Can I pass a unique_ptr's reference to a function? If not why should I avoid it?
void func(unique_ptr<Clss>& ref);
main() {
unique_ptr<Clss> a = std::make_unique<Clss>();
Can I pass a unique_ptr's reference to a function?
Yes, a unique_ptr is class like any other.
You should do this when you want to mutate an existing unique_ptr from a function (e.g. calling .reset() on it).
If only you want to access the object inside unique_ptr<T>, take T& or const T& in your function interfaces, so that they can be used independently of unique_ptr.
According to Herb Sutter:
Passing unique_ptr by reference is for in/out unique_ptr parameters.
void f( unique_ptr<widget>& ); // (d)
This should only be used to accept an in/out unique_ptr, when the function is supposed to actually accept an existing unique_ptr and potentially modify it to refer to a different object. It is a bad way to just accept a widget, because it is restricted to a particular lifetime strategy in the caller.
Thanks #sgvd
See this code snippet, two ways of passing unique_ptr as function parameter. fun1 will take ownership of the object ( hence should be forwarded from the caller) but func2 commits thats the reference unique_ptr object will be passed as reference and will not be modified by the function.
void func1(unique_ptr<Clss>&& moved_obj) // this function takes ownership
//do something with the moved_obj
void func2(const unique_ptr<Clss>& ref_obj) // this function takes reference
unique_ptr<Clss> new_obj = std::make_unique<Clss>(*(ref_obj));
int main() {
unique_ptr<Clss> a = std::make_unique<Clss>();
unique_ptr<Clss> b = std::make_unique<Clss>();
return 0;
I see those valid meaningful signatures:
void take_ownership(std::unique_ptr<Clss>);
// or void take_ownership(std::unique_ptr<Clss>&&);
void use(/*const*/ Clss*);
// or void use(/*const*/ Clss&);
std::unique_ptr<Clss> create(/*args..*/);
void might_take_ownership(std::unique_ptr<Clss>&);
The later might make sense, but it is more difficult to reason with (as any I/O argument).
If you can, prefer one of the other.
Passing a std::unique_ptr to a function is perfectly fine as long as you respect the same rules you would when passing a regular reference to a function:
the underlying std::unique_ptr and the object it points to must live at least as long as the function will use the reference;
in case of multi-threading, barriers must be put in place.
Are smart pointers considered as pointers? And thus can they implicitly used as pointers?
Let's say I have the following class:
class MyClass {
std::shared_ptr<AnotherClass> foo() { /*whatever*/ };
void bar(AnotherClass* a) { /*whatever too*/ };
Then can I use MyClass the following way?
// m is an instance of MyClass;
No they can't be used interchangable. You would get a compiler error in your example. But you can always get the raw pointer by shared_ptr::get().
NO! It would be a terrible API. Yes, you could easily implement it within shared_ptr, but just because you could doesn't mean you should.
Why is it such a bad idea? The plain-pointer-based interface of bar doesn't retain an instance of the shared pointer. If bar happens to store the raw pointer somewhere and then exit, there's nothing that guarantees that the pointer it had stored won't become dangling in the future. The only way to guarantee that would be to retain an instance of the shared pointer, not the raw pointer (that's the whole point of shared_ptr!).
It gets worse: the following code is undefined behavior if foo() returns a pointer instance that had only one reference when foo() returned (e.g. if foo is a simple factory of new objects):
AnotherClass *ptr =;
// The shared_ptr instance returned by foo() is destroyed at this point; // undefined behavior: ptr is likely a dangling pointer here
Here are the options; consider those listed earlier first before considering their successors.
If bar(AnotherClass *) is an external API, then you need to wrap it in a safe way, i.e. the code that would have called Original::bar should be calling MyWrapped::bar, and the wrapper should do whatever lifetime management is necessary. Suppose that there is startUsing(AnotherClass *) and finishUsing(AnotherClass *), and the code expects the pointer to remain valid between startUsing and finishUsing. Your wrapper would be:
class WithUsing {
std::unique_ptr<AnotherClass> owner; /* or shared_ptr if the ownership is shared */
std::shared_ptr<User> user;
WithUsing(std::unique_ptr<AnotherClass> owner, std::Shared_ptr<User> user) :
owner(std::move(owner)), user(std::move(user)) {
void bar() const {;
~WithUsing() {
You would then use WithUsing as a handle to the User object, and any uses would be done through that handle, ensuring the existence of the object.
