Clojure- Defining a variable inside of a function? - clojure

I have this variable, hand, that works just fine when I define it on its own.
(def yourHand
#(let [x %]
(< x 10) (* x -1)
(< x 13) -10
(< x 23) (* (mod x 13) -1)
(< x 26) -10
(< x 36) (mod x 13)
(< x 39) 10
(< x 49) (mod x 13)
(< x 52) 10
(take (rand-int 12) (repeatedly #(+ 1 (rand-int 52))))))
I would like to use this variable in this function here. This works just fine when I define the variable first then just use its name in the function.
(reduce + (vec (map #(let [x %]
(= x 1) 1
:else 0
The issue arrises when I try to define the variable within the function, like this.
(reduce + (vec (map #(let [x %]
(= x 1) 1
:else 0
(def hand
#(let [x %]
(< x 10) (* x -1)
(< x 13) -10
(< x 23) (* (mod x 13) -1)
(< x 26) -10
(< x 36) (mod x 13)
(< x 39) 10
(< x 49) (mod x 13)
(< x 52) 10
(take (rand-int 12) (repeatedly #(+ 1 (rand-int 52)))))))))
This would not be necessary if not for 2 things. First, I would like to condense this program down to one function if possible (and I think it /is/ possible!). Second, I need to use this variable at another point in my program so I need to be able to reference it somehow.
Anyway, when I try to evaluate the above function, it complains that it doesn't know "how to create ISeq from: clojure.lang.Var". (This is the error: IllegalArgumentException Don't know how to create ISeq from: clojure.lang.Var clojure.lang.RT.seqFrom ( I'm assuming this means that it doesn't know how to use my variable as a vector... but it seems to use it as a vector just fine when I define my variable outside of the function!
Any advice?

You shouldn't try to def inside of functions. Generally defs are for top-level namespace values; things that won't (normally) change after the namespace is loaded.
Let's refactor the code a bit to get some reusable functions that don't depend on top-level/static namespace values. Instead of (def yourHand ...) we can have a function that generates hands:
(defn deal-hand []
#(cond ;; you have a subtle bug here that sometimes returns nil
(< % 10) (* % -1)
(< % 13) -10
(< % 23) (* (mod % 13) -1)
(< % 26) -10
(< % 36) (mod % 13)
(< % 39) 10
(< % 49) (mod % 13)
(< % 52) 10)
(take (rand-int 12) (repeatedly #(inc (rand-int 52))))))
Then if you still wanted a namespace def, you could get it like this:
(def your-hand (deal-hand))
And we can wrap your reduce in another function that takes a hand:
(defn score-hand [hand] ;; I made a few simplifications here, but logic is the same
(reduce + (mapv #(if (= 1 %) 1 0) hand)))
Now you have two reusable functions that can generate and score hands:
=> (-10 -9 -9 -10 -3 7)
=> (8 -2 10 -9 1 2 -10 3 nil 5)
(score-hand (deal-hand))
=> 1
If you need to use a hand in other parts of your program, think about how you can structure your functions to take hands as input, and how hands can flow through your program's functions.


Clojure Fibonacci series using while in atom

How to achieve this using Clojure atom on the Fibonacci series.
(def x 0)
(def y 0)
(def z 1)
(defn problem []
(def a (atom 0))
(while (< #a 10 )
;logic code need to write to achieve the output
; how can I add b,c == c,b???????.)
(swap! a inc)))
output should be 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55
As mentioned in the comments, defining and using an atom in a function is a totally non-clojure way of solving the question which makes it all the more difficult to solve. You should get familiar with the concept of immutability and higher order functions like map, filter, reduce, etc.
The code below gives you what you want.
(def fib1
(fn [n]
(= n 0) 1
(= n 1) 1
:else (+ (fib1 (dec n)) (fib1 (- n 2))))))
since this gives you just nth Fibonacci number, you should take + map with it if you want to get what you want.
(take 10 (map fib1 (range))) => (1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55)
take a look at this beautiful solution I found on internet.
(def fib-seq-iterate (map first (iterate (fn [[n m]] [m (+ n m)]) [0 1])))
This returns a lazy sequence, which can be called with
(take 5 fib-seq-iterate) => (0 1 1 2 3)
(def x 0)
(def y 0)
(def z 1)
(defn problem []
(def a (atom 0))
(while (< #a 10 )
(println x)
(def x (+ y z))
(def y z)
(def z x)
(swap! a inc))))
0 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55

