C++ How To Read First Couple Bytes Of Function? (32 bit Machine) - c++

Let's say I have a function like this (completely random, I just wrote it up in like 30 seconds for an example)
bool exampleAuthetnication(char *a, char *b)
bool didAuthenticate = false;
if(strcmp(a, b) == 0)
didAuthenticate = true;
return true;
return false;
How would I go about reading the first few bytes of this function?
I've come up with this
int functionByteArray[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
functionByteArray[i] = *(int*)(((int)&exampleAuthetnication) + (0x04 * i));
The logic behind it being that we get the memory address of our function (in this case exampleAuthetnication()) then we cast to int pointer then dereferance to get the value of the current line of bytes we are trying to read then store in functionByteArray, but it does not seem to work properly. What am I doing wrong? Is what I'm trying to accomplish possible?

In theory (according to the C++11 standard) you cannot even cast a function pointer into a data pointer (on Harvard architectures code and data sit in different memories and different address spaces). Some operating systems or processors might also forbid reading of executable code segments (read about NX bit).
In practice, on x86-64 (or 32 bits x86) running some operating system like Linux or Windows, a function code is a sequence of bytes and can be unaligned, and sits in the (common) virtual address space of its process. So you should at least have char functionByteArray[40]; and you might use std::memcpy from <string> and do some
std::memcpy(functionByteArray, (char*)&exampleAuthetnication,
At last your code is wrong because -on x86-64 notably- int have not the same size as pointers (so (int)&exampleAuthetnication is losing the upper bytes of the address). You should at least use intptr_t. And int has stronger alignment constraints than the code.
BTW, you might also ask your compiler to show the generated assembler code. With GCC compile your exampleAhtetnication C++ code with g++ -O -fverbose-asm -S and look into the generated .s file.
Notice that the C++ compiler might optimize to the point of "removing" some function from the code segment (e.g. because that function has been inlined everywhere), or split the function code in several pieces, or put that
exampleAhtetnication code "inside" another function...

C++ source code is not a list of instructions for a computer to perform; it is a collection of statements that describe the meaning of a program.
Your compiler interprets these statements and produces an actual sequence of instructions (via the assembly stage) that can actually be executed in our physical reality.
The language used to do so does not provide any facilities for examining the bytes that make up the compiled program. All of your attempts to cast function pointers and the like may randomly give you some similar data, via the magic of undefined behaviour, but the results are just that: undefined.
If you wish to examine the compiled executable, do so from outside of the program. You could use a hex editor, for example.


C++ self erasing code [duplicate]

I was reading this question because I'm trying to find the size of a function in a C++ program, It is hinted at that there may be a way that is platform specific. My targeted platform is windows
The method I currently have in my head is the following:
1. Obtain a pointer to the function
2. Increment the Pointer (& counter) until I reach the machine code value for ret
3. The counter will be the size of the function?
Edit1: To clarify what I mean by 'size' I mean the number of bytes (machine code) that make up the function.
Edit2: There have been a few comments asking why or what do I plan to do with this. The honest answer is I have no intention, and I can't really see the benefits of knowing a functions length pre-compile time. (although I'm sure there are some)
This seems like a valid method to me, will this work?
Wow, I use function size counting all the time and it has lots and lots of uses. Is it reliable? No way. Is it standard c++? No way. But that's why you need to check it in the disassembler to make sure it worked, every time that you release a new version. Compiler flags can mess up the ordering.
static void funcIwantToCount()
// do stuff
static void funcToDelimitMyOtherFunc()
__asm _emit 0xCC
__asm _emit 0xCC
__asm _emit 0xCC
__asm _emit 0xCC
int getlength( void *funcaddress )
int length = 0;
for(length = 0; *((UINT32 *)(&((unsigned char *)funcaddress)[length])) != 0xCCCCCCCC; ++length);
return length;
It seems to work better with static functions. Global optimizations can kill it.
P.S. I hate people, asking why you want to do this and it's impossible, etc. Stop asking these questions, please. Makes you sound stupid. Programmers are often asked to do non-standard things, because new products almost always push the limits of what's availble. If they don't, your product is probably a rehash of what's already been done. Boring!!!
No, this will not work:
There is no guarantee that your function only contains a single ret instruction.
Even if it only does contain a single ret, you can't just look at the individual bytes - because the corresponding value could appear as simply a value, rather than an instruction.
The first problem can possibly be worked around if you restrict your coding style to, say, only have a single point of return in your function, but the other basically requires a disassembler so you can tell the individual instructions apart.
It is possible to obtain all blocks of a function, but is an unnatural question to ask what is the 'size' of a function. Optimized code will rearrange code blocks in the order of execution and will move seldom used blocks (exception paths) into outer parts of the module. For more details, see Profile-Guided Optimizations for example how Visual C++ achieves this in link time code generation. So a function can start at address 0x00001000, branch at 0x00001100 into a jump at 0x20001000 and a ret, and have some exception handling code 0x20001000. At 0x00001110 another function starts. What is the 'size' of your function? It does span from 0x00001000 to +0x20001000, but it 'owns' only few blocks in that span. So your question should be unasked.
There are other valid questions in this context, like the total number of instructions a function has (can be determined from the program symbol database and from the image), and more importantly, what is the number of instructions in the frequent executed code path inside the function. All these are questions normally asked in the context of performance measurement and there are tools that instrument code and can give very detailed answers.
