How to linearize the product of two float variables - c++

I would like linearizate the product of two float variables. Suppose that a model has the product x * y, where x and y are float, with 0 <= x <= 1 and 0 <= y <= 1. How linearizate this product?

I gave an example in OPL/CPLEX here
What you can do is remember that
So if you do a variable change X=x+y and Y=x-y
which is separable.
And then you are able to interpolate the function x*x by piecewise linear function:
// y=x*x interpolation
int sampleSize=10000;
float s=0;
float e=100;
float x[i in 0..sampleSize]=s+(e-s)*i/sampleSize;
int nbSegments=20;
float x2[i in 0..nbSegments]=(s)+(e-s)*i/nbSegments;
float y2[i in 0..nbSegments]=x2[i]*x2[i];
float firstSlope=0;
float lastSlope=0;
tuple breakpoint // y=f(x)
key float x;
float y;
sorted { breakpoint } breakpoints={<x2[i],y2[i]> | i in 0..nbSegments};
float slopesBeforeBreakpoint[b in breakpoints]=
pwlFunction f=piecewise(b in breakpoints)
{ slopesBeforeBreakpoint[b]->b.x; lastSlope } (first(breakpoints).x, first(breakpoints).y);
assert forall(b in breakpoints) f(b.x)==b.y;
float maxError=max (i in 0..sampleSize) abs(x[i]*x[i]-f(x[i]));
float averageError=1/(sampleSize+1)*sum (i in 0..sampleSize) abs(x[i]*x[i]-f(x[i]));
writeln("maxError = ",maxError);
writeln("averageError = ",averageError);
dvar float a in 0..10;
dvar float b in 0..10;
dvar float squareaplusb;
dvar float squareaminusb;
maximize a+b;
dvar float ab;
subject to