If AnotherClass is copyable and is very cheap to copy (e.g. it consists of a pointer or two), then pass it by value:
void bar(AnotherClass)
If the implementation of bar doesn't need to change the value, it can be defined to take a const-value (the declaration can be without the const as it doesn't matter there):
void bar(const AnotherClass a) { ... }
If bar doesn't store a pointer, then don't pass it a pointer: pass a const reference by default, or a non-const reference if necessary.
void bar(const AnotherClass &a);
void bar_modifies(AnotherClass &a);
If it makes sense to invoke bar with "no object" (a.k.a. "null"), then:
If passing AnotherClass by value is OK, then use std::optional:
void bar(std::optional<AnotherClass> a);
Otherwise, if AnotherClass takes ownership, passing unique_ptr works fine since it can be null.
Otherwise, passing shared_ptr works fine since it can be null.
If foo() creates a new object (vs. returning an object that exists already), it should be returning unique_ptr anyway, not a shared_ptr. Factory functions should be returning unique pointers: that's idiomatic C++. Doing otherwise is confusing, since returning a shared_ptr is meant to express existing shared ownership.
std::unique_ptr<AnotherClass> foo();
If bar should take ownership of the value, then it should be accepting a unique pointer - that's the idiom for "I'm taking over managing the lifetime of that object":
void bar(std::unique_ptr<const AnotherClass> a);
void bar_modifies(std::unique_ptr<AnotherClass> a);
If bar should retain shared ownership, then it should be taking shared_ptr, and you will be immediately converting the unique_ptr returned from foo() to a shared one:
struct MyClass {
std::unique_ptr<AnotherClass> foo();
void bar(std::shared_ptr<const AnotherClass> a);
void bar_modifies(std::shared_ptr<AnotherClass> a);
void test() {
MyClass m;
std::shared_ptr<AnotherClass> p{foo()};;
shared_ptr(const Type) and shared_ptr(Type) will share the ownership,
they provide a constant view and a modifiable view of the object, respectively. shared_ptr<Foo> is also convertible to shared_ptr<const Foo> (but not the other way round, you'd use const_pointer_cast for that (with caution). You should always default to accessing objects as constants, and only working with non-constant types when there's an explicit need for it.
If a method doesn't modify something, make it self-document that fact by having it accept a reference/pointer to const something instead.
Smart pointers are used to make sure that an object is deleted if it is no longer used (referenced).
Smart pointer are there to manage lifetime of the pointer they own/share.
You can think of a wrapper that has a pointer inside. So the answer is no. However you can access to the pointer they own via get() method.
Please note that it is not so difficult to make dangling pointers if you use get method, so if you use it be extra cautious.
I'd like to optimize my code. I have one class that has a shared_ptr data member. In some methods of this class, I create objects that need to use this member (just to get information from the object pointed by shared_ptr). I know that lifetime of these created objects is lower than in my main class.
How to pass this pointer? I think another shared_ptrs is unnecessary (because I have a warranty that the object will exist). So what should get my created classes? Should they get raw pointer? Weak_ptr? Or the best solution is getting shared_ptr (and incrementing its reference counter)? What is the most standard solution?
In this case when you know the life-time of your shared resource will outlive those that you pass the pointer to the correct thing to do is pass a reference or a raw pointer:
void func(object* o)
// do stuff with o
// ...
std::shared_ptr<object> sp;
// ...
func(sp.get()); // pass raw pointer
The main reason for this is that the function can be useful no matter what kind of smart pointer is managing the resource. By accepting the raw pointer your function is able to accept objects from shared pointers as well as unique pointers and any other third party smart pointer.
There is no benefit to passing in the smart pointer unless the function needs to modify the smart pointer itself.
A good set of guidelines being produced by Bjarne Straustrup & Herb Sutter can be found here: CppCoreGuidelines
The rule about passing raw pointers (or references):
Passing a smart pointer transfers or shares ownership and should only be used when ownership semantics are intended. A function that does not manipulate lifetime should take raw pointers or references instead.
Passing by smart pointer restricts the use of a function to callers that use smart pointers. A function that needs a widget should be able to accept any widget object, not just ones whose lifetimes are managed by a particular kind of smart pointer.
When passing the shared_ptr into a function that will not store the resource, pass it by reference:
void foo(const shared_ptr<T>& ptr)
// Basically just a pointer dereference
std::cout << ptr->bar() << '\n';
int main()
std::shared_ptr<T> ptr{std::make_shared<T>()};
That won't increment the reference count, but that's fine — you're effectively treating it as a raw pointer (because you're just temporarily inspecting the pointee) but in a way that's safe because if you accidentally copy it then you'll get the reference count increment that can save your life. :)
However, if foo needs to store any sort of handle to this object, then you should pass in the shared_ptr by copy … or consider using weak_ptr so that you at least get some semblance of safety.