Chasing pointers in memory and searching for ret will get you nowhere I'm afraid. Modern code is way way way more complex than that.
This won't work... what if there's a jump, a dummy ret, and then the target of the jump? Your code will be fooled.
In general, it's impossible to do this with 100% accuracy because you have to predict all code paths, which is like solving the halting problem. You can get "pretty good" accuracy if you implement your own disassembler, but no solution will be nearly as easy as you imagine.
A "trick" would be to find out which function's code is after the function that you're looking for, which would give pretty good results assuming certain (dangerous) assumptions. But then you'd have to know what function comes after your function, which, after optimizations, is pretty hard to figure out.
Edit 1:
What if the function doesn't even end with a ret instruction at all? It could very well just jmp back to its caller (though it's unlikely).
Edit 2:
Don't forget that x86, at least, has variable-length instructions...
For those saying that flow analysis isn't the same as solving the halting problem:
Consider what happens when you have code like:
jmp foo
You will have to follow the jump each time to figure out the end of the function, and you cannot ignore it past the first time because you don't know whether or not you're dealing with self-modifying code. (You could have inline assembly in your C++ code that modifies itself, for instance.) It could very well extend to some other place of memory, so your analyzer will (or should) end in an infinite loop, unless you tolerate false negatives.
Isn't that like the halting problem?
I'm posting this to say two things:
1) Most of the answers given here are really bad and will break easily. If you use the C function pointer (using the function name), in a debug build of your executable, and possibly in other circumstances, it may point to a JMP shim that will not have the function body itself. Here's an example. If I do the following for the function I defined below:
FARPROC pfn = (FARPROC)some_function_with_possibility_to_get_its_size_at_runtime;
the pfn I get (for example: 0x7FF724241893) will point to this, which is just a JMP instruction:
Additionally, a compiler can nest several of those shims, or branch your function code so that it will have multiple epilogs, or ret instructions. Heck, it may not even use a ret instruction. Then, there's no guarantee that functions themselves will be compiled and linked in the order you define them in the source code.
You can do all that stuff in assembly language, but not in C or C++.
2) So that above was the bad news. The good news is that the answer to the original question is, yes, there's a way (or a hack) to get the exact function size, but it comes with the following limitations:
It works in 64-bit executables on Windows only.
It is obviously Microsoft specific and is not portable.
You have to do this at run-time.
The concept is simple -- utilize the way SEH is implemented in x64 Windows binaries. Compiler adds details of each function into the PE32+ header (into the IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXCEPTION directory of the optional header) that you can use to obtain the exact function size. (In case you're wondering, this information is used for catching, handling and unwinding of exceptions in the __try/__except/__finally blocks.)
Here's a quick example:
//You will have to call this when your app initializes and then
//cache the size somewhere in the global variable because it will not
//change after the executable image is built.
size_t fn_size; //Will receive function size in bytes, or 0 if error
and then:
#include <Windows.h>
//The function itself has to be defined for two types of a call:
// 1) when you call it just to get its size, and
// 2) for its normal operation
bool some_function_with_possibility_to_get_its_size_at_runtime(size_t* p_getSizeOnly = NULL)
//This input parameter will define what we want to do:
//Do this function's normal work
return true;
//Get this function size
//INFO: Works only in 64-bit builds on Windows!
size_t nFnSz = 0;
//One of the reasons why we have to do this at run-time is
//so that we can get the address of a byte inside
//the function body... we'll get it as this thread context:
CONTEXT context = {0};
DWORD64 ImgBase = 0;
RUNTIME_FUNCTION* pRTFn = RtlLookupFunctionEntry(context.Rip, &ImgBase, NULL);
nFnSz = pRTFn->EndAddress - pRTFn->BeginAddress;
*p_getSizeOnly = nFnSz;
return false;
This can work in very limited scenarios. I use it in part of a code injection utility I wrote. I don't remember where I found the information, but I have the following (C++ in VS2005):
#pragma runtime_checks("", off)
static DWORD WINAPI InjectionProc(LPVOID lpvParameter)
// do something
return 0;
static DWORD WINAPI InjectionProcEnd()
return 0;
#pragma runtime_checks("", on)
And then in some other function I have:
size_t cbInjectionProc = (size_t)InjectionProcEnd - (size_t)InjectionProc;
You have to turn off some optimizations and declare the functions as static to get this to work; I don't recall the specifics. I don't know if this is an exact byte count, but it is close enough. The size is only that of the immediate function; it doesn't include any other functions that may be called by that function. Aside from extreme edge cases like this, "the size of a function" is meaningless and useless.
The real solution to this is to dig into your compiler's documentation. The ARM compiler we use can be made to produce an assembly dump (code.dis), from which it's fairly trivial to subtract the offsets between a given mangled function label and the next mangled function label.
I'm not certain which tools you will need for this with a windows target, however. It looks like the tools listed in the answer to this question might be what you're looking for.
Also note that I (working in the embedded space) assumed you were talking about post-compile-analysis. It still might be possible to examine these intermediate files programmatically as part of a build provided that:
The target function is in a different object
The build system has been taught the dependencies
You know for sure that the compiler will build these object files
Note that I'm not sure entirely WHY you want to know this information. I've needed it in the past to be sure that I can fit a particular chunk of code in a very particular place in memory. I have to admit I'm curious what purpose this would have on a more general desktop-OS target.
