Followed instructions in the below to send the json request payload in the curl command
Below is the curl command:
D:\testing\curl-7.46.0-win64\bin>curl -X POST -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data "#article-payload.json"
The error:
**Error: Getting below error:**
Warning: Couldn't read data from file "article-payload.json", this makes an
Warning: empty POST.
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: application
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: application
<axis2ns22:DataServiceFault xmlns:axis2ns22=""><ax
is2ns22:current_params>{articleTitle=null, articlePath=null, articleContent=null
, articleDesc=null, categoryID=null}</axis2ns22:current_params><axis2ns22:source
il.PSQLException: ERROR: null value in column "articleTitle" violates not-null c
Detail: Failing row contains (31, null, null, null, null, null).</axis2ns22:ne
I saved the file under below location:
Not sure what is causing issue. Just followed the instructions provided by wso2dss documentation.
Seems like the parameters are not passed correctly (ex: articleTitle has become null, but in the database table you have defined it as a not null column). The article-payload.json file should be located in the directory that you are trying to invoke the request using curl (ie. inside D:\testing\curl-7.46.0-win64\bin)
In Postman, I am trying to retrieve a session value returned from a post call and use it in another get call.
I mean, I called via Postman:
curl -X POST \ \
-H 'Accept: */*' \
-H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
-H 'Connection: keep-alive' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-H 'Host:' \
-H 'Postman-Token: xxxx' \
-H 'User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.15.0' \
-H 'accept-encoding: gzip, deflate' \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'content-length: 177' \
-d 'inboundDate=2019-11-25&cabinClass=economy&children=0&infants=0&Country=BR&Currency=BRL&locale=pt-BR&originPlace=GRU-sky&destinationPlace=MCZ-sky&outboundDate=2019-11-19&adults=2'
It returned in Header among others keys:
Location →
Now, I want to call another API and I must use the session id returned in previous call. It is after /v1.0/. In this case it is b5b906e9-164e-4f1d-b5ce-9085b8a3506d
The first steps is getting the Location key value but I am getting the error mentioned in this question title (see picture attached for more details).
So my straight question is how can I retrieve the Location value from another post request? Well, a complementary and helpfull coment will be how to parse and get only the session id but naturally firsly I have to fix how retrieve the whole Location value.
It is more or less this what I am trying:
var sessionKey = JSON.parse(postman.getResponseHeader('Location') );//maybe here applying some regular expression to get only the value after the last "/"
pm.environment.set("sessionkey", postman.getResponseHeader("sessionkey"));
My question is somehow close to In POSTMAN how do i get substring of response header item? but here the question author is able to use postman.getResponser and it seems he didn't get a final answer at the end.
My Postman version is 7.3.4 (Latest) (I have just updated it).
*** edited after first sugestion
*** another tentative failling
var locationHeader = pm.response;
console.log(pm.response); //Print successfully all response including body and header
var jsonData = JSON.parse(pm.response); //exception: There was an error in evaluating the Pre-request Script: JSONError: Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0
console.log("Location = " + jsonData.Location);
PS. it is interesting that
pm.request.headers.add({key: 'X-RapidAPI-Host', value: ''})
works properly in my collection Pre-request scripts. It is obvious to have pm.request.headers.get, isn't it? But it doesn't have.
*** edited
I also added this question in
*** edited
Just in case someone get interested, my final implementation is
var locationHeader = pm.response.headers.get("Location").split('/');
var locationPosition = locationHeader.length-1;
var sessionKey = locationHeader[locationPosition];
pm.environment.set("sessionkey", sessionKey);
in Test tab while calling POst Create Session
Add the following script in the first request test, it will set sessionkey value that you can use for later calls.
var locationHeader = postman.getResponseHeader("Location").split('/');
var sessionKey = locationHeader[locationHeader.length-1];
pm.environment.set("sessionkey", sessionKey);
I am trying to delete a file (video) from Google Cloud Storage via the cloudstorage api but although the file exists I'm getting the following error:
*** NotFoundError: Expect status [204] from Google Storage. But got status 404.
Path: '/catchamove-video/products/6411421952770048.mp4'.