The above contrived example is so simple that I'd actually make it the following:
void foo(const T& ptr)
std::cout << << '\n';
int main()
std::shared_ptr<T> ptr{std::make_shared<T>()};
I have a C++ project where I store objects in cells in a grid container. Every cell may contain one or zero objects stored in a std::unique_ptr. Naturally all methods having these objects as arguments should take a const std::unique_ptr reference to maintain the "uniqueness".
Secondly, when something happens to the objects they emit a signal with themselves as one of the arguments; these signals are caught by the grid container in a single handler (therefore we need the object reference). The handler may take some action on the object or emit its own signal, passing the object reference further.
The problem is that the objects themselves obviously cannot return a std::unique_ptr reference to themselves, while all other methods operating on them expects one. Is there a way to solve this, or do I have to let go of unique pointers and use raw ones?
Here's a code example using the sigc++ library (please allow for minor errors since I haven't tested it):
class Inhabitant
void sos()
signal_distress.emit (*this);
// Signals
sigc::signal<void, Inhabitant &> signal_distress;
class Cell
std::unique_ptr<Inhabitant> set_inhabitant (std::unique_ptr<Inhabitant> inhabitant)
// Set new inhabitant, return previous one...
std::unique_ptr<Inhabitant> m_inhabitant;
class Grid
void add_inhabitant_at (std::unique_ptr<Inhabitant> inhabitant,
unsigned int x, unsigned int y)
// Connect the inhabitant to our rescue team
inhabitant->signal_distress.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this,
// Place in cell
m_cells[x][y].set_inhabitant (std::move (inhabitant));
// Data
Cell m_cells[100][100];
// Helpers
void help_inhabitant (const std::unique_ptr<Inhabitant> &inhabitant)
// Do something helpful
// Signal handlers
void on_inhabitant_distress (Inhabitant &inhabitant)
// Now, how do I call help_inhabitant(), or any other function that expects
// a unique_ptr reference?
It is a best practice not to pass smart pointers such as unique_ptr to functions that do not need to take (or share) ownership of the resource managed by the unique_ptr. Put another way, I don't think you would ever want to pass a unique_ptr by const reference. Instead, all the functions that are taking these unique_ptr references really only need to take a const Inhabitant &. For example:
void help_inhabitant (const Inhabitant &inhabitant) {
// do stuff with the inhabitant directly
Naturally all methods having these objects as arguments should take a const std::unique_ptr reference to maintain the "uniqueness".
No, the object still has a single unique owner, no matter how many other pieces of code can access it via non-owning pointers or references. Your idea that passing around const unique_ptr<T>& maintains any kind of invariant or enforces a policy is an illusion.
Is there a way to solve this, or do I have to let go of unique pointers and use raw ones?
You don't have to give it up competely, just where it's inappropriate. Use unique_ptr for managing ownership and lifetime, use raw pointers for simply referring to an object that is managed by some other piece of code.
surely the whole point about unique_ptr is that you pass references to it, rather than a raw pointer?
No, definitely not.
The unique_ptr manages the ownership of the object, but not doesn't have to be used for access to the object.
If you want to refer to the object without owning it then passing references or pointers to the object is fine (as long as the code receiving those pointers or references doesn't think it is taking ownership and try to delete the object). The code that just wants to use Inhabitant doesn't need to care that it is owned by a unique_ptr, it just wants to use the object. How its lifetime is managed is someone else's concern, and the code that doesn't own the object should not be made dependent on the ownership policy. Avoiding that dependency would allow you to change the owner to use shared_ptr or some other mechanism, and the signal handlers would be unaffected because they do not have to change how they access the object.
Pass a unique_ptr by value (or rvalue reference) to transfer ownership. Do not pass a unique_ptr by const-reference, because it's completely useless, the caller can't do anything with it that can't be done with a raw pointer.
Using a reference to a unique_ptr actually introduces a new class of bug that wouldn't exist otherwise:
void register_callback(func_type f, const unique_ptr<T>& obj);
unique_ptr<T> p(new T);
register_callback(func, p); // stores reference to p
unique_ptr<T> p2 = std::move(p);
Now the signal handler still refers to p which is going to be empty when the callback happens. The identity of the unique_ptr is completely irrelevant, all that matters is that exactly one unique_ptr object owns the pointer, it doesn't matter which one owns it. But you have made the callback depend on the exact instance of unique_ptr by binding a reference to it, so you cannot move that (so you can never move a Cell, which means you can't store it in a container such as vector that might reallocate and move its elements)
If you do it this way instead the callback refers to the object, and it doesn't matter precisely where it's stored:
void register_callback(func_type f, T* obj);
unique_ptr<T> p(new T);
register_callback(func, p.get()); // stores p.get()
unique_ptr<T> p2 = std::move(p);
The callback's copy of the p.get() pointer remains valid even though ownership of it transfers from one object to another.