In C++, the there is no notion of function size. In addition to everything else mentioned, preprocessor macros also make for an indeterminate size. If you want to count number of instruction words, you can't do that in C++, because it doesn't exist until it's been compiled.
What do you mean "size of a function"?
If you mean a function pointer than it is always just 4 bytes for 32bits systems.
If you mean the size of the code than you should just disassemble generated code and find the entry point and closest ret call. One way to do it is to read the instruction pointer register at the beginning and at the end of your function.
If you want to figure out the number of instructions called in the average case for your function you can use profilers and divide the number of retired instructions on the number of calls.
I think it will work on windows programs created with msvc, as for branches the 'ret' seems to always come at the end (even if there are branches that return early it does a jne to go the end).
However you will need some kind of disassembler library to figure the current opcode length as they are variable length for x86. If you don't do this you'll run into false positives.
I would not be surprised if there are cases this doesn't catch.
There is no facilities in Standard C++ to obtain the size or length of a function.
See my answer here: Is it possible to load a function into some allocated memory and run it from there?
In general, knowing the size of a function is used in embedded systems when copying executable code from a read-only source (or a slow memory device, such as a serial Flash) into RAM. Desktop and other operating systems load functions into memory using other techniques, such as dynamic or shared libraries.
Just set PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE at the address where you got your function. Then read every byte. When you got byte "0xCC" it means that the end of function is actual_reading_address - 1.
Using GCC, not so hard at all.
void do_something(void) {
printf("%s!", "Hello your name is Cemetech");
printf("size of function do_something: %i", (int)(&&do_something_END - (int)do_something));
below code the get the accurate function block size, it works fine with my test
runtime_checks disable _RTC_CheckEsp in debug mode
#pragma runtime_checks("", off)
DWORD __stdcall loadDll(char* pDllFullPath)
return 0;
//return test(pDllFullPath);
#pragma runtime_checks("", restore)
DWORD __stdcall getFuncSize_loadDll()
DWORD maxSize=(PBYTE)getFuncSize_loadDll-(PBYTE)loadDll;
PBYTE pTail=(PBYTE)getFuncSize_loadDll-1;
while(*pTail != 0xC2 && *pTail != 0xC3) --pTail;
if (*pTail==0xC2)
{ //0xC3 : ret
//0xC2 04 00 : ret 4
pTail +=3;
return pTail-(PBYTE)loadDll;
The non-portable, but API-based and correctly working approach is to use program database readers - like dbghelp.dll on Windows or readelf on Linux. The usage of those is only possible if debug info is enabled/present along with the program. Here's an example on how it works on Windows:
SYMBOL_INFO symbol = { };
symbol.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO);
// Implies, that the module is loaded into _dbg_session_handle, see ::SymInitialize & ::SymLoadModule64
::SymFromAddr(_dbg_session_handle, address, 0, &symbol);
You will get the size of the function in symbol.Size, but you may also need additional logic identifying whether the address given is a actually a function, a shim placed there by incremental linker or a DLL call thunk (same thing).
I guess somewhat similar can be done via readelf on Linux, but maybe you'll have to come up with the library on top of its sourcecode...
You must bear in mind that although disassembly-based approach is possible, you'll basically have to analyze a directed graph with endpoints in ret, halt, jmp (PROVIDED you have incremental linking enabled and you're able to read jmp-table to identify whether the jmp you're facing in function is internal to that function (missing in image's jmp-table) or external (present in that table; such jmps frequently occur as part of tail-call optimization on x64, as I know)), any calls that are meant to be nonret (like an exception generating helper), etc.
It's an old question but still...
For Windows x64, functions all have a function table, which contains the offset and the size of the function. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/debug/pe-format . This function table is used for unwinding when an exception is thrown.
That said, this doesn't contain information like inlining, and all the other issues that people already noted...
int GetFuncSizeX86(unsigned char* Func)
if (!Func)
printf("x86Helper : Function Ptr NULL\n");
return 0;
for (int count = 0; ; count++)
if (Func[count] == 0xC3)
unsigned char prevInstruc = *(Func - 1);
if (Func[1] == 0xCC // int3
|| prevInstruc == 0x5D// pop ebp
|| prevInstruc == 0x5B// pop ebx
|| prevInstruc == 0x5E// pop esi
|| prevInstruc == 0x5F// pop edi
|| prevInstruc == 0xCC// int3
|| prevInstruc == 0xC9)// leave
return count++;
you could use this assumming you are in x86 or x86_64

Correct way to serialize binary data in C++

After having read the following 1 and 2 Q/As and having used the technique discussed below for many years on x86 architectures with GCC and MSVC and not seeing a problems, I'm now very confused as to what is supposed to be the correct but also as important "most efficient" way to serialize then deserialize binary data using C++.
Given the following "wrong" code:
int main()
std::ifstream strm("file.bin");
char buffer[sizeof(int)] = {0};
int i = 0;
// Experts seem to think doing the following is bad and
// could crash entirely when run on ARM processors:
i = reinterpret_cast<int*>(buffer);
return 0;
Now as I understand things, the reinterpret cast indicates to the compiler that it can treat the memory at buffer as an integer and subsequently is free to issue integer compatible instructions which require/assume certain alignments for the data in question - with the only overhead being the extra reads and shifts when the CPU detects the address it is trying to execute alignment oriented instructions is actually not aligned.
That said the answers provided above seem to indicate as far as C++ is concerned that this is all undefined behavior.
