Elegant assert that function is not called from several threads - c++

I have a function that must not be called from more than one thread at the same time. Can you suggest some elegant assert for this?

You can use a thin RAII wrapper around std::atomic<>:
namespace {
std::atomic<int> access_counter;
struct access_checker {
access_checker() { check = ++access_counter; }
access_checker( const access_checker & ) = delete;
~access_checker() { --access_counter; }
int check;
void foobar()
access_checker checker;
// assert than checker.check == 1 and react accordingly
it is simplified version for single use to show the idea and can be improved to use for multiple functions if necessary

Sounds like you need a mutex. Assuming you are using std::thread you can look at the coding example in the following link for specifically using std::mutex: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/mutex/mutex/
// mutex example
#include <iostream> // std::cout
#include <thread> // std::thread
#include <mutex> // std::mutex
std::mutex mtx; // mutex for critical section
void print_block (int n, char c) {
// critical section (exclusive access to std::cout signaled by locking mtx):
for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) { std::cout << c; }
std::cout << '\n';
int main ()
std::thread th1 (print_block,50,'*');
std::thread th2 (print_block,50,'$');
return 0;
In the above code print_block locks mtx, does what it needs to do, and then unlocks mtx. If print_block is called from two different threads, one thread will lock mtx first and the other thread will block on mtx.lock() and be force to wait until the other thread calls mtx.unlock(). This means only one thread can execute the code between mtx.lock() and mtx.unlock() (exclusive) at the same time.
This assumes by "at the same time" you mean at the same literal time. If you only want one thread to be able to call a function I would recommend looking into std::this_thread::get_id which will get you the id of the current thread. An assert could be as simple as storing the owning thread in owning_thread_id and then calling assert(owning_thread_id == std::this_thread::get_id()).


Store a mutex in unordered map

I have the following mutex manager which I aims to lock/unlock mutex given a topic name. I want to be able to lock/unlock mutexes depending on a specific tag (in this example a string). What I am doing is simply mapping a string to a mutex. Then, the outside world would invoke MutexManager::lock on tag name, then the MutexManager would lock the correct mutex.
Is this the way to do it, or should I instead be creating a map of std::unique_lock<std::mutex>
#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <mutex>
class MutexManager {
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::mutex> mutexes;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock_mutex(const std::string& name) {
try {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutexes.at(name));
return lock;
} catch (...) {
std::cout << "Failed to acquire lock";
void unlock_mutex(std::unique_lock<std::mutex> locked_mutex)
try {
} catch (...) {
std::cout << "Failed to release lock.";
void add_mutex(std::string topic) {
mutexes[topic]; // is that really the solution?
int main()
MutexManager mutexManager;
auto& mutexx = mutexManager.mutexes.at("test");
return 0;
My concern with the above is if I got two threads where thread 1 runs lock followed by thread2 :
thread 1:
thread 2:
Will thread two be blocked untill thread 1 has released the lock ? In other words, does the locks above target the same mutex given we got the same topic?

