evaluating methods of libc++ in gdb when using clang - c++

When compiling this
#include <vector>
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
std::vector<int> foo;
foo.push_back( 1 );
printf( "%zu\n", foo.size() );
with clang++ foo.cpp -stdlib=libc++ -g, when running a.out in gdb and trying to show the result of foo.size(), gdb says "Cannot evaluate function -- may be inlined".
Is there a way to avoid the compiler's inlining in debug mode? I could use libstdc++, but it is quite painful when it is needed to go inside the templates (many many subcalls plus indentation is sometimes space-based and sometimes tab-based).
I am running with Debian 9 (stretch) using libc++-dev v3.5 with clang 3.8 (tried with clang 5.0 too, same result) and gdb 7.12.

libstdc++ implements so called Python xmethods, see documentation:
Xmethods are additional methods or replacements for existing methods
of a C++ class. This feature is useful for those cases where a method
defined in C++ source code could be inlined or optimized out by the
compiler, making it unavailable to GDB. For such cases, one can define
an xmethod to serve as a replacement for the method defined in the C++
source code. GDB will then invoke the xmethod, instead of the C++
method, to evaluate expressions. One can also use xmethods when
debugging with core files. Moreover, when debugging live programs,
invoking an xmethod need not involve running the inferior (which can
potentially perturb its state). Hence, even if the C++ method is
available, it is better to use its replacement xmethod if one is
That's why you can call mock foo.size() even if the real foo.size() was inlined by compiler when using libstdc++. As far as I know there is no alike xmethod implementation for libc++.


clang insists on compiling uncalled functions

Moving from using Intel compiler & VC to Apple clang 12.0.
In my code there are functions that are never called for a certain project (but needed when included in other projects). Clang insists on compiling the uncalled functions and detects errors, where Intel and VC simply skipped compilation.
These are errors that are tricky to fix for that certain project.
Is there a Clang flag that means "Don't compile if not called"?
EDIT: example:
template <class T> class A
void foo() { garbage }; // <--- syntax error
int main() {
A<int> my_obj;
//my_obj.foo(); // <--- when unremarked, will fail all compilers
Compiler Explorer demo: Intel vs. Clang
Intel and VC compilers are relaxed until the call to foo() enters the scene.
Clang has a mode in which is tries to behave as if it's MSVC. This was introduced as part clang-cl, the driver for clang that accepts a lot of the same arguments as MSVC. You can find some information about it on the user manual and the MSVC compatibility pages.
Long story short, there is an option -fdelayed-template-parsing in clang that takes over the faulty behavior of the templates. As far as I'm aware, this ain't a 100% match, however, it is good enough.
If we add this to the example of Artyer, it compiles the code, see compiler-explorer.
From my experience of adding clang as 2nd compiler next to MSVC (it was still both on Windows using clang-cl, I didn't have to deal with the complexity of multiple OS and/or STL), I want to recommend to you to take this option as a temporary thing to get things working. Take your time removing this, as it will help making your code more maintainable.
EDIT: If you want to know more about why the compilation error is the right thing to do, you can lookup the term 2 phase lookup. You can find the announcement of it's introduction in the MSVC compiler here: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/cppblog/two-phase-name-lookup-support-comes-to-msvc/
From what I can see online, the intel compiler ain't doing 2 phase lookup either, or at least not the reporting of the errors.

