Visual Studio Static Link (freeglut, glew) - c++

I created a project using freeglut and glew and am attempting to statically link them. Currently when I build the project, I get an exe and two dlls(freeglut32.dll and glew32.dll). I'd like to make it so that I only get the exe.
To install the libraries I used NuGet. (Install-Package freeglut) and (Install-Package glew). NuGet downloads glew.lib to .\packages\glew.\build\native\lib\v110\x64\Release\static\glew.lib and freeglut to .\packages\freeglut.\build\native\lib\v110\x64\Release\static\freeglut.lib.
I assume they are the .lib files I wanted because they are both over 1 MB.
In Visual Studio, I went to Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies and added the paths of freeglut.lib and glew.lib. I also added #define GLEW_STATIC and #define FREEGLUT_STATIC to my code. Link Library Dependencies is turned on.
Even still, building the project gives me my 654 KB exe along with 224 kb of freeglut.dll and 356 kb of glew32.dll.
How can I make sure it so that glew32.dll and freeglut.dll do not exist and I am just given the single executable?
Due to suggestions:
I went to Properties -> Referenced Packages and set freeglut and glew to Static.

You need to build static libraries for glew and freeglut that are compatible with your project settings
Step 1) Download and build vcpkg.exe ( a open source auto packaging tools from Microsoft) and make sure to keep built settings similar to your current project. Later vcpkg will use these settings as the default or intrinsic values.
Step 2) Open PowerShell in administrative mode and go the vcpkg directory
Step 3) Type .\vcpkg install glew:x64-windows-static This tells the packager to build a static library of the project for x64 machine. Repeat for freeglut. Your static libraries are ready for manual linking. Under the vcpkg\ installed\x64-windows-static\ , you can find subdirectories viz lib ( your lib are here), and include directory contains your glew include files.
Step 4) [Optional] If you want to auto link the installed packages to your visual studio C++ projects (available in VS 2015 or later only), type
.\vcpkg integrate install
Many open source windows projects can be auto build using this tool, enjoy.


Compiling and Linking to Visual Studio 2022 using OpenCV source code built as Win32 from CMake C++

I'm trying to use OpenCV with Dear ImGui in Visual Studio 2022. I'm new to C/C++ libraries and building in general, so I'm unsure if I'm doing anything right. ImGui uses 32-bit architecture and I've used Cmake gui to compile the source code as Win32. I think I have the compiled source code, but it seems to be different than downloading the pre-built libraries. File Explorer Screenshot. I've added the bin to PATH environmental variable, and in Visual Studio tried adding \include to Include Directories, \lib or \lib\Debug to Library Directories, and opencv_world460d.lib to Additional Dependencies. The program still runs, but it doesn't seem to include anything related to OpenCV in the #include files. I found a few .dll files in bin\Debug, but I'm not sure if I should bother with that. I think I could move the source code into the project, but I'm fairly certain that isn't the proper way to do it. Any help would be appreciated.
I needed to run the install target:
You may have built the project, but probably you didn't run the install target. Try running cmake --build <build_dir> --config Release and then cmake --install <build_dir> --config Release, where <build_dir> is a placeholder for the path to the build dir shown in the screenshot. The latter command probably requires admin privileges. Probably best to check the docs of the lib, if there's a step by step instruction for building & installing the whole thing. –

What is the difference between lib and debug/lib created by vcpkg

When I Install packages using vcpkg, it creates lib and Debug/lib, in which are the static libraries. but I wonder what is the difference between them, since I can use both of them as the library path in my Visual Studio C++ Project and both ways can build the project successfully...
(I know that in the debug directory, the libs are for debug. But I only add, for example, imgui.lib, to the "Additional Dependencies", and I set debug/lib(which only has imguid.lib) as the library path, the projected also can be built successfully...How does VS know that imguid.lib is the imgui.lib?)
Root Directory

How to statically link cpprest without dll files in VS project?

