Automatically instrumenting Java application using AWS X-Ray - amazon-web-services

I am trying to achieve automatic instrumentation of all calls made by AWS SDKs for Java using X-Ray.
The X-Ray SDK for Java automatically instruments all AWS SDK clients when you include the AWS SDK Instrumentor submodule in your build dependencies.
(from the documentation)
I have added these to my POM
and am using e.g. aws-java-sdk-ssm and aws-java-sdk-sqs.
I expected to only have to add the X-Ray packages to my POM and provide adequate IAM policies.
However, when I start my application I get exceptions such as these:
com.amazonaws.xray.exceptions.SegmentNotFoundException: Failed to begin subsegment named 'AWSSimpleSystemsManagement': segment cannot be found.
I tried wrapping the SSM call in a manual segment and so that worked but then immediately the next call from another AWS SDK throws a similar exception.
How do I achieve the automatic instrumentation mentioned in the documentation? Am I misunderstanding something?

It depends on how you make AWS SDK calls in your application. If you have added X-Ray servlet to your spring application per then each time your application receives a request, the X-Ray servlet filter will open a segment and store it in the thread serving that request. Any AWS SDK calls you make as part of that request/response cycle will pick up that segment as the parent.
The error you got means the the X-Ray instrumentor tries to record the AWS API call to a subsegment but it cannot find a parent (which request this call belongs to).
Depending on your use case you might want to explicitly instrument certain AWS SDK clients and left others plain, if some of those clients are making calls in a background worker.


Selling Partner API using command line interface or tool

We're new to Amazon Seller Partner-API. Need to invoke certain Amazon SP-APIs for an integration workflow. For some internal reasons, using Amazon SDKs is a secondary option. With our conventional approach, we're able to interact with most APIs, in this case the AWS Request signing & Signature generation is where we're stuck.
As per Amazon using SDK handles it all internally. Is it possible to use a command line utility like - AWS CLI to interact with SP-APIs? Not sure if this is feasible. Found this - amazon-sp-api but not sure if it is stable / reliable.
I believe there should be ways to interact with SP-API from command line. If not, atleast there should be a tool that is able to produce AWS Request signature (given the request info, key etc...).
Kindly share your experience and expertise. We're new to AWS, so if I'm confusing AWS with SP-API (esp for Request signing - I believe both use the same mechanism) pls point it out.
The link you shared to does not look like a command line interface. It is just an SDK generated in NodeJS. There is not way to connect to the API via command line. You can use Postman if you want to avoid SDKs.
And yes, AWS is not the same thing as SP API.
You can search github for SDKs generated on other languages; some seem to have a lot of use.
We generated our own SDK in C# because others didn't fit out criteria.

can I write such a API code that runs on serverless (aws lambda) and the same code can runs on ec2?

I am looking for a language / framework or a method by which I can build API / web application code such that it can run on Serverless compute's like aws lambda and the same code runs on a dedicated compute system like lightsail or EC2.
First I thought of using Docker to do this but AWS Lambda entry point is a specific function signature which is very different than Spring Controllers. Is there a solution available currently?
So basically when I run it in lambda - it will have cold start issue, later when the app is ready or get popular I would like to move it to a EC2 instance for better performance and higher traffic load.
I want to start right in this situation so that later it can be easy to port and resolve the performance issue's
I'd say; no this is not possible easily.
When you are building an api that you'd want to run on lambda's you most likely will be using an API Gateway which takes care of your routing to different lambda functions (best practice). So the moment you would me working on an api like this migrating to EC2 would be a nightmare as you would need to rebuild the whole application a more of a monolith application which could run on EC2.
I would honestly commit to either run it on EC2/Containers or run it on Lambda, if cold start is your main issue with Lambda's you might wanna look into Lambda Snapstart for Java or use another language like Typescript/Python.
After some correct keywords in google I finally got what I was looking for, checkout this blog and code library shared by AWS which helps you convert the request and response of the request as per the framework required http request
Running APIs Written in Java on AWS Lambda:
Repo Code:
Thanks Ricardo for your response - will do check out Lambda Snapstart for sure and try it as well. I have not tested out this completely but it looks promising to some extent.

How to integrate AWS-XRay for others AWS services as SQS, S3

at my app, I was able to track all the lambda, APIGateway and DynamoDB requests through AWS-X-Ray.
I am doing the same as the answer in this question:
Adding XRAY Tracing to non-rest functions e.g., SQS, Cognito Triggers etc
However, how would be the case of S3, SQS or other services/non-rest functions ??
I saw some old code that does not even use aws-sdk, the dependencies are import direct like:
import {S3Client, S3Address, RoleService, SQSService} from '#sws/aws-bridge';
So, in these cases, how to integrate/activate AWS-XRay?
Thank you very much in advance!
At the moment Lambda doesn't support continuing traces from triggers other than REST APIs or direct invocation
The upstream service can be an instrumented web application or another Lambda function. Your service can invoke the function directly with an instrumented AWS SDK client, or by calling an API Gateway API with an instrumented HTTP client.
In every other case it will create its own, new Trace ID and use that instead.
You can work around this yourself by creating a new AWS-Xray segment inside the Lambda Function and using the incoming TraceID from the event. This will result in two Segments for your lambda invocation. One which Lambda itself creates, and one which you create to extend the existing trace. Whether that's acceptable or not for your use case is something you'll have to decide for yourself!
If you're working with Python you can do it with aws-xray-lambda-segment-shim.
If you're working with NodeJS you can follow this guide on
If you're working with .NET there are some examples on this GitHub issue.

