I'm trying to exchange messages using multiple covert channels.
So, basically, first i need to select the channel that i want to use for communication and then select the "destination_ip" of the user that i want to chat with and after that the
is called. Now, to move from one channel to another I have to close the existing connection and then open a new connection with the new channel that i want to use. My code below is modified to keep using the same channel after closing the connection and contain only the things that you need.
#include <channelmanager.hpp>
#include <thread>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <openssl/hmac.h>
struct CommunicationFixture {
CommunicationFixture() {
destination_ip = "";
channel_id = channelmanager.getChannelIDs()[0];
library::ChannelManager channelmanager;
vector<string> last_adapters;
string destination_ip;
string channel_id = "";
int processMessage(string message) {
if (message.compare("exit") == 0) {
return 1;
vector<string> arguments;
boost::split(arguments, message, boost::is_any_of(" "), boost::token_compress_on);
if (arguments[0].compare("argument") == 0) {
if (arguments.size() < 2) {
cout << "Not enough arguments" << endl;
return 0;
string argument_list = arguments[1];
for (unsigned int i = 2; i < arguments.size(); i++) {
argument_list += " " + arguments[i];
channelmanager.setChannelArguments(destination_ip, argument_list);
cout << "Set channel argument to '" << argument_list << "'." << endl;
return 0;
if (message.compare("help") == 0) {
cout << "Help not available in chat mode. Close chat first with 'exit'" << endl;
return 0;
channelmanager.openConnection(destination_ip, channel_id);
channelmanager.sendMessage(destination_ip, message);
return 0;
int close(string destination){
cout << "closing.." << endl;
channelmanager.closeConnection(destination); //I believe i have the error because of this!
return 0;
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(communication, CommunicationFixture)
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(basic_communication) {
cout << "Test" << endl << endl;
cout << "Enter your command:" << endl;
string command;
int code = 0;
while (code != 2) {
std::getline(cin, command);
code = processCommand(command);
if (code == 1) {
// chat
cout << "chat started.." << endl;
int chatCode = 0;
while (chatCode != 1) {
std::getline(cin, message);
chatCode = processMessage(message);
cout << "chat ended." << endl;
Note that, i think that the error happens due to the
function close()
because without it i don't get any errors. and the error doesn't happen immediately but after exchanging some messages. Here's the error:
unknown location(0): fatal error: in
"communication/basic_communication": memory access violation at
address: 0x00000024: no mapping at fault address
communicationTest.cpp(325): last checkpoint: "basic_communication"
test entry
Memory access violation happen when you are trying to access to an unitialized variable, in this case the channelmanager.
I can only see that you initialize channelmanager in the processMessage() method and you are closing the connection before initializing the channelmanager as it happen in:
chatCode = processMessage(message);
Either you change the initialization or do not close it before the processMessage() method.
Memory access violation is also called a segmentation fault (or segfault), occurs when the program tries to access a memory location that doesn't exist, or is otherwise inaccessible. We call this trying to access an illegal memory location. That memory is either non-existent or we aren't aren't allowed to touch it.
If the first input from user is 'exit', which is going to call
if (message.compare("exit") == 0) {
return 1;
In this case, destination_ip isn't initialised.
