Discrete Fourier Transform seems to be printing incorrect answers? - fortran

I am attempting to write a program that calculates the discrete fourier transform of a set of given data. I've sampled a sine wave, so my set is (pi/2,2*pi,3*pi/2,2*pi). Here is my program:
program DFT
implicit none
integer :: k, N, x, y, j, r, l
integer, parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind(15,300)
real, allocatable,dimension(:) :: h, rst
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: W
real(kind=dp) :: pi
open(unit=100, file="dft.dat",status='replace')
N = 4
pi = 3.14159265359
do k=1,N
h(k) = k*(pi*0.5)
end do
do j = -N/2,N/2
do k = 1, N
W(j,k) = EXP((2.0_dp*pi*cmplx(0.0_dp,1.0_dp)*j*k)/N)
end do
end do
rst = matmul(W,h)
!print *, h, w
write(100,*) rst
end program
And this prints out the array rst as:
0.00000000 0.00000000 15.7079639 0.00000000 0.00000000
Using an online calculator, the results should be:
15.7+0j -3.14+3.14j -3.14+0j -3.14-3.14j
I'm not sure why rst is 1 entry too long either.
Can anyone spot why it's printing out 0 for 3/4 of the results? I notice that 15.7 appears in both the actual answers and my result.
Thank you

Even though the question has been answered and accepted, the program given has so many problems that I had to say...
The input given is not a sine wave, it's a linear function of time. Kind of like a 1-based ramp input.
For DFTs the indices normally are considered to go from 0:N-1, not 1:N.
For W the Nyquist frequency is represented twice, as -N/2 and N/2. Again it would have been normal to number the rows 0:N-1, BTW, this is why you have an extra output in your rst vector.
pi is double precision but only initialized to 12 significant figures. It's hard to tell if there's a typo in your value of pi which is why many would use 4*atan(1.0_dp) or acos(-1.0_dp).
Notice that h(N) is actually going to end up as the zero time input, which is one reason the whole world indices DFT vectors from zero.
The expression cmplx(0.0_dp,1.0_dp) is sort of futile because the CMPLX intrinsic always returns a single precision result if the third optional KIND= argument is not present. As a complex literal, (0.0_dp,1.0_dp) would be double precision. However, you could as well use (0,1) because it's exactly representable in single precision and would be converted to double precision when it gets multiplied by the growing product on its left. Also 2.0_dp could have been represented successfully as 2 with less clutter.
The expression EXP((2.0_dp*pi*cmplx(0.0_dp,1.0_dp)*j*k)/N) is appropriate for inverse DFT, disregarding normalization. Thus I would have written the whole thing more cleanly and correctly as EXP(-2*pi*(0,1)*j*k/N). Then the output should have been directly comparable to what the online calculator printed out.

Fortran does complex numbers for you but you must declare the appropriate variables as complex. Try
complex, allocatable,dimension(:) :: rst
complex, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: W


Foucault Pendulum simulation

Program Foucault
REAL,PARAMETER :: pi=3.14159265358979323846, g=9.81
REAL :: L, vitessea, lat, h, omega, beta
INTEGER :: i , zeta
Do i= 1,zeta
IF(i==1 .OR. i==2) THEN
WRITE(40,*) t(i), x(i)
WRITE(60,*) t(i), y(i)
WRITE(50,*) x(i), y(i)
REAL Function latang(alpha)
REAL, INTENT(IN) :: alpha
REAL :: sol
End Program Foucault
I'm trying to code the original Foucault Pendulum in Paris. My code seems to be working but so far, I could only get the below right graphic, "the flower" evolution. Therefore, I changed my parameters constantly to get the left graphic but I couldn't.
I took parameters of Foucault Pendulum installed in Paris with L=67, angular velocity of earth =2*pi/86400 and latitude of 49/180*pi.
My initial conditions are as written in the code. I tried a way range of parameters varying all of my initial conditions, my latitude and angular velocity but i couldn't get the left desired results.
I used Foucault differential equations as below : i coded them with Finite difference method (more simple than Runge-Kutta) by replacing the 2nd order derivation by its central finite difference. And the first order one by it's backward finite difference. By then, i build my loop by isolating x(i+1) and y(i+1) in both equations.
