JSON parsing using nlohmann json - c++

I am trying to parse the JSON structure using nlohmann's json.hpp
. But I am not to create the JSON structure from the string. I have tried all the way, but still it is failing.
My requirement is to:
1) Create the JSON structure from the string.
2) Find the value of "statusCode" from it.
After trying for so long time, I am really getting doubt, does nlohmann's json parser support nested JSON or not.
#include "json.hpp"
using namespace std;
int main(){
// giving error 1
nlohmann::json strjson = nlohmann::json::parse({"statusResp":{"statusCode":"S001","message":"Registration Success","snStatus":"Active","warrantyStart":"00000000","warrantyEnd":"00000000","companyBPID":"0002210887","siteBPID":"0002210888","contractStart":"00000000","contractEnd":"00000000"}});
// Giving error 2:
auto j= "{
"statusResp": {
"statusCode": "S001",
"message": "Registration Success",
"snStatus": "Active",
"warrantyStart": "20170601",
"warrantyEnd": "20270601",
"companyBPID": "0002210887",
"siteBPID": "0002210888",
"contractStart": "00000000",
"contractEnd": "00000000"
// I actually want to get the value of "statusCode" code from the JSOn structure. But no idea how to parse the nested value.
return 1;
Below are the error for both the initialisations:
//ERROR 1:
test.cpp: In function 'int main()':
test.cpp:17:65: error: expected '}' before ':' token
nlohmann::json strjson = nlohmann::json::parse({"statusResp":{"statusCode":"S001","message":"Registration Success","snStatus":"Active","warrantyStart":"00000000","warrantyEnd":"00000000","companyBPID":"0002210887","siteBPID":"0002210888","contractStart":"00000000","contractEnd":"00000000"}});
// ERROR 2:
hemanty#sLinux:/u/hemanty/workspaces/avac/cb-product/mgmt/framework/src/lib/libcurl_cpp$g++ test.cpp -std=gnu++11
test.cpp: In function 'int main()':
test.cpp:27:17: error: expected '}' before ':' token
"statusResp": {

Since " is the character to begin and end a string literal you can not have a " character inside a string without putting a \ before it.
std::string str = " "statusCode":"5001" "; //This does not work
std::string str = " \"statusCode\":\"5001\" "; //This will work
An easier alternative when you want to make strings with a lot of " in them is to use the R"" string literal. Then you can write it like so.
std::string str = R"("statusCode":"5001")";
If we now transfear this to your json example, the correct way to parse the strings would be one of the following.
auto j3 = json::parse("{ \"happy\": true, \"pi\": 3.141 }");
// and below the equivalent with raw string literal
auto j3 = json::parse(R"({"happy": true, "pi": 3.141 })");
//Here we use the `_json` suffix
auto j2 = "
\"happy\": true,
\"pi\": 3.141
// Here we combine the R"" with _json suffix to do the same thing.
auto j2 = R"(
"happy": true,
"pi": 3.141
Examples taken from the readme

If this is what you need:
std::string ss= R"(
"name": "tom",
"age": 11
"name": "jane",
"age": 12
json myjson = json::parse(ss);
auto &students = myjson["test-data"];
for(auto &student : students) {
cout << "name=" << student["name"].get<std::string>() << endl;
json myjson = { {"name", "tom"}, {"age", 11} };
cout << "name=" << myjson["name"].get<std::string>() << endl;