how to Replace an Integer with string 20 percent of the time Clojure

I need to replace an integer with a string in clojure but only for 20% of the outputted integers.
(defn factor5 [x]
(if (= (mod x 3) (mod x 5) 0) "BuzzFizz"
(if (= (mod x 5) 0) "buzz"
(if (= (mod x 3) 0) "fizz" x))))
here i have a fizzbuzz program which prints out "fizz" if the number is a multiple of 3 or "buzz" if it is a multiple of 5 and "BuzzFizz" is printed if is a multiple of both. if an integer is neither of the above multiplies the integer gets printed. What i need is to print "Boom" instead of the integer but only for 20% of the integers.
some pseudo code
if(x == int){
print out Boom instead of x only for 20% }
print out x}
I have very limited exprience in clojure as my pseudocode is java based
Please see the Clojure Cheatsheet for a comprehensive listing of functions.
The one you want is rand, and a test like:
(if (< (rand) 0.2) ....)
if you want the decision made randomly you could use one of the rand runctions in an if statement like so:
user> (defn x20% [x]
(if (rand-nth [true false false false false])
user> (x20% 5)
user> (x20% 5)
user> (x20% 5)
user> (x20% 5)
there are also rand and rand-int. which you use is somewhat a matter of style and the specifics of your function:
user> (> 2 (rand-int 10))
user> (> 2 (rand-int 10))
user> (> 2 (rand-int 10))
user> (> 0.2 (rand))
user> (> 0.2 (rand))
(defn factor-5 [x]
(if (and (number? x) (zero? (rem x 1)))
(if (zero? (rand-int 5))
This returns the required value rather than printing it.
It tests that its argument is numeric, and - if so - that it is a
whole number value, which could be byte, short, int, ... .
(rand-int 5) chooses randomly from 0, 1, ... 4.

Why do these filters, one using AND and one using OR, evaluate the same in Clojure?

Here is a filter using AND in Clojure:
(filter #(and (= 0 (mod % 3) (mod % 5))) (range 100))
It returns, as I would expect,
(0 15 30 45 60 75 90)
On the other hand, here is the same filter using OR instead of AND:
(filter #(or (= 0 (mod % 3) (mod % 5))) (range 100))
To me, it doesn't make sense that it would return the exact same list, but it does. Why doesn't the list with OR return
(3, 5, 6, 9, 10 ...)
When you use =, it looks to see if all the parameters passed to it are equal. In each example filter checks if 0 = (mod % 3) = (mod % 5). Instead, check each case individually:
(filter #(or (= 0 (mod % 3)) (= 0 (mod % 5))) (range 100))
You might also consider using zero?. I think it makes it a little easier to read and helps in avoiding issues like this one.
(filter #(or (zero? (mod % 3)) (zero? (mod % 5))) (range 100))

find all ordered triples of distinct positive integers i, j, and k less than or equal to a given integer n that sum to a given integer s

