Django m2m field doesn't assign to parent object in view - django

I am trying to implement a tagging system for my project. The various plug-in solutions (taggit, tagulous) are each unsuitable in some way.
I would like to allow users to select from existing tags or create new ones in a Select2 tagging field. Existing tags can be added or removed without problem. My difficulty is in the dynamic generation and assignment of new tags.
Select2 helpfully renders the manually-entered tags differently in the DOM from those picked from the database via autocomplete. So upon clicking submit, I have javascript collect the new tags and string them together in the value of a hidden input, then delete them from the Select2 field to avoid any validation errors (the form otherwise POSTs the tag names as the ids, which throws a db error).
In the view, I iterate over the desired new tags. For each entry I create the new tag, then add it to the parent object's related set.
While this successfully creates each tag (verified via Admin) it doesn't add it to the related set.
No errors are generated on the (clearly not succeeding) related set add.
The newly-generated tags are correctly instantiated and can be Select2-chosen and sucessfully assigned on a subsequent UpdateView, so I'm certain the problem lies in the view-assignment of the tags to the parent.
The same code executed via the Django shell work flawlessly, so I don't believe its a simple syntax error.
Thus the locus of the problem seems to be in the POST view code adding newly-generated tags to the parent, but I cannot see where the code goes astray.
Thanks for any insights or advice!
class Recipe_tag(models.Model):
id = models.UUIDField(primary_key=True,default=uuid.uuid4,null=False)
tag = models.CharField('Tag name',max_length=32,null=False,unique=True)
def __str__(self):
return str(self.tag)
class Recipe_base(models.Model):
id = models.UUIDField(primary_key=True,default=uuid.uuid4,null=False)
name = models.CharField('Recipe name',max_length=128,null=False)
tags = models.ManyToManyField(Recipe_tag,related_name='recipes',null=True,blank=True)
def __str__(self):
return str(
The post portion of the view:
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
self.object = None
r = Recipe_base.objects.get(id=self.kwargs.get('pk'))
form = RecipeUpdateTagsForm(request.POST,instance=r)
form_valid = form.is_valid()
if form_valid:
if form.has_changed:
f =
clean = form.cleaned_data
f.addedTags = clean['addedTags']
if f.addedTags == 'placeholder':
new_tags = f.addedTags.split(',')
for new_tag in new_tags:
a = Recipe_tag(tag=new_tag)
return self.form_valid(form)
return self.form_invalid(form)

Doing further digging, I found a post on another site in which the OP was experiencing the same issues. The trick is to remove the m2m assignment from the "create" or "update" process entirely, because the final save() that occurs in form_valid will discard any changes to the parent's related set.
In my case, the solution was to punt the iteration/assignment of the new tags to form_valid, directly after the final save() occurs there:
def form_valid(self, form, **kwargs):
self.object =
addedTags = kwargs['addedTags']
r = Recipe_base.objects.get(id=self.kwargs.get('pk'))
if addedTags == 'placeholder':
new_tags = addedTags.split(',')
for new_tag in new_tags:
a = Recipe_tag(tag=new_tag)
# print("debug // new tag: %s, %s" % (a.tag,
# print("debug // added %s to %s" % (a.tag,
return HttpResponseRedirect(self.get_success_url())
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
self.object = Recipe_base.objects.get(id=self.kwargs.get('pk'))
recipe_name =
recipe_id = self.kwargs.get('pk')
form = RecipeUpdateForm(instance=Recipe_base.objects.get(id=self.kwargs.get('pk')))
return self.render_to_response(self.get_context_data(form=form,recipe_name=recipe_name,recipe_id=recipe_id))
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
self.object = None
r = Recipe_base.objects.get(id=self.kwargs.get('pk'))
form = RecipeUpdateForm(request.POST,instance=r)
form_valid = form.is_valid()
#print("debug // form_valid PASSED")
if form_valid:
if form.has_changed:
#print("debug // Form changed...")
f =
#print("debug // Passes save C=F")
clean = form.cleaned_data
#print('debug // pre-existing tags: ',clean['tags'])
f.addedTags = clean['addedTags']
addedTags = clean['addedTags']
#print('debug // manual tags: ',clean['addedTags'])
#print("debug // Form saved")
#print("debug // Form unchanged, skipping...")
#print("debug // Reached successful return")
return self.form_valid(form, addedTags=addedTags,
#print("debug // Form fails validation")
#print("debug // Reached unsuccessful return")
return self.form_invalid(form)


How to add a Django form field dynamically depending on if the previous field was filled?

