timeout in retrieving the WSO2EI service wsdl from php on pass through transport - wso2

After installing WSO2EI-6.1.1 to migrate from my old WSO2DSS to EI, I was trying to setup a simple php wsdl soup client to call the "Version" service from php with a direct link to service wsdl and I'm getting the following error:
php code:
try {
$client = new SoapClient("http://server-ip:8280/services/Version?wsdl");
$response = $client->getVersion();
} catch (SoapFault $fault) {
echo $fault->getMessage();
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 120 seconds exceeded
Seems like the connection is timing out... I have tried to get the service wsdl with file_get_contents with the same result, timing out. well sometimes it works with a terrible loading time of like 90-100 seconds, but most of the times it times out.
$wsdl = file_get_contents("http://server-ip:8280/services/Version?wsdl");
I have tested the link in browser and it is loading fine. Also tested with curl from linux command line and it loads fine there as well so the link is accessible.
curl -v http://server-ip:8280/services/Version?wsdl
So the timeout happens only when I try to retrieve the wsdl from within php. however if I download and save the wsdl file and pass the local xml file in php instead, then the service works fine and the version is fetched and displayed.
try {
$client = new SoapClient("Version.xml");
$response = $client->getVersion();
} catch (SoapFault $fault) {
echo $fault->getMessage();
So it seems like the problem is only fetching the wsdl directly from server in php and the rest of the communication between the server and the client is working fine.
after few hours searching I decided to try nhttp transport in transportReceiver configuration of axis2 instead of pass through transport and the problem is solved. however, reading the docs it is noted that the default transport is pass through and it is better in terms of performance compared to nhttp.
so is it a bug or something there causing the problem or am I doing something wrong and its possible to retrieve the wsdl directly from server within php while using the pass through transport?
when I use port numbers 9763 for http or 9443 for https instead of 8280 and 8243 to access services or service wsdl then I can access services or wsdl from php with no problems. So can anyone please explain to me whats the difference when using the port number 9763 or 8280 to access a service over http transport? Is it ok to use 9763 instead of 8280 to deal with services or to use 9443 instead of 8243? Is it still using the passthru transport when I use ports 9763 and 9443?

All WSO2 servers have two types of transports — servlet and passthrough (or nhttp). These are used for different purposes. Servlet transports are exposed over port 9443 and 9763 by default. This is the port used by admin services and the management console. The version service also uses the same port. For the services that you write and deploy, they are exposed over 8280 and 8243 ports. To answer your question, for this service you have to use 9763 or 9443 ports. And you will be accessing the Version service over servlet transport and not passthrough transport.


Jetty 9.0 embeded config with SPDY but without SSL/NPN

SSL/NPN will be handled via our loadbalancer (Haproxy), so I don't really need Jetty to do this for us.
But all the examples I can see on the web only show how to do this with SSL/NPN, not without.
Here's what I've attempted so far:
Server server = new Server();
HTTPConfiguration httpConfig = .... // set up some additional http config here
PushStrategey push = new ReferrerPushStrategy();
List<ConnectionFactory> factories = new ArrayList<>();
factories.add(new HTTPSPDYServerConnectionFactory(SPDY.V3, httpConfig, push));
factories.add(new HTTPSPDYServerConnectionFactory(SPDY.V2, httpConfig, push));
factories.add(new HTTPConnectionFactory(httpConfig));
ServerConnector connector = new ServerConnector(server, factories.toArray(new ConnectionFactory[factories.size()]));
Unfortunately, it seems something is wrong, when I try to access the server via clients like curl or my browser they hang indefinitely. What am I doing wrong?
When you configure a ServerConnector to speak clear-text SPDY, your clients must also speak clear-text SPDY.
If you use clients like curl or the browser, they don't speak clear-text SPDY. The clients will send a HTTP request which is not understood (the server expects SPDY), and that's why your connection "hangs".
Only Chromium/Chrome has a mode where you can make it speak clear-text SPDY, using the --use-spdy=no-ssl parameter as described here.
Therefore, if you're using clear-text SPDY there is no point in configuring multiple ServerConnectionFactory because there is no way to select one based on the protocol being negotiated, because there is no protocol negotiation.
The protocol negotiation only happens when using SSL+NPN.
Your code is basically correct (apart the unnecessary multiple ServerConnectionFactory) if you really want to setup a clear-text SPDY ServerConnector; this is an example of how the same is setup in the Jetty SPDY test suite.
Finally, see also the reference documentation about SPDY.

