I've log statements appearing in Splunk as below.
info Request method=POST, time=100, id=12345
info Response statuscode=200, time=300, id=12345
I'm trying to write a Splunk query that would extract the time parameter from the lines starting with info Request and info Response and basically find the time difference. Is there a way I can do this in a query? I'm able to extract values separately from each statement but not the two values together.
I'm hoping for something like below, but I guess the piping won't work:
... | search log="info Request*" | rex field=log "time=(?<time1>[^\,]+)" | search log="info Response*" | rex field=log "time=(?<time2>[^\,]+)" | table time1, time2
Any help is highly appreciated.
General process:
Extract type into a field
Calculate response and request times
Group by id
Calculate the diff
You may want to use something other than stats(latest) but won't matter if there's only one request/response per id.
| rex field=_raw "info (?<type>\w+).*"
| eval requestTime = if(type="Request",time,NULL)
| eval responseTime = if(type="Response",time,NULL)
| stats latest(requestTime) as requestTime latest(responseTime) as responseTime by id
| eval diff = responseTime - requestTime
I am trying to match the response_code that are 4.*. But getting a Expected type 'String' but got 'Int'. in the MQL editor. I am able to match strings with regex, just the int doesn't work. Is there a way i could convert the metric type int to a string? Or am I doing it wrong?
fetch istio_canonical_service
| metric 'istio.io/service/client/request_count'
| filter (metric.response_code =~ '4.*')
| group_by 1m, [value_request_count_mean: mean(value.request_count)]
| every 1m
| group_by [metric.response_code],
[value_request_count_mean_aggregate: aggregate(value_request_count_mean)]
You can't match integers as you are doing for strings. If you want you can use AND operation.
Ex: metric.label.response_code>="400" AND metric.label.response_code<"500"
You can't convert metric type to string as the response codes are integers.
As per Chandra's answer above, the following workaround worked:
fetch istio_canonical_service
| metric 'istio.io/service/client/request_count'
| filter metric.response_code >= 400
| filter metric.response_code < 500
| group_by 1m, [value_request_count_mean: mean(value.request_count)]
| every 1m
I generate events on multiple computers that list service names that aren't running. I want to make a chart that displays the top offending service names.
I can use the following to get a table for the dashboard:
ComputerName="*.ourDomain.com" sourcetype="WinEventLog:Application" EventCode=7223 SourceName="internalSystem"
| eval Date_Time=strftime(_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
| table host, Date_Time, Message, EventCode
Typical Message(s) will contain:
The following services were not running after 5603 seconds and a start command has been sent:
The following services were not running after 985 seconds and a start command has been sent:
Using regex I can make a named group of everything but the first line with (?<Services>((?<=\n)).*)
However, I don't think this is the right approach as I don't know how to do a valuation for the chart with this information.
So in essence, how do I grab and tally service names from messages in Splunk?
Edit 1:
Coming back to this after a few days.
I created a field extraction called "Services" with regex that grabs the contents of each message after the first line.
If I use | stats count BY Services it counts each message as a whole instead of the lines inside. The results look like this:
Service1 Service2 | Count: 1
Service2 Service3 | Count: 1
My intention is to have it treat each line as its own value so the results would look like:
Service1 | Count: 1
Service2 | Count: 2
Service3 | Count: 1
I tried | mvexpand Services but it didn't change the output so I assume I'm either using it improperly or it's not applicable here.
I think you can do it with the stats command.
| stats count by service
will give a number of appearances for each service. You then can choose the bar chart visualization to create a graph.
I ended up using split() and mvexpand to solve this problem.
This is what worked in the end:
My search
| eval events=split(Service, "
| mvexpand events
| eval events=replace(events, "[\n\r]", "")
| stats count BY events
I had to add the replace() method because any event with just one service listed was being treated differently from an event with multiple, after the split on an event with multiple services each service had a carriage return, hence the replace.