Efficient floating point scaling in C++

I'm working on my fast (and accurate) sin implementation in C++, and I have a problem regarding the efficient angle scaling into the +- pi/2 range.
My sin function for +-pi/2 using Taylor series is the following
(Note: FLOAT is a macro expanded to float or double just for the benchmark)
* Sin for 'small' angles, accurate on [-pi/2, pi/2], fairly accurate on [-pi, pi]
// To switch between float and double
#define FLOAT float
my_sin_small(FLOAT x)
constexpr FLOAT C1 = 1. / (7. * 6. * 5. * 4. * 3. * 2.);
constexpr FLOAT C2 = -1. / (5. * 4. * 3. * 2.);
constexpr FLOAT C3 = 1. / (3. * 2.);
constexpr FLOAT C4 = -1.;
// Correction for sin(pi/2) = 1, due to the ignored taylor terms
constexpr FLOAT corr = -1. / 0.9998431013994987;
const FLOAT x2 = x * x;
return corr * x * (x2 * (x2 * (x2 * C1 + C2) + C3) + C4);
So far so good... The problem comes when I try to scale an arbitrary angle into the +-pi/2 range. My current solution is:
my_sin(FLOAT x)
constexpr FLOAT pi = 3.141592653589793238462;
constexpr FLOAT rpi = 1 / pi;
// convert to +-pi/2 range
int n = std::nearbyint(x * rpi);
FLOAT xbar = (n * pi - x) * (2 * (n & 1) - 1);
// (2 * (n % 2) - 1) is a sign correction (see below)
return my_sin_small(xbar);
I made a benchmark, and I'm losing a lot for the +-pi/2 scaling.
Tricking with int(angle/pi + 0.5) is a nope since it is limited to the int precision, also requires +- branching, and i try to avoid branches...
What should I try to improve the performance for this scaling? I'm out of ideas.
Benchmark results for float. (In the benchmark the angle could be out of the validity range for my_sin_small, but for the bench I don't care about that...):
Benchmark results for double.
Sign correction for xbar in my_sin():
Algo accuracy compared to python sin() function:
Candidate improvements
Convert the radians x to rotations by dividing by 2*pi.
Retain only the fraction so we have an angle (-1.0 ... 1.0). This simplifies the OP's modulo step to a simple "drop the whole number" step instead. Going forward with different angle units simply involves a co-efficient set change. No need to scale back to radians.
For positive values, subtract 0.5 so we have (-0.5 ... 0.5) and then flip the sign. This centers the possible values about 0.0 and makes for better convergence of the approximating polynomial as compared to the math sine function. For negative values - see below.
Call my_sin_small1() that uses this (-0.5 ... 0.5) rotations range rather than [-pi ... +pi] radians.
In my_sin_small1(), fold constants together to drop the corr * step.
Rather than use the truncated Taylor's series, use a more optimal set. IMO, this will provide better answers, especially near +/-pi.
Notes: No int to/from float code. With more analysis, possible to get a better set of coefficients that fix my_sin(+/-pi) closer to 0.0. This is just a quick set of code to demo less FP steps and good potential results.
C like code for OP to port to C++
FLOAT my_sin_small1(FLOAT x) {
static const FLOAT A1 = -5.64744881E+01;
static const FLOAT A2 = +7.81017968E+01;
static const FLOAT A3 = -4.11145353E+01;
static const FLOAT A4 = +6.27923581E+00;
const FLOAT x2 = x * x;
return x * (x2 * (x2 * (x2 * A1 + A2) + A3) + A4);
FLOAT my_sin1(FLOAT x) {
static const FLOAT pi = 3.141592653589793238462;
static const FLOAT pi2i = 1/(pi * 2);
x *= pi2i;
FLOAT xfraction = 0.5f - (x - truncf(x));
return my_sin_small1(xfraction);
For negative values, use -my_sin1(-x) or like code to flip the sign - or add 0.5 in the above minus 0.5 step.
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
for (int d = 0; d <= 360; d += 20) {
FLOAT x = d / 180.0 * M_PI;
FLOAT y = my_sin1(x);
printf("%12.6f %11.8f %11.8f\n", x, sin(x), y);
0.000000 0.00000000 -0.00022483
0.349066 0.34202013 0.34221691
0.698132 0.64278759 0.64255589
1.047198 0.86602542 0.86590189
1.396263 0.98480775 0.98496443
1.745329 0.98480775 0.98501128
2.094395 0.86602537 0.86603642
2.443461 0.64278762 0.64260530
2.792527 0.34202022 0.34183803
3.141593 -0.00000009 0.00000000
3.490659 -0.34202016 -0.34183764
3.839724 -0.64278757 -0.64260519
4.188790 -0.86602546 -0.86603653
4.537856 -0.98480776 -0.98501128
4.886922 -0.98480776 -0.98496443
5.235988 -0.86602545 -0.86590189
5.585053 -0.64278773 -0.64255613
5.934119 -0.34202036 -0.34221727
6.283185 0.00000017 -0.00022483
Alternate code below makes for better results near 0.0, yet might cost a tad more time. OP seems more inclined to speed.
FLOAT xfraction = 0.5f - (x - truncf(x));
// vs.
FLOAT xfraction = x - truncf(x);
if (x >= 0.5f) x -= 1.0f;
Below is a better set with about 10% reduced error.
Yet another approach:
Spend more time (code) to reduce the range to ±pi/4 (±45 degrees), then possible to use only 3 or 2 terms of a polynomial that is like the usually Taylors series.
float sin_quick_small(float x) {
const float x2 = x * x;
#if 0
// max error about 7e-7
static const FLOAT A2 = +0.00811656036940792f;
static const FLOAT A3 = -0.166597759850666f;
static const FLOAT A4 = +0.999994132743861f;
return x * (x2 * (x2 * A2 + A3) + A4);
// max error about 0.00016
static const FLOAT A3 = -0.160343346851626f;
static const FLOAT A4 = +0.999031566686144f;
return x * (x2 * A3 + A4);
float cos_quick_small(float x) {
return cosf(x); // TBD code.
float sin_quick(float x) {
if (x < 0.0) {
return -sin_quick(-x);
int quo;
float x90 = remquof(fabsf(x), 3.141592653589793238462f / 2, &quo);
switch (quo % 4) {
case 0:
return sin_quick_small(x90);
case 1:
return cos_quick_small(x90);
case 2:
return sin_quick_small(-x90);
case 3:
return -cos_quick_small(x90);
return 0.0;
int main() {
float max_x = 0.0;
float max_error = 0.0;
for (int d = -45; d <= 45; d += 1) {
FLOAT x = d / 180.0 * M_PI;
FLOAT y = sin_quick(x);
double err = fabs(y - sin(x));
if (err > max_error) {
max_x = x;
max_error = err;
printf("%12.6f %11.8f %11.8f err:%11.8f\n", x, sin(x), y, err);
printf("x:%.6f err:%.6f\n", max_x, max_error);
return 0;

