Color image boundary based on local curvature - c++

I am searching for an algorithm (using OpenCV C or C++) which does this:
Given the boundary image, I want to find the local curvature at all points and color map it, which is what is done in the image displayed above. I got this image from Wikipedia but haven't been able to find out a way to color the boundary in this way. Kindly let me know how it can be done.
If you observe the boundary, red denotes boundary has high slope, yellow shows that the boundary is almost linear.
How can this be done?
Just to give you an idea of how I was trying to do this since two days:
I used the openCV functions convexHull and convexityDefects but realized that I am going in the wrong direction. I have to work only on the contours/boundaries of the binary image.

You can solve the problem by fitting a path of cubic Bezier curves to the boundary, then taking the curvature analytically.
The boundary consists of a list of points in x, y at pixel centres, each point 1px or root 2 px form the next in the list. You need to fit a smooth cubic Bezier path to this, using a technique by Schnider in Graphics Gems (Gems 1, pp 612, An algorithm for Fitting digitized curves).
The step along the curve taking tiny steps which are always sub-pixel, and
take the curvature using
double BezierCurve::Curvature(double t) const
// Nice mathematically perfect formula
//Vector2 d1 = Tangent(t);
//Vector2 d2 = Deriv2(t);
//return (d1.x * d2.y - d1.y * d2.x) / pow(d1.x * d1.x + d1.y * d1.y, 1.5);
// Get the cubic coefficients like this, I store them in the Bezier
// class
a = p3 + 3.0 * p1 - 3.0 * p2 - p0;
b = 3.0 * p0 - 6.0 * p1 + 3.0 * p2;
c = 3.0 * p1 - 3.0 * p0;
d = p0;
double dx, dy, ddx, ddy;
dx = 3 * this->ax * t*t + 2 * this->bx * t + this->cx;
ddx = 6 * this->ax * t + 2 * this->bx;
dy = 3 * this->ay * t*t + 2 * this->by * t + this->cy;
ddy = 6 * this->ay * t + 2 * this->by;
if (dx == 0 && dy == 0)
return 0;
return (dx*ddy - ddx*dy) / ((dx*dx + dy*dy)*sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy));

OpenCV findContours used with mode= CV_RETR_EXTERNAL and method= CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE will give you all boundary pixels ordered such as two subsequent points are neighbors.
To get the radius of a circumference by three points, there are a lot of info in the Web. Because you only need the radius, not the center, this stackexchange answer is fast.
In pseudo code:
vector_of_points = OpenCV::findContours(...)
p1 = vector start
p2, p3 are next points in vector
//boundary is circular, so in the first loop pass we must adjust
p2 = next point
p3 = last point
//Use p1 as our iterator
while ( p1 <= vector.end )
radius = calculateRadius(p1, p2, p3)
//set color for pixel p2
setColor(p, radius)
increment p1, p2, p3
adjust for start point = end point