My end result dashboard chart:
For Chart dropping down that is clean:
index="yourIndex" "<searchCriteria>" | stats count(eval(searchmatch("
<searchCriteria>"))) as TotalCount
count(eval(searchmatch("search1"))) as Name1
count(eval(searchmatch("search2" ))) as Name2
count(eval(searchmatch("search3"))) as Name3
| transpose 5
| rename column as "Name", "row 1" as "Count"
Horizontal table example with percentages:
index=something "Barcode_Fail" OR "Barcode_Success" | stats
count(eval(searchmatch("Barcode_Success"))) as SuccessCount
count(eval(searchmatch("Barcode_Fail"))) as FailureCount
count(eval(searchmatch("Barcode_*"))) as Totals | eval
Failure_Rate=FailureCount/Totals |eval Success_Rate=SuccessCount/Totals
I would like to write in splunk a nested if loop:
What I want to achieve
if buyer_from_France:
do eval percentage_fruits
if percentage_fruits> 10:
do summation
if summation>20:
if total_price>$50:
do(trigger bonus coupon)
My current code (that works):
> | eventstats sum(buyers_fruits) AS total_buyers_fruits by location
> | stats sum(fruits) as buyers_fruits by location buyers
> | eval percentage_fruits=fruits_bought/fruits_sold
> | table fruits_bought fruits_sold buyers
> | where percentage_fruits > 10
> | sort - percentage_fruits
How do I complete the syntax/expression for the 2nd (summation) and consequently, 3rd (total price), 4th if-loop (trigger)?
SPL doesn't do "loops". A close [enough] analog is that each line in SPL is similar to a single command in bash (hence the pipe separator between commands). IOW, SPL is purely linear in processing. Use a multi-condition eval..if like this:
index=ndx sourcetype=srctp
| eval myfield=if(match(fieldA,"someval") AND !match(fieldC,"notthis"),"all true","else val")
Or like this:
| eval myfield=if(match(fieldA,"someval"),if(match(fieldB,"otherval"),"matched A&B",if(!match(fieldC,"notthis"),"not A & not C","else val")))
If you can explain your use case/end goal better, we can probably provide better direction
Help much appreciated - I have a field in Redshift giving data of the form:
What I would like to do is parse this cleanly as the output of a Redshift query into some columns like:
Frequency Cap Period Count | Frequency Cap Period Type | Frequency Cap Count
1 | DAYS | 501
I believe I need to use the regexp_subst function to achieve this but I cannot work out the syntax to get the required output :(
Thanks in advance for any assistance,
Here you go
select json_extract_path_text(json_extract_array_element_text(json_extract_path_text(replace('{\"frequencyCapList\":[{\"frequencyCapped\":true,\"frequencyCapPeriodCount\":1,\"frequencyCapPeriodType\":\"DAYS\",\"frequencyCapCount\":501}]}','\\',''),'frequencyCapList'),0),'frequencyCapPeriodCount');
just replace the last string with each one you want to extract!
Got some text:
[23/07 | DEV | FARO | QC Billable | #2032] Unable to Load label
[30/07 | QC | ROLAWN ] Selling products as a bundle
[11/08 | EST | QC BILLABLE | #2015 ISUOG ] On Demand website looping
[05/08 | EST | ROLAWN | Problems with 'find a stockist'
[29/07 | DEV | QUBA] Blog comments loading to error
[24/07 | FROG | EST| QC BILLABLE #2033] Carousel banner not working correctly
I'm trying to match the last sentence at the end of each line so the matches are as follows:
Unable to Load label
Selling products as a bundle
On Demand website looping
Problems with 'find a stockist'
Blog comments loading to error
Carousel banner not working correctly
Unfortunately, I can't depend on the structure of the line to conform, but the information I'm trying to extract should always be the last sentence. I've tried quite a few different things, but I'm struggling here.
If there is also some kind on no-word character before last sentence, try with:
Edit: The answer above by m.cekiera [\w\s']+$ is better.
Here's a pretty naive solution: https://regex101.com/r/yT8jJ7/1.
If you give more details about the actual structure it could be refined.