Is it possible to pass a specific value into an extension function with receiver, in a unit test?
I'm trying to test the folowing subscribe method:
private lateinit var subscription: SubscriptionReceiveChannel<UiStateModel>
suspend fun subscribe(model: MainViewModel) {
subscription = model.connect()
subscription.consumeEach { value -> loadView(value) /** or loadView(it) */ }
private fun loadView(uiState: UiStateModel) {
when(uiState) {
is Loading -> view.isLoading()
is Error -> view.isError(uiState.exception.localizedMessage)
is Success -> when {
uiState.result != null -> view.isSuccess(uiState.result)
else -> view.isEmpty()
I want to be able to apply a specific value to the consumeEach function, but how can this be done?
Here's my unit test:
private val view = mock<MainView>()
private val model = mock<MainViewModel>()
private val subscription = mock<SubscriptionReceiveChannel<UiStateModel>>()
private val presenter = MainPresenter(view)
fun `When uistate is loading, view should show loading message`() = runBlocking {
// Given
val state = UiStateModel.Loading()
whenever(subscription.consumeEach { any() }).thenAnswer({ state })
// When
// Then
verify(view, never()).isSuccess(anyString())
verify(view, never()).isEmpty()
verify(view, never()).isError(anyString())
I am unit testing the following class
class LoadTrendingSearchUseCaseImp #Inject constructor(
private val searchCriteriaProvider: SearchCriteriaProvider,
private val coroutineDispatcherProvider: CoroutineDispatcherProvider
) : LoadTrendingSearchUseCase {
override suspend fun execute(): List<String> {
return withContext( {
interface SearchCriteriaProvider {
suspend fun provideTrendingSearch(): CatalogSearchPage
class SearchCriteriaProviderImp() : SearchCritieraProvider {
override suspend fun provideTrendingSearch(): CatalogSearchPage {
return withContext( {
/* long running task */
interface CoroutineDispatcherProvider {
fun io(): CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.IO
fun default(): CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.Default
fun main(): CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.Main
fun immediate(): CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.Main.immediate
fun unconfined(): CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.Unconfined
class CoroutineDispatcherProviderImp #Inject constructor() : CoroutineDispatcherProvider
This is my actual test:
class LoadTrendingSearchUseCaseImpTest {
private val searchCriteriaProvider: SearchCriteriaProvider = mock()
private val coroutineDispatcherProvider = CoroutineDispatcherProviderImp()
private lateinit var loadTrendingSearchUseCaseImp: LoadTrendingSearchUseCaseImp
fun setUp() {
loadTrendingSearchUseCaseImp = LoadTrendingSearchUseCaseImp(
fun `should provide trending searches`() {
runBlockingTest {
// Arrange
// EXCEPTION HERE whenever(searchCriteriaProvider.provideTrendingSearch().trendingSearches).thenReturn(
// Act
val actualResult = loadTrendingSearchUseCaseImp.execute()
// Assert
The actual error message:
.product_search.usecase.imp.LoadTrendingSearchUseCaseImpTest$should provide trending searches$1.invokeSuspend(LoadTrendingSearchUseCaseImpTest.kt:30)
You tried to chain invocations when stubbing a method.
During stubbing, the actual methods are being called.
searchCriteriaProvider.provideTrendingSearch() returns null, as this call is not stubbed yet
subsequent call null.trendingSearches results in NPE
You need to stub each call in the chain
Obviously, this assumes that
catalogSearchPage is also a mock
trendingSearches is a property
Alternatively, you can construct a POJO for catalogSearchPage, and return it in the first stubbing.