Assuming that the alignment of the location in buffer from which cast will occur is not conforming, then is it true that the only solution to this problem is to copy the bytes 1 by 1? Is there perhaps a more efficient technique?
Furthermore I've seen over the years many situations where a struct made up entirely of pods (using compiler specific pragmas to remove padding) is cast to a char* and subsequently written to a file or socket, then later on read back into a buffer and the buffer cast back to a pointer of the original struct, (ignoring potential endian and float/double format issues between machines), is this kind of code also considered undefined behaviour?
The following is more complex example:
int main()
std::ifstream strm("file.bin");
char buffer[1000] = {0};
const std::size_t size = sizeof(int) + sizeof(short) + sizeof(float) + sizeof(double);
const std::size_t weird_offset = 3;
buffer += weird_offset;
int i = 0;
short s = 0;
float f = 0.0f;
double d = 0.0;
// Experts seem to think doing the following is bad and
// could crash entirely when run on ARM processors:
i = reinterpret_cast<int*>(buffer);
buffer += sizeof(int);
s = reinterpret_cast<short*>(buffer);
buffer += sizeof(short);
f = reinterpret_cast<float*>(buffer);
buffer += sizeof(float);
d = reinterpret_cast<double*>(buffer);
buffer += sizeof(double);
return 0;
First, you can correctly, portably, and efficiently solve the alignment problem using, e.g., std::aligned_storage::value>::type instead of char[sizeof(int)] (or, if you don't have C++11, there may be similar compiler-specific functionality).
Even if you're dealing with a complex POD, aligned_stored and alignment_of will give you a buffer that you can memcpy the POD into and out of, construct it into, etc.
In some more complex cases, you need to write more complex code, potentially using compile-time arithmetic and template-based static switches and so on, but so far as I know, nobody came up with a case during the C++11 deliberations that wasn't possible to handle with the new features.
However, just using reinterpret_cast on a random char-aligned buffer is not enough. Let's look at why:
the reinterpret cast indicates to the compiler that it can treat the memory at buffer as an integer
Yes, but you're also indicating that it can assume that the buffer is aligned properly for an integer. If you're lying about that, it's free to generate broken code.
and subsequently is free to issue integer compatible instructions which require/assume certain alignments for the data in question
Yes, it's free to issue instructions that either require those alignments, or that assume they're already taken care of.
with the only overhead being the extra reads and shifts when the CPU detects the address it is trying to execute alignment oriented instructions is actually not aligned.
Yes, it may issue instructions with the extra reads and shifts. But it may also issue instructions that don't do them, because you've told it that it doesn't have to. So, it could issue a "read aligned word" instruction which raises an interrupt when used on non-aligned addresses.
Some processors don't have a "read aligned word" instruction, and just "read word" faster with alignment than without. Others can be configured to suppress the trap and instead fall back to a slower "read word". But others—like ARM—will just fail.
Assuming that the alignment of the location in buffer from which cast will occur is not conforming, then is it true that the only solution to this problem is to copy the bytes 1 by 1? Is there perhaps a more efficient technique?
You don't need to copy the bytes 1 by 1. You could, for example, memcpy each variable one by one into properly-aligned storage. (That would only be copying bytes 1 by 1 if all of your variables were 1-byte long, in which case you wouldn't be worried about alignment in the first place…)
As for casting a POD to char* and back using compiler-specific pragmas… well, any code that relies on compiler-specific pragmas for correctness (rather than for, say, efficiency) is obviously not correct, portable C++. Sometimes "correct with g++ 3.4 or later on any 64-bit little-endian platform with IEEE 64-bit doubles" is good enough for your use cases, but that's not the same thing as actually being valid C++. And you certainly can't expect it to work with, say, Sun cc on a 32-bit big-endian platform with 80-bit doubles and then complain that it doesn't.
For the example you added later:
// Experts seem to think doing the following is bad and
// could crash entirely when run on ARM processors:
buffer += weird_offset;
i = reinterpret_cast<int*>(buffer);
buffer += sizeof(int);
Experts are right. Here's a simple example of the same thing:
int i[2];
char *c = reinterpret_cast<char *>(i) + 1;
int *j = reinterpret_cast<int *>(c);
int k = *j;
The variable i will be aligned at some address divisible by 4, say, 0x01000000. So, j will be at 0x01000001. So the line int k = *j will issue an instruction to read a 4-byte-aligned 4-byte value from 0x01000001. On, say, PPC64, that will just take about 8x as long as int k = *i, but on, say, ARM, it will crash.
So, if you have this:
int i = 0;
short s = 0;
float f = 0.0f;
double d = 0.0;
And you want to write it to a stream, how do you do it?
How do you read back from a stream?
Presumably whatever kind of stream you're using (whether ifstream, FILE*, whatever) has a buffer in it, so readFromStream(&f) is going to check whether there are sizeof(float) bytes available, read the next buffer if not, then copy the first sizeof(float) bytes from the buffer to the address of f. (In fact, it may even be smarter—it's allowed to, e.g., check whether you're just near the end of the buffer, and if so issue an asynchronous read-ahead, if the library implementer thought that would be a good idea.) The standard doesn't say how it has to do the copy. Standard libraries don't have to run anywhere but on the implementation they're part of, so your platform's ifstream could use memcpy, or *(float*), or a compiler intrinsic, or inline assembly—and it will probably use whatever's fastest on your platform.