I finally linked Casablanca/CPPRESTSDK with VS17, thanks for this post Statically linking Casablanca/CPPREST SDK and some anothers. But now I see, that when I start project, for some reason VS automatically generates 3 DLL files zlib1.dll SSLEAY32.dll LIBEAY32.dll in folder with .exe, but I actually linked staticly for not to have them at all. I also have these files in lib format in vcpkg-master\installed\x86-windows-static\lib, can I somehow use them instead of dlls?
I had the same problem. I have a Visual Studio solution with projects using MFC in a shared DLL and using the multi-threaded DLL runtime library. I wanted to link statically to cpprestsdk without three extra DLLs to distribute. Linking to the static version of cpprestsdk wasn't working: I couldn't link because of conflicting runtime libraries (/MT - multithreaded and /MD - multi-threaded DLL). I couldn't find a pre-compiled version which used the /MD switch (multi-threaded DLL), but exported as a library. So I had to compile it myself.
My solution:
download vcpkg ( This is a package C and C++ library package manager. You will need to 'bootstrap' it. See the Quick Start.
install necessary dependencies for cpprestsdk: `vcpkg install --triplet x86-windows zlib openssl boost-system boost-date-time boost-regex boost-interprocess websocketpp brotli
download cpprestsdk from github (
generate a Visual Studio solution file ( I wanted to generate an x86 version, so I had to use the following command cmake ../Release -A win32 -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_F ILE=d:\jw\git\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake.
open cpprestsdk.sln solution and do the following for Release and Debug configurations in the cpprest project:
change the configuration type to Static library
change the target file extension to .lib.
build debug and release versions.
I could then use the generated libraries in my solution.
add the cpprestsdk include directory to my project
add the cpprestsdk libraries to the linker Input
add the zlib and openssl libraries from the cpprestsdk packages directory.
add the libraries bcrypt.lib, winhttp.lib and crypt32.lib to the linker Input too (Statically linking Casablanca/CPPREST SDK)
you also need to add the preprocessor flag _NO_ASYNCRTIMP to the project where you use cpprestsdk.
I hope this helps someone save some of the hours I lost getting it to work!

BOOST Version 1.46.1 with Visual Studio 2010 P.E

I'm trying to run some simple examples with Boost and I'm continuously running into this error and I have tried to compile this but I haven't been able to create "libboost_system-vc100-mt-gd-1_46_1.lib".
I keep ending up with this issue:
error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libboost_system-vc100-mt-gd-1_46_1.lib'
Anyone encounter this error before? How do you compile this properly with NMAKE because it keeps telling me it's bulding "boost.regex without ICU / Unicode Support" which is giving it a "fatal error U1073 and tells me it doesn't know how to make "../src/c_regex_traits.cpp".
Sorry if this is a jumble it's just a lot of information that's getting more and more confusing to me.
Your boost is not properly built or installed. Please follow the instruction on how to install boost.
You need to build the boost libraries first.
To do this, open command line & go to boost root eg C:\dev\boost\1_46_1.
Depending on whether you want to build for 64bit or 32bit applications, type
(x64):bjam toolset=msvc address-model=64 variant=debug,release link=static threading=multi runtime-link=static,shared stage
(x86): bjam toolset=msvc variant=debug,release link=static threading=multi runtime-link=static,shared stage
to start compiling. Be patience while boost is building, it takes a lot of time. When building is complete you can find the library files in "stage\lib" folder.
Also note that you can delete the folder "bin.v2" once building is complete.
Now you need to point your VS2010 project to those libraries. Modifying part of mlimber's answer:
In VS2010, right-click on your project, select Properties and then go to Configuration Properties -> Linker -> General. Look for "Additional Library Directories" in the middle of the list, and add C:\Program Files\Boost\boost_1_46_1\lib (or whatever) there.
Another way to do this is the following
In VS2010, right-click on your project, select Properties and then go to Configuration Properties -> VC++ Directories. Look for "Library Directories" in the middle of the list, and add C:\Program Files\Boost\boost_1_46_1\lib (or whatever) there.
Apart from the above, one could also download from
the necessary libraries (including the file missing).
While trying to build Pion network library, I ran into a very similar problem since Pion has dependency on Boost library.
My Boost build was built using boostrap and bjam, and not BoostPro.
The error I got was this: LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'boost_thread-vc100-mt-gd-1_46_1.lib'
When I looked at C:\OpenSource\boost_1_46_1\stage\lib directory, I saw every file name started with libboost_ and not boost_. The file boost_thread-vc100-mt-gd-1_46_1.lib was clearly missing. That made me suspicious that not all boost libraries were built by bjam. After a little research, I reran bjam with the option --build-type=complete
Now I noticed that it started creating lib file names starting with boost_. Not to mention, Pion library could now compile successfully.
Hope this adds some clarity to this thread.
Or alternatively to ybungalobill's suggestion use the installer from
In the installer you must just select the boost versions for msvc 10 and after installation update your visual studio include and lib directories in the VS2010 property sheets to point to the boost include and lib directory.
I take it that you used the BoostPro installer, but which library types did you install -- header only, static linking, DLLs, everything?
Assuming you did everything, then the problem is probably that you don't have the path to boost in your library paths. The problematic file name starts with "libboost" which tells me you're trying to use the statically linked version, which is fine. You should add the library path to your Makefile or project settings for all build configurations. It's probably something like C:\Program Files\Boost\boost_1_46_1 (for the newest version on a 32-bit version of Windows).
In VS2010, right-click on your project, select "All Configurations" at the top, then go to Configuration Properties | Linker [or Librarian if you're making a library] | General. Look for "Additional Library Directories" in the middle of the list, and add C:\Program Files\Boost\boost_1_46_1\lib (or whatever) there.
Do that for each project in the solution that uses Boost libraries that are not header-only.
For a Makefile, you'll have to locate the library paths and add Boost to it similarly but by hand.

How do you compile static pthread-win32 lib for x64?

