Does Mailgun validate new email addresses before sending a message in the same way their 'Email Validation' service validates an email? - mailgun

I'm confused as to whether sending an email with by default validates new email addresses, or if I should choose to use the 'Email Validation' service before attempting to send an email to a new email address.
In addition if validation is handled by default with new email addresses does this increase the cost - in terms of the 'validation' pricing?


AWS SES, sending mail with an unverified 'from'

I'm trying to create a discussion list sender using SES. The 'receive' part is fine, but when I send, I want to preserve the user's "from" address. Aside from some subject rewriting, here's what I'm doing to the headers; VERIFIED_FROM is my mailing list alias. This is py3.6, but it shouldn't matter.
msg['Return-Path'] = VERIFIED_FROM_EMAIL
When I call sendRawEmail, I get an error like this, brackets for scrubbed entries:
[ERROR] [timestamp] [request id] Client error while forwarding email for <[VERIFIED_FROM_EMAIL]> to <[all emails on list]>: An error occurred (MessageRejected) when calling the SendRawEmail operation: Email address is not verified. The following identities failed the check in region US-WEST-2: ["user who sent the message"]
I can't put all users on the verified list. I could set the 'from' to my list address, but then I lose the identity of the sender.
I'm sure this has been done with SES- but how?
The reply-to field and the return-path field are fields that require a validated email address. [1]
With each email you relay, you can create a unique email address for people to reply to (e.g. which you can then relay back to the same threads using the Message-ID and In-Reply-To headers.
You can also modify what the name looks like for the message using the Name <> header too.

Send Custom Verification Email with Template Parameter (Simple Email Service)

Using AWS Java Api (SES), I have the following code
#DisplayName("send custom verification email")
void sendCustomVerificationEmail() {
SendCustomVerificationEmailRequest sendCustomVerificationEmailRequest = new SendCustomVerificationEmailRequest();
SendCustomVerificationEmailResult sendCustomVerificationEmailResult = amazonSimpleEmailService.sendCustomVerificationEmail(sendCustomVerificationEmailRequest);
I got receive the verification email, I can click in the link and then change the status of the email (Pending->Success).
My Question is, How Could I to have a tracking of my verification request with my user request, because I cannot change the email body with a token, or get a token of the verification request.
With the tracking I can be trusted to send mails with his verified email address and with the token I can be trusted to send mails with his tracked email adress.

WSO2 APIM Store - limited email address validation

deploying an internal (corporate) API manager 2.0.0 we found a limitation - the email address validation apparently enforces email validation with 2-4 email :
$.validator.addMethod('validEmail', function(value, element) {
var emailRegex = /^([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.])+\#([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.])+\.([A-Za-z]{2,4})$/;
return emailRegex.test(value);
}, i18n.t('Invalid email address'));
However - email addresses today may have even long last domain name (e.g., otheruse#my.internal.corporation)
I see the validation logic is implemented in the followinf file:
Question: is the file the only place where the email format is enforced? (Users are managed in AD, so the default user view / management UI doesn't concern us too much atm)
Seems the only place where the email is validated is the script:

How to change reply_to email address in Vtiger 6.4 for all the outgoing mails via Mail Manager?

When any user sends any email via Mail Manager, the default reply_to email address is set as the Help_desk_emailid by Vtiger. I want to change that reply_to email address and want to use some custom dynamic email address for all the outgoing emails via Mail manager only; not for any other outgoing emails such as events, reminders etc.
It would be really helpful even if i need to do that directly in the code in core files.
All the emails through Mail Manager are sent via different module and not using /modules/Emails/mail.php
All the emails are sent from /modules/Emails/models/Record.php via send() function.
So to change the reply_to email address we need to modify below line in send() function:
$replyTo = $currentUserModel->get('email1');
You can change reply to email address in /modules/Emails/mail.php
if(isUserInitiated()) {
$replyToEmail = $from_email;
} else {
$replyToEmail = $from_email_field;
Just change the logic of getting from email address or else you can add static email address.

Redirect users to their specified email accounts with receiver and message fields pre-filled

I have an email address "". I have created a django form that has a text field and a button. I want to redirect anyone who types a message in the text box to their respective emails so that they can send the message they typed to "my address". This means that as they log in to their email accounts, their message boxes should already be filled with the message they typed and the receiver field should already have "". The problem is how to redirect the users to their email accounts and prefill the specified fields.
Can anyone help me please?
If the user has set a default email program, most of them will be triggered on mailto:. I know gmail works with mailto: as well, and its possible that other web email services might. All desktop email clients - again only if it is set as the default email program will work on mailto:
The format is:
Here is an example that sets the subject of the email automatically:
Email me