"no main" function for linking or execution in C++ [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to change entry point of C program with gcc?
(4 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I am trying to compile a function (not called main) that can be integrated in another code or directly executed (after linking).
I try it one my mac, and work well.
I finally test it on Linux (CentOS and ubuntu). However, the task looks harder as expected on Linux.
The source code is the following one (just to explain the problem)
#include <cstdio>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
int test(int argc, char const *argv[]);
#ifdef __cplusplus
int test(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", "test");
return 0;
Compilation line on MacOS
g++ -c test.cpp -o test.o && g++ test.o -o test -e _test
and on Linux
g++ -c test.cpp -o test.o && g++ test.o -o test -e test
I try on my MacOS with clang, g++ and Intel compiler, all 3 works fine.
And I try with g++ and the Intel compiler on Linux, always, the same error.
usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/5/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/crt1.o: In function `_start':
(.text+0x20): undefined reference to `main'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Any advice, explanation or solution, on what I am doing wrong or missing would be very helpful.
Currently, I have a "define" to create a main, but if we have lots of function we are obligated to do two compilations each time (one for the function version and one for the execution) and make finally the code heavier.
Like discussed in this topic is there a GCC compiler/linker option to change the name of main?
To don't do a XY I inherited from a bunch of small programs that I want to put to gather, that it is easier to use (for remote execution ...). However, each one need to be able to be executed independently if needed, for debugging,... I hesitate, between using "execv" and just convert each main as a function. I probably take the bad chose.
The final goal is to be able to have independent programs. But that we can call from an external software too.
The solution looks to be, to a call to the main through a dlopen
You cannot do that (and even if it appears to work on MacOSX it is implementation specific and undefined behavior).
Linux crt0 is doing more complex stuff that what you think.
The C standard (e.g. n1570 for C11) requires a main function for hosted implementations (ยง5. :
The function called at program startup is named main. The implementation declares no prototype for this function.
And the C++ standard also requires a main and strongly requires some processing (e.g. construction of static data) to be done before main is running and after it has returned (and various crt0 tricks are implementing that feature on Linux).
If you want to understand gory details (and they are not easy!), study the ABI and the (free software) source code of the implementation of the crt0.
I am trying to compile a function (not called main) that can be integrated in another code
BTW, to use dynamically some code (e.g. plug-ins) from another program, consider using the dynamic linker. I recommend using the POSIX compliant dlopen(3) with dlsym(3) on position-independent code shared libraries. It works on most Unix flavors (including MacOSX & Linux & Solaris & AIX). For C++ code beware of name mangling so read at least the C++ dlopen mini howto.
Read also the Program Library HowTo.
Problems with libraries, they cannot be executed, no ?
I don't understand what that means. You certainly can load a plugin then run code inside it from the main program dlopen-ing it.
(and on Linux, some libraries like libc.so are even specially built to also work as an executable; I don't recommend this practice for your own code)
You might take several days to read Drepper's How To Write Shared Libraries (but it is advanced stuff).
If you want to add some code at runtime, read also this answer and that one.
The final goal is to be able to have independent program. But that we can call from an external software too
You can't do that (and it would make no sense). However, you could have conventions for communicating with other running programs (i.e. processes), using inter-process communication such as pipe(7)-s and many others. Read Advanced Linux Programming first and before coding. Read also Operating Systems : Three Easy Pieces
The solution looks to be, to a call to the main through a dlopen
Calling the main function via dlopen & dlsym is forbidden by the C++ standard (which disallows using a pointer to main). The main function has a very specific status and role (and is compiled specially; the compiler knows about main).
(perhaps calling main obtained by dlsym would appear to work on some Linux systems, but it certainly is undefined behavior so you should not do that)

Barebones C++ without standard library?

