pushing ViewController in two navigationcontroller - swift3

In Above Image In place of back button I want to push that side menu only but no need here back NavigationController and I am using swReveal viewController to pass sidemenu but here working side menu but no need that back button navigation controller


Navigation View in Tab View Child Views SwiftUi

I have started learning swiftUI so I have question about Navigation View. My app starts with splash screen which is embedded in Navigation View and after that I have navigation link to the second screen which is Tab View. Do I need navigation views in child views of Tab View if I have some button etc and I also need to go to other screens from them or I use primary navigation view which tab view is embedded in?
When using both TabView and NavigationView, TabView should always be the parent view and should contain NavigationView inside it.
Hope this clarifies what you’re looking for?

How To Remove Nested Navigation Bars?

I have a Navigation view and I created a button to go back to the previous view, after I clicked on it several times, it displayed a nested Navigation view.

Why does a swipe gesture stop advancing paged view controller after opening and closing side menu?

My app, written in SwiftUI 2.0, is based on a UIPageViewController which displays four panels, in the common onboarding style. The user can swipe through them, or advance them using an arrow button at the bottom.
I also have a button in the upper left that opens a slide out menu, which can be closed by with a tap gesture anywhere on the interface. This is driven by changing the geometry in the swiftui "Geometry Reader", in which the page controller is embedded.
All this works correctly, except when the user closes the side window, the swipe gestures fail to activate the transition between pages. The active page slides with the swipe, but then snaps back into place. However, the arrow button still advances the UIPageViewController to the appropriate next page.
What causes the swipe gesture to become inactive after this slide out is triggered?
I've posted a small sample app isolating the issue here: https://github.com/stevepvc/Slide-and-Swipe-Concept. The code controlling the slide out menu is in "Top Content View".

UI viewcontroller Navigation bar is black

I can't change the colour of my navigation bar to transparent. All the other view controllers in my project are fine, only this one. This particular view controller has a scroll view and it is presented by Segue.view
I use the following code in viewDidLoad()
self.navigationController?.navigationBar.setBackgroundImage(UIImage(), for: UIBarMetrics.default)
self.navigationController?.navigationBar.shadowImage = UIImage()
self.navigationController?.navigationBar.isTranslucent = true
This is the identity inspector for the view controller
I found the solution. My background image was inside my View. I put it in the wrong place. see below for correct way

when I Using Three20 to Launch another UITabBarController in a TTLauncherView ,Original UITabBarController Tabbar Can't disappear

when I launch another UITabBarController in a LaunchView, the TTLauncherView is in the page in the original UITabBarController, the Dest Controller is another UITabBarController, but the Original UITabBarController's TabBar can't disappear.
So, in the UI, I have two TabBars, the Original TabBar in the Bottom, the second Dest Controller View display in the screen except the bottom tabbar.
This is not what I want. How to solve this problem to hide the Original TabBar and let the second Dest Controller to display Full Screen?
In the first Controller, I launch second controller by LauncherView button.
You need to hide the tab bar view when pushing the new controller using
controller.hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = YES;
Take a look on this tutorial from three20 wiki, it explains on how to hide the tab bar when pushing another controller.