OK, solved the problem when I realized there is no reason why the cell inhabitants should send a reference to themselves with the signal. Instead the listener (the grid) can bind a reference to the inhabitant (the unique_ptr to it, that is) when registering with the signal:
inhabitant->signal_distress().connect (std::bind (&Grid::on_inhabitant_distress,
std::cref (inhabitant));
This way the signal handler can take a unique_ptr:
void on_inhabitant_distress (const std::unique_ptr<Inhabitant> &inhabitant)
// Now everything is fine!
help_inhabitant (inhabitant);
and the "uniqueness" chain stays intact.
I have a piece of code that requires passing a function object (functional). I can't use function pointers because I need to store some state variables. Let's say I have quite a few state variables. Is it ok to pass the function object by reference? I've only seen function objects passed by value. This is what my code will look like:
struct FunctionObject {
double a, b, x, y;
double operator() (int v, int w) {....}
template <class T>
Class MyClass {
T& func;
MyClass(T& func):func(func) {}
Passing function objects by reference is fine, but you should be aware that many C++ algorithms copy function objects, so if you need a library algorithm to respect your state you should pass it as a reference inside your function object:
struct State {
double a, b, x, y;
struct Function {
State &state;
explicit Function(State &state): state(state) {}
double operator() (int v, int w) {....}
State state;
std::...(..., Function(state), ...)
Also, some library algorithms (e.g. transform) require pre-C++11 that the function object have no side effects i.e. no state whatsoever; this requirement is rarely enforced and is relaxed in C++11.
It depends mainly on how you intend to instanciate FunctionObject (how you create function objects). If you use references, you must ensure the function object outlives the user (MyClass) object.
For instance:
MyClass* createObject() {
MyFunction f(...); // function object created
return new MyClass(f); // reference used
// function object destroyed => reference invalid
is incorrect because the returned object has a reference on a destroyed (invalid) function.
Since you gain very little by passing by reference (avoid copying a small object), it's not worth the hassle (checking objects lifetime) and the risk an oversight (bug)
The synthax is correct but...
most of the time you're going to call the function object later in your code, so you need to make sure that the reference you've provided in MyClass is still in the scope
so in the end since you need to keep the function object in the heap rahter than the stack, you'll have to create a pointer to it... so I recommend using a pointer...
Function objects are objects. You can pass them by reference and you can store references to them, subject to the usual lifetime issues. However, the algorithms in std:: are allowed to make copies of their function objects whenever they like, so any stored state may well be stale, so it may be better to write your function object as a wrapper around a pointer or reference to its state.
Suppose I have the following code:
class B { /* */ };
class A {
vector<B*> vb;
void add(B* b) { vb.push_back(b); }
int main() {
A a;
B* b(new B());
Suppose that in this case, all raw pointers B* can be handled through unique_ptr<B>.
Surprisingly, I wasn't able to find how to convert this code using unique_ptr. After a few tries, I came up with the following code, which compiles:
class A {
vector<unique_ptr<B>> vb;
void add(unique_ptr<B> b) { vb.push_back(move(b)); }
int main() {
A a;
unique_ptr<B> b(new B());
So my simple question: is this the way to do it and in particular, is move(b) the only way to do it? (I was thinking of rvalue references but I don't fully understand them.)
And if you have a link with complete explanations of move semantics, unique_ptr, etc. that I was not able to find, don't hesitate to share it.
EDIT According to, my code seems to be OK.
Actually, std::move is just syntactic sugar. With object x of class X, move(x) is just the same as:
static_cast <X&&>(x)
These 2 move functions are needed because casting to a rvalue reference:
prevents function "add" from passing by value
makes push_back use the default move constructor of B
Apparently, I do not need the second std::move in my main() if I change my "add" function to pass by reference (ordinary lvalue ref).
I would like some confirmation of all this, though...
I am somewhat surprised that this is not answered very clearly and explicitly here, nor on any place I easily stumbled upon. While I'm pretty new to this stuff, I think the following can be said.
The situation is a calling function that builds a unique_ptr<T> value (possibly by casting the result from a call to new), and wants to pass it to some function that will take ownership of the object pointed to (by storing it in a data structure for instance, as happens here into a vector). To indicate that ownership has been obtained by the caller, and it is ready to relinquish it, passing a unique_ptr<T> value is in place. Ther are as far as I can see three reasonable modes of passing such a value.
