I am trying to display an Image inside a QLabel on QT forms. I need that label to have only the top left and right corners to be rounded while the bottom 2 remain rectangular.
using style sheets I gave the border-radius a value and it worked. Howerver, the image inside that label remained rectangular. (the corner of the image hid the circular corner of the QLabel).
Searching around, i found that setting a mask to the image (pixmap) and drawing a RoundRect on it cause the corners to be circular.
that worked but it made all four corners of the image to be circular.
is there a way to make only the top part as circular?
this is how i made the edges of the pixmap circular:
QBitmap map(100,100); //my pixmap is 100x100
QPainter painter( &map );
and this is how i made the QLabel top left and right corner circular
QString style = "border: 4px solid; \n";
style += "border-top-left-radius: 20px;\n";
style += "border-top-right-radius: 20px;";
Your idea with the mask is not too bad. You just have to do some composite drawing to the mask, e.g.
QPainter painter(&map);
painter.drawRoundedRect(0, 0, 100, 40, 20, 20);
painter.drawRect(0, 20, 100, 100);
I am trying to draw an arrow with OpenCV 3.2:
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
using namespace cv;
int main()
Mat image(480, 640, CV_8UC3, Scalar(255, 255, 255)); //White background
Point from(320, 240); //Middle
Point to(639, 240); //Right border
arrowedLine(image, from, to, Vec3b(0, 0, 0), 1, LINE_AA, 0, 0.1);
imshow("Arrow", image);
return 0;
An arrow is drawn, but at the tip some pixels are missing:
To be more precise, two columns of pixels are not colored correctly (zoomed):
If I disable antialiasing, i.e., if I use
arrowedLine(image, from, to, Vec3b(0, 0, 0), 1, LINE_8, 0, 0.1);
instead (note the LINE_8 instead of LINE_AA), the pixels are there, albeit without antialiasing:
I am aware that antialiasing might rely on neighboring pixels, but it seems strange that pixels are not drawn at all at the borders instead of being drawn without antialiasing. Is there a workaround for this issue?
Increasing the X coordinate, e.g. to 640 or 641) makes the problem worse, i.e., more of the arrow head pixels disappear, while the tip still lacks nearly two complete pixel columns.
Extending and cropping the image would solve the neighboring pixels issue, but in my original use case, where the problem appeared, I cannot enlarge my image, i.e., its size must remain constant.
After a quick review, I've found that OpenCV draws AA lines using a Gaussian filter, which contracts the final image.
As I've suggested in comments, you can implement your own function for the AA mode (you can call the original one if AA is disabled) extending the points manually (see code below to have an idea).
Other option may be to increase the line width when using AA.
You may also simulate the AA effect of OpenCV but on the final image (may be slower but helpful if you have many arrows). I'm not an OpenCV expert so I'll write a general scheme:
// Filter radius, the higher the stronger
const int kRadius = 3;
// Image is extended to fit pixels that are not going to be blurred
Mat blurred(480 + kRadius * 2, 640 + kRadius * 2, CV_8UC3, Scalar(255, 255, 255));
// Points moved a according to filter radius (need testing, but the idea is that)
Point from(320, 240 + kRadius);
Point to(639 + kRadius * 2, 240 + kRadius);
// Extended non-AA arrow
arrowedLine(blurred, ..., LINE_8, ...);
// Simulate AA
GaussianBlur(blurred, blurred, Size(kRadius, kRadius), ...);
// Crop image (be careful, it doesn't copy data)
Mat image = blurred(Rect(kRadius, kRadius, 640, 480));
Another option may be to draw the arrow in an image twice as large and the scale it down with a good smoothing filter.
Obviously, last two options will work only if you don't have any previous data on the image. If so, then use a transparent image for temporal drawing and overlay it at the end.
I've tried this:
QBrush brush(QPixmap(":/new/prefix1/car.jpg"));
QRectF car(positions[i],120, 20, 10 );
It shows the image but it repeats itself during a simulation in QPaint.
I want a way to fill a rectangle with an image but i'm not finding any specific methods for Rect. Any tricks for that?
Use QPainters drawPixmap. There is an overloaded function, that takes both a QPixmap and a QRect into which the pixmap will be painted:
I'm trying to draw two rectangles with same color and transparency on a QFrame with a white background. These rectangles should overlap and the their transparency should not change (also in the overlapping region). So like this:
Here is the code I have so far:
class Canvas : public QFrame
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent * event) override;
void Canvas::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
QPainter painter( this );
painter.setBrush(QBrush(QColor(0, 0, 255, 125)));
painter.drawRect(QRect(80, 80, 100, 100));
int main( int argc, char **argv )
QApplication a( argc, argv );
Canvas canvas;
QPalette pal;
pal.setColor(QPalette::Window, QColor(Qt::red));
return a.exec();
However this produces the following image:
I have tried every possible composition mode for the painter, but none seem to give me the desired effect. I guess CompositionMode_Source is the correct one since if I use the following code:
QPixmap pixmap(200, 200);
QPainter painter(&pixmap);
painter.setBrush(QBrush(QColor(0, 0, 255, 125)));
painter.drawRect(QRect(10, 10, 100, 100));
painter.setBrush(QBrush(QColor(0, 0, 255, 125)));
painter.drawRect(QRect(80, 80, 100, 100));
QLabel label;
I do get the desired effect (but without the red background):
However if I change the fill to Qt::red I get again:
What am I missing here? How can I get my desired effect? The actual application for this is that I want to draw rectangles on a QFrame derived class which is implemented in a third party lib over which I have limited control.