My code is very sensitive to parameters such as h (=derivation step), earth angular velocity and latitude (which is normal). I tried to change a way big range of parameters from a big h step to a small one, to a minimal and high latitude, initial conditions...etc but i couldn't ever get the left graphic which i rather need.
What could be made to get the left one ?
I was able to get the two charts, by speeding up the earth's rotation 120× fold, and allowing the simulation to run for 32 swings of the pendulum. Also, I noticed that Euler integration added energy to the system making for bad results, so I reverted to a standard RK4 implementation.
and here is the code I used to solve this ODE:
program FoucaultOde
implicit none
integer, parameter :: sp = kind(1.0), dp = kind(1d0)
! Constants
real, parameter :: g=9.80665, pi =3.1415926536
! Variables
real, allocatable :: y(:,:), yp(:), k0(:),k1(:),k2(:),k3(:)
real :: lat, omega, h, L, earth, period
real :: t0,x0,y0,vx0,vy0
integer :: i, zeta, f1, swings
! Code starts here
swings = 32
zeta = 400*swings
L = 67
lat = 49*pi/180
period = 24*60*60 ! period = 86400
earth = (2*pi*sin(lat)/period)*120 !120 multiplier for roation
omega = sqrt(g/L)
allocate(yp(5), k0(5),k1(5),k2(5),k3(5))
! make pendulum complete 'swings' cycles in 'zeta' steps
h = swings*2*pi/(omega*zeta)
t0 = 0
x0 = 0.5 ! Initial displacement
y0 = 0
vx0 = 0
vy0 = 0
! Initial conditions in the state vector Y
Y(:,1) = [t0,x0,y0,vx0,vy0]
do i=2, zeta
! Euler method (single step)
! Yp = ode(Y(:,i-1))
! Runge-Kutta method (four steps)
k0 = ode(Y(:,i-1))
k1 = ode(Y(:,i-1) + h/2*k0)
k2 = ode(Y(:,i-1) + h/2*k1)
k3 = ode(Y(:,i-1) + h*k2)
Yp = (k0+2*k1+2*k2+k3)/6
! Take a step
Y(:,i) = Y(:,i-1) + h*Yp
end do
open( newunit=f1, file='results.csv', status = 'replace', pad='no')
! write header
write (f1, '(a15,a,a15,a,a15,a,a15,a,a15)') 't',',', 'x',',','y',',', 'vx',',','vy'
! write rows of data, comma-separated
do i=1, zeta
write (f1, '(g,a,g,a,g,a,g,a,g)') y(1,i),',',y(2,i),',',y(3,i),',',y(4,i),',',y(5,i)
end do
function ode(Y) result(Yp)
real, intent(in) :: Y(5)
real :: Yp(5), t,px,py,vx,vy,ax,ay
! Read state vector Y to component values
t = Y(1)
px = Y(2)
py = Y(3)
vx = Y(4)
vy = Y(5)
! Reference paper:
! http://www.legi.grenoble-inp.fr/people/Achim.Wirth/final_version.pdf
ax = -(omega**2)*px + 2*vy*earth ! (equation 53)
ay = -(omega**2)*py - 2*vx*earth ! (equation 54)
! State vector rate. Note, rate of time is aways 1.0
Yp = [1.0, vx, vy, ax, ay]
end function
end program FoucaultOde
The resulting file results.csv looks like this for me (for checking)
t, x, y, vx, vy
.000000 , 5.000000 , .000000 , .000000 , .000000
.4105792E-01, 4.999383 , .1112020E-06, -.3004657E-01, .8124921E-05
.8211584E-01, 4.997533 , .8895339E-06, -.6008571E-01, .3249567E-04
.1231738 , 4.994450 , .3001796E-05, -.9011002E-01, .7310022E-04
.1642317 , 4.990134 , .7114130E-05, -.1201121 , .1299185E-03
.2052896 , 4.984587 , .1389169E-04, -.1500844 , .2029225E-03
.2463475 , 4.977810 , .2399832E-04, -.1800197 , .2920761E-03
.2874054 , 4.969805 , .3809619E-04, -.2099106 , .3973353E-03
from which I plotted the 2nd and 3rd columns in one chart, and the 4th and 5th for the second chart.
