I need to normalize the histogram of an image f which mean to applicated an transformation of histogram from image in order to extend the range of value of f to all available values.
the norm(fmin) = Vmin ( minimal value we want to reach) and normal(fmin) = Vmax ( maximal value we want to reach)
I have this formula too
the goal is to have the same result that the function normalize which openCV gives.
Mat normalize(Mat image, float minValue, float maxValue)
Mat res = image.clone();
assert(minValue <= maxValue);
float Fmax = 0;
float Fmin = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < res.rows; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < res.cols; j++)
float x = res.at<float>(i,j);
if(i < minValue)
Fmin = i;
if( i > maxValue)
Fmax = i;
res.at<float>(i,j) = (x - Fmin) * ((maxValue - minValue) / (Fmax - Fmin)) + minValue;
return res;
I have this error : !!! Warning, saved image values not between 0 and 1.
!!! Warning, saved image values not between 0 and 1.
I think I didn't understand how to calculate fmin/ fmax
So, as I explained in my comment, there are some mistakes, here's the corrected version. You need to run the double loop twice, once to find the min-max, and a second time to apply the formula. There were also errors in the comparisons:
cv::Mat normalize(cv::Mat image, float minValue, float maxValue)
cv::Mat res = image.clone();
assert(minValue <= maxValue);
// 1) find min and max values
float Fmax = 0.0f;
float Fmin = 1.0f; // set it to 1, not 0
for (int i = 0; i < res.rows; i++)
float* pixels = res.ptr<float>(i); // this is quicker
for (int j = 0; j < res.cols; j++)
float x = pixels[j];
if (x < Fmin) // compare x and Fmin, not i and minValue
Fmin = x;
if (x > Fmax) // compare x and Fmax, not i and maxValue
Fmax = x;
// 1 color image => don't normalize + avoid crash
if (Fmin >= Fmax)
return res;
// 2) normalize using your formula
for (int i = 0; i < res.rows; i++)
float* pixels = res.ptr<float>(i);
for (int j = 0; j < res.cols; j++)
pixels[j] = (pixels[j] - Fmin) * ((maxValue - minValue) / (Fmax - Fmin)) + minValue;
return res;
If your source image is a grayscale image in 8 bit, you can convert it like that:
cv::Mat floatImage;
grayImage.convertTo(floatImage, CV_32F, 1.0 / 255, 0);
floatImage = normalize(floatImage, 0, 1.0f);
floatImage.convertTo(grayImage, CV_8UC1, 255.0, 0);
Also, if you use cv::minMaxLoc, your normalize function can be made shorter =>
cv::Mat normalize(cv::Mat image, float minValue, float maxValue)
cv::Mat res = image.clone();
assert(minValue <= maxValue);
// 1) find min and max values
double Fmax;
double Fmin;
cv::minMaxLoc(image, &Fmin, &Fmax);
if (Fmin >= Fmax)
return res;
// 2) normalize using your formula
for (int i = 0; i < res.rows; i++)
float* pixels = res.ptr<float>(i);
for (int j = 0; j < res.cols; j++)
pixels[j] = (pixels[j] - Fmin) * ((maxValue - minValue) / (Fmax - Fmin)) + minValue;
return res;
I'm trying to warp colour image using sin function in OpenCV and I was successful in doing so. However, how can I make a 'diagonal' warping using sine wave?
My code is this:
Mat result = src.clone();
for (int i = 0; i < src.rows; i++) { // to y
for (int j = 0; j < src.cols; j++) { // to x
for (int ch = 0; ch < 3; ch++) { // each colour
int offset_x = 0;
int offset_y = (int)(25.0 * sin(3.14 * j / 150));
if (i + offset_y < src.rows) {
result.at<Vec3b>(i, j)[ch] = src.at<Vec3b>((i + offset_y) % src.rows, j)[ch];
result.at<Vec3b>(i, j)[ch] = 0.0;
imshow("result", result);
How can I do this? Not drawing a sine graph, but warping an image.
Solved this! Several times ago, I've received a message by someone who told me that the image is stolen. It was from Google, actually, but I've deleted it to fulfill not to cause any situations. Thx!
