I am trying to use gluLookAt to implement an FPS style camera in OpenGL fixed function pipeline. The mouse should rotate the camera in any given direction.
I store the position of the camera:
float xP;
float yP;
float zP;
I store the look at coordinates:
float xL;
float yL;
float zL;
The up vector is always set to (0,1,0)
I use this camera as follows: gluLookAt(xP,yP,zP, xL,yL,zL, 0,1,0);
I want my camera to be able to be able to move along the yaw and pitch, but not roll.
After every frame, I reset the coordinates of the mouse to the middle of the screen. From this I am able to get a change in both x and y.
How can I convert the change in x and y after each frame to appropriately change the lookat coordinates (xL, yL, zL) to rotate the camera?
Start with a set of vectors:
fwd = (0, 0, -1);
rht = (1, 0, 0);
up = (0, 1, 0);
Given that Your x and y, taken from the mouse positions You mentioned, are small enough You can take them directly as yaw and pitch rotations respectively. With yaw value rotate the rht and fwd vectors over the up vector, than rotate fwd vactor over the rht with pitch value. This way You'll have a new forward direction for Your camera (fwd vactor) from which You can derive a new look-at point (L = P + fwd in Your case).
You have to remember to restrict pitch rotation not to have fwd and up vectors parallel at some point. You can prevent that by recreating the up vector every time You do pitch rotation - simply do a cross product between rht and fwd vactors. A side-note here though - this way up will not always be (0,1,0).
I'm trying to implement a camera that follows a moving object. I've implemented these functions:
void Camera::espheric_yaw(float degrees, glm::vec3 center_point)
float lim_yaw = glm::radians(89.0f);
float radians = glm::radians(degrees);
absoluteYaw += radians;
... clamp absoluteYaw
float radius = 10.0f;
float camX = cos(absoluteYaw) * cos(absoluteRoll) * radius;
float camY = sin(absoluteRoll)* radius;
float camZ = sin(absoluteYaw) * cos(absoluteRoll) * radius;
eyes.x = camX;
eyes.y = camY;
eyes.z = camZ;
lookAt = center_point;
view = glm::normalize(lookAt - eyes);
up = glm::vec3(0, 1, 0);
right = glm::normalize(glm::cross(view, up));
I want to use this function (and the pitch version) for a camera that follows a moving 3d model. Right now, it works when the center_point is the (0,1,0). I think i'm getting the position right but the up vector is clearly not always (0,1,0).
How can I get my up, view and right vector for the camera? And then, if I update the eyes position of the camera this way, how will my camera move when the other object (centered at center_position parameter) moves?
The idea is to update this each time I have mouse input with centered_value = center of the moving object. Then use gluLookAt with view, eyes and up values of my camera (and lookAt which will be eyes+view).
Following a moving object is matter of pointing the camera to that object. This is what typical lookAt function does. See the maths here and then use glm::lookAt().
The 'Arcball' technic is for rotating with the mouse. See some maths here.
The idea is to get two vectors (first, second) from positions on screen. For each vector, X,Y are taking depending on pixels "travelled" by mouse and the size of the window. Z is calculated by 'trackball' maths. With these two vectors (after normalizing them), its cross product gives the axis of rotation in camera coordinates, and its dot product gives the angle. Now, you can rotate the camera by glm::rotate()
If you go another route (e.g. calculating camera matrix on your own), then the "up" direction of the camera must be updated by yourself. Remember it's perpendicular to the other two axis of the camera.
I want to code a first person camera with its rotation stored in a quaternion. Unfortunately there is something wrong with the rotation.
The following function is responsible to rotate the camera. The parameters Mouse and Speed pass the mouse movement and rotation speed. Then the function fetches the rotation quaternion, rotates it and stores the result. By the way, I'm using Bullet Physics that is where the types and functions come from.
void Rotate(vec2 Mouse, float Speed)
btTransform transform = camera->getWorldTransform();
btQuaternion rotation = transform.getRotation();
Mouse = Mouse * Speed; // apply mouse sensitivity
btQuaternion change(Mouse.y, Mouse.x, 0); // create quaternion from angles
rotation = change * rotation; // rotate camera by that
To illustrate the resulting camera rotation when the mouse moves, I show you a hand drawing. On the left side the wrong rotation the camera actually performs is shown. On the right side the desired correct case is shown. The arrows indicate how the camera is rotate when moving the mouse up (in orange) and down (in blue).
