django template tag on multiple line - django

I am creating a custom django template tag by using such a code :
def render_listing(context, *args, **kwargs):
... my code ...
This works well, but in my template, it seems that all parameters must be on a single line, for example :
this works:
{% render_listing param1=val1 param2=val2 ... paramN=valN %}
but on multiple lines, it does not work :
{% render_listing param1=val1
paramN=valN %}
I tried multiple escape sequences but I did not succeeded,
Is there a way to specify a template tag on multiple lines ?

No, the Django template language does not support multiple line tags. See ticket 8652, which was closed as WONTFIX, or this thread from the django-developers mailing list.
Sometimes, if there is a repeated prefix, you can make it more readable by using the with tag. For example if you have,
{% render_listing param1=long.common.prefix.val1 param2=long.common.prefix.val2 param2=long.common.prefix.val3 %}
you could rewrite as
{% with prefix=long.common.prefix %}
{% render_listing param1=prefix.val1 param2=prefix.val2 param2=prefix.val3 %}
{% endwith %}
Often (but not always), a really long tag is an indication that you're putting too much logic in the template. See if you can move some of it into the view, model method, template tag or template filter.

It's pretty straightforward to enable, though hackish:
import re
from django.template import base
base.tag_re = re.compile(base.tag_re.pattern, re.DOTALL)
"Using" it is simple; one place I find it especially useful is {% include %} tags:
{% include 'my/sweet/modal-template.template' with
message="Hey, do you really want to frob the widget?"
yes="Heck yes I do!"
no="No frickin' way!"
I haven't tested this in more recent versions of Django but I imagine it could be adapted; that worked at least back around 1.8. I should point out that in theory some tags that do custom parsing of their arguments could break; in practice I haven't had any trouble in the last ~10 years of Django programming.


Tag or inherit the same code in Django template with minor changes

I have a bunch of code that I will need to use repeatedly on a page, and on multiple pages. For example, here is a shorter version of the code:
<a href="#"
title="{% for terms in s_terms %}{% if terms.slug == 'neuron' %}{{terms.title}}{% endif %}{% endfor %}"
data-content="{% for terms in s_terms %}{% if terms.slug == 'neuron' %}{{terms.para_one}}{% endif %}{% endfor %}">
Toggle popover
There is a lot more code in the block. Now, for obvious reasons I do not want to keep repeating such large chunks of code. I am a fan of the DRY approach.
However, I can't figure out how to render this same piece of code repeatedly. The only thing that would change is the word = "neuron" in there. I thought of using template tags, but that didn't work.
I tried saving the code as a separate file, and inherit it within my template, but then I can't change the keyword ('neuron'). I also tried creating a separate dynamic page, and include that in my Django template, but looks like the include tag only works for templates, and not for dynamic pages.
Can anyone help, please? Thank you, in advance.
You could use Django template built-in template tag include.
From the documentation:
Loads a template and renders it with the current context. This is a
way of “including” other templates within a template.
So, you can just extract your snippet in a separate template and then use it with:
{% include "snippet_template.html" %}
Additionally, you can pass a variable to the include template using the with keyword - you would use this to pass your word parameter:
{% include "snippet_template.html" with word="neuron" %}
As #bonidjukic wrote the include statement is what you search.
But include statement inside for-loop could reach one weakness of Django template Engine (vs Jinja). You include just variables, so it will be fast.
In the case of needing tags (like trans), Django will load tags at each include. Where Jinja will have global "tags".
So just be careful, with how you DRY you templates.