I have a Form (Formset) for users to update their profiles. This is a standard User model form, and custom Participants model form. Now, in cases when a participant provide his phone number, I need to refresh the whole Form with a new 'Code' filed dynamically. And the participant will type the code he received my SMS.
Here is how I am trying to do it:
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
self.object = self.get_object()
form = self.get_form()
if form.is_valid():
seller_form = SellerForm(self.request.POST, instance=self.object.seller)
if seller_form.is_valid():
seller = self.request.user.seller
seller.inn = seller_form.cleaned_data.get('inn')
if seller_form.cleaned_data.get('phone_number'):
seller_form.fields['code'] = models.CharField(max_length=4)
return render(request, self.template_name, {'form': form, 'seller_form': seller_form})
return HttpResponse('Seller updated')
return render(request, self.template_name, {'form': form, 'seller_form': seller_form})
Well I am not sure if this is the way I can add additional field. What would you suggest to handle this situation?
A technique I have used is to have an initially hidden field on the form. When the form otherwise becomes valid, I cause it to become visible, and then send the form around again. In class-based views and outline:
class SomeThingForm( forms.Modelform):
class Meta:
fields = [ ...
confirm = forms.BooleanField(
initial=False, required=False, widget=forms.widgets.HiddenInput,
label='Confirm your inputs?' )
class SomeView( CreateView): # or UpdateView
form_class = SomeThingForm
template_name = 'whatever'
def form_valid( self, form):
_warnings = []
# have a look at cleaned_data
# generate _warnings (a list of 2-tuples) about things which
# aren't automatically bad data but merit another look
if not form.cleaned_data['confirm'] and _warnings:
form.add_error('confirm', 'Correct possible typos and override if sure')
for field,error_text in _warnings:
form.add_error( field, error_text) # 'foo', 'Check me'
# make the confirm field visible
form.fields['confirm'].widget = forms.widgets.Select(
choices=((0, 'No'), (1, 'Yes')) )
# treat the form as invalid (which it now is!)
return self.form_invalid( form)
# OK it's come back with confirm=True # save the model
return redirect( ...)
For this question, I think you would replace confirm with sms_challenge, a Charfield or IntegerField, initially hidden, with a default value that will never be a correct answer. When the rest of the form validates, form_valid() gets invoked, and then the same program flow, except you also emit the SMS to the phone number in cleaned_data.
_warnings = []
# retrieve sms_challenge that was sent
if form.cleaned_data['sms_challenge'] != sms_challenge:
_warnings.append( ['sms_challenge', 'Sorry, that's not right'] )
if _warnings:
form.fields['sms_challenge'].widget = forms.widgets.TextInput
return self.form_invalid( form)
I think that ought to work.

How to get or create object in another model while updating some model?