So, how exactly would unaligned access help you optimize this or simplify it?
In nearly every case, picking the right kind of stream, and using its read and write methods, is the most efficient way of reading and writing. And, if you've picked a stream out of the standard library, it's guaranteed to be correct, too. So, you've got the best of both worlds.
If there's something peculiar about your application that makes something different more efficient—or if you're the guy writing the standard library—then of course you should go ahead and do that. As long as you (and any potential users of your code) are aware of where you're violating the standard and why (and you actually are optimizing things, rather than just doing something because it "seems like it should be faster"), this is perfectly reasonable.
You seem to think that it would help to be able to put them into some kind of "packed struct" and just write that, but the C++ standard does not have any such thing as a "packed struct". Some implementations have non-standard features that you can use for that. For example, both MSVC and gcc will let you pack the above into 18 bytes on i386, and you can take that packed struct and memcpy it, reinterpret_cast it to char * to send over the network, whatever. But it won't be compatible with the exact same code compiled by a different compiler that doesn't understand your compiler's special pragmas. It won't even be compatible with a related compiler, like gcc for ARM, which will pack the same thing into 20 bytes. When you use non-portable extensions to the standard, the result is not portable.

Why are standard string functions faster than my custom string functions?

I decided to find the speeds of 2 functions :
strcmp - The standard comparison function defined in string.h
xstrcmp- A function that has same parameters and does the same, just that I created it.
Here is my xstrcmp function :
int xstrlen(char *str)
int i;
return i;
int xstrcmp(char *str1, char *str2)
int i, k;
return -1;
return -1;
return 0;
I didn't want to depend on strlen, since I want everything user-defined.
So, I found the results. strcmp did 364 comparisons per millisecond and my xstrcmp did just 20 comparisons per millisecond (atleast on my computer!)
Can anyone tell why this is so ? What does the xstrcmp function do to make itself so fast ?
if(xstrlen(str1)!=xstrlen(str2)) //computing length of str1
return -1;
k=xstrlen(str1)-1; //computing length of str1 AGAIN!
You're computing the length of str1 TWICE. That is one reason why your function loses the game.
Also, your implemetation of xstrcmp is very naive compared to the ones defined in (most) Standard libraries. For example, your xstrcmp compares one byte at a time, when in fact it could compare multiple bytes in one go, taking advantage of proper alignment as well, or can do little preprocessing so as to align memory blocks, before actual comparison.
strcmp and other library routines are written in assembly, or specialized C code, by experienced engineers and use a variety of techniques.
For example, the assembly implementation might load four bytes at a time into a register, and compare that register (as a 32-bit integer) to four bytes from the other string. On some machines, the assembly implementation might load eight bytes or even more. If the comparison shows the bytes are equal, the implementation moves on to the next four bytes. If the comparison shows the bytes are unequal, the implementation stops.
Even with this simple optimization, there are a number of issues to be dealt with. If the string addresses are not multiples of four bytes, the processor might not have an instruction that will load four bytes (many processors require four-byte loads to use addresses that are aligned to multiples of four bytes). Depending on the processor, the implementation might have to use slower unaligned loads or to write special code for each alignment case that does aligned loads and shifts bytes in registers to align the bytes to be compared.
When the implementation loads four bytes at once, it must ensure it does not load bytes beyond the terminating null character if those bytes might cause a segment fault (error because you tried to load an address that is not readable).
If the four bytes do contain the terminating null character, the implementation must detect it and not continue comparing further bytes, even if the current four are equal in the two strings.
Many of these issues require detailed assembly instructions, and the required control over the exact instructions used is not available in C. The exact techniques used vary from processor model to processor model and vary greatly from architecture to architecture.
Faster implementation of strlen:
//Return difference in addresses - 1 as we don't count null terminator in strlen.
int xstrlen(char *str)
char* ptr = str;
while (*str++);
return str - ptr - 1;
//Pretty nifty strcmp from here:
int mystrcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2)
while (*s1==*s2)
I'll do the other one later if I have time. You should also note that most of these are done in assembly language or using other optimized means which will be faster than the best stright C implementation you can write.
Aside from the problems in your code (which have been pointed out already), -- at least in the gcc-C-libs, the str- and mem-functions are faster by a margin in most cases because their memory access patterns are higly optimized.
There were some discussions on the topic on SO already.
Try this:
int xstrlen(const char* s){
const char* s0 = s;
while(*s) s++;
return(s - s0);
int xstrcmp(const char* a, const char* b){
while(*a && *a==*b){a++; b++;}
return *a - *b;
This could probably be sped up with some loop unrolling.
1. Algorithm
Your implementation of strcmp could have a better algorithm. There should be no need to call strlen at all, each call to strlen will iterate over the whole length of the string again. You can find simple but effective implementations online, probably the place to start is something like:
// Adapted from http://vijayinterviewquestions.blogspot.co.uk
int xstrcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2)
for (;*s1==*s2;++s1,++s2)
if(*s1=='\0') return(0);
That doesn't do everything, but should be simple and work in most cases.
2. Compiler optimisation
It's a stupid question, but make sure you turned on all the optimisation switches when you compile.
3. More sophisticated optimisations
People writing libraries will often use more advanced techniques, such as loading a 4-byte or 8-byte int at once, and comparing it, and only comparing individual bytes if the whole matches. You'd need to be an expert to know what's appropriate for this case, but you can find people discussing the most efficient implementation on stack overflow (link?)