C/CPP - Converting floating point arithmetic to integer arithmetic

I have the following c++ functions (implementing Bresenham's line algorithm), seen in the book
Computer Graphics From Pixels to Programmable Graphics Hardware By
Alexey Boreskov, Evgeniy Shikin
One of the function uses floats, and due to their inefficiency the book has presented another function which uses integer arithmetic only.
I'm having trouble understading why are the two equivalent, and why are we using left shift << here, doesn't a<<1 simply multiply a by 2?
Note: We assume the points A:(xa,ya) and B:(xb,yb) have integer values.
Float Version
void drawLine(int xa, int ya, int xb, int yb, int color) {
float k = (float)(yb-ya)/(float)(xb-xa);
float d = 2*k - 1
int y = ya;
putPixel(xa, ya, color); // paint the pixel (xa,ya) in color "color"
for (int x = xa+1; x<=xb; x++) {
if (d > 0) {
d += 2*k + 2;
} else {
d += 2*k;
putPixel(x, y, color);
Integer Version
void drawLine(int xa, int ya, int xb, int yb, int color) {
int dx = xb - xa;
int dy = yb -ya;
int d = (dy<<1) - dx;
int d1 = dy <<1;
int d2 = (dy - dx) << 1;
int y = ya;
putPixel(xa, ya, color); // paint the pixel (xa,ya) in color "color"
for (int x = xa+1; x<=xb; x++) {
if (d > 0) {
d += d2;
} else {
d += d1;
putPixel(x, y, color);
The floating-point code does four things with d:
Initialize d to 2dy/dx−1, where dy and dx are yb−ya and xb−xa, respectively.
Evaluate whether d is greater than 0.
Add 2dy/dx+2 to d.
Add 2dy/dx to d.
In floating-point, the division by dx may produce a non-integer. To avoid this, we transform the operations by multiplying everything by dx, yielding:
Initialize d to 2dy−dx.
Evaluate whether d is greater than 0dx (equal to 0).
Add 2dy+2dx to d.
Add 2dy to d.
We can readily see that these four equivalent operations are implemented in the integer code except for 3. The integer code appears to add 2dy−2dx to d. The integer code matches code shown in the Wikipedia page for Bresenham’s line algorithm. I suspect the + in the floating-point version is an error in the book.

Spherical Coordinate Mapping creating double epsilons

Here is an image:
So I can tell what the problem is, that my epsilon (or whatever that symbol is) used for spherical coordinates are repeating. So the way I calculate the points is:
double theta = acos(p.getY()/p.magnitude());
theta = theta/3.1415926;
double epsilon = atan(p.getZ()/p.getX());
epsilon = epsilon + 3.1415926/2;
epsilon = epsilon /3.1415926;
I'm pretty sure the rest isn't the problem but I will put it here just in case
int w = texture ->columns();
int h = texture ->rows();
double x = w * epsilon ; x = (int) x;
double y = h * theta; y = (int) y;
int row = y;
int column = x;
Magick::PixelPacket *pixels = texture->getPixels(0, 0, w, h);
Magick::Color color = pixels[w * row + column];
double range = pow(2, texture -> modulusDepth());
double r = color.redQuantum()/range ;
double g = color.greenQuantum()/range ;
double b = color.blueQuantum()/range ;
return Color(r, g, b, 0);
I am not sure why I would be getting repeating values because my range should originally be -pi/2 < epsilon < pi/2 and I just shift it then scale it.
Use atan2 instead of atan. atan accepts x/y while atan2 accepts x,y .
This allows atan2 handle the case where x and y are both negative differently from the case where they're positive. atan has no way of knowing.