I have a select2 option to select the reporters in my form. User randomly puts the reporters name in the news create form and while saving the form it also creates the reporter objects and assign these objects in News reporters(many to many ) field. This works fine while creating the objects
While updating it got some issues.In the update form there will be the reporters which are already assigned in the news.And user can add reporters and also can remove the reporters from the form. Here if user add the new reporter in the form then I want to create reporter object and assign the reporter object in many to many field and so if the user removes some reporter.
But this code creates reporter object even if it is already created and assigned in the News object.
I want to check if the reporter is already in the News then i don't want to create object in the Reporter model .If only user add new reporter then I want to create reporter object in Reporter model and then assign this object in News. How can I do it ?
class UpdateNews(View):
template_name = 'update_news.html'
categories = NewsCategory.objects.order_by('-created')
def get(self, request, **kwargs):
news = get_object_or_404(News, pk=kwargs['pk'])
form = CreateNewsForm(instance=news)
return render(request, self.template_name,
{'form': form, 'news': news, 'categories': self.categories})
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
target = get_object_or_404(News, pk=kwargs['pk'])
form = CreateNewsForm(request.POST, instance=news)
if form.is_valid():
news =
reporters = request.POST.getlist('reporters')
reporters_pk = [Reporter.objects.create(name=reporter).pk for reporter in reporters]
return redirect('list_news')
return render(request, self.template_name,
{'form': form, 'news': news, 'categories': self.categories})
class Reporter(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
class News(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length=255)
reporters = models.ManyToManyField(Reporter, related_name='reporters')
I had tried using the get_or_create method but it throws an error
reporters_pk = [Reporter.objects.get_or_create(name=reporter).pk for reporter in reporters]
'tuple' object has no attribute 'pk'
get_or_create returns a tuple back
instance, created = get_or_create(...)
if you would like to access reporter's pk, try to get the instance first
reporters_pk = [Reporter.objects.get_or_create(name=reporter)[0].pk for reporter in reporters]
The simplest and best approach would be to use Django's built-in get_or_create method. In your case this would give:
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
target = get_object_or_404(News, pk=kwargs['pk'])
form = CreateNewsForm(request.POST, instance=news)
if form.is_valid():
news =
reporters = request.POST.getlist('reporters')
# magic here 'get_or_create'
reporters_pk = [Reporter.objects.get_or_create(name=reporter).pk for reporter in reporters]
return redirect('list_news')
return render(request, self.template_name,
{'form': form, 'news': news, 'categories': self.categories})
so for eeach reporter which returns True for the identifier name=reporter it fetches the existing object from the database, otherwise it creates a new one. That way you avoid ending up with multiple entries.
So basically you already pointed in the right direction with your headline or you didn't describe your issue properly ;)

Django - create a new object based on another object by prefilling the form and corresponding inline formsets