There is one thing that may be wrong depending on how you manage different step sizes, and an observation on the physics of the real-world example. With the initialization of the arrays, you imply an initial velocity of about 0.9/0.01=90 [m/s] in x direction away from the center. To get compatible results for different step sizes, you would need to adapt the calculation of x(2). However, in the graphs the plot starts from a point with zero velocity. This you can implement to first order by setting x(2)=x(1)=1. As the used integration method is also first order, this is sufficient.
For the second point, note that one can write the system using complex coordinates z=x+iy as
z'' = -w^2*z - 2*i*E*z', E = Omega*sin(theta)
This is a linear ODE with constant coefficients, the solution of it is
z(t) = exp(-i*E*t) * (A*cos(w1*t)+B*sin(w1*t)), w1 = sqrt(w^2+E^2)
This describes a pendulum motion of frequency w1 whose plane rotates with frequency E clockwise. The grand rotation has period T=2*pi/E, during which w1*T/(2*pi)=w1/E pendulum swings occur.
Now insert your numbers, w=sqrt(g/L)=0.383 and E=2*pi*sin(49°)/86400=5.49e-05, so that essentially w1=w. The number of pendulum cycles per full rotation is w/E=6972, so that you can expect a densely filled circle in the plot. Or a very narrow double wedge if only a few cycles are plotted. As each cycle takes 2*pi/w=16.4 [s], and the integration goes 1000 steps of step size 0.01, in the plot as it is you can expect a swing forth and part of the swing back.
To be more realistic, set the initial velocity to zero, that is, the pendulum is taken to its start position and then let go. Also increase the time to 30 [s] to have more than one pendulum cycle in the plot.
It from this we can see that the solutions converge, and with some imagination, that they converge linearly.
To get a plot like in the cited images, one needs a much smaller fraction of w/E, counting the swings, it has to be around 15. Note that you can not get this ratio anywhere on earth with a realistically scaled pendulum. So set w=pi, E=pi/16 and integrate over 15 time units using the first order method.
This detoriorates really fast, even for the smallest step size with 40 points in a pendulum cycle.
For a better result, increase the local truncation order to the next higher by using the central difference in the first derivative approximation.
z(i+1) - 2*z(i) + z(i-1) = -w^2*z(i)*dt^2 - i*E*(z(i+1)-z(i-1))*dt
z(i+1) = ( 2*z(i) - z(i-1) - w^2*z(i)*dt^2 + i*E*z(i-1)*dt ) / (1+i*E*dt)
The division by the complex number can also be easily carried out in the real components of the trajectory,
! x(i+1)-2*x(i)+x(i-1) = h^2*(-omega**2*x(i)) + h*earth*(y(i+1)-y(i-1))
! y(i+1)-2*y(i)+y(i-1) = h^2*(-omega**2*y(i)) - h*earth*(x(i+1)-x(i-1))
t(i) = t(i-1) + h
cx = (2-(h*omega)**2)*x(i) - x(i-1) - h*earth*y(i-1)
cy = (2-(h*omega)**2)*y(i) - y(i-1) + h*earth*x(i-1)
den = 1+(h*earth)**2
x(i+1) = (cx + h*earth*cy)/den
y(i+1) = (cy - h*earth*cx)/den
Now to respect the increased order, also the initial points need to have an order of accuracy more, using again zero initial speed, this gives in the second order Taylor expansion
z(2) = z(1) - 0.5*w^2*z(1)*dt^2
All the step sizes that gave deviating and structurally deteriorating results in the first order method now give a visually identical, structurally stable results in this second order method.

Fortan code for Monte Carlo Integration within boundary point a and b

I understand Monte carlo simulation is for estimating area by plotting random points and calculating the ration between the points outside the curve and inside the curve.
I have well calculated the value of pi assuming radius of curve to be unity.