Passing by value, as in add(unique_ptr<B> b) in the question.
Passing by non-const lvalue reference, as in add(unique_ptr<B>& b)
Passing by rvalue reference, as in add(unique_ptr<B>&& b)
Passing by const lvalue reference would not be reasonable, since it does not allow the called function to take ownership (and const rvalue reference would be even more silly than that; I'm not even sure it is allowed).
As far as valid code goes, options 1 and 3 are almost equivalent: they force the caller to write an rvalue as argument to the call, possibly by wrapping a variable in a call to std::move (if the argument is already an rvalue, i.e., unnamed as in a cast from the result of new, this is not necessary). In option 2 however, passing an rvalue (possibly from std::move) is not allowed, and the function must be called with a named unique_ptr<T> variable (when passing a cast from new, one has to assign to a variable first).
When std::move is indeed used, the variable holding the unique_ptr<T> value in the caller is conceptually dereferenced (converted to rvalue, respectively cast to rvalue reference), and ownership is given up at this point. In option 1. the dereferencing is real, and the value is moved to a temporary that is passed to the called function (if the calles function would inspect the variable in the caller, it would find it hold a null pointer already). Ownership has been transferred, and there is no way the caller could decide to not accept it (doing nothing with the argument causes the pointed-to value to be destroyed at function exit; calling the release method on the argument would prevent this, but would just result in a memory leak). Surprisingly, options 2. and 3. are semantically equivalent during the function call, although they require different syntax for the caller. If the called function would pass the argument to another function taking an rvalue (such as the push_back method), std::move must be inserted in both cases, which will transfer ownership at that point. Should the called function forget to do anything with the argument, then the caller will find himself still owning the object if holding a name for it (as is obligatory in option 2); this in spite of that fact that in case 3, since the function prototype asked the caller to agree to the release of ownership (by either calling std::move or supplying a temporary). In summary the methods do
Forces caller to give up ownership, and be sure to actually claim it.
Force caller to possess ownership, and be prepared (by supplying a non const reference) to give it up; however this is not explicit (no call of std::move required or even allowed), nor is taking away ownership assured. I would consider this method rather unclear in its intention, unless it is explicitly intended that taking ownership or not is at discretion of the called function (some use can be imagined, but callers need to be aware)
Forces caller to explicitly indicate giving up ownership, as in 1. (but actual transfer of ownership is delayed until after the moment of function call).
Option 3 is fairly clear in its intention; provided ownership is actually taken, it is for me the best solution. It is slightly more efficient than 1 in that no pointer values are moved to temporaries (the calls to std::move are in fact just casts and cost nothing); this might be especially relevant if the pointer is handed through several intermediate functions before its contents is actually being moved.
Here is some code to experiment with.
class B
unsigned long val;
B(const unsigned long& x) : val(x)
{ std::cout << "storing " << x << std::endl;}
~B() { std::cout << "dropping " << val << std::endl;}
typedef std::unique_ptr<B> B_ptr;
class A {
std::vector<B_ptr> vb;
void add(B_ptr&& b)
{ vb.push_back(std::move(b)); } // or even better use emplace_back
void f() {
A a;
B_ptr b(new B(123)),c;
std::cout << "---" <<std::endl;
a.add(B_ptr(new B(4567))); // unnamed argument does not need std::move
As written, output is
storing 123
storing 4567
dropping 123
dropping 4567
Note that values are destroyed in the ordered stored in the vector. Try changing the prototype of the method add (adapting other code if necessary to make it compile), and whether or not it actually passes on its argument b. Several permutations of the lines of output can be obtained.
Yes, this is how it should be done. You are explicitly transferring ownership from main to A. This is basically the same as your previous code, except it's more explicit and vastly more reliable.
So my simple question: is this the way to do it and in particular, is this "move(b)" the only way to do it? (I was thinking of rvalue references but I don't fully understand it so...)
And if you have a link with complete explanations of move semantics, unique_ptr... that I was not able to find, don't hesitate.
Shameless plug, search for the heading "Moving into members". It describes exactly your scenario.
Your code in main could be simplified a little, since C++14:
a.add( make_unique<B>() );
where you can put arguments for B's constructor inside the inner parentheses.
You could also consider a class member function that takes ownership of a raw pointer:
void take(B *ptr) { vb.emplace_back(ptr); }
and the corresponding code in main would be:
a.take( new B() );
Another option is to use perfect forwarding for adding vector members:
template<typename... Args>
void emplace(Args&&... args)
vb.emplace_back( std::make_unique<B>(std::forward<Args>(args)...) );
and the code in main:
where, as before, you could put constructor arguments for B inside the parentheses.
Link to working example