Request headers: None.
Response headers: {'transfer-encoding': 'chunked', 'date': 'Sun, 07 May 2017 12:31:47 GMT', 'server': 'Development/2.0'}.
Body: ''.
Extra info: None.
Both the bucket and file are present on the console.
I am facing the same problem: getting 404 when delete a folder via REST API.
After some tests, I figured out how delete folder of GCP storage -
Have to delete all files (objects) in the folder, files in sub-folders and sub-folders and folder. Be noticed that when deleting empty folder, you may still get "404 Not Found"(normally gets 204), just ignore it and the empty folder will be actually deleted.
curl -I -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer <author_code>"<bucket_name>/o/folder%2Fsub-folder%2Ffile1
curl -I -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer <author_code>"<bucket_name>/o/folder%2Fsub-folder%2Ffile2
curl -I -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer <author_code>"<bucket_name>/o/folder%2Fsub-folder%2F #May get 204 or 404 response code
curl -I -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer <author_code>"<bucket_name>/o/folder%2F #May get 204 or 404 response code
NOTE: "%2F" in the URL is actually "/" character
I have created an endpoint localhost:8000/getauthtoken to generate the authentication token.
The curl command that i am using to get the authentication token is:
curl --request POST --url localhost:8000/getauthtoken --header 'content-type: application/json' --data '{"username":"admin", "password":"admin123"}'
But i am getting
{"password":["This field is required."],"username":["This field is required."]}
But in the command i am passing both username and password
As per the DRF documentation this is the correct way.
Use httpie (available on pypi)
Then follow this on terminal:
Http post your_ip:your_port/your_authresource/ username='' password=''
Or you can try that in Curl in right way:
curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/api-token-auth/ -d "password=aaaaa&username=user"
I have a curl command that was given to me that I have to convert using requests.
curl --request POST "" --data "user_id=200" --data "user_data=je93jfe92dj220,39fjid20djd93f302,93jfieheio02hfne,902jfoienfieshiu202" --header "Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]"
using requests, the call should be
hdr = {'Content-Type': 'Content-type: application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer TOKEN' }
payload = {"user_id":200,"records":"je93jfe92dj220,39fjid20djd93f302,93jfieheio02hfne,902jfoienfieshiu202"'', headers=hdr, data=json.dumps(payload))
This isn't working as I'm getting an error returned that the 'user_id' param must be an integer. Not sure how to ensure that, as aren't all parameters formatted as strings when sent? The curl command does work, however.
Im not really sure the reason, but to make this work, just change data=json.dumps(payload) to json=json.dumps(payload). This worked just fine for me.
I i am new to django-rest-auth and apis.
Its the first time i build a rest auth and i am not very familiar with Authorization headers and Content Types.
I am trying to understand why when i try to authenticate a user in /login/ with Basic Authorization like this:
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=" '' --insecure
i got this error message:
{"password":["(This field is required"]}
When passing the username and password in the body like this:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d 'username=myuser&password=mypassword' '' --insecure
I got the key:
Why this is happening?
I also wonder why when trying the same in /user/ it didn't throw me any error and give me my user model serialized
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" '' --insecure
The only difference i can understand is that in /login i am using POST and in /user/ is GET
Can anybody explain this to me?
Thanks for reading!
The '/auth/login/' endpoint is specifically for getting an authentication token to use with token authentication on the rest of the app. It doesn't itself support any authentication methods. The second curl command uses the correct method. the third curl command works because you are using an endpoint which does support Basic Authentication (you can could also use the token you got in the second call).
pls refer
Inet Mode Example (unprivileged user with AltAuth)
$ echo -e "GET http://localhost/slurm/v1/diag HTTP/1.1\r\nAccept: */*\r\n" |
slurmrestd -f etc/slurm.token.conf
● slurmrestd: operations_router: /slurm/v1/diag for pipe:[1052487]
● HTTP/1.1 200 OK
● Content-Length: 973
● {
● "parts_packedg": 1,
● "req_timeg": 1568051342,
● "req_time_startg": 1568050812,
● "server_thread_count": 3,
… JSON continues ...