Websocket server handshake response - c++

I am trying to set up websocket communication. I can open the websocket, but I can't figure out how to get the handshake response correct. According to several sites:
"Additionally, the server can decide on extension/subprotocol requests here; see Miscellaneous for details. The Sec-WebSocket-Accept part is interesting. The server must derive it from the Sec-WebSocket-Key that the client sent. To get it, concatenate the client's Sec-WebSocket-Key and "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11" together (it's a "magic string"), take the SHA-1 hash of the result, and return the base64 encoding of the hash...So if the Key was "dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==", the Accept will be "s3pPLMBiTxaQ9kYGzzhZRbK+xOo=".
But I cannot seem to reproduce these results at all. I've tried many encoders/decoders, and tried to find alternate interpretations of the instructions above, but none of them work. I also have not found any examples of code doing this.
Input: dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==
Magic string(never changes):258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11
Output: s3pPLMBiTxaQ9kYGzzhZRbK+xOo=
The only way I have ever gotten the correct answer is through this site. It seems to get the SHA1 encoding wrong but the overall 64 bit answer is correct? Anyway, help would be appreciated.

sec_websocket_key = "dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ=="
magic_string = "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"
return base64(sha1(sec_websocket_key .. magic_string))
Here's a real implementation that'll work in a UNIX shell, assuming you have OpenSSL installed:
| openssl sha1 -binary \
| openssl base64
Make sure that you're using SHA1 -- not SHA256 -- and that the implementation you're using returns raw data, not a hex digest. The output of the hash function should be 160 bits (20 bytes) long.
Also, keep in mind that, even though Sec-WebSocket-Key looks like Base64 data, you don't need to decode it. It's included in the hash as-is.


How to generate a symmetric key in C or C++ the same way this script does?