this is the exercise 2.41 in SICP
I have wrote this naive version myself:
(defn sum-three [n s]
(for [i (range n)
j (range n)
k (range n)
:when (and (= s (+ i j k))
(< 1 k j i n))]
[i j k]))
The question is: is this considered idiomatic in clojure? And how can I optimize this piece of code? since it takes forever to compute(sum-three 500 500)
Also, how can I have this function take an extra argument to specify number of integer to compute the sum? So instead of sum of three, It should handle more general case like sum of two, sum of four or sum of five etc.
I suppose this cannot be achieved by using for loop? not sure how to add i j k binding dynamically.
(Update: The fully optimized version is sum-c-opt at the bottom.)
I'd say it is idiomatic, if not the fastest way to do it while staying idiomatic. Well, perhaps using == in place of = when the inputs are known to be numbers would be more idiomatic (NB. these are not entirely equivalent on numbers; it doesn't matter here though.)
As a first optimization pass, you could start the ranges higher up and replace = with the number-specific ==:
(defn sum-three [n s]
(for [k (range n)
j (range (inc k) n)
i (range (inc j) n)
:when (== s (+ i j k))]
[i j k]))
(Changed ordering of the bindings since you want the smallest number last.)
As for making the number of integers a parameter, here's one approach:
(defn sum-c [c n s]
(letfn [(go [c n s b]
(if (zero? c)
(for [i (range b n)
is (go (dec c) n (- s i) (inc i))
:when (== s (apply + i is))]
(conj is i))))]
(go c n s 0)))
;; from the REPL:
user=> (sum-c 3 6 10)
([5 4 1] [5 3 2])
user=> (sum-c 3 7 10)
([6 4 0] [6 3 1] [5 4 1] [5 3 2])
Update: Rather spoils the exercise to use it, but math.combinatorics provides a combinations function which is tailor-made to solve this problem:
(require '[clojure.math.combinatorics :as c])
(c/combinations (range 10) 3)
;=> all combinations of 3 distinct numbers less than 10;
; will be returned as lists, but in fact will also be distinct
; as sets, so no (0 1 2) / (2 1 0) "duplicates modulo ordering";
; it also so happens that the individual lists will maintain the
; relative ordering of elements from the input, although the docs
; don't guarantee this
filter the output appropriately.
A further update: Thinking through the way sum-c above works gives one a further optimization idea. The point of the inner go function inside sum-c was to produce a seq of tuples summing up to a certain target value (its initial target minus the value of i at the current iteration in the for comprehension); yet we still validate the sums of the tuples returned from the recursive calls to go as if we were unsure whether they actually do their job.
Instead, we can make sure that the tuples produced are the correct ones by construction:
(defn sum-c-opt [c n s]
(let [m (max 0 (- s (* (dec c) (dec n))))]
(if (>= m n)
(letfn [(go [c s t]
(if (zero? c)
(list t)
(mapcat #(go (dec c) (- s %) (conj t %))
(range (max (inc (peek t))
(- s (* (dec c) (dec n))))
(min n (inc s))))))]
(mapcat #(go (dec c) (- s %) (list %)) (range m n))))))
This version returns the tuples as lists so as to preserve the expected ordering of results while maintaining code structure which is natural given this approach. You can convert them to vectors with a map vec pass.
For small values of the arguments, this will actually be slower than sum-c, but for larger values, it is much faster:
user> (time (last (sum-c-opt 3 500 500)))
"Elapsed time: 88.110716 msecs"
(168 167 165)
user> (time (last (sum-c 3 500 500)))
"Elapsed time: 13792.312323 msecs"
[168 167 165]
And just for added assurance that it does the same thing (beyond inductively proving correctness in both cases):
; NB. this illustrates Clojure's notion of equality as applied
; to vectors and lists
user> (= (sum-c 3 100 100) (sum-c-opt 3 100 100))
user> (= (sum-c 4 50 50) (sum-c-opt 4 50 50))
for is a macro so it's hard to extend your nice idiomatic answer to cover the general case. Fortunately clojure.math.combinatorics provides the cartesian-product function that will produce all the combinations of the sets of numbers. Which reduces the problem to filter the combinations:
(ns hello.core
(:require [clojure.math.combinatorics :as combo]))
(defn sum-three [n s i]
(filter #(= s (reduce + %))
(apply combo/cartesian-product (repeat i (range 1 (inc n))))))
hello.core> (sum-three 7 10 3)
((1 2 7) (1 3 6) (1 4 5) (1 5 4) (1 6 3) (1 7 2) (2 1 7)
(2 2 6) (2 3 5) (2 4 4) (2 5 3) (2 6 2) (2 7 1) (3 1 6)
(3 2 5) (3 3 4) (3 4 3) (3 5 2) (3 6 1) (4 1 5) (4 2 4)
(4 3 3) (4 4 2) (4 5 1) (5 1 4) (5 2 3) (5 3 2) (5 4 1)
(6 1 3) (6 2 2) (6 3 1) (7 1 2) (7 2 1))
assuming that order matters in the answers that is
For making your existing code parameterized you can use reduce.This code shows a pattern that can be used where you want to paramterize the number of cases of a for macro usage.
Your code without using for macro (using only functions) would be:
(defn sum-three [n s]
(mapcat (fn [i]
(mapcat (fn [j]
(filter (fn [[i j k]]
(and (= s (+ i j k))
(< 1 k j i n)))
(map (fn [k] [i j k]) (range n))))
(range n)))
(range n)))
The pattern is visible, there is inner most map which is covered by outer mapcat and so on and you want to paramterize the nesting level, hence:
(defn sum-c [c n s]
((reduce (fn [s _]
(fn [& i] (mapcat #(apply s (concat i [%])) (range n))))
(fn [& i] (filter #(and (= s (apply + %))
(apply < 1 (reverse %)))
(map #(concat i [%]) (range n))))
(range (dec c)))))