Reflection of a Quaternion

There is a camera represented by a quaternion [w, x, y, z] associated with a position [x, y, z].
The camera is looking at a mirror (plane) defined as a normal and a point residing on the mirror. This mirror may also be represented as the plane equation AX + BY + CZ + D = 0.
Using the information above, how would the reflected/virtual camera be found?
The quaternion roll should be preserved, ie if you are looking directly into a mirror, the quaternion looking back at you should have the same roll and not be upside down. Ray vs plane can be used to find the virtual camera position, the reflected vector origin and 3D direction, but I'm not sure that helps in finding the quaternion. Finding the virtual camera position was easy enough as shown below (I prefer this over the ray vs. plane tracing method due to parallel or looking away case):
//plane equation ax + by + cz + d = 0
float plane_equation[4];//a, b, c, d
plane_equation[0] = mirror_normal[0];
plane_equation[1] = mirror_normal[1];
plane_equation[2] = mirror_normal[2];
float mults[3];
mults[0] = plane_equation[0] * mirror_position[0];
mults[1] = plane_equation[1] * mirror_position[1];
mults[2] = plane_equation[2] * mirror_position[2];
plane_equation[3] = -1 * (mults[0] + mults[1] + mults[2]);
//find the virtual camera position for reflection using the plane equation
//a(p0 + aT) + b(p1 + bT) + c(p2 + cT) + d = 0
//ap0 + bp1 + cp2 + T(a^2 + b^2 + c^2) + d = 0
//U + TV + d = 0
//T = (-d - U) / V
float t_parts[2];
t_parts[0] = plane_equation[0] * cam_pos[0] + plane_equation[1] * cam_pos[1] + plane_equation[2] * cam_pos[2];
t_parts[1] = plane_equation[0] * plane_equation[0] + plane_equation[1] * plane_equation[1] + plane_equation[2] * plane_equation[2];
float t = (-plane_equation[3] - t_parts[0]) / t_parts[1];
//t gets us to the intersection point. 2t gets us to the virtual point
virtual_cam_pos[0] = 2 * t * plane_equation[0] + cam_pos[0];
virtual_cam_pos[1] = 2 * t * plane_equation[1] + cam_pos[1];
virtual_cam_pos[2] = 2 * t * plane_equation[2] + cam_pos[2];
One solution, it could probably be simplified but this works:
Do ray vs plane. There are 3 cases that need to be taken into account. First is looking towards the mirror so that there is an intersection. Second is looking parallel to the mirror. Third is looking away from the mirror (the mirror may still be visible by the camera, do flipped ray vs plane)
Find the reflected vector
Use the distance from the camera position to the mirror intersection point, intersection point, and reflected vector to find the virtual camera position
Use the vector from the virtual camera to the mirror intersection point to create a quaternion
Apply a local roll to the quaternion. An exact equation to find the appropriate amount of roll for all possible cases is a little unclear to me, but this gets most of the way there

Understanding GLSL function to draw polygon using distance field

Could someone help me understand the following function that draws a polygon of N sides (i.e. 3 being a triangle and 4 being a square):
float theta = atan(pos.x, pos.y);
float rotate_angle = 2 * PI / N;
float d = cos(floor(0.5 + theta / rotate_angle) * rotate_angle - theta) * length(pos);
What I understand from this illustration is that:
we're interested in finding the angle indicated by the red curve (call it alpha)
cos(alpha) * length will project the green line onto the blue line
by comparing the size of said projection with that of the blue line (radius of circle), we know whether a test point is inside or outside of the polygon we're trying to draw
Why does alpha equal floor(0.5 + theta / rotate_angle) * rotate_angle - theta? Where does 0.5 come from? What's the significance of theta / rotate_angle?
What I have read:
Simply, floor(0.5 + x) = round(x). However, because round(x) may not be available in some environments (e.g. in GLES2), floor(0.5 + x) is to be used instead.
Then, since n = round(theta / rotate_angle) gives edge section index which contains pos (e.g. n =-1, 0 or 1 for a triangle) , n * rotate_angle is the angle of edge center point(=blue line) which is nearest to the theta.
Therefore, alpha = n * rotate_angle - theta is certainly relative angle from pos to the nearest center, where -rotate_angle/2 < alpha <= rotate_angle/2.
Checking pos's projection length to the center point direction, it's possible to tell inside or outside. To detect discrete direction of polygon edges('s orthogonal vectors) seamlessly, round() function is used.

How to check if a point in a triangle (or on it's edge)

I'm trying to write an algorithm to determine if point is located inside a triangle or on it's edge in 3D coordinate space.
For example, I try to reach such results for different cases
I've figured out how to check if point P inside the triangle, I calculated normal vectors for triangles ABP, BCP, CAP and checked if they are similar.
Can someone explain how to check if a point is on the edge of a triangle (but not outside of a triangle)? You can provide formulas or code as you wish.
Make vectors:
r = p - A (r.x = p.x - A.x, r.y = p.y - A.y, r.z = p.z - A.z)
s = B - A
q = C - A
Calculate normal to ABC plane:
n = s x q (vector product)
Check if p lies in ABC plane using dot product:
dp =
If dp is zero (or has very small value like 1.0e-10 due to the floating point errors, then p is in the plane, and we can continue
Decompose vector p by base vectors s and q. At first check if z-component of normal (n.z) is non-zero. If so, use the next pair of equations (otherwise choose equations for x/z or y/z components):
px = a * sx + b * qx
py = a * sy + b * qy
Solve this system
a = (sy * qx - sx * qy) / (py * qx - px * qy)
b = (px - a * sx) / qx
If resulting coefficients a and b fulfill limits:
a >= 0
b >= 0
a + b <= 1.0
then point p lies in triangle plane inside it.