Perlin Noise algorithm does not seem to produce gradient noise

I am attempting to implement Perlin Noise in c++.
Firstly, the problem (I think) is that the output is not what I expect. Currently I simply use the generated Perlin Noise values in a greyscaled image, and this is the results I get:
However, from my understanding, it's supposed to look more along the lines of:
That is, the noise I am producing currently seems to be more along the lines of "standard" irregular noise.
This is the Perlin Noise Algorithm I have implemented so far:
float perlinNoise2D(float x, float y)
// Find grid cell coordinates
int x0 = (x > 0.0f ? static_cast<int>(x) : (static_cast<int>(x) - 1));
int x1 = x0 + 1;
int y0 = (y > 0.0f ? static_cast<int>(y) : (static_cast<int>(y) - 1));
int y1 = y0 + 1;
float s = calculateInfluence(x0, y0, x, y);
float t = calculateInfluence(x1, y0, x, y);
float u = calculateInfluence(x0, y1, x, y);
float v = calculateInfluence(x1, y1, x, y);
// Local position in the grid cell
float localPosX = 3 * ((x - (float)x0) * (x - (float)x0)) - 2 * ((x - (float)x0) * (x - (float)x0) * (x - (float)x0));
float localPosY = 3 * ((y - (float)y0) * (y - (float)y0)) - 2 * ((y - (float)y0) * (y - (float)y0) * (y - (float)y0));
float a = s + localPosX * (t - s);
float b = u + localPosX * (v - u);
return lerp(a, b, localPosY);
The function calculateInfluence has the job of generating the random gradient vector and distance vector for one of the corner points of the current grid cell and returning the dot product of these. It is implemented as:
float calculateInfluence(int xGrid, int yGrid, float x, float y)
// Calculate gradient vector
float gradientXComponent = dist(rdEngine);
float gradientYComponent = dist(rdEngine);
// Normalize gradient vector
float magnitude = sqrt( pow(gradientXComponent, 2) + pow(gradientYComponent, 2) );
gradientXComponent = gradientXComponent / magnitude;
gradientYComponent = gradientYComponent / magnitude;
magnitude = sqrt(pow(gradientXComponent, 2) + pow(gradientYComponent, 2));
// Calculate distance vectors
float dx = x - (float)xGrid;
float dy = y - (float)yGrid;
// Compute dot product
return (dx * gradientXComponent + dy * gradientYComponent);
Here, dist is a random number generator from C++11:
std::mt19937 rdEngine(1);
std::normal_distribution<float> dist(0.0f, 1.0f);
And lerp is simply implemented as:
float lerp(float v0, float v1, float t)
return ( 1.0f - t ) * v0 + t * v1;
To implement the algorithm, I primarily made use of the following two resources:
Perlin Noise FAQ
Perlin Noise Pseudo Code
It's difficult for me to pinpoint exactly where I seem to be messing up. It could be that I am generating the gradient vectors incorrectly, as I'm not quite sure what type of distribution they should have. I have tried with a uniform distribution, however this seemed to generate repeating patterns in the texture!
Likewise, it could be that I am averaging the influence values incorrectly. It has been a bit difficult to discern exactly how it should be done from from the Perlin Noise FAQ article.
Does anyone have any hints as to what might be wrong with the code? :)
It seems like you are only generating a single octave of Perlin Noise. To get a result like the one shown, you need to generate multiple octaves and add them together. In a series of octaves, each octave should have a grid cell size double that of the last.
To generate multi-octave noise, use something similar to this:
float multiOctavePerlinNoise2D(float x, float y, int octaves)
float v = 0.0f;
float scale = 1.0f;
float weight = 1.0f;
float weightTotal = 0.0f;
for(int i = 0; i < octaves; i++)
v += perlinNoise2D(x * scale, y * scale) * weight;
weightTotal += weight;
// "ever-increasing frequencies and ever-decreasing amplitudes"
// (or conversely decreasing freqs and increasing amplitudes)
scale *= 0.5f;
weight *= 2.0f;
return v / weightTotal;
For extra randomness you could use a differently seeded random generator for each octave. Also, the weights given to each octave can be varied to adjust the aesthetic quality of the noise. If the weight variable is not adjusted each iteration, then the example above is "pink noise" (each doubling of frequency carries the same weight).
Also, you need to use a random number generator that returns the same value each time for a given xGrid, yGrid pair.