I have a code where I am applying caching to get an object.
class UserServiceImpl(
private val userRepository: UserRepository
) : UserService {
override fun create(userEntity: UserEntity): UserEntity =
.also {"saved user {}", it) }
#Cacheable("users", key = "#id")
override fun get(id: Long): UserEntity = userRepository.findById(id)
.orElseThrow { EntityNotFoundException("User not found by id $id") }
.also {"from db: received user {}", it) }
companion object {
private val log = KotlinLogging.logger { }
interface UserRepository : JpaRepository<UserEntity, Long> {
I have verified with a simple controller that the caching works well, but I cannot verify this with tests. Test fails with an error: Verification failed: call 1 of 1: UserRepository(#1).findById(eq(1))). 3 matching calls found, but needs at least 1 and at most 1 calls
class UserServiceImplTest {
private val userRepository = mockkClass(UserRepository::class)
private val userService: UserService = UserServiceImpl(userRepository)
fun `get should use caching`() {
// given
val user = UserEntity(1, "Anna", "")
every {} returns user
every { userRepository.findById(!!) } returns Optional.of(user)
// when
// then
verify(exactly = 1) { userRepository.findById(!!) }
Perhaps I need to somehow enable caching for tests too. Or my test is written incorrectly (which is most likely). How can I write a test to check that the caching is working?
#Cacheable will generate a wrapper method which does the caching. This wrapper will exist on the proxy generated by Spring, so it will not come into play when you create the UserServiceImpl yourself. If you want to test it, you need to let Spring context manage the classes, including the mock.
For instance,
class UserServiceImplTest {
lateinit var userRepository: UserRepository
lateinit var userService: UserService
fun `get should use caching`() {
// given
val user = UserEntity(1, "Anna", "")
every {} returns user
every { userRepository.findById(!!) } returns Optional.of(user)
// when
// then
verify(exactly = 1) { userRepository.findById(!!) }
using mockk 1.9.3
having a function to be verified
class EventLogger private constructor()
fun logUserEvent(eventName: String?, eventParamMap: MutableMap<String, String>?) {
internaLogEventImpl(eventName, eventParamMap)
internal fun internaLogEventImpl(eventName: String?, customParams: MutableMap<String, String>?) {
companion object {
private var sEventLoggerSingleton: EventLogger? = null
val instance: EventLogger
get() {
if (sEventLoggerSingleton == null) {
sEventLoggerSingleton = EventLogger()
return sEventLoggerSingleton!!
got compiler error at every {eventLogger.internaLogEventImpl(any(), mapSlot)}
Type mismatch.
Required: MutableMap<String, String>?
Found: CapturingSlot<MutableMap<String, String>>
when trying this below :
class TestK {
lateinit var eventLogger: EventLogger
lateinit var application: Application
val mapSlot = slot<MutableMap<String, String>>()
fun setUp() {
application = ApplicationProvider.getApplicationContext<Application>()
eventLogger = mockk.spyk(EventLogger.instance)
ReflectionHelpers.setStaticField(, "sEventLoggerSingleton", eventLogger)
fun cleanUp() {
ReflectionHelpers.setStaticField(, "sEventLoggerSingleton", null)
fun logNotificationStatusChange_with_enabled_WhenCalled_ShouldLog() {
val testMap = hashMapOf("action" to "open")
every {eventLogger.internaLogEventImpl(any(), mapSlot)} answers {
assert(mapSlot.captured["action"] == "open")
eventLogger.logUserEvent("test_event", testMap)
You need to use capture (see Mockk's Capturing section).
So for your case capture(mapSlot) should work.
eventLogger.internaLogEventImpl(any(), capture(mapSlot))
Before trying to mock on complex code, It would be better to learn on easier example.
Here is a working example to mock a private call on an object with mockk.
object MyLogger {
fun logUserEvent(event: String?, map: MutableMap<String, String>?) {
// turns the event string into an uppercase string.
internaLogEventImpl(event?.toUpperCase(), map)
private fun internaLogEventImpl(event: String?, map: MutableMap<String, String>?): Unit =
throw Exception("real implementation")
How to test and mock the internal function so we don't throw the exception.
fun `test logger internal`() {
val expectedMap = mutableMapOf("a" to "b")
val expectedEvent = "EVENT"
val mock = spyk(MyLogger, recordPrivateCalls = true)
justRun { mock["internaLogEventImpl"](expectedEvent, expectedMap) }
// or justRun { mock["internaLogEventImpl"](any<String>(), any<MutableMap<String, String>>()) }
mock.logUserEvent("event", expectedMap)
verify { mock["internaLogEventImpl"](expectedEvent, expectedMap) }
Here logUserEvent calls the real implementation and internaLogEventImpl calls the mock implementation.
if justRun { mock["internaLogEventImpl"](expectedEvent, expectedMap) } is not called (or wrong because the argument doesn't match), the real implementation will be call. Here it will throw Exception("real implementation").