unable to delete custom plugin from datafusion instance

I tried uploading a custom jar as cdap plugin and it has few errors in it. I want to delete that particular plugin and upload a new one. what is the process for it ? I tried looking for documentation and it was not much informative.
Thanks in advance!
You can click on the hamburger menu, and click on Control Center at the bottom of the left panel. In the Control Center, click on Filter by, and select the checkbox for Artifacts. After that, you should see the artifact being listed in the Control Center, which then you can delete.
Alternatively, we suggest that while developing, the version of the artifact should be suffixed with -SNAPSHOT (ie. 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT). Any -SNAPSHOT version can be overwritten simply by reuploading. This way, you don't have to delete first before deploying a patched plugin JAR.
Actually each Data Fusion instance is running in GCP tenant project inside fully isolated area, keeping all orchestration actions, pipeline lifecycle management tasks and coordination as a part of GCP managed scenarios, thus you can make a user defined actions within a dedicated Data Fusion UI or targeting execution environment via CDAP REST API HTTP calls.
The purpose for using Data Fusion UI is to create a visual design for data pipelines, controlling ETL data processing through different phases of data executions, therefore you can do the same accessing particular CDAP API inventory.
Looking into the origin CDAP documentation you can find Artifact HTTP RESTful API that offers a set of HTTP methods that you can consider to manage custom plugin operations.
Referencing GCP documentation, there are a few simple steps how to prepare sufficient environment, supplying INSTANCE_URL variable for the target Data Fusion instance in order to smoothly trigger API functions within HTTP call methods against CDAP endpoint, i.e.:
export INSTANCE_ID=your-instance-id
export CDAP_ENDPOINT=$(gcloud beta data-fusion instances describe \
--location=us-central1 \
--format="value(apiEndpoint)" \
When you are ready with above steps, you can push a particular HTTP call method, approaching specific action.
For plugin deletion, try this one, invoking HTTP DELETE method:
curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer ${AUTH_TOKEN}" "${CDAP_ENDPOINT}/v3/namespaces/system/artifacts/<artifact-name>/versions/<artifact-version>"

Invoke AWS Lambda with AWS X-Ray locally

Is there a way to invoke lambda with X-Ray by using sam invoke local?
According to the idea which PaulMaddox mentioned,
I have tried the step below, and I don't know whether I misunderstood :
Run a X-Ray Daemon locally ( by following the document
In my lambda's template.yaml set the ENV AWS_XRAY_DAEMON_ADDRESS:
Invoke the function, but still got error Missing AWS Lambda trace data for X-Ray. Expected _X_AMZN_TRACE_ID to be set
Here is part of template.yaml setting, I used the environment variable to set AWS_XRAY_DAEMON_ADDRESS
It would be nice if you could provide more information.
I'm not too familiar with SAM, but...
You need to set the _X_AMZN_TRACE_ID environment variable. Currently, the X-Ray Node SDK works by cross communicating between the Lambda runtime start-up code and the user code.
Lambda starts the segment in their start-up code, records information such as timing and exceptions, and sends the segment to the X-Ray service. Then, it forwards the trace ID/parent ID/sampling decision to the user code via setting the _X_AMZN_TRACE_ID environment variable. This allows the SDK to create a separate subsegment, inferring a connection to the original segment, which gets "weaved" into the original on the service end without actually being directly related. Both are sent out of band, asynchronously from each other.
The _X_AMZN_TRACE_ID variable fits the same format as the tracing header here as discussed here:
If you want to send traces through the Daemon to the X-Ray service, you'll need to figure out how to get SAM to construct this Lambda segment initially and set the _X_AMZN_TRACE_ID prior to importing the SDK.
Since the SDK auto-detects the presence of Lambda (which as I understand, SAM mimics), you'll have to set the _X_AMZN_TRACE_ID variable before importing in the SDK. Which, is kind of a catch-22, because you need to import the SDK (in the non-Lambda mode) to construct the Lambda segment before you can populate the _X_AMZN_TRACE_ID.
The problem lies here:
If you flip the SDK into LOG_ERROR mode (ignoring the Lambda errors), create and send the Lambda segment (just manually create a segment, load the generated ID/Parent ID/Sampling into _X_AMZN_TRACE_ID then close the segment) and then clear cache/re-import the SDK after, then that should work.
Otherwise, I suspect there may be some work on the SAM end to have this built in. But, hopefully this work around works.