Converting a 3x3 matrix to Euler/Tait Bryan angles (pitch yaw roll)

I have the Razer Hydra SDK here, and I want to transform the rotation matrix I get from the hardware, into pitch, yaw and roll.
The documentation states:
rot_mat - A 3x3 matrix describing the rotation of the controller.
My code is currently:
roll = atan2(rot_mat[2][0], rot_mat[2][1]);
pitch = acos(rot_mat[2][2]);
yaw = -atan2(rot_mat[0][2], rot_mat[1][2]);
Yet this seems to give me wrong results.
Would somebody know how I can easily translate this, and what I am doing wrong?
You can calculate pitch, roll and yaw like this.
Based on that:
#include <array>
#include <limits>
typedef std::array<float, 3> float3;
typedef std::array<float3, 3> float3x3;
const float PI = 3.14159265358979323846264f;
bool closeEnough(const float& a, const float& b, const float& epsilon = std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()) {
return (epsilon > std::abs(a - b));
float3 eulerAngles(const float3x3& R) {
//check for gimbal lock
if (closeEnough(R[0][2], -1.0f)) {
float x = 0; //gimbal lock, value of x doesn't matter
float y = PI / 2;
float z = x + atan2(R[1][0], R[2][0]);
return { x, y, z };
} else if (closeEnough(R[0][2], 1.0f)) {
float x = 0;
float y = -PI / 2;
float z = -x + atan2(-R[1][0], -R[2][0]);
return { x, y, z };
} else { //two solutions exist
float x1 = -asin(R[0][2]);
float x2 = PI - x1;
float y1 = atan2(R[1][2] / cos(x1), R[2][2] / cos(x1));
float y2 = atan2(R[1][2] / cos(x2), R[2][2] / cos(x2));
float z1 = atan2(R[0][1] / cos(x1), R[0][0] / cos(x1));
float z2 = atan2(R[0][1] / cos(x2), R[0][0] / cos(x2));
//choose one solution to return
//for example the "shortest" rotation
if ((std::abs(x1) + std::abs(y1) + std::abs(z1)) <= (std::abs(x2) + std::abs(y2) + std::abs(z2))) {
return { x1, y1, z1 };
} else {
return { x2, y2, z2 };
If you still get wrong angles with this, you may be using a row-major matrix as opposed to column-major, or vice versa - in that case you'll need to flip all R[i][j] instances to R[j][i].
Depending on the coordinate system used (left handed, right handed) x,y,z may not correspond to the same axes, but once you start getting the right numbers, figuring out which axis is which should be easy :)
Alternatively, to convert from a Quaternion to euler angles like shown here:
float3 eulerAngles(float q0, float q1, float q2, float q3)
atan2(2 * (q0*q1 + q2*q3), 1 - 2 * (q1*q1 + q2*q2)),
asin( 2 * (q0*q2 - q3*q1)),
atan2(2 * (q0*q3 + q1*q2), 1 - 2 * (q2*q2 + q3*q3))
This is the an formula that will do, keep in mind that the higher the precision the more variables in the rotation matrix are important:
roll = atan2(rot_mat[2][1], rot_mat[2][2]);
pitch = asin(rot_mat[2][0]);
yaw = -atan2(rot_mat[1][0], rot_mat[0][0]);
This is also used in the point cloud library, function : pcl::getEulerAngles