Please try and modify values to check different behaviors.
would someone be able to show me how to make the getMovies function in this viewModel testable? I can't get the unit tests to await the coroutines properly..
(1) I'm pretty sure I have to create a test-CoroutineScope and a normal lifeCycle-CoroutineScope, as seen in this Medium Article.
(2) Once the scope definitions are made, I'm also unsure how to tell getMovies() which scope it should be using given a normal app context or a test context.
enum class MovieApiStatus { LOADING, ERROR, DONE }
class MovieListViewModel : ViewModel() {
var pageCount = 1
private val _status = MutableLiveData<MovieApiStatus>()
val status: LiveData<MovieApiStatus>
get() = _status
private val _movieList = MutableLiveData<List<Movie>>()
val movieList: LiveData<List<Movie>>
get() = _movieList
// allows easy update of the value of the MutableLiveData
private var viewModelJob = Job()
// the Coroutine runs using the Main (UI) dispatcher
private val coroutineScope = CoroutineScope(
viewModelJob + Dispatchers.Main
init {
Log.d("list", "in init")
fun getMovies(pageNumber: Int) {
coroutineScope.launch {
val getMoviesDeferred =
MovieApi.retrofitService.getMoviesAsync(page = pageNumber)
try {
_status.value = MovieApiStatus.LOADING
val responseObject = getMoviesDeferred.await()
_status.value = MovieApiStatus.DONE
} catch (e: Exception) {
_status.value = MovieApiStatus.ERROR
pageCount =
it uses this API service...
import com.jakewharton.retrofit2.adapter.kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineCallAdapterFactory
import com.squareup.moshi.Moshi
import com.squareup.moshi.kotlin.reflect.KotlinJsonAdapterFactory
import kotlinx.coroutines.Deferred
import retrofit2.Retrofit
import retrofit2.converter.moshi.MoshiConverterFactory
import retrofit2.http.GET
import retrofit2.http.Query
private const val BASE_URL = ""
private const val API_key = ""
private val moshi = Moshi.Builder()
private val retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()
interface MovieApiService{
fun getMoviesAsync(
#Query("api_key") apiKey: String = API_key,
#Query("language") language: String = "en-US",
#Query("page") page: Int
): Deferred<ResponseObject>
Because this call is expensive, and the app only needs
one Retrofit service instance, you expose the service to the rest of the app using
a public object called MovieApi, and lazily initialize the Retrofit service there
object MovieApi {
val retrofitService: MovieApiService by lazy {
I'm simply trying to create a test which asserts the liveData 'status' is DONE after the function.
Here is the Project Repository
First you need to make your coroutine scope injectable somehow, either by creating a provider for it manually, or using an injection framework like dagger. That way, when you test your ViewModel, you can override the coroutine scope with a test version.
There are a few choices to do this, you can simply make the ViewModel itself injectable (article on that here:
Or you can manually create a ViewModel provider and use that where ever it's created. No matter what, I would strongly advise some form of dependency injection in order to achieve real testability.
Regardless, your ViewModel needs to have its CoroutineScope provided, not instantiate the coroutine scope itself.
In other words you might want
class MovieListViewModel(val couroutineScope: YourCoroutineScope) : ViewModel() {}
or maybe
class MovieListViewModel #Inject constructor(val coroutineScope: YourCoroutineScope) : ViewModel() {}
No matter what you do for injection, the next step is to create your own CoroutineScope interface that you can override in the test context. For example:
interface YourCoroutineScope : CoroutineScope {
fun launch(block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Unit): Job
That way when you use the scope for your app, you can use one scope, say, lifecycle coroutine scope:
class LifecycleManagedCoroutineScope(
private val lifecycleCoroutineScope: LifecycleCoroutineScope,
override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = lifecycleCoroutineScope.coroutineContext) : YourCoroutineScope {
override fun launch(block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Unit): Job = lifecycleCoroutineScope.launchWhenStarted(block)
And for your test, you can use a test scope:
class TestScope(override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext) : YourCoroutineScope {
val scope = TestCoroutineScope(coroutineContext)
override fun launch(block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Unit): Job {
return scope.launch {
Now, since your ViewModel is using a scope of type YourCoroutineScope, and since, in the examples above, both the lifecycle and test version implement the YourCoroutineScope interface, you can use different versions of the scope in different situations, i.e. app vs test.