Boost property tree to parse custom configuration format

Following this link provided by #sehe in this post Boost_option to parse a configuration file, I need to parse configuration files that may have comments.
But since there are comments (leading #), so in addition to read_info(), should a grammer_spirit be used to take out the comments as well? I am referring to info_grammar_spirit.cpp in the /property_tree/examples folder
You would do good to avoid depending on implementation details, so instead I'd suggest pre-processing your config file just to strip the comments.
A simple replace of "//" with "; " may be enough.
Building on the previous answer:
std::string tmp;
std::ifstream ifs(file_name.c_str());
tmp.assign(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(ifs), {});
} // closes file
boost::algorithm::replace_all(tmp, "//", ";");
std::istringstream preprocessed(tmp);
read_info(preprocessed, pt);
Now if you change the input to include comments:
Resnet50 {
Layer CONV1 {
Type: CONV // this is a comment
Stride { X: 2, Y: 2 } ; this too
Dimensions { K: 64, C: 3, R: 7, S: 7, Y:224, X:224 }
// don't forget the CONV2_1_1 layer
Layer CONV2_1_1 {
Type: CONV
Stride { X: 1, Y: 1 }
Dimensions { K: 64, C: 64, R: 1, S: 1, Y: 56, X: 56 }
It still parses as expected, if we also extend the debug output to verify:
ptree const& resnet50 = pt.get_child("Resnet50");
for (auto& entry : resnet50) {
std::cout << entry.first << " " << entry.second.get_value("") << "\n";
std::cout << " --- Echoing the complete subtree:\n";
write_info(std::cout, entry.second);
Layer CONV1
--- Echoing the complete subtree:
Type: CONV
X: 2,
Y: 2
K: 64,
C: 3,
R: 7,
S: 7,
Y:224, X:224
Layer CONV2_1_1
--- Echoing the complete subtree:
Type: CONV
X: 1,
Y: 1
K: 64,
C: 64,
R: 1,
S: 1,
Y: 56,
X: 56
See it Live On Coliru
Yes, But...?
What if '//' occurs in a string literal? Won't it also get replaced. Yes.
This is not a library-quality solution. You should not expect one, because you didn't have to put in any effort to parse your bespoke configuration file format.
You are the only party who can judge whether the short-comings of this approach are a problem for you.
However, short of just copying and modifying Boost's parser or implementing your own from scratch, there's not a lot one can do.
For The Masochists
If you don't want to reimplement the entire parser, but still want the "smarts" to skip string literals, here's a pre_process function that does all that. This time, it's truly employing Boost Spirit
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
std::string pre_process(std::string const& input) {
std::string result;
using namespace boost::spirit::x3;
auto static string_literal
= raw[ '"' >> *('\\'>> char_ | ~char_('"')) >> '"' ];
auto static comment
= char_(';') >> *~char_("\r\n")
| "//" >> attr(';') >> *~char_("\r\n")
| omit["/*" >> *(char_ - "*/") >> "*/"];
auto static other
= +(~char_(";\"") - "//" - "/*");
auto static content
= *(string_literal | comment | other) >> eoi;
if (!parse(begin(input), end(input), content, result)) {
throw std::invalid_argument("pre_process");
return result;
As you can see, it recognizes string literals (with escapes), it treats "//" and ';' style linewise comments as equivalent. To "show off" I threw in /block comments/ which cannot be represented in proper INFO syntax, so we just omit[] them.
Now let's test with a funky example (extended from the "Complicated example demonstrating all INFO features" from the documentation):
#include <boost/property_tree/info_parser.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using boost::property_tree::ptree;
int main() {
boost::property_tree::ptree pt;
std::istringstream iss(
pre_process(R"~~( ; A comment
key1 value1 // Another comment
key2 "value with /* no problem */ special // characters in it {};#\n\t\"\0"
subkey "value split "\
"over three"\
a_key_without_value ""
"a key with special characters in it {};#\n\t\"\0" ""
"" value /* Empty key with a value */
"" /*also empty value: */ "" ; Empty key with empty value!
read_info(iss, pt);
std::cout << " --- Echoing the parsed tree:\n";
write_info(std::cout, pt);
Prints (Live On Coliru)
--- Echoing the parsed tree:
key1 value1
key2 "value with /* no problem */ special // characters in it {};#\n \"\0"
subkey "value split over threelines"
a_key_without_value ""
"a key with special characters in it {};#\n \"\0" ""
"" value
"" ""

using json spirit to read the name and value of Value objects in C++

I have a text file that's got data written in JSON format.
The data looks something like this --
"volume": 93,
"id": "part-30",
"value": 19
"volume": 83,
"id": "part-31",
"value": 19
After referring to this and this
I've gotten to a point where I can read the "name" field of the following data structure.
So all other things aside, my code to read this object looks like this --
// read from parts list file to JSON object.
const char* file_name2( "parts_list.txt" );
ifstream is2( file_name2 );
json_spirit::Value value2;
read( is2, value2 );
// const Object& addr_array = value.get_obj();
vector<Value> jsonObj2 = value2.get_array();
vector<Value>::iterator it;
vector<RobotParts> final;
for(it = jsonObj2.begin(); it!=jsonObj2.end(); it++)
auto valObj = it->get_obj();
RobotParts rpObj = RobotParts();
for(auto vo : valObj)
string s = vo.value_;
cout << final.size() << endl;
return 0;
But this line here --> vo.value_; seems to be creating a lot of problems.
I'm unable to figure out what's the data type of this object.
So far I've tried :
Reading into an integer. I thought since the volume has an integer value
int i = vo.get_value< int >();
Should work. But instead, it says
error: no member named 'get_value' in
'json_spirit::Pair_impl<json_spirit::Config_vector<std::__1::basic_string<char> > >'
Reading into a string so I could print it out.
string s = vo.value_;
This throws the following error:
error: no viable conversion from 'Value_type' (aka
'Value_impl<json_spirit::Config_vector<std::__1::basic_string<char> > >') to 'string' (aka 'basic_string<char, char_traits<char>,
allocator<char> >')
I can, however, print out vo.name_ by using cout << vo.name_ << endl within the loop.
This outputs :
so on.
I know this is due to data type incompatibility but I've spent two-three hours now unable to figure out how to access this value.
How do I access these values corresponding to volume, id and value?