I am implementing Azure DPS (device provisioning service) for my ESP32-based firmware.
The bash script I use so far is as follows (where KEY is the primary key of the DPS enrolment group and REG_ID is the registration device Id for the given ESP it runs on):
keybytes=$(echo $KEY | base64 --decode | xxd -p -u -c 1000)
echo -n $REG_ID | openssl sha256 -mac HMAC -macopt hexkey:$keybytes -binary | base64
I use the Arduino platform in platformIO.
How to translate the script in C/C++?
[UPDATE] The reason why I can't run openSSL: I need to generate the symmetric key from the actual device MAC address in order to obtain the credential from DPS and then be granted to connect to IoT Hub - I run on an EPS32-based custom PCB. No shell. No OS.
I manage to do it by using bed library (which is available from both ESP32/Arduino platforms).
Here is my implementation for the Arduino platform:
#include <mbedtls/md.h> // mbed tls lib used to sign SHA-256
#include <base64.hpp> // Densaugeo Base64 version 1.2.0 or 1.2.1
/// Returns the SHA-256 signature of [dataToSign] with the key [enrollmentPrimaryKey]
/// params[in]: dataToSign The data to sign (for our purpose, it is the registration ID (or the device ID if it is different)
/// params[in]: enrollmentPrimaryKey The group enrollment primary key.
/// returns The SHA-256 base-64 signature to present to DPS.
/// Note: I use mbed to SHA-256 sign.
String Sha256Sign(String dataToSign, String enrollmentPrimaryKey){
/// Length of the dataToSign string
const unsigned dataToSignLength = dataToSign.length();
/// Buffer to hold the dataToSign as a char[] buffer from String.
char dataToSignChar[dataToSignLength + 1];
/// String to c-style string (char[])
dataToSign.toCharArray(dataToSignChar, dataToSignLength + 1);
/// The binary decoded key (from the base 64 definition)
unsigned char decodedPSK[32];
/// Encrypted binary signature
unsigned char encryptedSignature[32];
/// Base 64 encoded signature
unsigned char encodedSignature[100];
Serial.printf("Sha256Sign(): Registration Id to sign is: (%d bytes) %s\n", dataToSignLength, dataToSignChar);
Serial.printf("Sha256Sign(): DPS group enrollment primary key is: (%d bytes) %s\n", enrollmentPrimaryKey.length(), enrollmentPrimaryKey.c_str());
// Need to base64 decode the Preshared key and the length
const unsigned base64DecodedDeviceLength = decode_base64((unsigned char*)enrollmentPrimaryKey.c_str(), decodedPSK);
Serial.printf("Sha256Sign(): Decoded primary key is: (%d bytes) ", base64DecodedDeviceLength);
for(int i= 0; i<base64DecodedDeviceLength; i++) {
Serial.printf("%02x ", (int)decodedPSK[i]);
// Use mbed to sign
mbedtls_md_type_t mdType = MBEDTLS_MD_SHA256;
mbedtls_md_context_t hmacKeyContext;
mbedtls_md_setup(&hmacKeyContext, mbedtls_md_info_from_type(mdType), 1);
mbedtls_md_hmac_starts(&hmacKeyContext, (const unsigned char *) decodedPSK, base64DecodedDeviceLength);
mbedtls_md_hmac_update(&hmacKeyContext, (const unsigned char *) dataToSignChar, dataToSignLength);
mbedtls_md_hmac_finish(&hmacKeyContext, encryptedSignature);
Serial.print("Sha256Sign(): Computed hash is: ");
for(int i= 0; i<sizeof(encryptedSignature); i++) {
Serial.printf("%02x ", (int)encryptedSignature[i]);
// base64 decode the HMAC to a char
encode_base64(encryptedSignature, sizeof(encryptedSignature), encodedSignature);
Serial.printf("Sha256Sign(): Computed hash as base64: %s\n", encodedSignature);
// creating the real SAS Token
return String((char*)encodedSignature);
You have a very interesting question from mathematical/algorithmical point of view. So just for fun decided to implement ALL sub-algorithms of it from scratch, without almost NO dependacy on standard C++ library.
All algorithms of me are based on Wikipedia and described well in its articles SHA-256, HMAC, Base64 (and StackOverflow), Hex.
I made whole my code specifically from scratch and without almost NO dependency on std C++ library. Only two headers used right now <cstdint> for implementing all sized integers u8, u16, u32, i32, u64, i64.
And <string> is used only to implement Heap allocations. Also you can easily implement this heap allocations inside my HeapMem class, or by removing using String = std::string; (and #include <string>) on first lines of my code and using built-in heap-allocated String of Arduino if it has built-in one.
Header <iostream> is used only in few last lines of code snippet, only to output result to console, so that StackOverflow visitors my run program without external dependencies. This console output may be removed of course.
Besides main algorithms I had to implement my own classes Array, Vector, Str, Tuple, HeapMem to re-implement basic concepts of standard C++ library. Also standard library function like MemSet(), MemCpy(), MemCmp(), StrLen(), Move() had to be implemented.
You may notice too that I never used exceptions in code, specifically if you have disabled/non-supporting them. Instead of exceptions I implemented special Result<T> template that resembles Result from Rust language. This template is used to return/check correct and error results from whole stack of functions.
All algorithms (Sha256, Hmac, Base64) are tested by simple test cases with reference vectors taken from internet. Final SignSha256() function that you desired is also tested by several test cases against your reference bash OpenSSL script.
Important!. Don't use this code snippet directly inside production code, because it is not very well tested and might contain some errors. Use it Only for educational purposes or test it thourughly before using.
Code snippet is very large, around 32 KiB, bigger that limit of StackOverflow post size (which is 30 000 symbols), so I'm sharing code snippet through two external services - GodBolt (click Try it online! link), where you can also test it online, and GitHub Gist service for download/view only.
Try it online on GodBolt!
GitHub Gist

Data Encryption from UNIVERSE/U2/PICK

I am extracting some data from a UNIVERSE system and want to encrypt it for transfer via email.
I am no UNIVERSE expert so am using bits and pieces we have found from around the internet and it "looks" like it is working BUT I just can't seem to decrypt the data.
Below is the script I have used based on code found on the web:
ALGORITHM="rc2-cbc" ; * 128 bit rc2 algorithm in CBC mode
MYKEY="23232323" ; * HEX - Actual Key
IV= "12121212" ; * HEX - Initialization Vector
DATALOC=1 ; * Data in String
KEYLOC=1 ; * Key in String
ACTION=5 ; * Base64 encode after encryption
SALT='' ; * SALT not used
RESULTLOC=1 ; * Result in String RESULT
Below are a few data strings I have processed through this script and the resulting string:
When I try to decode and decrypt the resulting OUTPUT with an online decrypter, I still get no results: https://www.tools4noobs.com/online_tools/decrypt/
I'm thinking it might be a character encoding issue or perhaps the encryption is not working but I have no idea how to resolve - we have been working on this for a few weeks and cannot get any data that is decryptable...
All setups and fields have been set based on this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ban1zntdy0q27z3/Encrypt%20Function.pdf?dl=0
If I feed the base-64 encrypted string from your code back into the Unidata DECRYPYT function with the same parameters it decrypts just fine.
I suspect something funny is happening with the key. This page mentions something like that: https://u2devzone.rocketsoftware.com/accelerate/articles/data-encryption/data-encryption.html "Generating a suitable key is one of the thornier problems associated with encryption. Keys should be generated as random binary strings, making them obviously difficult to remember. Accordingly, it is probably more common for applications to supply a pass phrase to the ENCRYPT function and have the function internally generate the actual encryption key."
One option to remove the Universe ENCRYPT function from the picture is to use openSSL directly. It looks like the ENCRYPT/DECRYPT functions are just thin wrappers around the openSSL library, so you can execute that to get the result. I'm having problems with the php page you're using for verification, but if I feed the base-64 encrypted string to an openSSL decrypt command on a different machine, it decrypts fine.
MYKEY="A long secret key"
DATASTRING="data to be encrypted data here"
EXECUTE '!echo "':DATASTRING:'"| openssl enc -base64 -e -rc2-cbc -nosalt -k "':MYKEY:'"' CAPTURING RESULT