I think it should look like this:
void deform()
float alpha = 45 * CV_PI / 180.0; // wave direction
float ox = cos(alpha);
float oy = sin(alpha);
cv::Mat src = cv::imread("F:/ImagesForTest/lena.jpg");
for (int i = 0; i < src.rows; i+=8)
cv::line(src, cv::Point(i, 0), cv::Point(i, src.rows),cv::Scalar(255,255,255));
for (int j = 0; j < src.cols; j += 8)
cv::line(src, cv::Point(0,j), cv::Point(src.cols,j), cv::Scalar(255, 255, 255));
cv::Mat result = src.clone();
for (int i = 0; i < src.rows; i++)
{ // to y
for (int j = 0; j < src.cols; j++)
{ // to x
float t =(i * oy)+ (j * ox); // wave parameter
for (int ch = 0; ch < 3; ch++)
{ // each colour
int offset_x =ox* (int)(25.0 * (sin(3.14 * t/ 150)));
int offset_y =oy* (int)(25.0 * (sin(3.14 * t / 150)));
if (i + offset_y < src.rows && j + offset_x < src.rows && i + offset_y >=0 && j + offset_x>=0)
result.at<cv::Vec3b>(i, j)[ch] = src.at<cv::Vec3b>(i + offset_y, j + offset_x )[ch];
result.at<cv::Vec3b>(i, j)[ch] = 0.0;
cv:: imshow("result", result);
cv::imwrite("result.jpg", result);
The result:
BTW, may be better to use cv::remap ?
I am trying to perform gaussian smoothing on this image without using any opencv function (except displaying the image).
However, the output I got after convoluting the image with the gaussian kernel is as follow:
The output image seems to have misaligned and looks very weird. Any idea what is happening?
Generate gaussian kernel:
double gaussian(int x, int y,double sigma){
return (1/(2*M_PI*pow(sigma,2)))*exp(-1*(pow(x,2)+pow(y,2))/(2*pow(sigma,2)));
double generateFilter(vector<vector<double>> & kernel,int width,double sigma){
int value = 0;
double total =0;
if(width%2 == 1){
value = (width-1)/2;
value = width/2;
double smallest = gaussian(-1*value,-1*value,sigma);
for(int i = -1*value; i<=value; i++){
vector<double> temp;
for(int k = -1*value; k<=value; k++){
int gVal = round(gaussian(i,k,sigma)/smallest);
total += gVal;
return total;
vector<vector<unsigned int>> convolution(vector<vector<unsigned int>> src, vector<vector<double>> kernel,double total){
int kCenterX = floor(kernel.size() / 2); //center of kernel
int kCenterY = kCenterX; //center of kernel
int kRows = kernel.size(); //height of kernel
int kCols = kRows; //width of kernel
int imgRows = src.size(); //height of input image
int imgCols = src[0].size(); //width of input image
vector<vector<unsigned int>> dst = vector<vector<unsigned int>> (imgRows, vector<unsigned int>(imgCols ,0));
for ( size_t row = 0; row < imgRows; row++ ) {
for ( size_t col = 0; col < imgCols; col++ ) {
float accumulation = 0;
float weightsum = 0;
for ( int i = -1*kCenterX; i <= 1*kCenterX; i++ ) {
for ( int j = -1*kCenterY; j <= 1*kCenterY; j++ ) {
int k = 0;
if((row+i)>=0 && (row+i)<imgRows && (col+j)>=0 && (col+j)<imgCols){
k = src[row+i][col+j];
weightsum += kernel[kCenterX+i][kCenterY+j];
accumulation += k * kernel[kCenterX +i][kCenterY+j];
dst[row][col] = round(accumulation/weightsum);
return dst;
Thank you.
The convolution function is basically correct, so the issue is with the input and output format.
Make sure you are reading the image as Grayscale (and not RGB):
cv::Mat I = cv::imread("img.png", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
You are passing vector<vector<unsigned int>> argument to convolution.
I can't say if it's part of the problem or not, but it's recommended to pass argument of type cv::Mat (and return cv::Mat):
cv::Mat convolution(cv::Mat src, vector<vector<double>> kernel, double total)
I assume you can convert the input to and from vector<vector<unsigned int>>, but it's not necessary.