Writing in order to jsoncpp (c++)

Consider the following example for which my source is
Json::Value root;
Json::Value text;
Json::StyledWriter writer;
string strJson=writer.write(root);
cout<<"JSON WriteTest" << endl << strJson <<endl;
I thought I'd write the json fields in the order of the lines. Instead the result is:
JSON WriteTest
"begin" : 1,
"end" : 1,
"id" : 0,
"text" : {
"first" : "i",
"second" : "love",
"third" : "you"
"type" : "test"
I want json format is
JSON WriteTest
"id" : 0,
"text" : {
"first" : "i",
"second" : "love",
"third" : "you"
"type" : "test"
"begin" : 1,
"end" : 1,
How can I write a Json order?
No, I don't think you can. JsonCpp keeps its values in a std::map<CZString, Value>, which is always sorted by the CZString comparison. So it doesn't know the original order you added items.
This is my workaround to a get an ordered json output from jsoncpp
Json::Value root;
Json::Value text;
Json::StyledWriter writer;
string resultString=writer.write(root);
resultString=ReplaceAll(resultString,"*1*", "");
resultString=ReplaceAll(resultString,"*2*", "");
resultString=ReplaceAll(resultString,"*3*", "");
resultString=ReplaceAll(resultString,"*4*", "");
resultString=ReplaceAll(resultString,"*5*", "");
cout<<"JSON WriteTest" << endl << resultString <<endl;
with RepleceAll function defined as this
std::string ReplaceAll(std::string str, const std::string& from, const std::string& to) {
size_t start_pos = 0;
while((start_pos = str.find(from, start_pos)) != std::string::npos) {
str.replace(start_pos, from.length(), to);
start_pos += to.length(); // Handles case where 'to' is a substring of 'from'
return str;
I have a way can solve your problem. Would you like to try? My solution is that you use boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp, the output is what format you want! About There is my code:
#include <boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
boost::property_tree::ptree parser, child;
parser.put("id", 0);
child.put("first", "i");
child.put("second", "love");
child.put("third", "you");
parser.put_child("text", child);
parser.put("type", "test");
parser.put("begin", 1);
parser.put("end", 1);
stringstream ss;
boost::property_tree::json_parser::write_json(ss, parser);
cout << ss.str() << endl;
return 0;
Before run the codes, you should install boost 1.57. The codes run well in gcc 4.7, boost 1.57.The output is { "id" : 0, "text" : { "first" : "i", "second" : "love", "third" : "you" }, "type" : "test" "begin" : 1, "end" : 1, }. About boost::property_tree::ptree, you can click here. It used list<pair<key, ptree>> for saving data. So it saved unordered data, unless you called list.sort(). I hope this can help you.
As mentioned by The Dark, JsonCpp keeps its values in a std::map<CZString, Value>, which is always sorted by the CZString comparison, without keeping track neither of the original order in which you added the items nor the desired order in the output.
But you can use this "hidden feature" in your benefit. I mean, you just need that the keys in the desired order follow the "natural" order of CZString. I have a method in my JSONCPP wrapper classes that do this. The quick'n'dirty code, converted to simple function, would be something like this:
std::string sortedStr(Json::Value & value, std::vector<std::string> sortKeys)
Json::Value sortedValue; // The JSON object to store the new (sorted) hash
char newKey[60]; // I use C expressions, modify to C++ if you like
// Build new sortedValue
int i = 0;
for (auto & key : sortKeys) {
sprintf(newKey, "SORTEDKEY:%03d-%s", i++, key.c_str());
sortedValue[newKey] = value[key];
// Write to string, should be sorted on primary keys
Json::StyledWriter w;
std::string result = w.write(sortedValue);
// Remove aux. tags from primary keys
std::size_t pos = 0;
while ((pos = result.find("SORTEDKEY:", pos)) != std::string::npos) {
result.erase(pos, 14);
return result;
To use it, just call:
std::string sortedObjStr = sortedValue(myValue, {"first", "second", "third", "fourth"});
Note that:
I use this for relatively small objects (configuration data).
I use the "tag" SORTEDKEY, since this is not going to appear anywhere in my data. Modify according to your needs.
I do not check that the keys used do exist. You can add this check.
You can use this also to generate a restricted, ordered subset of your original object.
The key-value pairs in an object will always be sorted. Json arrays are not sorted, they consists of a series of values without keys.
Objects, as named collections (arrays) of key-value pairs within brackets, in an array, will retain their positions, e.g.
"adressen" : [
"start" : {
"ID" : 1,
"key" : "2352KJ25",
"lat" : 52.157225922529967,
"lon" : 4.5298663828345527
"eind" : {
"ID" : 2,
"key" : "2352KJ25",
"lat" : 52.157225922529967,
"lon" : 4.5298663828345527
ID, key, lat, lon are sorted, but start and eind are in their original positions.
So, at least your first, second, third could have been
Json::Value text(Json::arrayValue);
No need for the tags first, second and third!
Maybe this helps you to find a workaround.