Ok, thanks to Dapp's answer, I was able to write some tests which seem to be awaiting the function Properly.
Here is a copy of what I did :)
enum class MovieApiStatus { LOADING, ERROR, DONE }
class MovieListViewModel(val coroutineScope: ManagedCoroutineScope) : ViewModel() {
//....creating vars, livedata etc.
init {
fun getMovies(pageNumber: Int) =
val getMoviesDeferred =
MovieApi.retrofitService.getMoviesAsync(page = pageNumber)
try {
_status.value = MovieApiStatus.LOADING
val responseObject = getMoviesDeferred.await()
_status.value = MovieApiStatus.DONE
if (_movieList.value == null) {
_movieList.value = ArrayList()
pageCount =
_movieList.value = movieList.value!!.toList().plus(responseObject.results)
.sortedByDescending { it.vote_average }
} catch (e: Exception) {
_status.value = MovieApiStatus.ERROR
_movieList.value = ArrayList()
fun onLoadMoreMoviesClicked() =
//...nav functions, clearing functions etc.
and here are the test cases
class MovieListViewModelTest {
var instantExecutorRule = InstantTaskExecutorRule()
private val testDispatcher = TestCoroutineDispatcher()
private val managedCoroutineScope: ManagedCoroutineScope = TestScope(testDispatcher)
lateinit var viewModel: MovieListViewModel
fun setup() {
viewModel = MovieListViewModel(managedCoroutineScope)
fun tearDown() {
fun getMoviesTest() {
managedCoroutineScope.launch {
"initial List, API status: ${viewModel.status.getOrAwaitValue()}",
viewModel.status.getOrAwaitValue() == MovieApiStatus.DONE
"movieList has ${viewModel.movieList.value?.size}, != 20",
viewModel.movieList.value?.size == 20
"pageCount = ${viewModel.pageCount}, != 2",
viewModel.pageCount == 2
"added to list, API status: ${viewModel.status.getOrAwaitValue()}",
viewModel.status.getOrAwaitValue() == MovieApiStatus.DONE
"movieList has ${viewModel.movieList.value?.size}, != 40",
viewModel.movieList.value?.size == 40
It took some trial and error playing around with the Scopes.. runBlockingTest{} was causing an issue 'Exception: job() not completed'..
I also had to create a viewModel factory in order for the fragment to create the viewModel for when the app is running normally..
Project Repo
I would like to test case when server does not return response, and we trigger the next network call ( like for example search query).
So we basically have a method inside ViewModel and Retrofit method
interface RetrofitApi {
#GET("Some Url")
suspend fun getVeryImportantStuff(): String
class TestViewModel(private val api: RetrofitApi) : ViewModel() {
private var askJob: Job? = null
fun load(query: String) {
askJob = viewModelScope.launch {
val response = api.getVeryImportantStuff()
And I would like to test case when new query is asked, and the old one didn't returns.
for case when response returns test is easy
fun testReturnResponse() {
runBlockingTest {
val mockApi:RetrofitApi = mock()
val viewModel = TestViewModel(mockApi)
val response = "response from api"
val query = "fancy query"
//verify what happens
But I don't know how to mock suspend function that did't come back, and test case when new request is triggered like this
fun test2Loads() {
runBlockingTest {
val mockApi:RetrofitApi = mock()
val viewModel = TestViewModel(mockApi)
val response = "response from api"
val secondResponse = "response from api2"
val query = "fancy query"
.thenReturn(/* Here return some fancy stuff that is suspend* or something like onBlocking{} stub but not blocking but dalayed forever/)
//verify that first response did not happens , and only second one triggered all the stuff
Any ideas ?