Here is a working code sample:
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp"
using namespace std;
double gaussian(int x, int y, double sigma) {
return (1 / (2 * 3.141592653589793*pow(sigma, 2)))*exp(-1 * (pow(x, 2) + pow(y, 2)) / (2 * pow(sigma, 2)));
double generateFilter(vector<vector<double>> & kernel, int width, double sigma)
int value = 0;
double total = 0;
if (width % 2 == 1) {
value = (width - 1) / 2;
else {
value = width / 2;
double smallest = gaussian(-1 * value, -1 * value, sigma);
for (int i = -1 * value; i <= value; i++) {
vector<double> temp;
for (int k = -1 * value; k <= value; k++) {
int gVal = round(gaussian(i, k, sigma) / smallest);
total += gVal;
cout << total << endl;
return total;
//vector<vector<unsigned int>> convolution(vector<vector<unsigned int>> src, vector<vector<double>> kernel, double total) {
cv::Mat convolution(cv::Mat src, vector<vector<double>> kernel, double total) {
int kCenterX = floor(kernel.size() / 2); //center of kernel
int kCenterY = kCenterX; //center of kernel
int kRows = kernel.size(); //height of kernel
int kCols = kRows; //width of kernel
int imgRows = src.rows;//src.size(); //height of input image
int imgCols = src.cols;//src[0].size(); //width of input image
//vector<vector<unsigned int>> dst = vector<vector<unsigned int>> (imgRows, vector<unsigned int>(imgCols ,0));
cv::Mat dst = cv::Mat::zeros(src.size(), CV_8UC1); //Create destination matrix, and fill with zeros (dst is Grayscale image with byte per pixel).
for (size_t row = 0; row < imgRows; row++) {
for (size_t col = 0; col < imgCols; col++) {
double accumulation = 0;
double weightsum = 0;
for (int i = -1 * kCenterX; i <= 1 * kCenterX; i++) {
for (int j = -1 * kCenterY; j <= 1 * kCenterY; j++) {
int k = 0;
if ((row + i) >= 0 && (row + i) < imgRows && (col + j) >= 0 && (col + j) < imgCols) {
//k = src[row+i][col+j];
k = (int)src.at<uchar>(row + i, col + j); //Read pixel from row [row + i] and column [col + j]
weightsum += kernel[kCenterX + i][kCenterY + j];
accumulation += (double)k * kernel[kCenterX + i][kCenterY + j];
//dst[row][col] = round(accumulation/weightsum);
dst.at<uchar>(row, col) = (uchar)round(accumulation / weightsum); //Write pixel from to row [row] and column [col]
//dst.at<uchar>(row, col) = src.at<uchar>(row, col);
return dst;
int main()
vector<vector<double>> kernel;
double total = generateFilter(kernel, 11, 3.0);
//Read input image as Grayscale (one byte per pixel).
cv::Mat I = cv::imread("img.png", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
cv::Mat J = convolution(I, kernel, total);
//Display input and output
cv::imshow("I", I);
cv::imshow("J", J);
return 0;
Here is my code for creating the hough accumulator for lines in image :
void hough_lines_acc(cv::Mat img_a_edges, std::vector<std::vector<int> > &hough_acc) {
for (size_t r = 0; r < img_a_edges.rows; r++) {
for (size_t c = 0; c < img_a_edges.cols; c++) {
int theta = static_cast<int> (std::atan2(r, c) * 180 / M_PI);
int rho = static_cast<int> ((c * cos(theta)) + (r * sin(theta)));
if (theta < -90) theta = -90;
if (theta > 89) theta = 89;
cv::Mat img_mat(hough_acc.size(), hough_acc[0].size(), CV_8U);
std::cout << hough_acc.size() << " " << hough_acc[0].size() << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < hough_acc.size(); i++) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < hough_acc[0].size(); j++) {
img_mat.at<int> (i,j) = hough_acc[i][j];
imwrite("../output/ps1-2-b-1.png", img_mat);
theta varies from -90 to 89. I am getting negative rho values. Right now I am just replacing the negative who with a positive one but am not getting a correct answer. What do I do to the negative rho? Please explain the answer.