Django template variable containing template tag, ex {{ {% some_tag %} }}

I have a template that receives a list context variable, tags_list. I need to iterate over this list 'inserting' the tags in the template something like this:
{% for tag in tags_list %}
{{ tag.tag }}
{% endfor %}
When this renders it returns the text value of tag.tag, "{% tagxxx %}", not the rendered tag.
How can I cause the template render to render the value of a context variable? Alternately, is there a filter, a sort of inverse verbatim, that will cause the value of a context variable to be rendered?
Updated background
tags_list is created by a fairly sophisticated process involving exec of some user provided text from a table/model field. The relevant portion of the real template looks like this:
{% for graph_row in graph_rows %}
<div class="row">
{% for graph in graph_row %}
<div class="col-md-{{ graph.width }}">
{{ graph.graph }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
The graph values look like this: {'graph':'{% piechart data1 %}', 'width':3}
Note that the order of entries in the context variable graph_rows is significant as is order of graph(s) in the row as that determines the placement of graphs on the page. Preserving this order is essential for the scheme to work correctly.
Currently, the view function simply does an {% include ... %} to get the template segment above to render in the correct order. This approach is simple and clean.
I could, as has been suggested, perform a template render within the view function but that complicates the design a bit and I'd hoped to avoid doing that if there is an easy way to trigger a render of {{ graph.graph }}. Note, as well, by moving the render into the view I loose the ability to easily take the template from arbitrary places, in particular table fields.
One of the great things about Django is the library of solution and code snippets. Sadly, they aren't a well organized and easy to find as one might wish. Nevertheless, a bit of google found a number of solutions of the general form
{% render tag.tag %}
Here are links to several:
render_as_template template tag
Allow template tags in a Flatpage's content
I'll use the general approach cleaned up a bit for error checking.
As an aside, the technique strikes me as generally useful and might be appropriate for inclusion in the standard tags.
Update 3/28/2014
After looking at the above and several others this is what I used from render_as_template template tag. There is a useful comment here.
from django import template
from django.template import Template, Variable, TemplateSyntaxError
register = template.Library()
class RenderAsTemplateNode(template.Node):
def __init__(self, item_to_be_rendered):
self.item_to_be_rendered = Variable(item_to_be_rendered)
def render(self, context):
actual_item = self.item_to_be_rendered.resolve(context)
return Template(actual_item).render(context)
except template.VariableDoesNotExist:
return ''
def render_as_template(parser, token):
bits = token.split_contents()
if len(bits) !=2:
raise TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' takes only one argument"
" (a variable representing a template to render)" % bits[0])
return RenderAsTemplateNode(bits[1])
render_as_template = register.tag(render_as_template)
This gets part of the way to a solution. Unfortunately custom template tags, in my case
{% pie_chart %} are not available to render within the class RenderAsTemplateNode.
I've not tested this but it appears that this stack overflow question, Django - replacing built-in templatetag by custom tag for a whole site without {% load .. %}, points the way.
I believe I can provide a way for you to get the results you want, but there might be a better way for you to achieve the desired functionality if you can provide some context.
Anyway, you might do something like this in your
tags_list = [
Template('{% load my_tags %}{% ' + t.tag + ' %}').render(Context())
for t in tags_list

Using the Django assignment_tag built-in tag the right way

I'm working on a project in Django.
Earlier today, I discovered the new (Django >= 1.4) assignment_tag. I immediately decided that it was just what I needed EVERYWHERE and threw some logic into one that executed a very simple query against the database and returned the resulting queryset. The function I wrapped takes an argument that allows the invoking context to specify how many results to grab, directly in the template when I am using the template tag.
It is quite convenient - I don't have to update my view when I decide this list should have 5 items, not 3 - but it seems like one of those gray areas where we aren't supposed to tread (i.e. pushing application logic into templates) when writing good, maintainable Django code.
Now, a couple of hours separated from writing the code, I'm wondering if I should scrap the assignment_tag entirely.
class SomeObject(models.Model):
is_active = models.BooleanField(default=False)
from django import template
from myapp.models import SomeObject
register = template.Library()
def get_someobjects_list(max_results=0):
queryset = SomeObject.objects.filter(is_active=True)
if max_results == 0:
return queryset
elif max_results > 0:
return queryset[:min(max_results, queryset.count())]
return None
{% load myapp_tags %}
{% get_someobjects_list as someobjects_list %}
# or {% get_some_objects_list 5 as someobjects_list %} ... flexible!
{% if someobjects_list %}
{% for someobject in someobjects_list %}
<a href="{{ someobject.get_absolute_url }}">
{{ }}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<span>No someobjects exist</span>
{% endif %}
I was really excited to discover these existed - it's convenient for me in this particular case. Now that my excitement over finding a new feature has passed, it seems pretty clear that I'm misusing it. The example given in the Django docs seems like a better application of this - grabbing the string representation of current datetime, something that doesn't require a DB query. My worry is that I'm setting myself up for heartache if I start using this pattern regularly. Following the slippery slope all the way down: I'll end up not even bothering to pass a context to my templates and ALL my DB queries will be hidden away in template tags where nobody would think to look for them.
It seems the code would be cleaner if I just threw out this whole "great idea" I had when I discovered assignment_tags and created a custom model manager instead.
Are there other clean ways of accomplishing this that I am missing? Are manager methods the consensus best way among Django developers?
assignment template tags are especially helpful if you need to get some information into the template context for a few pages of a website, but don't want to (or can't) put the info into every view on the website, and don't want to or can't rely on a context processor.
they basically guarantee that your information will be available in the template.