Here is the code
program pi
implicit none
integer :: count, n, i
real :: r, x, y
count = 0
DO i = 1, n
IF (x*x + y*Y <1.0) count = count + 1
r = 4 * REAL(count)/n
print *, r
end program pi
But to find integration , Textbook says to apply same idea. But I'm lost on How to write a code if I want to find the integration of
f(x)=sqrt(1+x**2) over a = 1 and b = 5
Before when radius was one, I did assume point falling inside by condition x*2+y**2 but How can I solve above one?
Any help is extremely helpful
I will write the code first and then explain:
Program integral
implicit none
real f
integer, parameter:: a=1, b=5, Nmc=10000000 !a the lower bound, b the upper bound, Nmc the size of the sampling (the higher, the more accurate the result)
real:: x, SUM=0
do i=1,Nmc !Starting MC sampling
call RANDOM_NUMBER(x) !generating random number x in range [0,1]
x=a+x*(b-a) !converting x to be in range [a,b]
SUM=SUM+f(x) !summing all values of f(x). EDIT: SUM is also an instrinsic function in Fortran so don't call your variable this, I named it so, to illustrate its purpose
print*, (b-a)*(SUM/Nmc) !final result of your integral
end program integral
function f(x) !defining your function
implicit none
real, intent(in):: x
real:: f
end function f
So what's happening:
The integral can be written as
. where:
(this g(x) is a uniform probability distribution of the variable x in [a,b]). And we can write the integral as:
where .
So, finally, we get that the integral should be:
So, all you have to do is generate a random number in the range [a,b] and then calcualte the value of your function for this x. Then do this lots of times (Nmc times), and calculate the sum. Then just divide with Nmc, to find the average and then multiply with (b-a). And this is what the code does.
There's lots of stuff on the internet for this. here's one example that visualizes it pretty nice
EDIT: Second way, that is the same as the Pi method:
Nin=0 !Number of points inside the function (under the curve)
do i=1,Nmc
call random_number(x)
call random_number(y)
if (f(x)<y) Nin=Nin+1
print*, (f_max-f_min)*(b-a)*(real(Nin)/Nmc)
All of this, you could then enclose it in an outer do loop summing the (f_max-f_min)(b-a)(real(Nin)/Nmc) and in the end printing its average.
For this example, what you do is essentially creating an enclosing box from a to b (x dimension) and from f_min to f_max (y dimension) and then doing a sampling of points inside this area and counting the points that are in the function (Nin).Obviously you will have to know the minimum (f_min) and maximum (f_max) value of your function in the range [a,b]. Alternatively you could use arbitrarily low/high values for your f_min f_max but then you will be wasting a lot of points and your error will be bigger.

Evaluating the fast Fourier transform of Gaussian function in FORTRAN using FFTW3 library

I am trying to write a FORTRAN code to evaluate the fast Fourier transform of the Gaussian function f(r)=exp(-(r^2)) using FFTW3 library. As everyone knows, the Fourier transform of the Gaussian function is another Gaussian function.
I consider evaluating the Fourier-transform integral of the Gaussian function in the spherical coordinate.
Hence the resulting integral can be simplified to be integral of [r*exp(-(r^2))*sin(kr)]dr.
I wrote the following FORTRAN code to evaluate the discrete SINE transform DST which is the discrete Fourier transform DFT using a PURELY real input array. DST is performed by C_FFTW_RODFT00 existing in FFTW3, taking into account that the discrete values in position space are r=i*delta (i=1,2,...,1024), and the input array for DST is the function r*exp(-(r^2)) NOT the Gaussian. The sine function in the integral of [r*exp(-(r^2))*sin(kr)]dr resulting from the INTEGRATION over the SPHERICAL coordinates, and it is NOT the imaginary part of exp(ik.r) that appears when taking the analytic Fourier transform in general.
However, the result is not a Gaussian function in the momentum space.