Poco C++ building nested JSON objects

I have a nested JSON object. I'm trying to build it in a function and add the inner object to the original, but I can't extract the result.
void build_object (Poco::JSON::Object * const result)
/* Construct some int/bool/string fields here */
Poco::JSON::Object inner;
inner.set("some_number", 5);
inner.set("some_string", "xyz");
/* This is where it breaks down */
std::string key = "new_object";
result->set("new_object", inner);
/* Then some debugging and testing */
// The new object is printed inside the first -> seems like it's working
printf("result has(key): %i\n", result->has(key)); // true
printf("isObject: %i\n", result->isObject(key)); // false - huh?
printf("isNull: %i\n", result->isNull(key)); // false
printf("isArray: %i\n", result->isArray(key)); // false
Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr ptr = result->getObject(key);
// unsurpisingly fails since the above indicates it's not an object
printf("ptr isNull: %i\n", ptr.isNull()); // true
// ptr->has("some_number"); // throws NullPointerException
// if it's not an object/null/array, it must be a value
Poco::Dynamic::Var v = result->get(key);
// at least one of these things should be true, otherwise what is it?
printf("var isString: %i\n", v.isString()); // false
printf("var isStuct: %i\n", v.isStruct()); // false
printf("var isEmpty: %i\n", v.isEmpty()); // false
printf("var isArray: %i\n", v.isArray()); // false
printf("var isSigned: %i\n", v.isSigned()); // false
printf("var isNumeric: %i\n", v.isNumeric());// false
So, I have an inner object that is correctly put into the result, it is being printed via stringify with all the correct values and result->has() is successful. But, according to the result, it is not an object, array, or null, so you should be able to get it with var. But, once it's gotten from var, it's not a string, struct, array, or number, and it's also not empty. The inner object seems to exist and not exist at the same time.
So, how do I put this object into my result? And how do I get it out?
note: I've seen this thread Correct usage of Poco C++ JSON for parsing data, but it's building the JSON object from string and then parsing it. I suppose I could build everything as a string and convert to the Poco Object at the last step, but I'm still curious why the above is happening. Also, using result->set() and result->get() are a cleaner, less hack-y solution than going through a string.
References: Poco JSON Doc,
Poco Dynamic Var Doc
Poco::JSON Objects and Arrays are held as shared pointers internally by default (optimization to avoid values copying) and everything is Dynamic::Var, so it works for both pointers and values. When you insert an Object as value it works because Dynamic::Var will hold pretty much anything, but the problem you experience when inspecting it comes from the fact that internal comparison does not return true for Object values because it compares only with default type - Poco::SharedPtr<Poco::JSON::Object>.
Here's a workaround:
void build_object (Poco::JSON::Object * const result)
// smart pointer, so don't worry about cleaning up
Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr inner = new Poco::JSON::Object;
inner->set("some_number", 5);
inner->set("some_string", "xyz");
std::string key = "new_object";
result->set(key, inner);
printf("isObject: %i\n", result->isObject(key)); // true
I have opened a github issue to alleviate this caveat.
I have been trying to create json file having nested object using poco library. Finally able to do with Poco::Json::Array.
Please find the posted code sinippet. Hope it will help. Json output attached with post.
#include "Poco\JSON\JSON.h"
#include "Poco\JSON\Stringifier.h"
#include "Poco\JSON\Object.h"
#include "Poco\Dynamic\Var.h"
using namespace std;
using Poco::JSON::Stringifier;
using Poco::JSON::Object;
using Poco::JSON::Array;
void makeJsonNestedObject()
Object RootObj(true);
Array FLArray;
for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
Object::Ptr FirstLevelArrayNode = new Poco::JSON::Object(true);
TCHAR strNameBuff[15];
_stprintf(strNameBuff, _T("%s_%d"),_T("Servername"),i);
std::basic_string<TCHAR> strName = strNameBuff;
FirstLevelArrayNode->set("HostName", strName);
FirstLevelArrayNode->set("Overall Impact", "Dummy Data");
Array SLArray;
for(int j=0; j<3;j++)
Object::Ptr SecondLevelArrayNode = new Poco::JSON::Object(true);
TCHAR attr1NameBuff[15];
TCHAR attr2NameBuff[15];
_stprintf(attr1NameBuff, _T("%s_%d"),_T("AttrOne"),j);
_stprintf(attr2NameBuff, _T("%s_%d"),_T("AttrTwo"),j);
std::basic_string<TCHAR> attr1Name = attr1NameBuff;
std::basic_string<TCHAR> attr2Name = attr2NameBuff;
SecondLevelArrayNode->set("Attribute", attr1Name);
SecondLevelArrayNode->set("SubAttribute", attr2Name);
Poco::Dynamic::Var obj(SecondLevelArrayNode);
Poco::Dynamic::Var FLArrayNodeobj(FirstLevelArrayNode);
std::ostringstream os;
std::cout <<"before stringlify.." << std::endl;
FLArray.stringify(os, 2);
std::cout << os.str() << std::endl;
Json output:
"HostName" : "Servername_0",
"Overall Impact" : "Dummy Data",
"Attribute_Details" : [
"Attribute" : "AttrOne_0",
"SubAttribute" : "AttrTwo_0"
"Attribute" : "AttrOne_1",
"SubAttribute" : "AttrTwo_1"
"Attribute" : "AttrOne_2",
"SubAttribute" : "AttrTwo_2"
"HostName" : "Servername_1",
"Overall Impact" : "Dummy Data",
"Attribute_Details" : [
"Attribute" : "AttrOne_0",
"SubAttribute" : "AttrTwo_0"
"Attribute" : "AttrOne_1",
"SubAttribute" : "AttrTwo_1"
"Attribute" : "AttrOne_2",
"SubAttribute" : "AttrTwo_2"
"HostName" : "Servername_2",
"Overall Impact" : "Dummy Data",
"Attribute_Details" : [
"Attribute" : "AttrOne_0",
"SubAttribute" : "AttrTwo_0"
"Attribute" : "AttrOne_1",
"SubAttribute" : "AttrTwo_1"
"Attribute" : "AttrOne_2",
"SubAttribute" : "AttrTwo_2"