EDIT: I'm not really attached to mockito, any mock library will be good :)
I came up with kind of solution to the problem, but slightly different than I was thinking at the beginning
interface CoroutineUtils {
val io: CoroutineContext
interface RetrofitApi {
#GET("Some Url")
suspend fun getVeryImportantStuff(query: String): String
class TestViewModel(private val api: RetrofitApi,
private val utils: CoroutineUtils) : ViewModel() {
private val text = MutableLiveData<String>()
val testStream: LiveData<String> = text
private var askJob: Job? = null
fun load(query: String) {
askJob = viewModelScope.launch {
val response = withContext( { api.getVeryImportantStuff(query) }
And the test scenario would look like this
class TestViewModelTest {
val coroutineScope = MainCoroutineScopeRule()
val instantTaskExecutorRule = InstantTaskExecutorRule()
lateinit var retrofit: RetrofitApi
lateinit var utils: CoroutineUtils
val tottalyDifferentDispatcher = TestCoroutineDispatcher()
lateinit var viewModel: TestViewModel
fun setup() {
retrofit = mock()
utils = mock()
viewModel = TestViewModel(retrofit, utils)
fun test2Loads() {
runBlockingTest {
val response = "response from api"
val response2 = "response from api2"
val query = "fancy query"
val query2 = "fancy query2"
val mutableListOfStrings = mutableListOf<String>()
viewModel.testStream.observeForever {
mutableListOfStrings shouldHaveSize 1
mutableListOfStrings[0] shouldBe response2
verify(retrofit, times(1)).getVeryImportantStuff(query2)
It is not exactly what I wanted, because retrofit call is not triggered when load method is called for the first time, but it is the closest solution.
What would be a perfect test for me will be assertion that retrofit was called twice , but only the second one returned to ViewModel. Solution for that will be to wrap Retrofit around method that returns suspend function like this
interface RetrofitWrapper {
suspend fun getVeryImportantStuff(): suspend (String)->String
class TestViewModel(private val api: RetrofitWrapper,
private val utils: CoroutineUtils) : ViewModel() {
private val text = MutableLiveData<String>()
val testStream: LiveData<String> = text
private var askJob: Job? = null
fun load(query: String) {
askJob = viewModelScope.launch {
val veryImportantStuff = api.getVeryImportantStuff()
val response = withContext( {
and test for it
fun test2Loads() {
runBlockingTest {
val response = "response from api"
val response2 = "response from api2"
val query = "fancy query"
val query2 = "fancy query2"
val mutableListOfStrings = mutableListOf<String>()
.thenReturn(suspendCoroutine {
it.resume { response }
whenever(retrofit.getVeryImportantStuff()).thenReturn(suspendCoroutine {
it.resume { response2 }
viewModel.testStream.observeForever {
mutableListOfStrings shouldHaveSize 1
mutableListOfStrings[0] shouldBe response2
verify(retrofit, times(2)).getVeryImportantStuff()
But in my opinion it is a little bit too much in interference in code only to be testable. But maybe I'm wrong :P
Looks like you want to test scenario when you have unreachable server, timeout or something similar.
In this case while doing your mock you can say that on first try it returns object and then on second executions throws exception like Connection timed out.
.thenThrow(ConnectException("timed out"))
And this this should work but you will have to do try/catch block in ViewModel witch is not ideal. I would suggest you to add additional abstraction.
You could you Repository or UseCase or whatever pattern/name you like to move the network call there. Then introduce sealed class Result to encapsulate behaviour and make your ViewModel more readable.
class TestViewModel(val repo: Repo): ViewModel() {
private var askJob: Job? = null
fun load(query: String) {
askJob = viewModelScope.launch {
when (repo.getStuff()) {
is Result.Success -> TODO()
is Result.Failure -> TODO()
class Repo(private val api: Api) {
suspend fun getStuff() : Result {
return try {
} catch (e: java.lang.Exception) {
sealed class Result {
data class Success<out T: Any>(val data: T) : Result()
data class Failure(val error: Throwable) : Result()
interface Api {
suspend fun getVeryImportantStuff() : String
With that level of abstraction your ViewModelTest only checks what happens in two cases.
Hope that's helpful!