Module FFTW3
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
include 'fftw3.f03'
end module
program sine_FFT_transform
use FFTW3
implicit none
integer, parameter :: dp=selected_real_kind(8)
real(kind=dp), parameter :: pi=acos(-1.0_dp)
integer, parameter :: n=1024
real(kind=dp) :: delta, k
real(kind=dp) :: numerical_F_transform
integer :: i
type(C_PTR) :: my_plan
real(C_DOUBLE), dimension(1024) :: y
real(C_DOUBLE), dimension(1024) :: yy, yk
integer(C_FFTW_R2R_KIND) :: C_FFTW_RODFT00
my_plan= fftw_plan_r2r_1d(1024,y,yy,FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE)
do i=1, n !inserting the input one-dimension position function
y(i)= 2*(delta)*(i-1)*exp(-((i-1)*delta)**2)
! I multiplied by 2 due to the definition of C_FFTW_RODFT00 in FFTW3
end do
call fftw_execute_r2r(my_plan, y,yy)
do i=2, n
k = (i-1)*pi/n/delta
yk(i) = 4*pi*delta*yy(i)/2 !I divide by 2 due to the definition of
write(11,*) i,k,numerical_F_transform
end do
call fftw_destroy_plan(my_plan)
end program
Executing the previous code gives the following plot which is not for Gaussian function.
Can anyone help me understand what the problem is? I guess the problem is mainly due to FFTW3. Maybe I did not use it properly especially concerning the boundary conditions.
Looking at the related pages in the FFTW site (Real-to-Real Transforms, transform kinds, Real-odd DFT (DST)) and the header file for Fortran, it seems that FFTW expects FFTW_RODFT00 etc rather than FFTW_FORWARD for specifying the kind of
real-to-real transform. For example,
! my_plan= fftw_plan_r2r_1d( n, y, yy, FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE )
my_plan= fftw_plan_r2r_1d( n, y, yy, FFTW_RODFT00, FFTW_ESTIMATE )
performs the "type-I" discrete sine transform (DST-I) shown in the above page. This modification seems to fix the problem (i.e., makes the Fourier transform a Gaussian with positive values).
The following is a slightly modified version of OP's code to experiment the above modification:
! ... only the modified part is shown...
real(dp) :: delta, k, r, fftw, num, ana
integer :: i, j, n
type(C_PTR) :: my_plan
real(C_DOUBLE), allocatable :: y(:), yy(:)
delta = 0.0125_dp ; n = 1024 ! rmax = 12.8
! delta = 0.1_dp ; n = 128 ! rmax = 12.8
! delta = 0.2_dp ; n = 64 ! rmax = 12.8
! delta = 0.4_dp ; n = 32 ! rmax = 12.8
allocate( y( n ), yy( n ) )
! my_plan= fftw_plan_r2r_1d( n, y, yy, FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE )
my_plan= fftw_plan_r2r_1d( n, y, yy, FFTW_RODFT00, FFTW_ESTIMATE )
! Loop over r-grid
do i = 1, n
r = i * delta ! (2-a)
y( i )= r * exp( -r**2 )
end do
call fftw_execute_r2r( my_plan, y, yy )
! Loop over k-grid
do i = 1, n
! Result of FFTW
k = i * pi / ((n + 1) * delta) ! (2-b)
fftw = 4 * pi * delta * yy( i ) / k / 2 ! the last 2 due to RODFT00
! Numerical result via quadrature
num = 0
do j = 1, n
r = j * delta
num = num + r * exp( -r**2 ) * sin( k * r )
num = num * 4 * pi * delta / k
! Analytical result
ana = sqrt( pi )**3 * exp( -k**2 / 4 )
! Output
write(10,*) k, fftw
write(20,*) k, num
write(30,*) k, ana
end do
Compile (with gfortran-8.2 + FFTW3.3.8 + OSX10.11):
$ gfortran -fcheck=all -Wall sine.f90 -I/usr/local/Cellar/fftw/3.3.8/include -L/usr/local/Cellar/fftw/3.3.8/lib -lfftw3
If we use FFTW_FORWARD as in the original code, we get
which has a negative lobe (where fort.10, fort.20, and fort.30 correspond to FFTW, quadrature, and analytical results). Modifying the code to use FFTW_RODFT00 changes the result as below, so the modification seems to be working (but please see below for the grid definition).