django extends different base templates

I understand we can use "extends variable" in the template to switch between two different extended templates.
if something:
base = 'base1.html'
base = 'base2.html'
return render_to_response ('template.html', {'base':base})
{% extends base %}
Normally that works fine. However, my problem is that I am using django-registration of which I don't have to write my own view to handle the registration and login process. That also means that I am not able to pass the variable to the template. Though I do have the registration templates under my project directory. (like login.html)
Unfortunately, Django can't do this in the template:
{% if something %}
{% extends 'base1.html' %}
{% else %}
{% extends 'base2.html' %}
{% endif %}
The only way I know that the 'variable base' can be passed down to the auth-login is to write my own views like login, logout,etc. This seems like not fitting the DRY model and fairly error prone going forward.
Is there another way that I can accomplish this? Or any pointers to workaround the problem?
If it's just 2 (or 3) options where that 'something' can be made to a Boolean, then you could use the yesno filter:
{% extends something|yesno:"base1.html,base2.html" %}
If you want something a bit more free-form, then you could make use of the extra context / custom context processor option mentioned above, and try something like:
{% extends selected_template|default:"base2.html" %}
where selected template is just the path to whatever base template you like.
To be honest this looks to me like a code smell - I've used django-registration a few times, I work on quite large sites and I never needed to extend a template from another template which is only known at run time.
Anyway, if you really want to pass a custom variable to a template rendered by 3rd party module, and you don't want to hack that module, then you have to use e.g. custom template context processor. Also, django-registration allows extra_context to be passed to its views, maybe that would be enough. You can also try monkey-patching. Or maybe you can try manipulating template folders or template loaders to get what you need.
But all these things are IMHO hacks and you shouldn't use different templates for one view, unless it's a generic view.
I think you should not place differences between the templates into the selection of different base templates. Having different base templates is what violates the DRY principle. Place the common things into a template, ie. registration.html, the differences into other templates that you call via 'include':
{%extends base.html%}
{%if something%}
{%include "type1.html"%}
{%include "type2.hmtl"%}
where the template names are the same as you would use in the view definition.
This probably isn't what you are looking for, but could you just include your conditionals in your base.html?

Is there any reason why you can't compare a template filter to a string in Django template syntax?

I'm trying to do this, and failing. Is there any reason why it wouldn't work in Django template syntax? I'm using the latest version of Django.
{% ifequal entry.created_at|timesince "0 minutes" %}
It doesn't work because it's not supposed to work. What you're asking for is not part of the template language.
You can't apply a filter in the middle of tag like {% ifequal. When a template tag uses a variable, it doesn't expect an expression, it expects a variable, nothing more.
That kind of logic -- extracting time since, comparing, etc. -- is what you're supposed to do in your view function.
Your view function then puts a "zerominutes" item in the context for the template to use. Templates just can't do much processing.
They're designed to do the minimum required to render HTML. Everything else needs to be in your view function.
{% ifequal %} tag doesn't support filter expressions as arguments. It treats whole entry.created_at|timesince as identifier of the variable.
Quik workaround: introduce intermediate variable with expresion result using {% with %} like this:
{% with entry.created_at|timesince as delta %}
{% ifequal delta "0 minutes" %}
{% endifequal %}
{% endwith %}
See ticket #5756 and links in its comments for more information. A patch for Django in ticket #7295 implements this functionality. A broader refactoring of the template system based on #7295 is proposed in ticket #7806, and it would fix this issue among others.
I don't think making such comparisons to work would be against the design philosophy of Django templates.
I think you can, though I don't see any uses of it my code base. Maybe entry.created_at|timesince isn't producing the value you expect. Try putting
into your template and seeing what value it produces. The X's are so you can see leading or trailing space, in case that is the problem.
I finally gave up on using the Django template language for anything other than the simplest pages. Check out Jinja2 for an almost-syntax-compatible alternative. And yes, you can choose which to use on a page-by-page basis.