Algorithm to generate radial gradient

I have this algorithm here:
pc = # the point you are coloring now
p0 = # start point
p1 = # end point
v = p1 - p0
d = Length(v)
v = Normalize(v) # or Scale(v, 1/d)
v0 = pc - p0
t = Dot(v0, v)
t = Clamp(t/d, 0, 1)
color = (start_color * t) + (end_color * (1 - t))
to generate point to point linear gradients. It works very well for me. I was wondering if there was a similar algorithm to generate radial gradients. By similar, I mean one that solves for color at point P rather than solve for P at a certain color (where P is the coordinate you are painting).
//loop through vector
//x and y px position
int x = i%w;
int y = i/w;
float d = distance(center,int2(x,y));
//if within the grad circle
if(d < radius)
//somehow set v[i] alpha to this:
float a = d/r;
Linerise over atan2(dy,dx) where dx is x-center, and dy is y-center.
cx # center x
cy # center y
r1 # ring is defined by two radius
r2 # r1 < r2
c1 # start color
c2 # stop color
ang # start angle
px # currect point x,y
if( px^2 + py^2 <= r2^2 AND px^2 + py^2 >= r1^2 ) # lies in ring?
t= atan2(py-cy,px-cx)+ang
t= t+ pi # atan2 is from -pi to pi
if (t > 2* pi) # it might over 2pi becuse of +ang
t=t/(2*pi) # normalise t from 0 to 1
color = (c1 * t) + (c2 * (1 - t))
Problem whit this algorhitm is that ang is actualy wrong and should be rotated by pi and normalized between 0 and 2pi.
Based on the comment, what you want can still be viewed as a linear gradient -- i.e. you have a line from the center to the outside of the circle, and you have a linear gradient along that line. As such, the calculation is virtually identical to what you already had.
Edit: Okay, apparently I misunderstood what you want. To figure a gradient running around a radius, you still basically linearize it -- figure out the circumference at that radius (2*Pi*R), and then do a linear interpolation along a line of that length.