Compilers such as GCC and Clang allow to compile C++ programs without the C++ standard library, e.g. using the -nostdlib command line flag. It seems that such often fail to link thou, for example:
void f() noexcept { throw 42; }
int main() { f(); }
Usually fails to link due to undefined symbols like __cxa_allocate_exception, typeinfo for int, __cxa_throw, __gxx_personality_v0, __clang_call_terminate, __cxa_begin_catch, std::terminate() etc.
Even a simple
int main() {}
Fails to link with
ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol _start; defaulting to 0000000000400120
and is killed by the OS upon execution. Using -c the compiler still runs the linker which blatantly fails with:
ld: error in mytest(.eh_frame); no .eh_frame_hdr table will be created.
Is it a realistic goal to program and compile C++ applications or libraries without using and linking to the standard library? How can I compile my code using GCC or Clang on Linux? What core language features would one be unable to use without the standard library?
You will basically find all of your questions answered at osdev.org, but I'll give a brief summary anyway.
When you give GCC -nostdlib, you are saying "no startup or library files". This includes:
crti.o, crtbegin.o, crtend.o and crtn.o. Generally kernel developers only care about implementing crti.o and crtend.o and let GCC supply crtbegin.o and crtend.o by passing -print-file-name= to the linker. Generally these are just stubs that consist of .init and .fini respectively, leaving room for GCC to shove the contents of crtbegin.o and crtend.o respectively. These files are necessary for calling global constructors/destructors.
You can't avoid linking libgcc (the "low-level runtime library" (-lgcc) because even if you pass -nostdlib GCC will emit calls to its functions whenever you use it, leading to inexplicable linking errors for seemingly no reason. This is the case even when you're implementing/porting a C library.
You don't "need" libstdc++ no, but typically kernel developers want it. Porting a C library then implementing the C++ standard library from scratch is an extremely difficult task.
Since you only want to get rid of the "standard library", but keeping libc (on a Linux system) you're essentially programming C++ with just a C library. Of course, there's nothing wrong with this and you do you, but ultimately I don't see the point unless you plan on developing a kernel.
Required reading:
OSDev's C++ page - If you really care about RTTI/exception support, it's more annoying to implement than it sounds. Typically people just pass -fno-rtti or -fno-exceptions and then worry about it down the line or not at all.
"Standard" is a misnomer. In this context it doesn't mean "the library (set of functions, classes etc) as defined by the C++ standard" but "the usual set of libraries and objects (compiled files in a certain format) gcc links with by default". Some of those are necessary for most or even all programs to function.
If you use this flag, it's your responsibility to provide any missing functionality. There are several ways to do so:
Cherry-pick libraries and objects that your program really needs out of the default set. (Makes little sense as the result will most probably be exactly the same as with the default link flags).
Provide your own implementation of missing functionality.
Explicitly disable, through compiler flags, language features your program isn't using. I know of two such features: exceptions and RTTI. This is needed because the compiler needs to generate exceptions-related code and RTTI info even if these features are not explicitly used in this module.

Create automatic C wrapper for C++ library?

Let say I have a C++ DLL. AFAIK, there is no widely-adopted ABI standard for C++, therefore to make sure it works and does not depend on the compiler of the target application I would need to wrap my library in a C interface.
Are there any tools that can automatically generate such interface? Would also be nice if they could generate wrappers around C interface to look as if they are original C++ objects, e.g.
Foo* f = new Foo(); // FooWrapper* fw = Foo_create();
f->bar("test"); // Foo_bar(fw, "test")
translates into C functions that are invoked in my library using generated C ABI. I understand that C++ is fairly complicated language and not everything can be easily wrapped in a C interface, but I was wondering if there are any such solutions that even support a subset of the C++ language (maybe with the help of some manually written IDL/XML files)?
there is no widely-adopted ABI standard for C++
I'm pretty sure that is a bit exaggerated - there aren't THAT many different compilers available for any given platform, so it would probably be easier to just produce a DLL for each vendor (e.g. Microsoft, GCC on Windows, GCC on Linux, Sun and GCC for Solaris, GCC for MacOS - CLANG is compatible with GCC as far as I know).
To add a C layer interface basically means that the interface layer must not:
1. Use any objects of that require special copy/assignment/construction behaviour.
2. Use any "throw" exceptions.
3. Use virtual functions.
across that interface.
It is my opinion that it's easier to "fix" the problems caused by "lack of ABI" than it is to make a good interface suitable for C++ use with a C interface in the middle of it.
If you want a way to make C++ code callable from other compilers/standard libraries, you can use cppcomponents from https://github.com/jbandela/cppcomponents. Full disclosure - I am the author of the library.
Here is a simple hello world example
First make a file called library.h
In this file you will define the Component
#include <cppcomponents/cppcomponents.hpp>
struct IPerson
:public cppcomponents::define_interface<cppcomponents::uuid<0xc618fd04,0xaa62,0x46e0,0xaeb8,0x6605eb4a1e64>>
std::string SayHello();
inline std::string PersonId(){return "library!Person";}
typedef cppcomponents::runtime_class<PersonId,cppcomponents::object_interfaces<IPerson>> Person_t;
typedef cppcomponents::use_runtime_class<Person_t> Person;
Next create library.cpp
In this file you will implement the interface and component
#include "library.h"
struct PersonImplementation:cppcomponents::implement_runtime_class<PersonImplementation,Person_t>
std::string SayHello(){return "Hello World\n";}
Finally here is you main program (call it example1.cpp) that uses your implementation
#include "library.h"
#include <iostream>
int main(){
Person p;
std::cout << p.SayHello();
To build the program you will need to download cppcomponents (just clone from the git link above). It is a header only library and needs only a c++11 compiler.
Here is how you would build it on Windows
cl /EHsc example1.cpp /I pathtocppcomponents
g++ -std=c++11 library.cpp -o library.dll -shared -I pathtocppcomponents
where pathocppcomponents is the directory of cppcomponents.
I am assuming you have cl and g++ in your path.
To run the program, make sure library.dll is in the same directory as example1.exe and run example1.exe
This library requires fairly compliant c++11 support, so it needs MSVC 2013 Preview, and at least g++ 4.7. This library works on both Windows and Linux.
As far as I know the answer is no and you are supposed to handle this by yourself with a little bit of "hacking" and modifications, for example your t variable which is an std::string can possibly be "externed" to a C interface by t.c_str() because c_str returns a const char * which is a type that C understands without any problem at all.
I personally don't find C++ complicated, I can't see that "ABI issue" either, I mean nothing is perfect but you are externalizing to C your entire code base to "solve" this issue ? Just use C in the first place, also C it's no easy language to deal with either, for example in C there is not even the notion of "string", and problems that are trivial to solve in C++ while keeping everything type-safe, are really challenging in C if you want to meet the same goal.
I think that you are going a little bit too far with this, and you are complicating things, as it is now you have 3 + 1 main options on the most popular platforms :
plus the whetever ABI is for the MSVC of your choice ( aka "only god knows")
for me, on linux, libsupc++ works very well, I'm following the libc++abi project and I don't see any big problem either, the only real problem with this is that llvm is basically an Apple oriented project for now, so there isn't that real and good support for the other platforms, but libc++abi compiles and works quite well on linux too ( although it's basically useless and pointless, on linux there is libsupc++ already.) .
I also would never ever use MSVC under Windows, in my opinion it's better to stick with a GCC-like compiler such as mingw, you got bleeding edge features, and you can simplify your codebase and your building phase a lot.