JSONCPP Writing to files

JSONCPP has a writer, but all it seems to do is get info from the parser and then output it into a string or a stream. How do I make it alter or create new objects, arrays, values, strings, et cetera and write them into the file?
Json::Value event;
Json::Value vec(Json::arrayValue);
event["competitors"]["home"]["name"] = "Liverpool";
event["competitors"]["away"]["code"] = 89223;
event["competitors"]["away"]["name"] = "Aston Villa";
std::cout << event << std::endl;
"competitors" :
"away" :
"code" : [ 1, 2, 3 ],
"name" : "Aston Villa"
"home" :
"name" : "Liverpool"
#include <json.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
void main()
std::ofstream file_id;
Json::Value value_obj;
//populate 'value_obj' with the objects, arrays etc.
Json::StyledWriter styledWriter;
file_id << styledWriter.write(value_obj);
AFAICT, you create objects of type Json::Value, which caters for all the JSON data-types, and pass the result to a Json::Writer (one of its derived types, to be specific), or simply to a stream.
E.g.: to write an array of three integers to a file:
Json::Value vec(Json::arrayValue);
std::cout << vec;
Json::StyledWriter is deprecated, you can use Json::StreamWriterBuilder to write json into files.
Json::Value rootJsonValue;
rootJsonValue["foo"] = "bar";
Json::StreamWriterBuilder builder;
builder["commentStyle"] = "None";
builder["indentation"] = " ";
std::unique_ptr<Json::StreamWriter> writer(builder.newStreamWriter());
std::ofstream outputFileStream("/tmp/test.json");
writer -> write(rootJsonValue, &outputFileStream);
The json will be written into /tmp/test.json.
$ cat /tmp/test.json
"foo" : "bar"
First, you have to create the desired JSON::Value. You should look at all the constructors (first). To create the necessary hierarchies, see append and the operator[] overloads; there are overloads for both array indices and string keys for objects.
One way to write the JSON value back out is using StyledStreamWriter::write and ofstream.
See cegprakash's answer for how to write it.