i'm trying to make a little program to my university that can change values in the memory of another process. With the exact address value that the Cheat Engine give me i can do this, but not ever the value is the same then my problem is with the memory pointers. In the following image i has the every offset that i found in the pointer scan map:
I already make a program but it not work and ever gives me 299 error code, i Run it as administrator. The code is the following:
#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <Psapi.h>
#include <TlHelp32.h>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;
int main() {
pEntry.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);
// Snapshot to list all process
HANDLE pHandlers = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS,0);
if (pHandlers == NULL) {
cout << "Error 1";
return 1;
// Listing process
if (Process32First(pHandlers, &pEntry)) {
while (Process32Next(pHandlers, &pEntry)) {
// Convert value to string
wstring wstr(pEntry.szExeFile);
string str(wstr.begin(), wstr.end());
// Check if is the process that i wan't
if (str == "Playgroundd.exe") {
mEntry.dwSize = sizeof(MODULEENTRY32);
// Snapshot to list all modules inside process
HANDLE mHandlers = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, pEntry.th32ProcessID);
if (mHandlers == NULL) {
cout << "Error 2";
return 1;
// Usually the first process is the main module
if (Module32First(mHandlers, &mEntry)) {
// Convert the name to string
wstring wstrr(mEntry.szExePath);
string strr(wstrr.begin(), wstrr.end());
if (strr.find("Playgroundd.exe")) {
// Get the base address of module
DWORD moduleBaseAddress = (DWORD)mEntry.modBaseAddr;
// Append initial value
moduleBaseAddress += (DWORD)0x000000E8;
// Offsets defined
DWORD offsets[] = {0x88,0x98,0x90,0x20,0x10,0x48,0x904};
// Open process with the right process id
cout << "process id: " << pEntry.th32ProcessID << endl << endl;
HANDLE processHandler = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, 0, pEntry.th32ProcessID);
if (processHandler == NULL) {
cout << "Can't open the process";
return 1;
// Sum offsets
for (int i = 0; i < 7;i++) {
moduleBaseAddress += offsets[i];
int receive = 0;
size_t bytesRead = 0;
bool resultStatus = ReadProcessMemory(processHandler,
(LPCVOID)moduleBaseAddress, &receive, sizeof(receive), &bytesRead);
cout << "result status :" << resultStatus << endl;
cout << "Received : " << receive << endl;
cout << "Bytes read : " << bytesRead << endl;
cout << "Possible error code : " << GetLastError() << endl;
else {
cout << "Can't find module";
return 1;
This is the output of the above program, the error code can be ignored if the result status be non-zero
result status :0
Received : 0
Bytes read : 0
Possible error code : 299
What i am doing wrong?
As pointed by the comment above, your calculation of the target address is questionable.
Your use of GetLastError is unsafe - you should call it immediately after FAILED call to ReadProcessMemory. However, in this case, cout << ... doesn't change that code, so you are OK.
According to docs
299 (0x12B)
Only part of a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was completed.
And this post states
ReadProcessMemory would return FALSE and GetLastError would return ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY when the copy hits a page fault.
Turns out that the problem is that in iosfwd, it throws the exception at line 506 :
Exception thrown: write access violation.
_Left was 0xCCCCCCCC.
To answer :How to Fix: Exception thrown: write access violation. _Left was 0xCCCCCCCC
I am making a program where it launches another program in its same directory that updates a text file using ShellExecute.
The program begins by taking a string using getline and then uses ShellExecute to launch another program that uses fstream to update a file.
Here is the relevant part of the program:
cout << "Please enter Program Name:" << endl;
getline(cin.ignore(), a);
os << a;
LPCSTR filename = "NewProgScript.exe";
LPCSTR Location = NULL;
ShellExecute(NULL, "open", filename, NULL, Location, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
/*>> >> >> >> >> rest is irrelevant << << << << << <<*/
bool end = false;
is >> x;
if (x == 1) { end = true; }
if (x == 2) { os.open("tempdone.txt"); os << 0; os.close(); Errors Err; Err.Error(41); }
cout << "Please wait while Files Update." << endl;
} while (end == false);
"NewProgScript.exe" is launched here.
NewProgScript.exe code:
#include "pch.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
ofstream os;
ifstream is;
string a, nouse;
string Progs[20];
getline(is, nouse);
cout << "UPDATING DATABASE.. DO NOT EXIT!" << endl;
string name, ending, end;
ending = ".txt";
name = "Prog";
for (int count = 1; count < 20 + 1; count++)
end = name + to_string(count) + ending;
getline(is, Progs[count]);
for (int count = 1; count < 20 + 1; count++)
end = name + to_string(count) + ending;
if (Progs[count] == "NULL")
os << nouse;
os << 1;
os << 2;
The problem is that when this is launcher early on using ShellExecute, it does not update the file "tempdone.txt"
It does however work when I manually click open it externaly.
How can i fix this?
P.S: sorry for the Very long post! Also I am sorry of i make dumb or naive mistakes, i am not very good yet :/
Hello I'm writing a short program to implement a shell and I'm running into an unusual problem. For some reason I can't clear to the std::cout buffer. The program wont print out messages. I understand a simple solution is to switch to std::cerr, but is there a way to get messages to print with cout?