Can clojure evaluate a chain of mixed arity functions and return a partial function if needed?

Suppose you have three functions of arity 1, 2 and 3 as below:
(defn I [x] x)
(defn K [x y] x)
(defn S [x y z] (x z (y z)))
Does clojure have an evaluation function or idiom for evaluating:
(I K S I I) as (I (K (S (I (I)))))
returning a parital function of arity 2?
I am considering creating a macro that can take the simple function definitions above and expand them to multi-arity functions that can return partial results. I would not want to create the macro if there is already a built in or idiomatic way to accomplish this.
Here is what the expanded macros would like for the above functions:
(defn I
([x] I x)
([x & more] (apply (I x) more)))
(defn K
([x] (partial K x))
([x y] x)
([x y & more] (apply (K x y) more)))
(defn S
([x] (partial S x))
([x y] (partial S x y))
([x y z] (x z (y z)))
([x y z & more] (apply (S x y z) more)))
I'm not sure I fully understand what you are trying to do, but the comp function is useful for doing this kind of "function chaining" you seem to be talking about. For example:
user> ((comp vec rest list) 1 2 3 4 5)
=> [2 3 4 5]
Which is equivalent to:
user> (vec (rest (list 1 2 3 4 5)))
=> [2 3 4 5]
In your case, if you have the list (I K S I I), and you want to evaluate it as (I (K (S (I (I))))), I would use (reduce comp ...), but you could also use (apply comp ...).
user> ((reduce comp [vec rest list]) 1 2 3 4 5)
=> [2 3 4 5]
user> ((apply comp [vec rest list]) 1 2 3 4 5)
=> [2 3 4 5]
You may also be interested in the -> or ->> macros. These macros nest their arguments sequentially into the next arguments. The -> macro will nest into the first position of the next expression, whereas the ->> macro will nest into the last position of the next expression. If the "next thing" is a function, both will behave the same, and form an expression of (function nested-things-so-far), and continue along.
Really, examples are best:
(-> 1 (+ 10) (- 100) inc)
;//Expands to...
(inc (- (+ 1 10) 100))
;//Evaluating in the REPL...
user> (-> 1 (+ 10) (- 100) inc)
=> -88
(->> 1 (+ 10) (- 100) inc)
;//Expands to...
(inc (- 100 (+ 10 1)))
;//Evaluating in the REPL...
user> (-> 1 (+ 10) (- 100) inc)
=> 90
However, it seems more like you want to do something involving auto-currying (although, again, I don't think I fully understand), and for that I don't know of anything pre-existing built-in way.