I want to offer users the possibility to create a new publication based on an existing publication. To do that, I want them to click a link to "basedview" that contains the id of the publication they want the new item to base on. There are two formsets for n:n relations included.
that should open a prefilled form with all fields prefield with the data from the publication it's based on. once the user has made changes as needed, it should then save a new publication and new relations for the fieldset - the latter being the difficult part of it.
So my question is - how can I load all corresponding formsets from the database and then delete all their pk but still keep the relation to the publication item?
Right now it is like this in the get method:
self.object = None
self.object = KombiPublikation.objects.get(pk=self.kwargs['pk'])
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
raise Http404("Keinen Output unter dieser PubID gefunden.")
form = KombiPublikationForm(instance=self.object)
pubspr_formset = KombiPublikationSpracheFormset(instance=self.object)
pubpers_formset = KombiPublikationPersonFormset(instance=self.object)
But that ends up to be just an edit of the existing publication. I somehow have to delete the pk after I populated the formset or find a way to populate the formset differently. Any Ideas?
Thank you very much!
Here the full code excerpt:
class PublikationBasedView(PublikationCreateView):
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
self.object = None
self.object = KombiPublikation.objects.get(pk=self.kwargs['pk'])
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
raise Http404("Keinen Output unter dieser PubID gefunden.")
#todo: delete the pk of all objects in forms in formset, else they stay the same and are also changed!!
#fix: delete pk in objekt in order to save it as a new objekt - else based does not work at all!
form = KombiPublikationForm(instance=self.object)
pubspr_formset = KombiPublikationSpracheFormset(instance=self.object)
pubpers_formset = KombiPublikationPersonFormset(instance=self.object)
return self.render_to_response(
#its based on this create view
class PublikationCreateView(LoginRequiredMixin, ShowNumberOfItems, CreateView):
form_class = KombiPublikationForm
template_name = 'output/pub_create.html'
model = KombiPublikation
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
self.object = None
form_class = self.get_form_class()
form = self.get_form(form_class)
pubspr_formset = KombiPublikationSpracheFormset()
pubpers_formset = KombiPublikationPersonFormset()
return self.render_to_response(
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
self.object = None
form_class = self.get_form_class()
form = self.get_form(form_class)
pubspr_formset = KombiPublikationSpracheFormset(self.request.POST)
pubpers_formset = KombiPublikationPersonFormset(self.request.POST)
if form.is_valid() and pubspr_formset.is_valid() and pubpers_formset.is_valid():
return self.form_valid(form, pubspr_formset, pubpers_formset)
return self.form_invalid(form, pubspr_formset, pubpers_formset)
def get_success_msg(self):
return 'Ihr Output wurde erfolgreich unter PubID {} angelegt. Speicherort: {}. <br>'.format(, self.object.status)
def form_valid(self, form, pubspr_formset, pubpers_formset):
""" Called if all forms are valid."""
self.object =
pubspr_formset.instance = self.object
pubpers_formset.instance = self.object
messages.success(self.request, self.get_success_msg())
return redirect(self.get_success_url())
def form_invalid(self, form, pubspr_formset, pubpers_formset):
""" Called if whether a form is invalid. Re-renders data-filled forms and errors."""
return self.render_to_response(
Once you've set the Form's instance it's bound to that object. All updates will be to the object you passed.
Instead you need to set the Form's initial value
Use initial to declare the initial value of form fields at runtime. For example, you might want to fill in a username field with the username of the current session.
Then there's a utility at django.forms.models.model_to_dict that'll give you the dict you need for initial:
Returns a dict containing the data in instance suitable for passing as a Form's initial keyword argument.
So you'll need to do something like this:
from django.forms.models import model_to_dict
object = # Your code here...
# You don't want `id`. Possibly others...?
initial_data = model_to_dict(object, exclude=['id'])
form = YourFormClass(initial=initial_data)
# ...
Hopefully that helps.
I solved the problem and since it was a bit more complicated then expected, I share my finding here - if someone finds a simpler solution feel free to add another comment