Minimal mutexes for std::queue producer/consumer

I have two threads that work the producer and consumer sides of a std::queue. The queue isn't often full, so I'd like to avoid the consumer grabbing the mutex that is guarding mutating the queue.
Is it okay to call empty() outside the mutex then only grab the mutex if there is something in the queue?
For example:
struct MyData{
int a;
int b;
class SpeedyAccess{
void AddDataFromThread1(MyData data){
const std::lock_guard<std::mutex> queueMutexLock(queueAccess);
void CheckFromThread2(){
if(!workQueue.empty()) // Un-protected access...is this dangerous?
MyData data = workQueue.front();
void ExpensiveComputation(MyData& data);
std::queue<MyData> workQueue;
std::mutex queueAccess;
Thread 2 does the check and isn't particularly time-critical, but will get called a lot (500/sec?). Thread 1 is very time critical, a lot of stuff needs to run there, but isn't called as frequently (max 20/sec).
If I add a mutex guard around empty(), if the queue is empty when thread 2 comes, it won't hold the mutex for long, so might not be a big hit. However, since it gets called so frequently, it might occasionally happen at the same time something is trying to get put on the back....will this cause a substantial amount of waiting in thread 1?
As written in the comments above, you should call empty() only under a lock.
But I believe there is a better way to do it.
You can use a std::condition_variable together with a std::mutex, to achieve synchronization of access to the queue, without locking the mutex more than you must.
However - when using std::condition_variable, you must be aware that it suffers from spurious wakeups. You can read about it here: Spurious wakeup - Wikipedia.
You can see some code examples here:
Condition variable examples.
The correct way to use a std::condition_variable is demonstrated below (with some comments).
This is just a minimal example to show the principle.
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <queue>
#include <iostream>
using MyData = int;
std::mutex mtx;
std::condition_variable cond_var;
std::queue<MyData> q;
void producer()
MyData produced_val = 0;
while (true)
std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1000)); // simulate some pause between productions
std::cout << "produced: " << produced_val << std::endl;
// Access the Q under the lock:
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(mtx);
cond_var.notify_all(); // It's not a must to nofity under the lock but it might be more efficient (see #DavidSchwartz's comment below).
void consumer()
while (true)
MyData consumed_val;
// Access the Q under the lock:
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(mtx);
// NOTE: The following call will lock the mutex only when the the condition_varible will cause wakeup
// (due to `notify` or spurious wakeup).
// Then it will check if the Q is empty.
// If empty it will release the lock and continue to wait.
// If not empty, the lock will be kept until out of scope.
// See the documentation for std::condition_variable.
cond_var.wait(lck, []() { return !q.empty(); }); // will loop internally to handle spurious wakeups
consumed_val = q.front();
std::cout << "consumed: " << consumed_val << std::endl;
std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(200)); // simulate some calculation
int main()
std::thread p(producer);
std::thread c(consumer);
while(true) {}
p.join(); c.join(); // will never happen in our case but to remind us what is needed.
return 0;
Some notes:
In your real code, none of the threads should run forever. You should have some mechanism to notify them to gracefully exit.
The global variables (mtx,q etc.) are better to be members of some context class, or passed to the producer() and consumer() as parameters.
This example assumes for simplicity that the producer's production rate is always low relatively to the consumer's rate. In your real code you can make it more general, by making the consumer extract all elements in the Q each time the condition_variable is signaled.
You can "play" with the sleep_for times for the producer and consumer to test varios timing cases.

How can I syncronize these two threads properly?