As you can see, as long as the yaw is zero, the rotation is correct. But the more yaw it has, the smaller the circles in which the camera rotates become. In contrast, the circles should always run along the whole sphere like a longitude.
I am not very familiar with quaternions, so here I ask how to correctly rotate them.
I found out how to properly rotate a quaternion on my own. The key was to find vectors for the axis I want to rotate around. Those are used to create quaternions from axis and angle, when angle is the amount to rotate around the actual axis.
The following code shows what I ended up with. It also allows to roll the camera, which might be useful some time.
void Rotate(btVector3 Amount, float Sensitivity)
// fetch current rotation
btTransform transform = camera->getWorldTransform();
btQuaternion rotation = transform.getRotation();
// apply mouse sensitivity
Amount *= Sensitivity;
// create orientation vectors
btVector3 up(0, 1, 0);
btVector3 lookat = quatRotate(rotation, btVector3(0, 0, 1));
btVector3 forward = btVector3(lookat.getX(), 0, lookat.getZ()).normalize();
btVector3 side = btCross(up, forward);
// rotate camera with quaternions created from axis and angle
rotation = btQuaternion(up, Amount.getY()) * rotation;
rotation = btQuaternion(side, Amount.getX()) * rotation;
rotation = btQuaternion(forward, Amount.getZ()) * rotation;
// set new rotation
Since I rarely found information about quaternion rotation, I'll spend some time further explaining the code above.
Fetching and setting the rotation is specific to the physics engine and isn't related to this question so I won't elaborate on this. The next part, multiplying the amount by a mouse sensitivity should be really clear. Let's continue with the direction vectors.
The up vector depends on your own implementation. Most conveniently, the positive Y axis points up, therefore we end up with 0, 1, 0.
The lookat vector represents the direction the camera looks at. We simply rotate a unit vector pointing forward by the camera rotation quaternion. Again, the forward pointing vector depends on your conventions. If the Y axis is up, the positive Z axis might point forward, which is 0, 0, 1.
Do not mix that up with the next vector. It's named forward which references to the camera rotation. Therefore we just need to project the lookat vector to the ground. In this case, we simply take the lookat vector and ignore the up pointing component. For neatness we normalize that vector.
The side vector points leftwards from the camera orientation. Therefore it lies perpendicular to both the up and the forward vector and we can use the cross product to compute it.
Given those vectors, we can correctly rotate the camera quaternion around them. Which you start with, Z, Y or Z, depends on the Euler angle sequence which is, again, a convention varying from application to application. Since I want to rotations to be applied in Y X Z order, I do the following.
First, rotate the camera around the up axis by the amount for the Y rotation. This is yaw.
Then rotate around the side axis, which points leftwards, by the X amount. It's pitch.
And lastly, rotate around the forward vector by the Z amount to apply roll.
To apply those rotations, we need to multiply the quaternions create by axis and angle with the current camera rotation. Lastly we apply the resulted quaternion to the body in the physics simulation.
Matrices and pitch/yaw/roll both having their limitations, I do not use them anymore but use instead quaternions. I rotate the view vector and recalculate first the camera vectors, then the view matrix in regard to the rotated view vector.
void Camera::rotateViewVector(glm::quat quat) {
glm::quat rotatedViewQuat;
quat = glm::normalize(quat);
m_viewVector = glm::normalize(m_viewVector);
glm::quat viewQuat(0.0f,
viewQuat = glm::normalize(viewQuat);
rotatedViewQuat = (quat * viewQuat) * glm::conjugate(quat);
rotatedViewQuat = glm::normalize(rotatedViewQuat);
m_viewVector = glm::normalize(glm::vec3(rotatedViewQuat.x, rotatedViewQuat.y, rotatedViewQuat.z));
m_rightVector = glm::normalize(glm::cross(glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), m_viewVector));
m_upVector = glm::normalize(glm::cross(m_viewVector, m_rightVector));
I recently attached a rigid body to the camera in my 3d game, so that it can collide with the environment. By now mouse movement directly rotates the rigid body.