theta = arctan (y / x)
rho = x * cos(theta) + y * sin(theta)
Edited code :
bool hough_lines_acc(cv::Mat img_a_edges, std::vector<std::vector<int> > &hough_acc,\
std::vector<double> thetas, std::vector<double> rhos, int rho_resolution, int theta_resolution) {
int img_w = img_a_edges.cols;
int img_h = img_a_edges.rows;
int max_votes = 0;
int min_votes = INT_MAX;
for (size_t r = 0; r < img_h; r++) {
for (size_t c = 0; c < img_w; c++) {
if(img_a_edges.at<int>(r, c) == 255) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < thetas.size(); i++) {
thetas[i] = (thetas[i] * M_PI / 180);
double rho = ( (c * cos(thetas[i])) + (r * sin(thetas[i])) );
int buff = ++hough_acc[static_cast<int>(abs(rho))][static_cast<int>(i)];
if (buff > max_votes) {
max_votes = buff;
if (buff < min_votes) {
min_votes = buff;
double div = static_cast<double>(max_votes) / 255;
int threshold = 10;
int possible_edge = round(static_cast<double>(max_votes) / div) - threshold;
{"max votes", max_votes},
{"min votes", min_votes},
{"scale", div}
// needed for scaling intensity for contrast
// not sure if I am doing it correctly
for (size_t r = 0; r < hough_acc.size(); r++) {
for (size_t c = 0; c < hough_acc[0].size(); c++) {
double val = hough_acc[r][c] / div;
if (val < 0) {
val = 0;
hough_acc[r][c] = static_cast<int>(val);
cv::Mat img_mat = cv::Mat(hough_acc.size(), hough_acc[0].size(), CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar(0));
for (size_t i = 0; i < hough_acc.size(); i++) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < hough_acc[0].size(); j++) {
img_mat.at<uint8_t> (i,j) = static_cast<uint8_t>(hough_acc[i][j]);
imwrite("../output/ps1-2-b-1.png", img_mat);
return true;
Still not correct output. What is the error here?
atan2 of two positive numbers... should not be giving you negative angles, it should only be giving you a range of 0-90
also for the hough transform, I think you want everything relative to one point (ie 0,0 in this case). I think for that you would actually want to make theta=90-atan2(r,c)
Admittedly though, I am a bit confused as I thought you had to encode line direction, rather than just "edge pt". ie I thought at each edge point you had to provide a discrete array of guessed line trajectories and calculate rho and theta for each one and throw all of those into your accumulator. As is... I am not sure what you are calculating.
I want to implement the harris corner detector. I found this page to be very helpful, since it shows how the detector is implemented using the basic opencv functions (like gaussianBlur and Sobel):
Now I even want to implement Gaussian Blur and Sobel. If I run my Gaussian or Sobel over some Images it works but in combination with my Corner Detector it does not work. Can anybody help me please. The full Code is below, thx.