Additional notes
I have slightly modified the grid definition for r and k in my code (Lines (2-a) and (2-b)), which is found to improve the accuracy. But I'm still not sure whether the above definition matches the definition used by FFTW, so please read the manual for details...
The fftw3.f03 header file gives the interface for fftw_plan_r2r_1d
type(C_PTR) function fftw_plan_r2r_1d(n,in,out,kind,flags) bind(C, name='fftw_plan_r2r_1d')
integer(C_INT), value :: n
real(C_DOUBLE), dimension(*), intent(out) :: in
real(C_DOUBLE), dimension(*), intent(out) :: out
integer(C_FFTW_R2R_KIND), value :: kind
integer(C_INT), value :: flags
end function fftw_plan_r2r_1d
(Because of no Tex support, this part is very ugly...) The integral of 4 pi r^2 * exp(-r^2) * sin(kr)/(kr) for r = 0 -> infinite is pi^(3/2) * exp(-k^2 / 4) (obtained from Wolfram Alpha or by noting that this is actually a 3-D Fourier transform of exp(-(x^2 + y^2 + z^2)) by exp(-i*(k1 x + k2 y + k3 z)) with k =(k1,k2,k3)). So, although a bit counter-intuitive, the result becomes a positive Gaussian.
I guess the r-grid can be chosen much coarser (e.g. delta up to 0.4), which gives almost the same accuracy as long as it covers the frequency domain of the transformed function (here exp(-r^2)).
Of course there are negative components of the real part to the FFT of a limited Gaussian spectrum. You are just using the real part of the transform. So your plot is absolutely correct.
You seem to be mistaking the real part with the magnitude, which of course would not be negative. For that you would need to fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d and then calculate the absolute values of the complex coefficients. Or you might be mistaking the Fourier transform with a limited DFT.
You might want to check here to convince yourself of the correctness of you calculation above:
Please do keep in mind that the plots on the above page are shifted, so that the 0 frequency is in the middle of the spectrum.
Citing yourself, the nummeric integration of [r*exp(-(r^2))*sin(kr)]dr would have negative components for all k>1 if normalised to 0 for highest frequency.
TLDR: Your plot is absolute state of the art and inline with discrete and limited functional analysis.

How to compute the magnitude of each complex number in an array?

I'm attempting to test a program that calculates the discrete Fourier transform of a signal, namely a sine wave. To test it, I need to plot my results. However, the result is an array of size N (currently at 400) and is filled with complex numbers of the form z = x + iy. So I know that to test it I need to plot these results, and that to do this I need to plot |z|. Here's my program:
program DFT
implicit none
integer :: k, N, x, y, j, r, l, istat, p
integer, parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind(15,300)
real, allocatable,dimension(:) :: h
complex, allocatable, dimension(:) :: rst
complex, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: W
real(kind=dp) :: pi
p = 2*pi
!open file to write results to
open(unit=100, file="dft.dat", status='replace')
N = 400
!allocate arrays as length N, apart from W (NxN)
pi = 3.14159265359
!loop to create the sample containing array
do k=1,N
h(k) = sin((2*pi*k)/N)
end do
!loop to fill the product matrix with values
do j = -N/2,N/2
do k = 1, N
W(j,k) = EXP((2.0_dp*pi*cmplx(0.0_dp,1.0_dp)*j*k)/N)
end do
end do
!use of matmul command to multiply matrices
rst = matmul(W,h)
print *, h, w
write(100,*) rst
end program
So my question is how do I take the magnitude of all the individual complex numbers in the array?
The ABS intrinsic function returns the magnitude of a complex number in Fortran. It is an elemental function as well, so for an array of type complex simply ABS( array ) will return a real array with the same kind as the original containing the results you want.

What's wrong with this Fortran 90-95 code for simulating water flow through non-saturated soil? [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 8 years ago.