Things I've tryed:
Inserting std::endl after anything is written to standard out.
Inserting an std::flush into the output stream
std::cout.setf(std::ios::unitbuf); which was something I found that should unbuffer output.
Any help is much appreciated here is my code:
int main()
//Tryed this to unbuffer cout, no luck.
std::string input;
//Print out shell prompt and read in input from keyboard.
std::cout << "myshell> ";
std::getline(std::cin, input);
//Step 1) Read in string and parse into tokens.
char * buf = new char[input.length() + 1];
strcpy(buf, input.c_str());
int index = 0;
char * command[256];
command[index] = std::strtok(buf, " "); //Get first token.
std::cout << command[index] << std::endl;
while (command[index] != NULL)
command[index] = std::strtok(NULL," "); //Get remaining tokens.
std::cout << command[index] << std::endl;
std::cout.flush(); //No luck here either
std::cout << index << " items were added to the command array" << std::endl;
delete[] buf;
return 0;
The problem is that you're sending NULL to cout on the last iteration of the while loop, which leads to UB, and in your case is jamming cout. Check for NULL before you send anything to cout and you're fine:
if (command[index] != NULL) {
std::cout << command[index] << std::endl;
If you ever need to know what happened to your streams, remember that they can carry status information (the iostate, which I recommend you read about). The following code could have helped track your error:
try {
} catch(const std::ios_base::failure& e) {
std::cerr << "stream error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
// continue working with cout, because std::cout.clear() removed
// failbit
Or, even simpler:
if(not std::cout) {
// address your error (if it is recoverable)
This is how your code would have looked like:
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
int main()
//Tryed this to unbuffer cout, no luck.
std::string input;
//Print out shell prompt and read in input from keyboard.
std::cout << "myshell> ";
std::getline(std::cin, input);
//Step 1) Read in string and parse into tokens.
char * buf = new char[input.length() + 1];
strcpy(buf, input.c_str());
int index = 0;
char * command[256];
command[index] = std::strtok(buf, " "); //Get first token.
std::cout << command[index] << std::endl;
while (command[index] != NULL)
command[index] = std::strtok(NULL," "); //Get remaining tokens.
std::cout << command[index] << std::endl;
// I added from here...
if(not std::cout) {
std::cerr << "cout is messed up... fixing it..." << std::endl;
// ... to here.
std::cout.flush(); //No luck here either
std::cout << index << " items were added to the command array" << std::endl;
delete[] buf;
return 0;
$ ./a.out
myshell> 1 2 3
cout is messed up... fixing it...
3 items were added to the command array
I'm trying to write a simple fingerprint scanning program in c++ using libfprint, however it intermittently segfaults when run. Valgrind says the error is in the call to fp_enroll_finger which is consistent with my debugging, however beyond that I have absolutely no idea what is causing this error. Some of the times the program is run its fine, but some times it seems to consistently segfault for a period of time whenever the program is run?
Heres the code:
#include <iostream>
extern "C"
#include <libfprint/fprint.h>
using namespace std;
fp_dev * fpdev;
fp_print_data ** fpdata;
bool createDevice();
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int r = fp_init();
if(r != 0)
return r;
cout << "Scan right index finger" << endl;
int enrollStatus = fp_enroll_finger(fpdev, fpdata);
if(enrollStatus != 1)
cout << "Bad scan" << endl;
cout << "Good scan" << endl;
fp_print_data_save(fpdata[0], RIGHT_INDEX);
if(fpdev != NULL)
return 0;
bool createDevice()
fp_dscv_dev ** listOfDiscoveredDevs;
fp_dscv_dev * discoveredDevice;
listOfDiscoveredDevs = fp_discover_devs();
discoveredDevice = listOfDiscoveredDevs[0];
if(discoveredDevice != NULL)
cout << "Device found" << endl;
fpdev = fp_dev_open(discoveredDevice);
cout << "No device found" << endl;
return false;
return true;
You need to define fpdev and fpdata as:
fp_dev * fpdev;
fp_print_data * fpdata;
And use them as:
fp_enroll_finger(&fpdev, &fpdata);
Also don't forget to free fpdata when you no longer need it with fp_print_data_free
fp_dev * fpdev;
fp_print_data ** fpdata;
Will create 2 uninitialised pointers pointing to random memory location and leading to segfault once fp_enroll_finger will attempt to acces that location.