I would like to synchronize different threads properly but so far I have only be able to write an inelegant solution. Can somebody kindly point out how I can improve the following code?
typedef void (*func)();
void thread(func func1, func func2, int& has_finished, int& id) {
while (has_finished != 0) std::cout << "thread " << id << " waiting\n";
std::cout << "thread" << id << "resuming\n";
int main() {
int has_finished(0), id_one(0), id_two(1);
std::thread t1(thread, fun, fun, std::ref(has_finished), std::ref(id_one));
std::thread t2(thread, fun, fun, std::ref(has_finished), std::ref(id_two));
The gist of the program is described by the function thread. The function is executed by two std::threads. The function accepts two long-running functions func1 and func2 and two references of ints as arguments. The threads should only invoke func2 after all threads exited func1. The argument has_finished is used to coordinate the different threads: Upon entering the function, has_arguments is zero. Then each std::thread decrements the value and invokes the long-running function func1. After having left func1, has_finished is incremented again. As long as this value is not at its original value of zero a thread waits. Then, each thread works on func2. The main function is shown at the end.
How can I coordinate the two threads better? I was thinking of using a std::mutex and std::condition_variable but could not figure out how to use them properly? Does somebody have any idea how I can improve the program?
Don't write this yourself. This kind of synchronization is known as a "latch" (or more generally a "barrier", and it's available through various libraries and through the C++ Concurrency TS. (It might also make it into C++20 in some form.)
For example, using a version from Boost:
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <boost/thread/latch.hpp>
void f(boost::latch& c) {
std::cout << "Doing work in round 1\n";
std::cout << "Doing work in round 2\n";
int main() {
boost::latch c(2);
std::thread t1(f, std::ref(c)), t2(f, std::ref(c));
The method you've chosen won't actually work and results in undefined behavior because of the race conditions. As you surmised, you need a condition variable.
Here is a Gate class demonstrating how to use a condition variable to implement a gate that waits for some number of threads to arrive at it before continuing:
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <utility>
#include <cassert>
struct Gate {
explicit Gate(unsigned int count = 2) : count_(count) { } // How many threads need to reach the gate before it unlocks
Gate(Gate const &) = delete;
void operator =(Gate const &) = delete;
void wait_for_gate();
int count_;
::std::mutex count_mutex_;
::std::condition_variable count_gate_;
void Gate::wait_for_gate()
::std::unique_lock<::std::mutex> guard(count_mutex_);
assert(count > 0); // Count being 0 here indicates an irrecoverable programming error.
count_gate_.wait(guard, [this](){ return this-> count_ <= 0; });
void f1()
::std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "In f1 with thread " << ::std::this_thread::get_id() << '\n';
::std::cout << msg.str();
void f2()
::std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "In f2 with thread " << ::std::this_thread::get_id() << '\n';
::std::cout << msg.str();
void thread_func(Gate &gate)
int main()
Gate gate;
::std::thread t1{thread_func, ::std::ref(gate)};
::std::thread t2{thread_func, ::std::ref(gate)};
Hopefully the structure of this code looks enough like your code that you can understand what's going on here. From reading your code, it seems like you're looking for all threads to execute func1, then func2. You do not want func2 running while any thread is executing func1.
That can be thought of as a gate where all the threads are waiting to arrive at the 'finished func1' location before moving on to run func2.
I tested this code on my own local version of compiler explorer.
The main disadvantage of the latch in the other answer is that it is not yet standard C++. My Gate class is a simple implementation of the latch class mentioned in the other answer, and it is standard C++.
The basic way a condition variable works is that it unlocks a mutex, waits for a notify, then locks that mutex and tests the condition. If the condition is true, it continues without unlocking the mutex. If the condition is false, it starts over again.
So, after the condition variable says the condition is true, you have to do whatever you need to do, then unlock the mutex and notify everybody that you've done it.
The mutex here is guarding the shared count variable. Whenever you have a shared value you should guard it with a mutex so that no thread can see that value in an inconsistent state. The condition is that threads can wait for that count to reach 0, indicating that all threads have decremented the count variable.

C++ std::async run on main thread

IS there a way of running a function back on the main thread ?
So if I called a function via Async that downloaded a file and then parsed the data. It would then call a callback function which would run on my main UI thread and update the UI ?
I know threads are equal in the default C++ implementation so would I have to create a shared pointer to my main thread. How would I do this and pass the Async function not only the shared pointer to the main thread but also a pointer to the function I want to rrun on it and then run it on that main thread ?
I have been reading C++ Concurrency in Action and chapter four (AKA "The Chapter I Just Finished") describes a solution.
The Short Version
Have a shared std::deque<std::packaged_task<void()>> (or a similar sort of message/task queue). Your std::async-launched functions can push tasks to the queue, and your GUI thread can process them during its loop.
There Isn't Really a Long Version, but Here Is an Example
Shared Data
std::deque<std::packaged_task<void()>> tasks;
std::mutex tasks_mutex;
std::atomic<bool> gui_running;
The std::async Function
void one_off()
std::packaged_task<void()> task(FUNCTION TO RUN ON GUI THREAD); //!!
std::future<void> result = task.get_future();
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(tasks_mutex);
// wait on result
The GUI Thread
void gui_thread()
while (gui_running) {
// process messages
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(tasks_mutex);
while (!tasks.empty()) {
auto task(std::move(tasks.front()));
// unlock during the task
// "do gui work"
I am (always) learning, so there is a decent chance that my code is not great. The concept is at least sound though.
The destructor of the return value from std::async (a std::future<>) will block until the operation launched with std::async completes (see std::async ), so waiting on the result of a task (as I do in my example) in one_off might not be a brilliant idea.
You may want to (I would, at least) create your own threadsafe MessageQueue type to improve code readability/maintainability/blah blah blah.
I swear there was one more thing I wanted to point out, but it escapes me right now.
Full Example
#include <atomic>
#include <chrono>
#include <deque>
#include <iostream>
#include <mutex>
#include <future>
#include <thread>
// shared stuff:
std::deque<std::packaged_task<void()>> tasks;
std::mutex tasks_mutex;
std::atomic<bool> gui_running;
void message()
std::cout << std::this_thread::get_id() << std::endl;
void one_off()
std::packaged_task<void()> task(message);
std::future<void> result = task.get_future();
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(tasks_mutex);
// wait on result
void gui_thread()
std::cout << "gui thread: "; message();
while (gui_running) {
// process messages
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(tasks_mutex);
while (!tasks.empty()) {
auto task(std::move(tasks.front()));
// unlock during the task
// "do gui work"
int main()
gui_running = true;
std::cout << "main thread: "; message();
std::thread gt(gui_thread);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
// note:
// these will be launched sequentially because result's
// destructor will block until one_off completes
auto result = std::async(std::launch::async, one_off);
// maybe do something with result if it is not void
// the for loop will not complete until all the tasks have been
// processed by gui_thread
// ...
// cleanup
gui_running = false;
Dat Output
$ ./messages
main thread: 140299226687296
gui thread: 140299210073856
Are you looking for std::launch::deferred ? Passing this parameter to std::async makes the task executed on the calling thread when the get() function is called for the first time.