Improve this question
I've been working for many days trying to find out what's wrong with this code. It's used for modelling water flow through non saturated soil. The equations system is in the form of a tridiagonal matrix, which is solved with the Thomas Algorithm. I have the solution, and the code is not representing it. For example, node A should be a curve that goes from the initial condition of aprox -100 cm to aprox -20 cm. It's a long code, but I'd be tremendously thankful if someone helped me in this one.
program EcuacionRichards
implicit none
!Declaring variables
integer, parameter :: nodos = 100
integer :: i, it, max_it, nodo_a, nodo_b, nodo_c, nodo_d, it_bajo, it_alto
double precision, dimension(1:nodos) :: H, H_ant, C, K, theta, theta_ant, aa, bb, cc, dd, rr, th_ant
double precision :: dz, zbot, tfin, dt, rz, Ksup, Kinf, t, th_lisimetro, h_lisimetro
double precision :: q_ent, tol_h, tol_th, cambio_h, cambio_th
double precision :: mult_alto, mult_bajo, maxdt, mindt, qlibre
logical lisimetro
!Hydraulic Parameters
double precision :: theta_sat=0.43 !cm/cm
double precision :: theta_res=0.078 !cm/cm
double precision :: alpha=0.0325 !1/cm
double precision :: n=1.346
double precision :: m
double precision :: K_sat=86.4 !cm/d
!Grid and iteration parameters
dt=0.01 !days
zbot=160 !depth of the column in cm
dz=zbot/nodos !cm
tfin=30 !days
max_it=500 !max number of Picard iterations
tol_h=0.1 !tolerance for H iteration, cm
tol_th=0.001 !tolerance for theta iteration, 1/1
it_bajo=3 !minimum recommended number of iterations
it_alto=7 !maximum recommended number of iterations
mult_bajo=1.3 !time multiplicator for low iterations
mult_alto=0.7 !time multiplicator for low iterations
maxdt=0.5 !max value for dt
mindt=0.001 !min value for dt
!Initializing other variables
!*********Initial Conditions************************************************************
call theta_ini(theta,nodos) !Fill array with initial moisture values
do i=1,nodos
call actualiza(H(i), theta(i), C(i), K(i))
end do
!************* OPEN WRITING FILES ************************************************
write(4,'("dt(días) =",f7.4)') dt
write(4,'("dz(cm) =",f7.4)') dz
write(4,'("nodos =",i5)') nodos
write(4,'("altura(cm) =",f8.3)') zbot
write(4,'("tfin(días) =",f7.2)') tfin
write(4,'("theta_sat =",f7.4)') theta_sat
write(4,'("theta_res =",f7.4)') theta_res
write(4,'("K_saturada =",g11.3)') K_sat
write(4,'("n =",f7.4)') n
write(4,'("m =",f7.5)') m
write(4,'("alpha =",f7.5)') alpha
write(4,'("max_it =",i4)') max_it
write(1,*) "T(días) H_a(cm) H_b(cm) H_c(cm) H_d(cm)"
write(2,*) "T(días) th_a(cm) th_b(cm) th_c(cm) th_d(cm)"
write(3,*) "T(días) K_a(cm/d) K_b(cm/d) K_c(cm/d) K_d(cm/d)"
!*************TIME LOOP**********************************************************************************************
do while ((t.le.tfin).and.(dt.gt.0))
theta_ant=theta !Previous time
!Water flow that enters at the top (constant)
q_ent=0.1 !cm/dia
!************* PICARD LOOP ******************************************
Picard:do it=1,max_it
if(it.eq.max_it) pause "MAXIMUM ITERATIONS REACHED"
!Interior Nodes
do i=2, nodos-1
aa(i)=-Kinf/dz !K(i-1/2)
cc(i)=-Ksup/dz !K(i+1/2)
end do
!Inferior Node
if (lisimetro) then
!Changing inferior node
if (theta(1).lt.th_lisimetro) then
!Water flow 0, Neumann
!H(1)=0 condition, Dirichlet
end if
!Inferior node, free drainage, Neumann
end if
!Superior node, known water flow
call tridiag(aa,bb,cc,rr,dd,nodos)
!Suction modification and H functions actualization
th_ant=theta !Save iteration
h=dd !Advance to next iteration
do i=1,nodos
call actualiza(H(i),theta(i), C(i), K(i))
end do
!End of iterations condition
if((cambio_h.lt.tol_h).and.(cambio_th.lt.tol_th)) then