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
/// Global variables
Mat src, src_gray, dst;
int thresh = 200;
int max_thresh = 255;
char* source_window = "Source Image";
char* corners_window = "Corner Image";
/// Function header
void cornerHarris_demo(int, void*);
void cornerHarrisMe(int, int, double);
int xGradient(Mat, int, int);
int yGradient(Mat, int, int);
void SobelMe(Mat&,Mat&,int,int);
int borderCheck(int M, int x);
void SepGaussian(Mat&, Mat&, int, int);
/** #function main */
int main(int argc, char** argv)
/// Load source image and convert it to gray
src = imread("data/a-real-big-church.jpg", 1);
//Mat src_gray(src.size(), CV_8UC1);
cvtColor(src, src_gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
/// Create a window and a trackbar
namedWindow(source_window, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
createTrackbar("Threshold: ", source_window, &thresh, max_thresh, cornerHarris_demo);
imshow(source_window, src);
cornerHarris_demo(0, 0);
/** #function cornerHarris_demo */
void cornerHarris_demo(int, void*)
Mat dst_norm, dst_norm_scaled;
/// Detector parameters
int blockSize = 2;
int apertureSize = 3;
double k = 0.04;
/// Detecting corners
cornerHarrisMe(blockSize, apertureSize, k);
/// Normalizing
normalize(dst, dst_norm, 0, 255, NORM_MINMAX, CV_32FC1, Mat());
convertScaleAbs(dst_norm, dst_norm_scaled);
/// Drawing a circle around corners
for (int j = 0; j < dst_norm.rows; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < dst_norm.cols; i++)
if ((int)dst_norm.at<float>(j, i) > thresh)
circle(dst_norm_scaled, Point(i, j), 5, Scalar(255), 2, 8, 0);
/// Showing the result
namedWindow(corners_window, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
imshow(corners_window, dst_norm_scaled);
void cornerHarrisMe(int blockSize, int apertureSize, double k)
Mat x2y2, xy, mtrace, x_der, y_der, x2_der, y2_der, xy_der, x2g_der, y2g_der, xyg_der;
//1: calculate x and y derivative of image via Sobel
SobelMe(src_gray, x_der, 1, 0);
SobelMe(src_gray, y_der, 0, 1);
//2: calculate other three images in M
pow(x_der, blockSize, x2_der);
pow(y_der, blockSize, y2_der);
multiply(x_der, y_der, xy_der);
//3: gaussain
SepGaussian(x2_der, x2g_der, 1, 0);
SepGaussian(y2_der, y2g_der, 0, 1);
SepGaussian(xy_der, xyg_der, 1, 1);
//4. calculating R with k
multiply(x2g_der, y2g_der, x2y2);
multiply(xyg_der, xyg_der, xy);
pow((x2g_der + y2g_der), blockSize, mtrace);
dst = (x2y2 - xy) - k * mtrace;
// gradient in the x direction
int xGradient(Mat image, int x, int y)
return image.at<uchar>(y - 1, x - 1) +
2 * image.at<uchar>(y, x - 1) +
image.at<uchar>(y + 1, x - 1) -
image.at<uchar>(y - 1, x + 1) -
2 * image.at<uchar>(y, x + 1) -
image.at<uchar>(y + 1, x + 1);
// gradient in the y direction
int yGradient(Mat image, int x, int y)
return image.at<uchar>(y - 1, x - 1) +
2 * image.at<uchar>(y - 1, x) +
image.at<uchar>(y - 1, x + 1) -
image.at<uchar>(y + 1, x - 1) -
2 * image.at<uchar>(y + 1, x) -
image.at<uchar>(y + 1, x + 1);
void SobelMe(Mat& source, Mat& destination, int xOrder, int yOrder){
int gradX, gradY, sum;
destination = source.clone();
if (xOrder == 1 && yOrder == 0){
for (int y = 1; y < source.rows - 1; y++){
for (int x = 1; x < source.cols - 1; x++){
gradX = xGradient(source, x, y);
sum = abs(gradX);
sum = sum > 255 ? 255 : sum;
sum = sum < 0 ? 0 : sum;
destination.at<uchar>(y, x) = sum;
else if (xOrder == 0 && yOrder == 1){
for (int y = 1; y < source.rows - 1; y++){
for (int x = 1; x < source.cols - 1; x++){
gradY = yGradient(source, x, y);
sum = abs(gradY);
sum = sum > 255 ? 255 : sum;
sum = sum < 0 ? 0 : sum;
destination.at<uchar>(y, x) = sum;
else if (xOrder == 1 && yOrder == 1)
for (int y = 1; y < source.rows - 1; y++){