#include <BULLET/btBulletDynamicsCommon.h>
void Rotate(float Pitch, float Yaw, float Roll, float Speed)
// get current rotation
btTransform transform = body->getWorldTransform();
btQuaternion rotation = transform.getRotation();
// create orientation vectors
btVector3 up(0, 1, 0);
btVector3 lookat = quatRotate(rotation, btVector3(0, 0, 1));
btVector3 forward = btVector3(lookat.getX(), 0, lookat.getZ()).normalize();
btVector3 side = btCross(up, forward);
// rotate camera with quaternions created from axis and angle
rotation = btQuaternion(up, Amount.getY()) * rotation;
rotation = btQuaternion(side, Amount.getX()) * rotation;
rotation = btQuaternion(forward, Amount.getZ()) * rotation;
// set new rotation
I would like to clamp the pitch of the camera in the range of -80° to 80°. That helps the player to stay oriented. Otherwise he would be able to rotate the camera higher over his head and see the world behind himself upside down. In contrast a real person trying this would break his neck.
I let Bullet Physics store rotations for me in quaternions, thus pitch isn't stored directly. How can I clamp the pitch of a rigid body?
I came up with a solution. Instead of clamping the rotation of the camera's rigid body, I clamp how much rotation is applied before. Therefore, I keep track of the total vertical mouse movement. Actually, I store the overall mouse movement with applied sensitivity.
float Overallpitch = 0.0f;
If applying the passed yaw value would result in the overall pitch to exceed or deceed a given limit, I just apply as much of it as needed to touch the limit.
#include <BULLET/btBulletDynamicsCommon.h>
void Rotate(float Pitch, float Yaw, float Roll, float Sensitivity)
// apply mouse sensitivity
Yaw *= Sensitivity;
Pitch *= Sensitivity;
Roll *= Sensitivity;
// clamp camera pitch
const float clamp = 1.0f;
if (Overallpitch + Pitch > clamp) Pitch = clamp - Overallpitch;
else if(Overallpitch + Pitch < -clamp) Pitch = -clamp - Overallpitch;
Overallpitch += Pitch;
// apply rotation to camera quaternion
// ...
You can find the further camera code in another answer to my own question.
So I currently use quaternions to store and modify the orientation of the objects in my OpenGL scene, as well as the orientation of the camera. When rotating these objects directly (i.e. saying I want to rotate the camera Z amount around the Z-axis, or I want to rotate an object X around the X-axis and then translate it T along its local Z-axis), I have no problems, so I can only assume my fundamental rotation code is correct.
However, I am now trying to implement a function to make my camera orbit an arbitrary point in space, and am having quite a hard time of it. Here is what I have come up with so far, which doesn't work (this takes place within the Camera class).
//Get the inverse of the orientation, which should represent the orientation
//"from" the focal point to the camera
Quaternion InverseOrient = m_Orientation;
//Create change quaternions for each axis
Quaternion xOffset = Quaternion();
xOffset.FromAxisAngle(xChange * m_TurnSpeed, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
Quaternion yOffset = Quaternion();
yOffset.FromAxisAngle(yChange * m_TurnSpeed, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
Quaternion zOffset = Quaternion();
zOffset.FromAxisAngle(zChange * m_TurnSpeed, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
//Multiply the change quats into the inversed orientation quat
InverseOrient = yOffset * zOffset * xOffset * InverseOrient;
//Translate according to the focal distance
//Start with a vector relative to the position being looked at
sf::Vector3<float> RelativePos(0, 0, -m_FocalDistance);
//Rotate according to the quaternion
RelativePos = InverseOrient.MultVect(RelativePos);
//Add that relative position to the focal point
m_Position.x = m_FocalPoint->x + RelativePos.x;
m_Position.y = m_FocalPoint->y + RelativePos.y;
m_Position.z = m_FocalPoint->z + RelativePos.z;
//Now set the orientation to the inverse of the quaternion
//used to position the camera
m_Orientation = InverseOrient;
What ends up happening is that the camera rotates around some other point - certainly not the object, but apparently not itself either, as though it were looping through space in a spiral path.
So this is clearly not the way to go about orbiting a camera around a point, but what is?
I would operate on the camera first in spherical coordinates and convert to quaternions as necessary.
Given the following assumptions:
The camera has no roll
The point you are looking at is [x, y, z]
You have yaw, pitch angles
[0, 1, 0] is "up"
Here is how to calculate some important values:
The view vector: v = [vx, vy, vz] = [cos(yaw)*cos(pitch), sin(pitch), -sin(yaw)*cos(pitch)]
The camera location: p = [x, y, z] - r*v
The right vector: cross product v with [0, 1, 0]
The up vector: cross product v with the right vector
Your view quaternion is [0, vx, vy, vz] (that's the view vector with a 0 w-component)
Now in your simulation you can operate on pitch/yaw, which are pretty intuitive. If you want to do interpolation, convert the before and after pitch+yaws into quaternions and do quaternion spherical linear interpolation.
