Unable to get the vlookup property - vlookup

Attached image is my my table from which I am trying to fetch the value of the input.
I have written a lookup statement for that. However I get error "unable to get the vlookup property of the worksheetfunction class"
I have stored the input in "Postcode".if the postcode is AB1 0, it has to return value 0.
PC = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Postcode, _
Worksheets("G010").Range("A2:A12610"), 2, True)

One issue you have is that you will never find something in the second column of an array that has only one column.


Having trouble with IF NOT statments work in Sheets

this might be an easy fix but I just can't figure it out. I'm trying to get this IF statement, if the cell is not FALSE to return value, else to return a certain string. I've tried a couple of ways but I can't make the right combination. And I have a similar issue with excluding the FALSE value from a UNIQUE search statement.
This is the sample. Sorry if I'm missing on smth very obvious
Regarding your concern in setting a value if the cell is NOT FALSE, you can use this formula in Row 2:
=arrayformula(if(A2:A<>"",if(A2:A=FALSE,"Blank",iferror(year(to_date(datevalue(A2:A))),"No year found")),""))
What it does?
Check if cell value is FALSE, If yes, set cell value to "Blank", else convert the date string to value using datevalue(). Then use to_date() to convert date value into a date object. Use year() to get the year. Use iferror() to set a default value if the formula encountered an error (when your string is not a valid date string)
Loop each row using arrayformula()
Regarding filtering your data without FALSE:
=filter(A2:A,A2:A <> FALSE)
What it does?
Using filter(), filter the data if the cell value is not FALSE
You can also use UNIQUE() once you filter your data
=unique(filter(A2:A,A2:A <> FALSE))

DAX problem, filter/relation is ignored when I use IF in the RETURN clause

I'm getting an unexpected result when I use an IF in the RETURN clause of a DAX expression. If I don't use the IF, but instead just a variable, then the result is ok.
I've created a test scenario to explain my problem:
I have two test tables:
Table: "Test Object"
Table: "Test Group"
These have a unidirectional relation on "Group code"
I have created a measure "Test measure":
This gives the correct result:
I have set a page filter to only show Group Code "G01".
This all works ok up to this point.
But it goes wrong when I use an IF function:
I then get the following (incorrect) result. Apparently the relation and/or page filter seems to be ignored now:
NB: The result is the same regardless of from which table I use the "Group code" field.
What am I missing here?
I've created a PBIX file that shows the problem:
This is called "Auto-Exist" in PBI:
If you look closer to the results, you'll notice that your report shows all possible combinations between Group Codes and Object Codes.
This is happening whenever you use a combination of fields from the different tables in a report: PBI first creates a cross-join between these fields, and then eliminates those combinations that result in blanks, so you only see meaningful combinations.
However, you IF statement overrides this logic - you are returning a result always, even if a combination is blank (Blank < 40 test returns "low end" because blank is treated as zero).
To fix it, calculate results only if the variable is not blank, i.e:
Price category =
var lowestPrice = MIN(Object[Price])
var result = IF( NOT ISBLANK(lowestPrice), IF(lowestPrice < 40, "Low end", "High end"))
Return result
You will get:
P.S. Page filter is irrelevant here, it simply filters the table after it's calculated.

Input text in one column (a) if the value in another column (b) is found in another column (c)

I have two lists of people - they will not be sorted in the same order. The second list is in a different sheet. If the person listed in column A shows up in Column A in the second sheet, I want column F to display "Y." If not, I want column F to display "N."
This formula: =ArrayFormula(vlookup(A2:A,Attendees!A2:A,1,0)) almost gets me there, but I can't figure out how to get it to return Y/N instead of the name of the Attendee or not.
Any ideas?
=ARRAYFORMULA(IF(IFNA(VLOOKUP(A2:A, Attendees!A2:A, 1, 0))="", "No", "Yes"))

How to query sharepoint search api where column value contains space

I am trying to run a SharePoint api query to match against a column with a specific value.
The column value contains a space which is resulting in the query not working as expected. Returning anything with 'value' in the column rather than just items where the column = 'value 2'.
My current url looks like where $listId is a list guid
https://mysite.sharepoint.com/_api/search/query?querytext='(customColumn:value 2)+AND+(ListID:$listId)'&selectproperties='Name,Title,Description,Author,LastModifiedTime,Path'
What is the syntax for
(customColumn:value 2)
That allows me to only return results where customColumn = "value 2"?
Try to encode the endpoint as
My test Sample:
/_api/search/query?querytext='Title:Developer%20-%20Wiki1 Author:Lee'

How do I change the individual value to be summed during annotation in Django?

I am front end developer new to django. There is a certain column(server_reach) in our postgres DB which has values of (1,2). But I need to write a query which tells me if at least one of the filtered rows has a row with reachable values( 1= not reachable, 2 = reachable).
I was initially told that the values of the column would be (0,1) based on which I wrote this:
The logic is simple that I fetch all the filtered rows and annotate them with the sum of the server_reaches. If this is more than zero then at least one entry is non-zero.
But the issue is that the actual DB has values (1,2). And this logic will not work anymore. I want to subtract the server_reach of each row by '1' before summing. I have tried F expressions as below
But it throws the following error. Please help me getting this to work.
AttributeError: 'ExpressionNode' object has no attribute 'split'
Use Avg instead of Sum. If average value is greater than 1 then at least one row contains value of 2.