Is possible to get a thread-locking mechanism in C++ with a std::atomic_flag?

Using MS Visual C++2012
A class has a member of type std::atomic_flag
class A {
std::atomic_flag lockFlag;
A () { std::atomic_flag_clear (&lockFlag); }
There is an object of type A
A object;
who can be accessed by two (Boost) threads
void thr1(A* objPtr) { ... }
void thr2(A* objPtr) { ... }
The idea is wait the thread if the object is being accessed by the other thread.
The question is: do it is possible construct such mechanism with an atomic_flag object? Not to say that for the moment, I want some lightweight that a boost::mutex.
By the way the process involved in one of the threads is very long query to a dBase who get many rows, and I only need suspend it in a certain zone of code where the collision occurs (when processing each row) and I can't wait the entire thread to finish join().
I've tryed in each thread some as:
thr1 (A* objPtr) {
while (std::atomic_flag_test_and_set_explicit (&objPtr->lockFlag, std::memory_order_acquire)) {
... /* Zone to portect */
std::atomic_flag_clear_explicit (&objPtr->lockFlag, std::memory_order_release);
... /* the process continues */
But with no success, because the second thread hangs. In fact, I don't completely understand the mechanism involved in the atomic_flag_test_and_set_explicit function. Neither if such function returns inmediately or can delay until the flag can be locked.
Also it is a mistery to me how to get a lock mechanism with such a function who always set the value, and return the previous value. with no option to only read the actual setting.
Any suggestion are welcome.
By the way the process involved in one of the threads is very long query to a dBase who get many rows, and I only need suspend it in a certain zone of code where the collision occurs (when processing each row) and I can't wait the entire thread to finish join().
Such a zone is known as the critical section. The simplest way to work with a critical section is to lock by mutual exclusion.
The mutex solution suggested is indeed the way to go, unless you can prove that this is a hotspot and the lock contention is a performance problem. Lock-free programming using just atomic and intrinsics is enormously complex and cannot be recommended at this level.
Here's a simple example showing how you could do this (live on http://liveworkspace.org/code/6af945eda5132a5221db823fa6bde49a):
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
struct A
std::mutex mux;
int x;
A() : x(0) {}
void threadf(A* data)
for(int i=0; i<10; ++i)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(data->mux);
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
A instance;
auto t1 = std::thread(threadf, &instance);
auto t2 = std::thread(threadf, &instance);
std::cout << instance.x << std::endl;
return 0;
It looks like you're trying to write a spinlock. Yes, you can do that with std::atomic_flag, but you are better off using std::mutex instead. Don't use atomics unless you really know what you're doing.
To actually answer the question asked: Yes, you can use std::atomic_flag to create a thread locking object called a spinlock.
#include <atomic>
class atomic_lock
void lock()
while ( lock_.test_and_set() ) { } // Spin until the lock is acquired.
void unlock()
std::atomic_flag lock_;