for (int x = 1; x < source.cols - 1; x++){
gradX = xGradient(source, x, y);
gradY = yGradient(source, x, y);
sum = abs(gradX) + abs(gradY);
sum = sum > 255 ? 255 : sum;
sum = sum < 0 ? 0 : sum;
destination.at<uchar>(y, x) = sum;
int borderCheck(int M, int x){
if (x < 0)
return -x - 1;
if (x >= M)
return 2 * M - x - 1;
return x;
void SepGaussian(Mat& source, Mat& desination, int sigmaX, int sigmaY){
// coefficients of 1D gaussian kernel with sigma = 1
double coeffs[] = { 0.0545, 0.2442, 0.4026, 0.2442, 0.0545 };
Mat tempX, tempY;
float sum, x1, y1;
desination = source.clone();
tempY = source.clone();
tempX = source.clone();
// along y - direction
if (sigmaX == 0 && sigmaY == 1){
for (int y = 0; y < source.rows; y++){
for (int x = 0; x < source.cols; x++){
sum = 0.0;
for (int i = -2; i <= 2; i++){
y1 = borderCheck(source.rows, y - i);
sum = sum + coeffs[i + 2] * source.at<uchar>(y1, x);
desination.at<uchar>(y, x) = sum;
// along x - direction
else if (sigmaX == 1 && sigmaY == 0){
for (int y = 0; y < source.rows; y++){
for (int x = 0; x < source.cols; x++){
sum = 0.0;
for (int i = -2; i <= 2; i++){
x1 = borderCheck(source.cols, x - i);
sum = sum + coeffs[i + 2] * source.at<uchar>(y, x1);
desination.at<uchar>(y, x) = sum;
// along xy - direction
else if (sigmaX == 1 && sigmaY == 1){
for (int y = 0; y < source.rows; y++){
for (int x = 0; x < source.cols; x++){
sum = 0.0;
for (int i = -2; i <= 2; i++){
y1 = borderCheck(source.rows, y - i);
sum = sum + coeffs[i + 2] * source.at<uchar>(y1, x);
tempY.at<uchar>(y, x) = sum;
for (int y = 0; y < source.rows; y++){
for (int x = 0; x < source.cols; x++){
sum = 0.0;
for (int i = -2; i <= 2; i++){
x1 = borderCheck(source.cols, x - i);
sum = sum + coeffs[i + 2] * tempY.at<uchar>(y, x1);
desination.at<uchar>(y, x) = sum;
The Result:
Here is the a picture of the Result.
The Result is now the other way around, it detects areas where are no Corners.
In case there are some questions, feel free to ask me.
For a project I'm writing some code to compute the HoG of some images, but I'm stuck with the fact that my orientations are only between 0 ~ 90 degrees, while using the atan2 function.
I'm guessing that this problem occurs due to the filter2D function of OpenCV but I'm not sure if this is the reason or that I'm doing something else wrong:
Vector<Vector<Mat_<float>>> HoG(Mat image) {
Mat img_x;
Mat img_y;
IplImage img = image;
Mat kern_x = (Mat_<char>(1, 3) << -1, 0, 1);
Mat kern_y = (Mat_<char>(3, 1) << -1, 0, 1);
filter2D(image, img_x, image.depth(), kern_x);
filter2D(image, img_y, image.depth(), kern_y);
Vector<Vector<Mat_<float>>> histograms;
for(int y = 0; y < image.rows - size; y += size) {
Vector<Mat_<float>> temp_hist;
for(int x = 0; x < image.cols - size; x += size) {
float total_mag = 0;
Mat hist = Mat::zeros(1, 8, CV_32FC1);
for(int i = y; i < y + size; ++i) {
for(int j = x; j < x + size; ++j) {
float grad_x = (float)img_x.at<uchar>(i, j);
float grad_y = (float)img_y.at<uchar>(i, j);
double ori = myatan2(grad_x, grad_y);
float mag = sqrt(pow(grad_x, 2) + pow(grad_y, 2));
int bin = round(ori/45);
hist.at<float>(0, (bin - 1 < 0 ? 7 : bin - 1)) += - (float)(ori - ((round(ori/45) - 1) * 45.0 + 22.5)) / 45.0f;
hist.at<float>(0, bin) += -(float)(ori - ((round(ori/45) - 1) * 45.0 + 22.5)) / 45.0f;
total_mag += mag;
// Normalize the histogram
for(int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
hist.at<float>(0, i) = hist.at<float>(0, i) / total_mag;
return histograms;
If you have any other tips to increase a speed-up in my code or something else that is also welcome of course.
I notice this:
float grad_x = (float)img_x.at<uchar>(i, j);
float grad_y = (float)img_y.at<uchar>(i, j);
You seem to be using uchar. Should this not be char?