Checking fp_enroll_finger return value can be useful as well.
I'm modifying the stock quoter example from the wustl CORBA release. The assignment is to implement a reply handler for the StockFactory class that handles calls to get_stock()
Here's my FactoryHandler implementation:
#include "QuoterS.h"
class Stock_Factory_Handler_i : public POA_Quoter::AMI_Stock_FactoryHandler
Stock_Factory_Handler_i (int *response_count, ::Quoter::Stock_var& result);
void get_stock (::Quoter::Stock_ptr ami_return_val);
void get_stock_excep (::Messaging::ExceptionHolder * excep_holder);
int *response_count_;
::Quoter::Stock_var& result_;
#include "FactoryHandler_i.h"
#include "ace/streams.h"
Stock_Factory_Handler_i (int *response_count, ::Quoter::Stock_var& result)
: response_count_ (response_count), result_ (result)
Stock_Factory_Handler_i::get_stock (::Quoter::Stock_ptr ami_return_val)
cout << "storing result" << endl;
result_ = ami_return_val;
Stock_Factory_Handler_i::get_stock_excep (::Messaging::ExceptionHolder * excep_holder)
// We ignore the exception, but this counts as a response, otherwise
// the application would not finish.
cerr << "Exception raised while getting stock"
<< endl;
And the client.cpp, from just before the part where changes have been made:
// ...
// Create and activate the handler...
int response_count = 0;
Single_Query_Stock_Handler_i handler_i (&response_count);
Quoter::AMI_Single_Query_StockHandler_var handler =
handler_i._this ();
// Create and activate the factory handler...
Quoter::Stock_var result;
Stock_Factory_Handler_i factory_handler_i (&response_count, result);
Quoter::AMI_Stock_FactoryHandler_var factory_handler =
// Send all the requests, careful with error handling
int request_count = 0;
for (int i = 2; i != argc+1; ++i) {
try {
// Get the stock object
cout << "looking up stock symbol " << argv[i] << endl;
factory->sendc_get_stock (factory_handler.in (), argv[i]);
sleep(3); // wait for a response
cout << "converting result" << endl;
Quoter::Single_Query_Stock_var stock =
Quoter::Single_Query_Stock::_narrow (result.in ());
cout << "checking result" << endl;
CORBA::Any any;
any <<= stock;
CORBA::TypeCode_var tc = any.type();
cout << tc->kind() << endl;
if (CORBA::is_nil (stock.in ())) {
cerr << "Cannot get single query interface for <"
<< argv[i] << ">" << endl;
cout << "reading result" << endl;
stock->sendc_get_price_and_names (handler.in ());
catch (Quoter::Invalid_Stock_Symbol &) {
cerr << "Invalid stock symbol <"
<< argv[i] << ">" << endl;
while (response_count < 2 * request_count // multiply by 2 because both handlers increment response_count
&& orb->work_pending ()) {
orb->perform_work ();
// ...
When running the client, the output is:
looking up stock symbol MSFT
converting result
checking result
Cannot get single query interface for <MSFT>
(The 14 is the typecode for Stock, that's only for debugging)
Notably missing from the above is the "storing result" message that's supposed to be printed in the FactoryHandler's get_stock() callback method. I'm at a loss as to why, since the sendc_get_stock() method doesn't produce any (immediate) errors and is basically just a copy of the StockHandler's code, and from there it's the responsibility of the AMI/ORB interface to make the callback. But the original example (with a StockHandler only) works fine.
What am I doing wrong (and how do I fix it)?
EDIT: another bit of information: on the server side, StockFactory's get_stock() method does get called.
Sorry, I've no aswer for you. But a hint, ask your question at TOA's maling list at http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/ACE-mail.html
I think that your problem is that work_pending returns true only if the ORB has immediate work to do, so it returns false in the time after your client sent his request and before the server sends his reply.
To validate that, simply remove the && orb->work_pending() condition from the loop, and use the version of perform_work that takes a timeout argument.