Some standard library functions for some platforms may be hand-written in assembly if the coder can knows there's a more efficient implementation than the compiler can find. That's increasingly rare now, but may be common on some embedded systems.
4. Linker "cheating" with standard library
With some standard library functions, the linker may be able to make your program call them with less overhead than calling functions in your code because it was designed to know more about the specific internals of the functions (link?) I don't know if that applies in this case, it probably doesn't, but it's the sort of thing you have to think about.
5. OK, ok, I get that, but when SHOULD I implement my own strcmp?
Off the top of my head, the only reasons to do this are:
You want to learn how. This is a good reason.
You are writing for a platform which doesn't have a good enough standard library. This is very unlikely.
The string comparison has been measured to be a significant bottleneck in your code, and you know something specific about your strings that mean you can compare them more efficiently than a naive algorithm. (Eg. all strings are allocated 8-byte aligned, or all strings have an N-byte prefix.) This is very, very unlikely.
6. But...
OK, WHY do you want to avoid relying on strlen? Are you worried about code size? About portability of code or of executables?
If there's a good reason, open another question and there may be a more specific answer. So I'm sorry if I'm missing something obvious, but relying on the standard library is usually much better, unless there's something specific you want to improve on.

Binary How The Processor Distinguishes Between Two Same Byte Size Variable Types

I'm trying to figure out how it is that two variable types that have the same byte size?
If i have a variable, that is one byte in size.. how is it that the computer is able to tell that it is a character instead of a Boolean type variable? Or even a character or half of a short integer?
The processor doesn't know. The compiler does, and generates the appropriate instructions for the processor to execute to manipulate bytes in memory in the appropriate manner, but to the processor itself a byte of data is a byte of data and it could be anything.
The language gives meaning to these things, but it's an abstraction the processor isn't really aware of.
The computer is not able to do that. The compiler is. You use the char or bool keyword to declare a variable and the compiler produces code that makes the computer treat the memory occupied by that variable in a way that makes sense for that particular type.
A 32-bit integer for example, takes up 4 bytes in memory. To increment it, the CPU has an instruction that says "increment a 32-bit integer at this address". That's what the compiler produces and the CPU blindly executes it. It doesn't care if the address is correct or what binary data is located there.
The size of the instruction for incrementing the variable is another matter. It may very well be another 4 or so bytes, but instructions (code) are stored separately from data. There may be many instructions generated for a program that deal with the same location in memory. It is not possible to formally specify the size of the instructions beforehand because of optimizations that may change the number of instructions used for a given operation. The only way to tell is to compile your program and look at the generated assembly code (the instructions).
Also, take a look at unions in C. They let you use the same memory location for different data types. The compiler lets you do that and produces code for it but you have to know what you're doing.
Because you specify the type. C++ is a strongly typed language. You can't write $x = 10. :)
It knows
char c = 0;
is a char because of... well, the char keyword.
The computer only sees 1 and 0. You are in command of what the variable contains.
you can cast that data also into what ever you want.
char foo = 'a';
if ( (bool)(foo) ) // true
int sumA = (byte)(foo) + (byte)(foo);
// sumA == (97 + 97)
Also look into data casting to look at the memory location as different data types. This can be as small as a char or entire structs.
In general, it can't. Look at the restrictions of dynamic_cast<>, which tries to do exactly that. dynamic_cast can only work in the special case of objects derived from polymorphic base classes. That's because such objects (and only those) have extra data in them. Chars and ints do not have this information, so you can't use dynamic_cast on them.

Getting The Size of a C++ Function

I was reading this question because I'm trying to find the size of a function in a C++ program, It is hinted at that there may be a way that is platform specific. My targeted platform is windows
The method I currently have in my head is the following:
1. Obtain a pointer to the function
2. Increment the Pointer (& counter) until I reach the machine code value for ret
3. The counter will be the size of the function?
Edit1: To clarify what I mean by 'size' I mean the number of bytes (machine code) that make up the function.
Edit2: There have been a few comments asking why or what do I plan to do with this. The honest answer is I have no intention, and I can't really see the benefits of knowing a functions length pre-compile time. (although I'm sure there are some)
This seems like a valid method to me, will this work?
Wow, I use function size counting all the time and it has lots and lots of uses. Is it reliable? No way. Is it standard c++? No way. But that's why you need to check it in the disassembler to make sure it worked, every time that you release a new version. Compiler flags can mess up the ordering.
static void funcIwantToCount()
// do stuff
static void funcToDelimitMyOtherFunc()
__asm _emit 0xCC
__asm _emit 0xCC
__asm _emit 0xCC
__asm _emit 0xCC
int getlength( void *funcaddress )
int length = 0;
for(length = 0; *((UINT32 *)(&((unsigned char *)funcaddress)[length])) != 0xCCCCCCCC; ++length);
return length;
It seems to work better with static functions. Global optimizations can kill it.
P.S. I hate people, asking why you want to do this and it's impossible, etc. Stop asking these questions, please. Makes you sound stupid. Programmers are often asked to do non-standard things, because new products almost always push the limits of what's availble. If they don't, your product is probably a rehash of what's already been done. Boring!!!
No, this will not work:
There is no guarantee that your function only contains a single ret instruction.
Even if it only does contain a single ret, you can't just look at the individual bytes - because the corresponding value could appear as simply a value, rather than an instruction.