if(.true.) then !(t.eq.tprint)
write (1,'(f8.3,f9.3,f9.3,f9.3,f9.3)') t,H(nodo_a),H(nodo_b),H(nodo_c),H(nodo_d)
write (2,'(f8.3,f7.4,f7.4,f7.4,f7.4)') t,theta(nodo_a),theta(nodo_b),theta(nodo_c),theta(nodo_d)
write (3,'(f8.3,g11.4,g11.4,g11.4,g11.4)') t,k(nodo_a),k(nodo_b),k(nodo_c),k(nodo_d)
end if
if (it.lt.it_bajo) dt=min(dt*mult_bajo,maxdt)
if (it.gt.it_alto) dt=max(dt*mult_alto,mindt)
exit Picard
cycle Picard
end if
end do Picard !Picard loop end
if ((tfin-t).le.1E-4) t=huge(1.d0)
end do
!Time Loop End***************************************************************
!******** Close files
!********END OF PROGRAM**********************************************************
!Subroutines and functions
!Initial moistures assignment
subroutine theta_ini(theta,nodos)
integer :: nodos
double precision, dimension(1:nodos) :: theta
integer i
do i=1, nodos
end do
end subroutine theta_ini
!Subroutine that actualizes salues according to pressure
subroutine actualiza(p,theta,c,k)
double precision p, theta, c, k
double precision se, te
if(p.lt.0) then
c=((alpha**n)*(theta_sat-theta_res)*n*m*(-p)**(n-1))/(te**(m+1)) !d(theta)/dh
end if
end subroutine actualiza
!Tridiag(alpha,beta, gamma, Resto, delta, nodos)
subroutine tridiag(a,b,c,d,x,n)
implicit none
! a - sub-diagonal (means it is the diagonal below the main diagonal)
! b - the main diagonal
! c - sup-diagonal (means it is the diagonal above the main diagonal)
! d - right part
! x - the answer
! n - number of equations
integer,intent(in) :: n
double precision,dimension(n),intent(in) :: a,b,c,d
double precision,dimension(n),intent(out) :: x
double precision,dimension(n) :: cp,dp
double precision :: m
integer i
! initialize c-prime and d-prime
cp(1) = c(1)/b(1)
dp(1) = d(1)/b(1)
! solve for vectors c-prime and d-prime
do i = 2,n
m = b(i)-cp(i-1)*a(i)
cp(i) = c(i)/m
dp(i) = (d(i)-dp(i-1)*a(i))/m
! initialize x
x(n) = dp(n)
! solve for x from the vectors c-prime and d-prime
do i = n-1, 1, -1
x(i) = dp(i)-cp(i)*x(i+1)
end do
end subroutine tridiag
!Head in terms of moisture
Function HfTH(humedad)
double precision HfTH
double precision humedad
if (humedad.lt.theta_sat) then
HfTH=-1/alpha*(((humedad-theta_res)/(theta_sat-theta_res))**(-1/m)-1)**(1/n) !cm
end if
end function HfTH
end program EcuacionRichards
I can see any number of problems with your code but my attention span is limited so here is just the most egregious
You declare a bunch of variables to be double precision, for example, theta_sat, yet you initialise them with literals of default kind. The statement
double precision :: theta_sat=0.43 !cm/cm
does not make 0.43 a double precision real. Well, to be accurate, it might but on most compilers, and whenever the compilation does not set default real variables to kind double precision, it doesn't. It is almost certain that 0.43 is a 4-byte real while theta_sat is an 8-byte real and you cannot rely on the compiler to set theta_sat to be the 8-byte value closest to 0.43.
In modern Fortran double precision is still available for backward compatibility, but deprecated in favour of specifying the kind of a variable with a kind type. SO is replete with suggestions of how to do this. My favourite is to use the constants defined in the intrinsic module iso_fortran_env, like this:
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env
then declare variables like this:
real(real64) :: theta_sat=0.43_real64 !cm/cm
note the appending of the kind specification _real64 to the value.
Whether your algorithm is sensitive enough that this mistake on your part materially affects the results I don't know.
Finally, you tell us that the program is not correct but you are silent on the way(s) in which it is not correct.