how to resgist datamapper mediator in WSO2 ei - wso2

Now I want to use data mapper mediator in WSO2 ei console, and it requires me to select some Configuration Registry files:
but I don't know how to register these configuration, in the WSO2 EI documentation I could hardly find how to register, while I only found that I can create a ESB solution project and package that to a .car file, then deploy it.
But I don't want to do this, so I need help.

I believe what you're looking for is in this link.
Mapping Configuration: The file, which contains the script file that is used to execute the mapping. You need to create a mapping
configuration file using the Dev Studio-based Tooling plugin, and
store it either in the Configuration Registry or Governance Registry,
to select and upload it from here.
Let me know if it worked or need more help.


WSO2 APIM storing files in gov registry

I have another question on WSO2 APIM 2.6.0
I am working in one scenario where I have to store one file which is in json in gov registry. I can do that manually from the dashboard but I am looking for a way to perform that using API or in automated way.
Research done till now
1) Checking on the link which ideally enable WSO2 ESB to maintain a remote registry. But I am unable to get how the registry DB will be shared between the applications (APIM and ESB).
Like, ESB has property where we can store the data in registry directly from proxy or an API and also enables us to retrieve them accordingly.
But how do we do in APIM to store the file with json content.
Any suggestions here.

Accessing WSO2 BPS and ESB registry from code

I am trying to access the registry of WSO2 BPS and WSO2 ESB from Java in order to automatically fill the registry based on the data I provide.
I have already found a number of resources about the required Java code and dependencies, this being the most helpful one: [WSO2 Governance Registry]Using WSRegistryServiceClient. However, the approach described in these resources depends on the WSRegistryService service. This service is included in Governance Registry by default, but not in the other WSO2 products. I have verified that my code works for the Governance Registry. For any other WSO2 product on my machine, I get this error:
The service cannot be found for the endpoint reference (EPR) https://localhost:9445/services/WSRegistryService
I found an old thread suggesting that it should be possible to install the WSRegistryService on other WSO2 products as well, but I have not been able to find out how to do so. I can't seem to find it within the features I can install from the web console of the products. I have also tried manually copying the relevant jar from the plugins directory of Governance Registry into the plugins directory of other products, but that doesn't seem to be sufficient.
Note that my application for filling the registry will not be running on the carbon server whose registry I want to access, so using CarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext() (an approach I found in some other articles) is not an option.
I think your referring to how to install features to WSO2 products,
Please find this documentation.

WSO2 - Uploading "Registry Resources Project" onto ESB Server

I have a requirement to version control my "registry" artifacts (i.e. wsdls, xsds, xsls), that I currently upload to the WSO2 ESB 4.8.1 server. I'm not using WSO2 GREG at the moment. I came across the "Registry Resources Project" facility which I think would help me achieve this. However I'm unsure as to whether this facility can only be used with GREG or with ESB as well. Is there a way for me to generate a CApp Project, include the the above "Registry Resources Project" in it, and deploy it to my ESB server?
I've come across blogs which deploy standard ESB artifacts in the way, but not the registry. -
Please help....
You can create required registry resources as specified in the creating registry resources documentation. Once you have created your registry resource project, then you need to create composite application archive as specified in the Creating a Composite Application Archive (CAR) file documentation.
When you are creating CAR file, you need to specify server role as EnterpriseServiceBus to deploy your registry resources in ESB.

Error occurring while Listing wsdl from wso2 governance

I have added wso2 governance registry on wso2 BPS 3 as a feature from
and restarted.
When tried to add wsdl from file it giving error:
org.wso2.carbon.governance.api.exception.GovernanceException: Attribute Search Service not Found.
I am trying to use BPS, GREG as a single component to reduce servers in my project. After GREG added as a feature it adding ".wsdl" file at "_/system/governance" and it is not forming endpoints,services as GREG normally do.
Is there any way to get out of this problem.
Thank's in advance....
The reason for this is missing some of the features which needed in ordered to work governance features. I think best option is using Governance Registry separately and mount the registry of it to BPS. By doing this you can add services from Governance Registry and use them in BPS. You can follow this document for more information on registry mounting.

WSO2 ESB How to upload app config xml files

I need to work around a weird behaviour of WSO2 ESB. Whenever the ESB is started, all carbon files are redeployed. This means to reset all changes made in files after last deploy(restart), such us, configuration xml files (endpoints, custom config files...) .
So I guess the only way to avoid modifing this configuration files during the start up is to take them out from the carbon file. Thus, I would upload app files as carbon app, and app config files (EP, custom config files...) using an alternative way.
So, in this situation, how could I upload these config files in and easy and automatic way?
I presume you are using a CApp (Carbon Application) to deploy the esb artifacts like endpoints. The number rule for this procedure is that you need to do all the modifications you need to do via the WSO2 Developer Studio, build a CApp, and re-deploy it in WSO2 ESB. You should try to avoid using management console to perform esb artifact (proxy services, endpoints, sequences, templates etc.) modifications. You can of course use the management console for other administrative tasks like configuring data-sources, BAM mediation data publishing etc.
If you are using the Management console to modify artifacts, then you can do that too, but avoid using CApps as the method of deploying esb artifacts. You should probably copy all the config xml files to relevant folders at $ESB_HOME/repository/deployment/server/synapse-configs/default/. And then go ahead with your modifications via mgt console.