The first problem can possibly be worked around if you restrict your coding style to, say, only have a single point of return in your function, but the other basically requires a disassembler so you can tell the individual instructions apart.
It is possible to obtain all blocks of a function, but is an unnatural question to ask what is the 'size' of a function. Optimized code will rearrange code blocks in the order of execution and will move seldom used blocks (exception paths) into outer parts of the module. For more details, see Profile-Guided Optimizations for example how Visual C++ achieves this in link time code generation. So a function can start at address 0x00001000, branch at 0x00001100 into a jump at 0x20001000 and a ret, and have some exception handling code 0x20001000. At 0x00001110 another function starts. What is the 'size' of your function? It does span from 0x00001000 to +0x20001000, but it 'owns' only few blocks in that span. So your question should be unasked.
There are other valid questions in this context, like the total number of instructions a function has (can be determined from the program symbol database and from the image), and more importantly, what is the number of instructions in the frequent executed code path inside the function. All these are questions normally asked in the context of performance measurement and there are tools that instrument code and can give very detailed answers.
Chasing pointers in memory and searching for ret will get you nowhere I'm afraid. Modern code is way way way more complex than that.
This won't work... what if there's a jump, a dummy ret, and then the target of the jump? Your code will be fooled.
In general, it's impossible to do this with 100% accuracy because you have to predict all code paths, which is like solving the halting problem. You can get "pretty good" accuracy if you implement your own disassembler, but no solution will be nearly as easy as you imagine.
A "trick" would be to find out which function's code is after the function that you're looking for, which would give pretty good results assuming certain (dangerous) assumptions. But then you'd have to know what function comes after your function, which, after optimizations, is pretty hard to figure out.
Edit 1:
What if the function doesn't even end with a ret instruction at all? It could very well just jmp back to its caller (though it's unlikely).
Edit 2:
Don't forget that x86, at least, has variable-length instructions...
For those saying that flow analysis isn't the same as solving the halting problem:
Consider what happens when you have code like:
jmp foo
You will have to follow the jump each time to figure out the end of the function, and you cannot ignore it past the first time because you don't know whether or not you're dealing with self-modifying code. (You could have inline assembly in your C++ code that modifies itself, for instance.) It could very well extend to some other place of memory, so your analyzer will (or should) end in an infinite loop, unless you tolerate false negatives.
Isn't that like the halting problem?
I'm posting this to say two things:
1) Most of the answers given here are really bad and will break easily. If you use the C function pointer (using the function name), in a debug build of your executable, and possibly in other circumstances, it may point to a JMP shim that will not have the function body itself. Here's an example. If I do the following for the function I defined below:
FARPROC pfn = (FARPROC)some_function_with_possibility_to_get_its_size_at_runtime;
the pfn I get (for example: 0x7FF724241893) will point to this, which is just a JMP instruction:
Additionally, a compiler can nest several of those shims, or branch your function code so that it will have multiple epilogs, or ret instructions. Heck, it may not even use a ret instruction. Then, there's no guarantee that functions themselves will be compiled and linked in the order you define them in the source code.
You can do all that stuff in assembly language, but not in C or C++.
2) So that above was the bad news. The good news is that the answer to the original question is, yes, there's a way (or a hack) to get the exact function size, but it comes with the following limitations:
It works in 64-bit executables on Windows only.
It is obviously Microsoft specific and is not portable.
You have to do this at run-time.
The concept is simple -- utilize the way SEH is implemented in x64 Windows binaries. Compiler adds details of each function into the PE32+ header (into the IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXCEPTION directory of the optional header) that you can use to obtain the exact function size. (In case you're wondering, this information is used for catching, handling and unwinding of exceptions in the __try/__except/__finally blocks.)
Here's a quick example:
//You will have to call this when your app initializes and then
//cache the size somewhere in the global variable because it will not
//change after the executable image is built.
size_t fn_size; //Will receive function size in bytes, or 0 if error
and then:
#include <Windows.h>
//The function itself has to be defined for two types of a call:
// 1) when you call it just to get its size, and
// 2) for its normal operation
bool some_function_with_possibility_to_get_its_size_at_runtime(size_t* p_getSizeOnly = NULL)
//This input parameter will define what we want to do:
//Do this function's normal work
return true;
//Get this function size
//INFO: Works only in 64-bit builds on Windows!
size_t nFnSz = 0;
//One of the reasons why we have to do this at run-time is
//so that we can get the address of a byte inside
//the function body... we'll get it as this thread context:
CONTEXT context = {0};
DWORD64 ImgBase = 0;
RUNTIME_FUNCTION* pRTFn = RtlLookupFunctionEntry(context.Rip, &ImgBase, NULL);
nFnSz = pRTFn->EndAddress - pRTFn->BeginAddress;
*p_getSizeOnly = nFnSz;
return false;
This can work in very limited scenarios. I use it in part of a code injection utility I wrote. I don't remember where I found the information, but I have the following (C++ in VS2005):
#pragma runtime_checks("", off)
static DWORD WINAPI InjectionProc(LPVOID lpvParameter)
// do something
return 0;
static DWORD WINAPI InjectionProcEnd()
return 0;
#pragma runtime_checks("", on)
And then in some other function I have:
size_t cbInjectionProc = (size_t)InjectionProcEnd - (size_t)InjectionProc;
You have to turn off some optimizations and declare the functions as static to get this to work; I don't recall the specifics. I don't know if this is an exact byte count, but it is close enough. The size is only that of the immediate function; it doesn't include any other functions that may be called by that function. Aside from extreme edge cases like this, "the size of a function" is meaningless and useless.
