good results can not be expected in this case.

aligning sentences to corpus and finding mismatches

The ideal goal is to correct the output from a speech2text model according to a reference corpus (the actual text). I don't mind using any off the selves tool either in NLP space or ElasticSearch
I have a reference corpus like the following:
It is a reliance that has led to a cycle of addiction that has
destroyed lives it is a cycle that makes you sick when you try to stop
and potentially takes your life when you don't and beyond its physical
effects this cycle of addiction also includes constant contact with
the criminal justice system and not just a cycle of arrests release
and violation.
In fact its much longer ...
On the other hand, I have a set of sentences that are recognized from a speech-2-text model in a CSV files
1, is a cycle that makes you dick when
2, try two stops and essentially hates your
3, posses activated
4, lives when who don't and beyond
As you can see there because the speech2text model is not perfect there are errors, for example
1) With references to the corpus these subsentences are misspelled (e.g. dick instead of sick in number the sentence number 1
2) there are sentences that do not match to the corpus at all - e.g. number 3
3) putting the sentences together does not cover the whole paragraph.
So basically I wonder what is this task called in the NLP topic, then I can do a better googling, and I appreciate if you name specific functions or examples that I can leverage, e.g. in Space or NLTK or any other tool.
edit : * I already have experience with nlp (coursera certificate) - therefore, looking for a concrete answer and/or example rather a scientific paper. This is not a general error correction task or the next work recommendation based on sequential models.
The most suited NLP technique for this is probably language models.
They predict the likelihood of a word given the previous words (or surrounding words).
They can be used for error correction .
You may find following useful:
Why do you think this is "not a general error correction task"? I think it is. You cool look into 'grammar correction' or 'sentence validity'.
Sentence validity is discussed at How to check whether a sentence is correct (simple grammar check in Python)?. The listed tools also provide suggestions, and could therefore be useful for you.

How generate random word from real languages

How I can generate random word from real language?
Anybody know any API from internet with this functional?
For example I send http-request to 'ht_tp://' and I get responce 'Town'. Or 'Fast'. Or 'Received'... For example I send http-request to 'ht_tp://' and I get responce 'Ходить'. Or 'Шапка'. Or 'Отправлено'... Any form (noun, adjective, verb etc...) of the words of the any language.
I find resource ''. But this is not JSON format, only English, and don't any warranty work in long time.
Please any ideas.
See this answer : Download a word dictionary, stick in the databse and fetch a random record or read a random line from the file each time. This way you don't depend on 3rd party API and you can extend it in all the languages you can find words for.
You can download the OpenOffice dictionaries. They come as extension (oxt), which is nothing different than a ZIP file. You may open them with 7zip or alike. Within you will find lots of files, interesting for you are the *.dic files. They will also contain resolutions or number words.
When you encounter something like abandon/LdS get rid of the /LdS this is used for hunspell.
Take these *.dic files use their name as key, put them into a database and pick a random word from there for a given language code.
Older, but easier to access, the archived hunspell dictionaries from OpenOffice.
This question can be viewed in two ways and therefore I give two answers:
To collect words, I would run a spider on websites with known language (Wikipedia is a good starting point) and strip HTML tags.
To generate words from a real language is trickier. Using statistics from the collected words, it is possible to use Markow chains that produces statistically real words. I have tried letter by letter generation, and that works poorly. It is probably a better approach to use syllable construction instead.

Best approach for doing full-text search with list-of-integers documents

I'm working on a C++/Qt image retrieval system based on similarity that works as follows (I'll try to avoid irrelevant or off-topic details):
I take a collection of images and build an index from them using OpenCV functions. After that, for each image, I get a list of integer values representing important "classes" that each image belongs to. The more integers two images have in common, the more similar they are believed to be.
So, when I want to query the system, I just have to compute the list of integers representing the query image, perform a full-text search (or similar) and retrieve the X most similar images.
My question is, what's the best approach to permorm such a search?
I've heard about Lucene, Lemur and other indexing methods, but I don't know if this kind of full-text searchs are the best way, given the domain is reduced (only integers instead of words).
I'd like to know about the alternatives in terms of efficiency, accuracy or C++ friendliness.
It sounds to me like you have a vectorspace model, so Lucene or a similar product may work well for you. In general, an inverted-index model will be good if:
You don't know the number of classes in advance
There are a lot of classes relative to the number of images
If your problem doesn't fit these criteria, a normal relational DB might work better, as Thomas suggested. If it meets #1 but not #2, you could investigate one of the "column oriented" non-relational databases. I'm not familiar enough with these to tell you how well they would work, but my intuition is that you'll need to replicate a lot of the functionality in an IR toolkit yourself.
Lucene is written in Java and I don't know of any C++ ports. Solr exposes Lucene as a web service, so it's easy enough to access it that way from whatever language you choose.
I don't know much about Lemur, but it looks like it has a similar vectorspace model, and it's written in C++, so that might be easier for you to use.
You can take a look at Lucene for image retrieval (LIRE) here:
If I'm mistaken, you are trying to implement a typical bag of words image retrieval am I correct? If so you are probably trying to build an inverted file index. Lucene on its own is not suitable as you probably have already realized as it index text instead of numbers. Using its classes for querying the index would also be a problem as it is not designed to "parse" (i.e. detect keypoints, extract descriptors then vector-quantize them) image into the query vector.
LIRE on the other hand have been modified to index feature vectors. However, it does not appear to work out of the box for bag of words model. Also, I think I've read on the author's website that it currently uses brute force matching rather than the inverted file index to retrieve the images but I would expect it to be easier to extend than Lucene itself for your purposes.
Hope this helps.

Is there a way to build an easy related posts app in django

It seems to by my nightmare for the last 4 weeks,
I can't come up with a solution for a "related posts" app in django/python in which it takes the users input and comes out with a related post that matches closely with the original input. I've tried using like statements but it seems that they are not sensitive enough.
Such as which i need typos to also be taken into consideration.
is there a library that could save me from all my pain and suffering?
Well, I suppose there are a few different ways to normalize the user input to produce desirable results (although I'm not sure to what extent libraries exist for them). One of the easiest ways to get related posts would be to compare the tags present on that post (granted your posts have tags). If you wanted to go another route, I would take the following steps: remove stop words from the subject, use some kind of stemmer on the remainder, and finally treat the remaining words as "tags" to compare with other posts. For the sake of efficiency, it would probably be a good idea to run these steps in a batch process on all of your current posts and store off the resulting "tags." As far as typos, I'm sure there are a multitude of spelling corrector libraries exist (I found this one after a few seconds with Google).