I spot three problems with the code:
the first rectangle is drawn with alpha blending (Source Over mode) because you're setting the composition mode after the first draw call. The second one instead uses Source mode (i.e. copy the source pixels as-is, do not perform alpha blending).
Indeed Source does not perform alpha blending, which you seem to want. So don't use that! The default composition mode does what you want.
Drawing two different shapes will perform composition between them. That's obviously expected, since you're doing two draw calls; the second draw call will find the destination already changed by the first. If you don't want that, you must find a way to draw both shapes in one draw call (for instance: add both of them to one QPainterPath, then draw the path in one draw call), or perform composition at a later stage (for instance: draw them onto an opaque QImage, then blend the image over the destination in one draw call).
I have an image onto which I draw a Rectangle as such. After that I am attempting to copy the contents of the rectangle onto another QLabel. This seems to work however i cannot seem to align the copied image starting from the left top corner of the image. Here is what I am doing
QPixmap original_image;
original_image = original_image.scaled(ui.label->size().width(),ui.label->size().height());
//Draw rectangle on this
QPixmap target_two(ui.label->size().width(),ui.label->size().height());
QPixmap target(ui.label->size().width(),ui.label->size().height());
QPainter painter(&target);
QPainter painter_two(&target_two);
QRegion r(QRect(0, 0, ui.label->size().width(), ui.label->size().height()), QRegion::RegionType::Rectangle); //Region to start copying
painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, original_image); //Draw the original image in the clipped region
QRectF rectangle(x_start,y_start,clipRegion);
painter.drawRoundedRect(rectangle,0,0); //Last two parameters define the radius of the corners higher the radius more rounded it is
QRegion r_two(rectangle.toRect(), QRegion::RegionType::Rectangle);
The bottom picture is the image with the red rectangle in it and that is fine.
The top picture is a copy of the contents of the square.The only problem is its not starting from the top left corner.
Any suggestion on why I am not getting the copied content on the top left corner.
The problem in your logic is that both target and target_two images have the same sizes - size of the label, and you draw the copied image in the same position as it was in the initial label. So far so good. I would solve this by the following code:
// This both lines can be removed.
// QRegion r_two(rectangle.toRect(), QRegion::RegionType::Rectangle);
// painter_two.setClipRegion(r_two);
// Target rect. in the left top corner.
QRectF targetRect(0, 0, rectangle.width(), rectangle.height());
QRectF sourceRect(rectangle);
// Draw only rectangular area of the source image into the new position.
painter_two.drawPixmap(targetRect, target, sourceRect);
How can I draw a shape like a tear? I need to draw without using more than one shape (an ellipse and a polygon) because QPen will draw for each shape. I need to join shapes to create a new one, or tell QT to join the border across both shapes, something like this:
If the shape you want to draw can be represented as a layering of other shapes, as with the image you've linked to, it's pretty easy to do:
First we need to build a QPainterPath to represent the outer edge of the shape. We build it by layering up simpler shapes; in the case of your example we need a circle and a square. Note the use of QPainterPath::setFillRule(Qt::WindingFill): this will later affect the way that the path is painted (try removing it to see the difference!).
QPainterPath OuterPath;
OuterPath.addEllipse(QPointF(60, 60), 50, 50);
OuterPath.addRect(60, 10, 50, 50);
With the example you've given we'll also need to remove a circular area from the centre of our filled shape. Let's represent that inner 'border' as a QPainterPath and then use QPainterPath::subtracted() to subtract InnerPath from OuterPath and produce our final shape:
QPainterPath InnerPath;
InnerPath.addEllipse(QPointF(60, 60), 20, 20);
QPainterPath FillPath = OuterPath.subtracted(InnerPath);
Once we've built the shape paths, we need to use them to fill/outline the shape. Let's first create a QPainter and set it to use antialiasing:
QPainter Painter(this);
We then need to fill the shape that we've built:
Painter.fillPath(FillPath, Qt::blue);
Finally, let's paint the outlines. Note that, because we have separate paths for the inner and outer borders, we are able to stroke each border with different line thicknesses. Note also the use of QPainterPath::simplified(): this converts the set of layered shapes into one QPainterPath which has no intersections:
Painter.strokePath(OuterPath.simplified(), QPen(Qt::black, 1));
Painter.strokePath(InnerPath, QPen(Qt::black, 3));
If we put all of that together, it looks like this:
void Shape::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
QPainterPath OuterPath;
OuterPath.addEllipse(QPointF(60, 60), 50, 50);
OuterPath.addRect(60, 10, 50, 50);
QPainterPath InnerPath;
InnerPath.addEllipse(QPointF(60, 60), 20, 20);
QPainterPath FillPath = OuterPath.subtracted(InnerPath);
QPainter Painter(this);
Painter.fillPath(FillPath, Qt::blue);
Painter.strokePath(OuterPath.simplified(), QPen(Qt::black, 1));
Painter.strokePath(InnerPath, QPen(Qt::black, 3));
This is actually quite difficult to do without a good math background. If you knew the formula to create that shape, you could just put it into your QGraphicsItem::paint() function. But there are some alternatives:
Make the image in a vector editing program like Inkscape (free), save it as a .svg file, and then load it into a QGraphicsSvgItem. (This is what I would do.)
Have a look at QPainterPath::cubicTo(), which allows you to make a Bezier curve