The real solution to this is to dig into your compiler's documentation. The ARM compiler we use can be made to produce an assembly dump (code.dis), from which it's fairly trivial to subtract the offsets between a given mangled function label and the next mangled function label.
I'm not certain which tools you will need for this with a windows target, however. It looks like the tools listed in the answer to this question might be what you're looking for.
Also note that I (working in the embedded space) assumed you were talking about post-compile-analysis. It still might be possible to examine these intermediate files programmatically as part of a build provided that:
The target function is in a different object
The build system has been taught the dependencies
You know for sure that the compiler will build these object files
Note that I'm not sure entirely WHY you want to know this information. I've needed it in the past to be sure that I can fit a particular chunk of code in a very particular place in memory. I have to admit I'm curious what purpose this would have on a more general desktop-OS target.
In C++, the there is no notion of function size. In addition to everything else mentioned, preprocessor macros also make for an indeterminate size. If you want to count number of instruction words, you can't do that in C++, because it doesn't exist until it's been compiled.
What do you mean "size of a function"?
If you mean a function pointer than it is always just 4 bytes for 32bits systems.
If you mean the size of the code than you should just disassemble generated code and find the entry point and closest ret call. One way to do it is to read the instruction pointer register at the beginning and at the end of your function.
If you want to figure out the number of instructions called in the average case for your function you can use profilers and divide the number of retired instructions on the number of calls.
I think it will work on windows programs created with msvc, as for branches the 'ret' seems to always come at the end (even if there are branches that return early it does a jne to go the end).
However you will need some kind of disassembler library to figure the current opcode length as they are variable length for x86. If you don't do this you'll run into false positives.
I would not be surprised if there are cases this doesn't catch.
There is no facilities in Standard C++ to obtain the size or length of a function.
See my answer here: Is it possible to load a function into some allocated memory and run it from there?
In general, knowing the size of a function is used in embedded systems when copying executable code from a read-only source (or a slow memory device, such as a serial Flash) into RAM. Desktop and other operating systems load functions into memory using other techniques, such as dynamic or shared libraries.
Just set PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE at the address where you got your function. Then read every byte. When you got byte "0xCC" it means that the end of function is actual_reading_address - 1.
Using GCC, not so hard at all.
void do_something(void) {
printf("%s!", "Hello your name is Cemetech");
printf("size of function do_something: %i", (int)(&&do_something_END - (int)do_something));
below code the get the accurate function block size, it works fine with my test
runtime_checks disable _RTC_CheckEsp in debug mode
#pragma runtime_checks("", off)
DWORD __stdcall loadDll(char* pDllFullPath)
return 0;
//return test(pDllFullPath);
#pragma runtime_checks("", restore)
DWORD __stdcall getFuncSize_loadDll()
DWORD maxSize=(PBYTE)getFuncSize_loadDll-(PBYTE)loadDll;
PBYTE pTail=(PBYTE)getFuncSize_loadDll-1;
while(*pTail != 0xC2 && *pTail != 0xC3) --pTail;
if (*pTail==0xC2)
{ //0xC3 : ret
//0xC2 04 00 : ret 4
pTail +=3;
return pTail-(PBYTE)loadDll;
The non-portable, but API-based and correctly working approach is to use program database readers - like dbghelp.dll on Windows or readelf on Linux. The usage of those is only possible if debug info is enabled/present along with the program. Here's an example on how it works on Windows:
SYMBOL_INFO symbol = { };
symbol.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO);
// Implies, that the module is loaded into _dbg_session_handle, see ::SymInitialize & ::SymLoadModule64
::SymFromAddr(_dbg_session_handle, address, 0, &symbol);
You will get the size of the function in symbol.Size, but you may also need additional logic identifying whether the address given is a actually a function, a shim placed there by incremental linker or a DLL call thunk (same thing).
I guess somewhat similar can be done via readelf on Linux, but maybe you'll have to come up with the library on top of its sourcecode...
You must bear in mind that although disassembly-based approach is possible, you'll basically have to analyze a directed graph with endpoints in ret, halt, jmp (PROVIDED you have incremental linking enabled and you're able to read jmp-table to identify whether the jmp you're facing in function is internal to that function (missing in image's jmp-table) or external (present in that table; such jmps frequently occur as part of tail-call optimization on x64, as I know)), any calls that are meant to be nonret (like an exception generating helper), etc.
It's an old question but still...
For Windows x64, functions all have a function table, which contains the offset and the size of the function. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/debug/pe-format . This function table is used for unwinding when an exception is thrown.
That said, this doesn't contain information like inlining, and all the other issues that people already noted...
int GetFuncSizeX86(unsigned char* Func)
if (!Func)
printf("x86Helper : Function Ptr NULL\n");
return 0;
for (int count = 0; ; count++)
if (Func[count] == 0xC3)
unsigned char prevInstruc = *(Func - 1);
if (Func[1] == 0xCC // int3
|| prevInstruc == 0x5D// pop ebp
|| prevInstruc == 0x5B// pop ebx
|| prevInstruc == 0x5E// pop esi
|| prevInstruc == 0x5F// pop edi
|| prevInstruc == 0xCC// int3
|| prevInstruc == 0xC9)// leave
return count++;
you could use this assumming you are in x86 or x86_64