Load/Export RandomNumber

In the frame of an home-made ECDHE application, both the client and the server have to send a randomly generated numbers (rng), in order to build later the MasterSecret during the handshake (TLS-like)...
With crypto++, it's easy to create these numbers, thanks to :
AutoSeededRandomPool rng;
My problem is 1) to export them to a string or equivalent, and 2) to load them from a string.
I must put these numbers within a frame, and nor the Class definition, nor the examples precise that.
On the web I haven't been able to find Save/Load examples (like the ones for RSA::PublicKeys).
Apparently I'm the first to want this, as their examples generate the client and the server in the same program, and thus don't need to transmit the numbers.
And, as part of this handshake, I also try to do the same with curvesID...
This question was a misunderstanding from my part, so I'll explain it, in case of anyone having the same interrogations. It's largely inspired from the crypto++ wiki...
There are 2 distinct objects :
AutoSeededRandomPool prng;
prng.GenerateBlock( scratch, scratch.size() );
AutoSeededRandomPool prng; is the generator of random numbers (that will be auto-seeded)
prng.GenerateBlock is the command that will extract bits from this random number to build the std::string scratch of the desired length.
And as the scratch is a string, we can do what we want with it, to use it anywhere... So please refer to the string import/export.

cryptoapi and openssl

I'm trying to encrypt and sign a file with cryptoapi with some X.509 certificates. I want to verify and decrypt this file with openssl.
On windows I think I need to use the CryptSignAndEncryptMessage function to encrypt and sign data. I used this example from MSDN to create a signed and encrypted message.
How can I decrypt/verify this file using openssl? I removed the first 4 bytes from the message since it contained the length of the message (from the windows blob).
When I call openssl -asn1parse I get some output that indicates it to be parsable by openssl.
When trying to verify the signature with openssl I recieve an error:
openssl rsautl -verify -inkey AlonsoCert.pem -keyform pem -certin -in sandvout-without-4byte.txt
RSA operation error
3073579208:error:0406706C:rsa routines:RSA_EAY_PUBLIC_DECRYPT:data greater than mod len:rsa_eay.c:680:
CryptSignAndEncrypt message seems to use RC4 cipher with empty ASN.1 parameters field and, looking at OpenSSL sources, openssl chokes on try to generate IV (which is not needed for RC4).
Try to use other cipher (AES for example) in CryptAndSignMessage.
Anyway, RC4 is very old, insecure, and obsolete.
Your ASN.1 dump information shows you've created a PKCS#7 CMS output from your CryptoAPI code. As a result you cannot use the basic OpenSSL decryption and verification methods.
Instead, use the cms mode:
openssl cms -decrypt -inform DER -in sandvout-without-4byte.txt
-out decrypted.bin -recip testkey.pfx
(Note: I've not used this mode before, so I think the syntax I've suggested is correct. Either way, this should hopefully be the step in the right direction that solves this.)
Try using openssl smime to verify and/or decrypt. The syntax is fairly straight-forward but you can find the information here: http://www.openssl.org/docs/apps/smime.html

How to use openssl to base 64 decode?

I am developing in C++ using Boost.Asio. I want to be able to base64 decode data and since Boost.Asio links to openssl I want to use it's functions to do so and not add an extra dependency(eg crypto++). I have found this code here that shows how to do it. (change int finalLen = BIO_read(bmem, (void*)pOut, outLen); to inLen )
I don't know if it works. I just pass to it some test data that I verify with an online decoder found here(2) (select decode safely as text and count the symbols). The test string I use is this one: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=" (without the ""). Both the online decoder and a quick crypto++ implementation return 23 chars. But the code I mentioned above using openssl returns 0. Am I doing something wrong? Is openssl suitable for base64 decoding?
Please provide me a solution (if one exists). Thanks for you time.
pff sorry my mistake. I forgot to allocate memory for pOut. The code seems to work now.