It looks like some work has been done to make pthread-win32 work with x64, but there are no build instructions. I have tried simly building with the Visual Studio x64 Cross Tools Command Prompt, but when I try to link to the lib from an x64 application, it can't see any of the function exports. It seems like it is still compiling the lib as x86 or something.
I've even tried adding /MACHINE to the makefile in the appropriate places, but it doesn't help. Has anyone gotten this to work?
You can use the vcpkg here. Which is the Windows package manager for C++.
It supports pthread building and also other open source libraries.
I wanted to use a static pthread library.
When i downloaded the pthread i got the dll(pthread.dll) and import lib(pthread.lib) i.e I can not use only pthread.lib I had to use the pthread.dll file.
So using vcpkg I have built the static lib. Which I can use without any dll dependencies
Using "vcpkg" you can build both Static and Dynamic Libraries
You can use below steps
Below i have added the steps for all DLL (x86|x64) and LIB (x86|x64) cases. You can build it as per your need.
Clone the vcpkg from git directory vcpkg git repo
From the directory where you have cloned vcpkg run below command- Which will install the vcpkg
bootstrap - vcpkg.bat
Check for the library availability by running below commands
vcpkg search pthread
Which will show you below result
mbedtls[pthreads] Multi-threading support
pthread 3.0.0 empty package, linking to other port
pthreads 3.0.0-6 pthreads for windows
As you can see it supports pthread for windows
1 .Building Dynamic Library with import lib (DLL)
Building x86 DLL
vcpkg install pthreads:x86-windows
Which will build the dll and import library in .\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows from
here copy the lib and include and you can use them
Building x64 DLL
vcpkg install pthreads:x64-windows
Which will build the dll and import library in .\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows from
here copy the lib and include folders.
2. Building Static Library (LIB)
Building x86 LIB
vcpkg install pthreads:x86-windows-static
Which will build the dll and import library in .\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows-static
from here copy the lib and include and you can use them
Building x64 LIB
vcpkg install pthreads:x64-windows-static
Which will build the dll and import library in .\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows-static
from here copy the lib and include folders.
NOTE : Try to use with admin privileges
For me, I just use a 64-bit windows compiler (mingw-w64 cross compiler in this particular case) then make (with2.9.1) like:
$ make clean GC-static
Then how I install it for use (some of this may not be needed, of course),
cp libpthreadGC2.a $mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/lib/libpthread.a
cp pthread.h sched.h semaphore.h $mingw_w64_x86_64_prefix/include
then to use it, you have to define this (example ffmpeg configure line to use it):
Anyhow that's one way.
Another way is to do the same then modify the *.h files and remove all references to dllexport from the headers (or manually define DPTW32_STATIC_LIB in the headers).
sed 's/ __declspec (dllexport)//g;s/ __declspec (dllimport)//g'
(ref: zeranoe build scripts)
Until it's officially released, it looks like you have to check out the CVS head to get version 2.9 of the library. Version 2.9 has all the x64 patches, but you will still have problems if you try to compile the static library from the command line.
The only workaround I know of is to use the DLLs instead of statically linking the LIB.
Here's how I did it (VS2015). Should work for older Visual Studios too.
1) Download the release .zip from SourceForge
2) Unpack to a clean folder- should see "pthreads.2"
3) Open up your Visual Studio command prompt, navigate to "pthreads.2."
4) Run "nmake", no arguments. It produces a help message listing all the legal commands you can give 'nmake' to build it. For more info, see "pthreads.2\FAQ" file which explains their 3 different flavors of 'cleanup' handling.
I would suggest building "VC" and "VC-debug" (and maybe the static ones of those) only. The 'real' pthreads is a C system library on POSIX platforms like Linux, so only those combos are going to give you the exact same C error behavior on Windows that you'd get on Linux, FreeBSD, etc.
to expand kgriffs answer one has to do two more things to actually build a 64bit DLL and not 32bit DLL.
First download latest pthreads via CVS (as suggested here)
1) use 64bit build tools - achieved by loading correct VC environment settings in command line (more about it here):
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat amd64
(change the 11.0 to whatever version you are using)
2) As it is written in the pthreads Makefile:
TARGET_CPU is an environment variable set by Visual Studio Command Prompt
as provided by the SDK (VS 2010 Express plus SDK 7.1)
PLATFORM is an environment variable that may be set in the VS 2013 Express x64 cross
development environment
which means, that if it was not done by the vcvars (in my case it wasn't) you need to set TARGET_CPU or PLATFORM (just in case I set them both):
set TARGET_CPU=x64
set PLATFORM=x64
3) and now the final step:
nmake clean VC
nmake clean VC-debug
this will make a 64bit DLL files (and proper import library and PDB). I can verify that it works with Visual Studio 2012.
This message might help.
I was successful in replacing "pthread-win32" with "pthreads4w" and compiling in MSVC2019 for x64 target using the console nmake command. Even statically link.