I am working on an application that has similar functionality to MotionBuilder in its viewport interactions. It has three buttons:
Button 1 rotates the viewport around X and Y depending on X/Y mouse drags.
Button 2 translates the viewport around X and Y depending on X/Y mouse drags.
Button 3 "zooms" the viewport by translating along Z.
The code is simple:
glRotatef(rotX, 1, 0, 0);
glRotatef(rotY, 0, 1, 0);
Now, the problem is that if I translate first, the translation will be correct but the rotation then follows the world axis. I've also tried rotating first:
glRotatef(rotX, 1, 0, 0);
glRotatef(rotY, 0, 1, 0);
^ the rotation works, but the translation works according to world axis.
My question is, how can I do both so I achieve the translation from code snippet one and the rotation from code snippet 2.
I drew this rather crude image to illustrate what I mean by world and local rotations/translations. I need the camera to rotate and translate around its local axis.
Ok, the image makes things a bit clearer.
If you were just talking about an object, then your first code snippet would be fine, but for the camera it's quite different.
Since there's technically no object as a 'camera' in opengl, what you're doing when building a camera is just moving everything by the inverse of how you're moving the camera. I.e. you don't move the camera up by +1 on the Y axis, you just move the world by -1 on the y axis, which achieves the same visual effect of having a camera.
Imagine you have a camera at position (Cx, Cy, Cz), and it has x/y rotation angles (CRx, CRy). If this were just a regular object, and not the camera, you would transform this by:
glTranslate(Cx, Cy, Cz);
glRotate(CRx, 1, 0, 0);
glRotate(CRy, 0, 1, 0);
But because this is the camera, we need to do the inverse of this operation instead (we just want to move the world by (-Cx, -Cy, and -Cz) to emulate the moving of a 'camera'. To invert the matrix, you just have to do the opposite of each individual transform, and do them in reverse order.
glRotate(-CRy, 0, 1, 0);
glRotate(-CRx, 1, 0, 0);
glTranslate(-Cx, -Cy, -Cz);
I think this will give you the kind of camera you're mentioning in your image.
I suggest that you bite the apple and implement a camera class that stores the current state of the camera (position, view direction, up vector, right vector) and manipulate that state according to your control scheme. Then you can set up the projection matrix using gluLookAt(). Then, the order of operations becomes unimportant. Here is an example:
Let camPos be the current position of the camera, camView its view direction, camUp the up vector and camRight the right vector.
To translate the camera by moveDelta, simply add moveDelta to camPos. Rotation is a bit more difficult, but if you understand quaternions you'll be able to understand it quickly.
First you need to create a quaternion for each of your two rotations. I assume that your horizontal rotation is always about the positive Z axis (which points at the "ceiling" if you will). Let hQuat be the quaternion representing the horizontal rotation. I further assume that you want to rotate the camera about its right axis for your vertical rotation (creating a pitch effect). For this, you must apply the horizontal rotation to the camera's current angle. The result is the rotation axis for your vertical rotation hQuat. The total rotation quaternion is then rQuat = hQuat * vQuat. Then you apply rQuat to the camera's view direction, up, and right vectors.
Quat hRot(rotX, 0, 0, 1); // creates a quaternion that rotates by angle rotX about the positive Z axis
Vec3f vAxis = hRot * camRight; // applies hRot to the camera's right vector
Quat vRot(rotY, vAxis); // creates a quaternion that rotates by angle rotY about the rotated camera's right vector
Quat rQuat = hRot * vRot; // creates the total rotation
camUp = rQuat * camUp;
camRight = rQuat * camRight;
camView = rQuat * camView;
Hope this helps you solve your problem.
glRotate always works around the origin. If you do:
Then the 'object' is rotate around (x,y,z) instead of the origin, because you moved (x,y,z) to the origin, did the rotation, and then pushed (x,y,z) back where it started.
However, I don't think that's going to be enough to get the effect you're describing. If you always want transformations to be done with respect to the current frame of reference, then you need to keep track of the transformation matrix yourself. This why people use Quaternion based cameras.