vector<bool>::push_back bug in GCC 3.4.3?

The following code crashes for me using GCC to build for ARM:
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
void foo(vector<bool>& bools) {
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
vector<bool> bools;
bool b = false;
My compiler is: arm_v5t_le-gcc (GCC) 3.4.3 (MontaVista 3.4.3- 2005-07-23). The crash doesn't occur when building for debug, but occurs with optimizations set to -O2.
Yes, the foo function is necessary to reproduce the issue. This was very confusing at first, but I've discovered that the crash only happens when the push_back call isn't inlined. If GCC notices that the push_back method is called more than once, it won't inline it in each location. For example, I can also reproduce the crash by calling push_back twice inside of main. If you make foo static, then gcc can tell it is never called and will optimize it out, resulting in push_back getting inlined into main, resulting in the crash not occurring.
I've tried this on x86 with gcc 4.3.3, and it appears the issue is fixed for that version.
So, my questions are:
Has anyone else run into this? Perhaps there are some compiler flags I can pass in to prevent it.
Is this a bug with gcc's code generation, or is it a bug in the stl implementation (bits/stl_bvector.h)? (I plan on testing this out myself when I get the time)
If it is a problem with the compiler, is upgrading to 4.3.3 what fixes it, or is it switching to x86 from arm?
Incidentally, most other vector<bool> methods seem to work. And yes, I know that using vector<bool> isn't the best option in the world.
Can you build your own toolchain with gcc 3.4.6 and Montavista's patches? 3.4.6 is the last release of the 3.x line.
I can append some instructions for how to build an ARM cross-compiler from GCC sources if you want. I have to do it all the time, since nobody does prebuilt toolchains for Mac OS X.
I'd be really surprised if this is broken for ARM in gcc 4.x. But the only way to test is if you or someone else can try this out on an ARM-targeting gcc 4.x.
Upgrading to GCC 4 is a safe bet. Its code generation backend replaces the old RTL (Register Transfer Language) representation with SSA (Static Single Assignment). This change allowed a significant rewrite of the optimizer.