mule versioning on web service

I have the same mule webservice application with 2 different versions deployed on the same mule server. Let's call it MuleApp.1.0 and MuleApp.1.1. The flow is as simple as the example of webservice flow on mulesoft website. Their wsdl urls are different as:
Both of them are working as expected when the other is not deploying on the mule server. The issue happens when I having both of them deployed on the same mule server like what I used to do in WebLogic. Now I am able to access MuleApp.1.1, but when I tried to access MuleApp.1.0, I got the error as below
07-Mar-2013:14:52:57.142 VWILVM3667 [MuleApp.1.1].connector.http.mule.default.receiver.03
WARN org.mule.transport.http.HttpMessageReceiver NA
No receiver found with secondary lookup on connector: connector.http.mule.default with URI key: http://www.myhost.com:25101/MuleApp.1.0/Service
This is supposed to be a very common versionning case. What did I miss in my config?
You can't have two different applications sharing the same HTTP port in the same Mule instance.
So what probably happens is that MuleApp.1.0 doesn't deploy properly (check the logs), which is why there is no endpoint listening on /MuleApp.1.0.
Use a different port in the two apps,
Put both flows in a single app.
Create a frontal app that listens on port 25101 and both /MuleApp.1.0 and /MuleApp.1.1 paths and that dispatches requests to MuleApp.1.0 and MuleApp.1.1 on private ports (say 25102 and 25103).
I finally deployed my application on tomcat, and replaced http inbound endpoint with servlet inbound endpoint. I configure the web.xml with servlet class org.mule.transport.servlet.MuleReceiverServlet. Now I am able to deploy multiple applications on the same port.

Duplicate Soap Requests

We are upgrading from 10.0 to 10.3.6. Our web app is running in a DMZ and uses .jar files created with clientgen to invoke JAX-RPC web service operations deployed on our internal network by going through an XML firewall. My problem is that the XML firewall is behaving as though the HTTP request to invoke the web service operation was sent twice, when as near as I can tell it was only sent once. I set the following properties to view the soap traffic:
Unfortunately I don't have access to the XML firewall but I have been able to get the log entires for my service endpoints. I can see that it reports receiving duplicate requests but for the life of me I don't know how this can be happening. This does not happen when the web service clients are running on version 10.0.
I've tried everything I can think of to troubleshoot this problem. I'm hoping somebody here can offer up some suggestions or perhaps tell me if this is a known issue.
You could use TCP Monitor to intercept the SOAP traffic between your server and the firewall.
This way you can tell if the requests are being sent twice or if there is some internal issue with the firewall.
Also, after you intercept the requests, you can use again TCP Monitor or SOAP UI to re-send the request to emulate the webserver and debug the firewall.

Testing a remote web service with soapUI

I have a Javax web service deployed in a remote Linux machine within a JBoss ESB container. I am able to test the web service using soapUI on the same machine as where the service is deployed. The WDSL URI I used was something like
What I would like to do is to be able to test the same service from another machine using soapUI. I tried replacing with the IP address of the machine where the service is deployed. This does not seem to work. Can someone tell me what I am missing here?
a sum of things could go wrong there - as already mentioned by the others the firewall is blocking access for the given (address, port) pair. Another thing that happened to me was that the WSDL was generated using the name of the machine it was deployed on and whenever I was trying to call the service from a different machine it was complaining that I cannot find the given machine.
You need to test network connectively. One tool you can use is plain old telnet. If you telnet to the ip/port combo of the web server, you will get a response (an HTTP error). For example:
$ telnet 8080
If you get nothing then there is almost certainly a firewall blocking access.
If you are convinced that no firewall is blocking you, the other possibility is that the web server is only bound to the local network adapter ( and not the other network adapters (ethernet/wifi). This is very unlikely however.

BizTalk web-service call: unable to connect to remote server

I am trying to call a web service from a BizTalk (2006) orchestration.
Having got the hang of the basics, I have been following this tutorial (page 74 onwards) in which i have a web reference to an external web service (I am using this web service instead of the one in the tutorial), I have my web message in a Send component, and have set up the request / response ports for the web service call.
I'm fairly sure that eveything is set up correctly, but my orchestration fails to call the web service with the following error:
The adapter failed to transmit the message going to send port
with URL "http://www.webservicex/net/CurrencyConvertor.asmx.
WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server.
SocketException: An existing connection was forcibly
closed by the remote host
The IP is the address for the web service I am trying to connect to. I am trying to narrow down the reasons for the error, e.g.:
Firewall issues
Proxy server issues (I don't know how to configure BizTalk to use a proxy server)
Something else
The BizTalk server can ping the web service, I can access the internet (through IE), I can add the WebReference to the project successfully (meaning at least the orchestration designer can access the web service okay). I have also tried a different web service, with the same result.
Any ideas on finding out why this is happening or how to find out more info? (I'm new to BizTalk)
I've seen this veru vague error before for many different reasons. Two suggestions.
Download something like NetMon and watch what is going on on the wire.
Turn off chunked encoding. For some reason, many web services don't handle this well.
Let us know what you find out.
Could this not be an authentication issue? Check that you can connect to the webservice using the Bts credentials.
This turned out to be a proxy issue.
By navigating to Biz Talk Group -> Platform Settings -> Adapters -> SOAP, I was able to configure the BizTalk server host's SOAP adapter (which is what the web service call uses to make the call) to use our company proxy server correctly. Double click the 'send' SOAP adapter, go to Properties under adapter name.