AWS API Gateway: New Stage not work - amazon-web-services

I have created my DEV environment without any problem. It's work Fine.
but I'm trying to create a QA environment (or any other) and it does not work.
the only difference between the two environments is the variable that refers to the backend (I have tried putting the same one and the problem persists)
if I try some method in the different environments by means of the "Test" function, both work. But when I try from postman, only work DEV. The only error I see for CloudWatch is the following:
Execution failed due to configuration error: Invalid endpoint address.
Any idea? Thanks

the problem was the name of variables in Stage Variables

I think the problem that you are having is that you need to deploy your stage. i.e.
API -> Resources -> Actions (on root of api) -> Deploy Api
Then select the stage you want to deploy get the new endpoint and test from postman.


AWS Amplify environment 'dev' not found

I'm working with AWS Amplify, specifically following this tutorial AWS-Hands-On-Tutorial.
I'm getting a build failure when I try to deploy the application.
So far I have tried creating multiple backend environments and connecting them with the frontend, hoping that this would alleviate the issue. The error message leads me to believe that the deploy is not set up to also detect the backend environment, despite that I have it set to do so.
Also, I have tried changing the environment that is set to deploy with the frontend by creating another develop branch to see if that is the issue.
I've had no success with trying any of these, the build continues to fail. I have also tried running the 'amplify env add' command as the error message states. I have not however tried "restoring its definition in your team-provider-info.json" as I'm not sure what that entails and can't find any information on it. Regardless, I would think creating a new environment would solve the potential issues there, and it didn't. Any help is appreciated.
Due to the documentation being out of date, I completed the steps below to resolve this issue:
Under Build Settings > Add package version override for Amplify CLI and leave it as 'latest'
When the tutorial advises to "update your front end branch to point to the backend environment you just created. Under the branch name, choose Edit...", where the tutorial advises to use 'dev' it actually had us setup 'staging', choose that instead.
Lastly, we need to setup a 'Service Role' under General. Select General > Edit > Create New Service Role > Select the default options and save the role, it should have a name of amplifyconsole-backend-role. Once the role is saved, you can go back to General > Edit > Select your role from the dropdown, if it doesn't show by default start typing it in.
After completing these steps, I was able to successfully redeploy my build and get it pushed to prod with authentication working. Hope it helps anyone who is running into this issue on Module 3 of the AWS Amplify Starter Tutorial!

Error - functions: failed to create function dialogflowFirebaseFulfillment

when i'm trying to deploy firebase function from my local machine i'm getting this error.
functions: failed to create function dialogflowFirebaseFulfillment
HTTP Error: 400, Default service account '' doesn't exist. Please recreate this account (for example by disabling and enabling the Cloud Functions API), or specify a different account.
and the project that i'm trying to deploy is,
It seems your service account is removed. You may want to check whether your firebase & actions on google projects are removed or not.
If they are not, check for service accounts on and make sure all your accounts are same as you are trying to deploy. (firebase, dialogflow, app-engine etc.) Also, disabling and enabling the Cloud Functions API may help as mentioned in error.
I notice that your error has ''.
Shouldn't the project-id be your {project-id} from the google action that you created, and not the word project-id.

Is it possible to instruct AWS Custom Authorizers to call AWS Lambdas based on Stage Variables?

I am mapping Lambda Integrations like this on API Gateway:
So I can have d-somelambda, s-somelambda, etc. Several versions for environments, all simultaneous. This works fine.
BUT, I am using Custom Authorizers, and I have d-authorizer-jwt and d-authorizer-apikey.
When I deploy the API in DEV stage, it's all ok. But when I deploy to PROD stage, all lambda calls are dynamically pointing properly to *p-lambdas*, except the custom authorizer, which is still pointing to "d" (DEV) and calling dev backend for needed validation (it caches, but sometimes checks the database).
Please note I don't want necessarily to pass the Stage Variables like others are asking, I just want to call the correct Lambda out of a proper configuration like Integration Request offers. By having access to Stage Variables as a final way of solving this, I would need to change my approach and have a single lambda for all envs, and dynamically touch the required backend based on Stage Variables... not that good.
Solved. It works just as I described. There are some caveats:
a) You need to previously grant access to that lambda
b) You can't test the authorizer due to a UI glitch ... it doesn't ask for the StageVar so you will never reach the lambda
c) You need to deploy the API to get the Authorizers updated on a particular Stage
Cannot tell why it didn't work on my first attempt.

Serverless Framework AWS 403 Forbidden Error with Domain Only

I am working on a serverless setup for a project and ran into a strange error. This was working fine before I had to delete my old certificates and make a new one.
In short, I am following the tutorial series at for reference, and when running the apig-test command I get the following error.
{ status: 403,
statusText: 'Forbidden',
data: { message: 'Forbidden' } }
This screams to me policy error. So I went to check my policy to make sure it allows execution for the AuthRole and indeed it does. I verified this in IAM section under Roles and looked my services Auth_Role that I created when I set up Cognito.
I don't want to give information overload here, but if anyone has any ideas for where to look next I would be much appreciative and I'll give any details you want to see here.
One thing I want to note is that if I run the apig-test command with the direct URL to the Lambda function instead of my domain it works perfectly fine.
This proves that nothing is wrong with my code but more a policy setting regarding how I setup the domain.
I ran sls create_domain accordingly and I see the entries in the Route53 & API Gateway and they have finished their 40 minutes many hours ago. I insured its using correct certificate since I wiped out the other one.
My custom domains have worked in the past thanks to a plugin I found and this tutorial here (, its only recently that it stopped working when I realized I needed to add some more domains to my SSL cert.
So I assume the policy error is somewhere around this but not sure where to look?
Ok I found the answer. In the API Gateway under custom domains there is a section called Base Path Mappings This MUST be set to one of your functions with the default path of / (or just enter nothing for the path) and then the destination to your lambda service. This seemed to make it work for me.

Handling different end points for AWS API Gateway Stages

I want to be able to change my end point defined in each API Gateway method so that a staging environment called "Dev" points to my internal Dev API and Prod stage of course would route to my Production API.
Right now I'd have to manually change each method and then deploy to the prod stag but now to do any testing I'd have to change them all back again for a dev stage.
I am moving ahead with a DNS switch to move Dev to Prod but future development still requires a change on every method.
I have a resource called User and a GET Method which maps to an end point (HTTP Proxy) ->
I then deploy to a Stage called Dev - the Dev stage gives me a URL to call to request this resource, eg.
Now I test and it works as expected so I want to move this to a production stage, just called stage. When I deploy to prod, my calling url is now
but the problem is that the API is still mapping the end point to and not something like
So my stage and url have changed but the actual API being called is hard coded to dev.
Any ideas?
You can take advantage of stage variables to have end points route to different APIs. This page shows you how to set up a stage variable for a http proxy. You can use the stage variables for lambda functions as well.
having different stages mean having different environment for same lambda using same api.But different stages like pro,qa, test.