Creating a linear gradient in 2D array

I have a 2D bitmap-like array of let's say 500*500 values. I'm trying to create a linear gradient on the array, so the resulting bitmap would look something like this (in grayscale):
The input would be the array to fill, two points (like the starting and ending point for the Gradient tool in Photoshop/GIMP) and the range of values which would be used.
My current best result is this:
alt text
...which is nowhere near what I would like to achieve. It looks more like a radial gradient.
What is the simplest way to create such a gradient? I'm going to implement it in C++, but I would like some general algorithm.
This is really a math question, so it might be debatable whether it really "belongs" on Stack Overflow, but anyway: you need to project the coordinates of each point in the image onto the axis of your gradient and use that coordinate to determine the color.
Mathematically, what I mean is:
Say your starting point is (x1, y1) and your ending point is (x2, y2)
Compute A = (x2 - x1) and B = (y2 - y1)
Calculate C1 = A * x1 + B * y1 for the starting point and C2 = A * x2 + B * y2 for the ending point (C2 should be larger than C1)
For each point in the image, calculate C = A * x + B * y
If C <= C1, use the starting color; if C >= C2, use the ending color; otherwise, use a weighted average:
(start_color * (C2 - C) + end_color * (C - C1))/(C2 - C1)
I did some quick tests to check that this basically worked.
In your example image, it looks like you have a radial gradient. Here's my impromtu math explanation for the steps you'll need. Sorry for the math, the other answers are better in terms of implementation.
Define a linear function (like y = x + 1) with the domain (i.e. x) being from the colour you want to start with to the colour your want to end with. You can think of this in terms of a range the within Ox0 to OxFFFFFF (for 24 bit colour). If you want to handle things like brightness, you'll have to do some tricks with the range (i.e. the y value).
Next you need to map a vector across the matrix you have, as this defines the direction that the colours will change in. Also, the colour values defined by your linear function will be assigned at each point along the vector. The start and end point of the vector also define the min and max of the domain in 1. You can think of the vector as one line of your gradient.
For each cell in the matrix, colours can be assigned a value from the vector where a perpendicular line from the cell intersects the vector. See the diagram below where c is the position of the cell and . is the the point of intersection. If you pretend that the colour at . is Red, then that's what you'll assign to the cell.
I'll just post my solution.
int ColourAt( int x, int y )
float imageX = (float)x / (float)BUFFER_WIDTH;
float imageY = (float)y / (float)BUFFER_WIDTH;
float xS = xStart / (float)BUFFER_WIDTH;
float yS = yStart / (float)BUFFER_WIDTH;
float xE = xEnd / (float)BUFFER_WIDTH;
float yE = yEnd / (float)BUFFER_WIDTH;
float xD = xE - xS;
float yD = yE - yS;
float mod = 1.0f / ( xD * xD + yD * yD );
float gradPos = ( ( imageX - xS ) * xD + ( imageY - yS ) * yD ) * mod;
float mag = gradPos > 0 ? gradPos < 1.0f ? gradPos : 1.0f : 0.0f;
int colour = (int)( 255 * mag );
colour |= ( colour << 16 ) + ( colour << 8 );
return colour;
For speed ups, cache the derived "direction" values (hint: premultiply by the mag).
There are two parts to this problem.
Given two colors A and B and some percentage p, determine what color lies p 'percent of the way' from A to B.
Given a point on a plane, find the orthogonal projection of that point onto a given line.
The given line in part 2 is your gradient line. Given any point P, project it onto the gradient line. Let's say its projection is R. Then figure out how far R is from the starting point of your gradient segment, as a percentage of the length of the gradient segment. Use this percentage in your function from part 1 above. That's the color P should be.
Note that, contrary to what other people have said, you can't just view your colors as regular numbers in your function from part 1. That will almost certainly not do what you want. What you do depends on the color space you are using. If you want an RGB gradient, then you have to look at the red, green, and blue color components separately.
For example, if you want a color "halfway between" pure red and blue, then in hex notation you are dealing with
ff 00 00
00 00 ff
Probably the color you want is something like
80 00 80
which is a nice purple color. You have to average out each color component separately. If you try to just average the hex numbers 0xff0000 and 0x0000ff directly, you get 0x7F807F, which is a medium gray. I'm guessing this explains at least part of the problem with your picture above.
Alternatively if you are in the HSV color space, you may want to adjust the hue component only, and leave the others as they are.
void Image::fillGradient(const SColor& colorA, const SColor& colorB,
const Point2i& from, const Point2i& to)
Point2f dir = to - from;
if(to == from)
dir.x = width - 1; // horizontal gradient
dir *= 1.0f / dir.lengthQ2(); // 1.0 / (dir.x * dir.x + dir.y * dir.y)
float default_kx = float(-from.x) * dir.x;
float kx = default_kx;
float ky = float(-from.y) * dir.y;
uint8_t* cur_pixel = base; // array of rgba pixels
for(int32_t h = 0; h < height; h++)
for(int32_t w = 0; w < width; w++)
float k = std::clamp(kx + ky, 0.0f, 1.0f);
*(cur_pixel++) = colorA.r * (1.0 - k) + colorB.r * k;
*(cur_pixel++) = colorA.g * (1.0 - k) + colorB.g * k;
*(cur_pixel++) = colorA.b * (1.0 - k) + colorB.b * k;
*(cur_pixel++) = colorA.a * (1.0 - k) + colorB.a * k;
kx += dir.x;
kx = default_kx;
ky += dir.y;