That is the final get method in the view:
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
self.object = None
self.object = KombiPublikation.objects.get(pk=self.kwargs['pk'])
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
raise Http404("Keinen Output unter dieser PubID gefunden.")
#load all form initials and render the form correctly - but save new objects
#1. make sure the main publikation object is saved as a new object: = None
self.object.erstellungsdatum =
form = KombiPublikationForm(instance=self.object)
#2. get the corresponding querysets for sprache and person:
pubspr = KombiPublikationSprache.objects.filter(publikation=self.kwargs['pk'])
pubpers = KombiPublikationPerson.objects.filter(publikation=self.kwargs['pk'])
#make a list of dicts out of the querysets and delete pk id and fk relations
pubspr_listofdicts = []
for pubspr in pubspr:
pubspr_dict= model_to_dict(pubspr)
del pubspr_dict['id']
del pubspr_dict['publikation']
pubpers_listofdicts = []
for pubpers in pubpers:
del pubpers_dict['id']
del pubpers_dict['publikation']
#create new formsets with the right amount of forms (leng(obj_listofdicts)
KombiPublikationSpracheFormset = inlineformset_factory(KombiPublikation,
KombiPublikationPersonFormset = inlineformset_factory(
#initiate the formset with initial data:
pubspr_formset = KombiPublikationSpracheFormset(instance=self.object, initial=pubspr_listofdicts)
pubpers_formset = KombiPublikationPersonFormset(instance=self.object, initial=pubpers_listofdicts)
return self.render_to_response(

Django request.POST as an argument of a form

I am having a hard time wrapping my head around what request.POST is doing as a argument in the following example:
def addauthorView(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
form = ContactForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
first_name = form.cleaned_data['firstname']
last_name = form.cleaned_data['lastname']
user_email = form.cleaned_data['email']
c = AuthorModel(firstname=first_name, lastname=last_name, email=user_email)
return HttpResponseRedirect('thanks/')
form = ContactForm(request.POST)
return render(request, 'addauthor.html', {'form': form})
So I know that this works, but for some reason I cannot understand the magic that is happening with form = ContactForm(request.POST). Why does the ContactForm need the request.POST argument? What is happening behind the scenes?
Extra question, why is form = ContactForm(request.POST) then repeated in the else: block. Why is that helpful and when is that useful? Examples?
In a nutshell, request.POST is simply the data that was sent when the form was submitted. It's a dictionary of what the user submitted for firstname, lastname and email in your code sample. For those that come from a PHP background, it's what is provided in $_POST.
form = ContactForm(request.POST) binds the data to the form class so Django can do fun stuff like validate inputs with is_valid().
Why then, would you add request.POST to the else: block? Well, have you ever submitted a form to a website and when there was an error you had to completely fill out the form again? That's a crappy user experience, right? By sending the form back to the user with the data from request.POST, you can re-render what the user inputed - along with helpful extras such as error messages - so they can fix them and resubmit.
EDIT: To expand, here is the init method from the BaseForm class in Django:
def __init__(self, data=None, files=None, auto_id='id_%s', prefix=None,
initial=None, error_class=ErrorList, label_suffix=None,
self.is_bound = data is not None or files is not None = data or {}
self.files = files or {}
self.auto_id = auto_id
self.prefix = prefix
self.initial = initial or {}
self.error_class = error_class
# Translators: This is the default suffix added to form field labels
self.label_suffix = label_suffix if label_suffix is not None else _(':')
self.empty_permitted = empty_permitted
self._errors = None # Stores the errors after clean() has been called.
self._changed_data = None
# The base_fields class attribute is the *class-wide* definition of
# fields. Because a particular *instance* of the class might want to
# alter self.fields, we create self.fields here by copying base_fields.
# Instances should always modify self.fields; they should not modify
# self.base_fields.
self.fields = copy.deepcopy(self.base_fields)
When you pass request.POST to your form class, you're really doing data=request.POST. That in turn triggers the self.is_bound = True

Saving inlineformset in Django class-based views (CBV)

So I'm in the process of working on a web application that has implemented security questions into it's registration process. Because of the way my models are setup and the fact that I am trying to use Django's Class based views (CBV), I've had a bit of problems getting this all to integrate cleanly. Here are what my models look like:
class AcctSecurityQuestions(models.Model):
class Meta:
db_table = 'security_questions'
id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
question = models.CharField(max_length = 250, null=False)
def __unicode__(self):
return u'%s' % self.question
class AcctUser(AbstractBaseUser, PermissionsMixin):
user_questions = models.ManyToManyField(AcctSecurityQuestions, through='SecurityQuestionsInter')
class SecurityQuestionsInter(models.Model):
class Meta:
db_table = 'security_questions_inter'
acct_user = models.ForeignKey(AcctUser)
security_questions = models.ForeignKey(AcctSecurityQuestions, verbose_name="Security Question")
answer = models.CharField(max_length=128, null=False)
Here is what my current view looks like:
class AcctRegistration(CreateView):
template_name = 'registration/registration_form.html'
disallowed_url_name = 'registration_disallowed'
model = AcctUser
backend_path = 'registration.backends.default.DefaultBackend'
form_class = AcctRegistrationForm
success_url = 'registration_complete'
def form_valid(self, form):
context = self.get_context_data()
securityquestion_form = context['formset']
if securityquestion_form.is_valid():
self.object =
securityquestion_form.instance = self.object
return HttpResponseRedirect(self.get_success_url())
return self.render_to_response(self.get_context_data(form=form))
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
ctx = super(AcctRegistration, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
if self.request.POST:
ctx['formset'] = SecurityQuestionsInLineFormSet(self.request.POST, instance=self.object)
ctx['formset'] = SecurityQuestionsInLineFormSet(instance=self.object)
return ctx
And for giggles and completeness here is what my form looks like:
class AcctRegistrationForm(ModelForm):
password1 = CharField(widget=PasswordInput(attrs=attrs_dict, render_value=False),
password2 = CharField(widget=PasswordInput(attrs=attrs_dict, render_value=False),
label="Password (again)")
class Meta:
model = AcctUser
def clean(self):
if 'password1' in self.cleaned_data and 'password2' in self.cleaned_data:
if self.cleaned_data['password1'] != self.cleaned_data['password2']:
raise ValidationError(_("The two password fields didn't match."))
return self.cleaned_data
SecurityQuestionsInLineFormSet = inlineformset_factory(AcctUser,
This post helped me a lot, however in the most recent comments of the chosen answer, its mentioned that formset data should be integrated into the form in the overidden get and post methods:
django class-based views with inline model-form or formset
If I am overiding the get and post how would I add in my data from my formset? And what would I call to loop over the formset data?
Inline formsets are handy when you already have the user object in the database. Then, when you initialize, it'll automatically preload the right security questions, etc. But for creation, a normal model formset is probably best, and one that doesn't include the field on the through table that ties back to the user. Then you can create the user and manually set the user field on the created through table.
Here's how I would do this using a just a model formset:
SecurityQuestionsFormSet = modelformset_factory(SecurityQuestionsInter,
fields=('security_questions', 'answer'),
class AcctRegistration(CreateView):
# class data like form name as usual
def form_valid(self):
# override the ModelFormMixin definition so you don't save twice
return HttpResponseRedirect(self.get_success_url())
def form_invalid(self, form, formset):
return self.render_to_response(self.get_context_data(form=form, formset=formset))
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
self.object = None
form_class = self.get_form_class()
form = self.get_form(form_class)
formset = SecurityQuestionsFormSet(queryset=SecurityQuestionsInter.objects.none())
return self.render_to_response(self.get_context_data(form=form, formset=formset))
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
self.object = None
form_class = self.get_form_class()
form = self.get_form(form_class)
formset = SecurityQuestionsFormSet(request.POST)
form_valid = form.is_valid()
formset_valid = formset.is_valid()
if form_valid and formset_valid:
self.object =
security_questions =
for security_question in security_questions:
security_question.acct_user = self.object
return self.form_valid()
return self.form_invalid(form, formset)
Regarding some questions in the comments about why this works the way it does:
I don't quite understand why we needed the queryset
The queryset defines the initial editable scope of objects for the formset. It's the set of instances to be bound to each form within the queryset, similar to the instance parameter of an individual form. Then, if the size of the queryset doesn't exceed the max_num parameter, it'll add extra unbound forms up to max_num or the specified number of extras. Specifying the empty queryset means we've said that we don't want to edit any of the model instances, we just want to create new data.
If you inspect the HTML of the unsubmitted form for the version that uses the default queryset, you'll see hidden inputs giving the IDs of the intermediary rows - plus you'll see the chosen question and answer displayed in the non-hidden inputs.
It's arguably confusing that forms default to being unbound (unless you specify an instance) while formsets default to being bound to the entire table (unless you specify otherwise). It certainly threw me off for a while, as the comments show. But formsets are inherently plural in ways that a single form aren't, so there's that.
Limiting the queryset is one of the things that inline formsets do.
or how the formset knew it was related until we set the acct_user for the formset. Why didn't we use the instance parameter
The formset actually never knows that it's related. Eventually the SecurityQuestionsInter objects do, once we set that model field.
Basically, the HTML form passes in the values of all its fields in the POST data - the two passwords, plus the IDs of two security question selections and the user's answers, plus maybe anything else that wasn't relevant to this question. Each of the Python objects we create (form and formset) can tell based on the field ids and the formset prefix (default values work fine here, with multiple formsets in one page it gets more complicated) which parts of the POST data are its responsibility. form handles the passwords but knows nothing about the security questions. formset handles the two security questions, but knows nothing about the passwords (or, by implication, the user). Internally, formset creates two forms, each of which handles one question/answer pair - again, they rely on numbering in the ids to tell what parts of the POST data they handle.
It's the view that ties the two together. None of the forms know about how they relate, but the view does.
Inline formsets have various special behavior for tracking such a relation, and after some more code review I think there is a way to use them here without needing to save the user before validating the security Q/A pairs - they do build an internal queryset that filters to the instance, but it doesn't look like they actually need to evaluate that queryset for validation. The main part that's throwing me off from just saying you can use them instead and just pass in an uncommitted user object (i.e. the return value of as the instance argument, or None if the user form is not valid is that I'm not 100% sure it would do the right thing in the second case. It might be worth testing if you find that approach clearer - set up your inline formset as you initially had it, initialize the formset in get with no arguments, then leave the final saving behavior in form_valid after all:
def form_valid(self, form, formset):
# commit the uncommitted version set in post
return HttpResponseRedirect(self.get_success_url())
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
self.object = None
form_class = self.get_form_class()
form = self.get_form(form_class)
if form.is_valid():
self.object =
# passing in None as the instance if the user form is not valid
formset = SecurityQuestionsInLineFormSet(request.POST, instance=self.object)
if form.is_valid() and formset.is_valid():
return self.form_valid(form, formset)
return self.form_invalid(form, formset)
If that works as desired when the form is not valid, I may have talked myself into that version being better. Behind the scenes it's just doing what the non-inline version does, but more of the processing is hidden. It also more closely parallels the implementation of the various generic mixins in the first place - although you could move the saving behavior into form_valid with the non-inline version too.