Visual Studio 2012 static library with Visual Studio 2017 - c++

I am building a static library with Visual Studio 2012 (C++), and want to give it to someone with Visual Studio 2017 so they can build their app and link against it. I will also provide the header files for them to use (but no source code that builds the library). The question is, will they be able to use the 2012 static libraries?

You cannot mix platform toolsets.
However, you can use the 2017 IDE with the 2012 platform toolset, via all project properties in your solution, if you have both versions installed.
A better solution would be to upgrade the library in question to 2017, which shouldn't be too terrible of a chore in most cases.

Absolutely not.
They will either need to build the static libraries themselves or you'll have to ship 2017 versions, and tell them comprehensively which compiler and optimisation settings were used. Therefore I would plump for the former if I were you.
Building an application binary interface (ABI for short) is extremely challenging in C++ - it's one thing that's been lost from the language's roots in C.


vc142 and 2019 redistributable package comparison with vc141

Is there a reason (I guess yes but I try to discover it) to install 2019 redistributable when deploying a C++ application built with vc142 since applications seems to work perfectly with the previous redistributable package (coming with vc141)? I have in mind that both are binary compatible, but more than that, dumpbin /exports of msvcp140.dll and vcruntime140.dll from 2017 and 2019 redistributable produce the same output; file size are identical too.
Did I miss something?
Apparently there is no gotcha, the libraries are comptible, see :
The article states: "This reflects the fact that both the runtime libraries and the applications compiled with either version of the compiler are binary compatible."
Maybe there are performance related differences.
As vs 2019 supports later c++ standard than 2017, this leaves one to wonder how this is possible with the old runtime libraries. I guess the differences are all built into the main executable/dll and don't require any changes in the runtime dlls.

Compile in Visual Studio 2013 for Visual Studio 2010 Redistributables

I have installed MS VS Express 2013 on my office computer, and compiled a DLL with it. Now when my colleague is trying to use it, she gets an error about a missing MSVCR120.DLL. We have found MSVCR100.DLL on her PC. I know that we can get MSVCR120.DLL from Microsoft. However
it will probably require admin rights, and only I have them in our team. I wonder if I can ask VS 2013 to compile the DLL so that it uses older version of redistributables? Or is installing the previous version of VS the only solution?
I found the solution — here: The distributable DLL can be statically linked to my DLL, thus removing the dependence. This is done in VS 2013 in Project Properties (Alt + F7) > Configuration Properties > C/C++ > Code Generation > Runtime Library, which should be set to Multi-threaded (/MT) from the default Multi-threaded DLL (/MD).
However, I wonder if by doing so I am actually still using redistributable DLLs of two versions and thus risk mixing the heaps and potentially causing memory allocation problems.
If someone suggests a better solution or a clear explanation why I should simply use Visual Studio 2010, I'll be happy to accept it is an answer.
Visual Studio 2013 can build Visual Studio 2010 C++ projects. To do this, you need to also have Visual Studio 2010 installed, because VS2013 will actually call the VS2010 C++ compiler.
What I have done to accomplish this is to create the solution and all the projects in Visual Studio 2010 and make sure that they build and run correctly. Then open them in Visual Studio 2013 and make sure to NOT upgrade the projects to VS2013.
Now you can use the latest tool and still build the VS2010 dlls that you need.

Compile Visual Studio projects without having Visual Studio installed?

Is there a way to compile a Visual Studio 2012 project without having the VS installed? I need to compile C++ stuff for windows quite rarely and buying the product is not justified as there's no profit (community projects). In most of the cases the project and solution files will be available. If there's a way to compile the code with SDK, could you please share an example?
You can download visual studio express for free. Whenever you build a solution, the bin folder in your project folder will contain the compiled code.
EDITED: (per MS website)
Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop enables the creation of desktop apps in C#, Visual Basic, and C++, and supports Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Windows Forms, and Win32.
Sign in to Visual Studio within 30 days with your Microsoft account to synchronize your settings across multiple machines and register your product.
Your best bet is likely going to be using msbuild which will allow you to build a solution or project without having Visual Studio installed.
If you have the free version VC++ Express installed (and thus the compiler toolchain), you might find it more interesting to use Eclipse CDT as IDE on top. At least the newer versions (I think since Helios) support using the native MS toolchain. You can import from native
VS projects also.
Eclipse is the more powerful IDE IMHO, and will additionally support other toolchains (either cross compiling, or Windows alternatives as MinGw GCC).

Linking against older version of runtime with newer version of MSVC?

I own VS 2008 Pro, and would like to do compatibility testing with VS 2005's runtime MSVCRT80, but I do not want to buy it just for that. Is there a way to link against MSVCRT80 without getting VS 2005?
Official support for native multi-targeting didn't appear until Visual Studio 2010, which allows you to select either v100 or v90 as your "Platform Toolset". There is no such feature in Visual Studio 2008.
There is a discussion here on how one can achieve the same effect in Visual Studio 2008, but it appears you need to have VS 2005 installed on your computer as well in order for this to work. It isn't going to work if you just have the runtime libraries installed because you need the proper version of the compiler and linker, which you'll only have if you install VS 2005.
On that note, I'm not really sure what you mean by "compatibility testing". If you compile your app against v90 in VS 2008, it's not going to work with the older versions of the runtime. You have to compile and link against the version you want your app to use.
Finally, consider whether it's really relevant or not. Since you must include MSVCRT with your application anyway, what's the advantage of trying to link against an older version of the runtime? Just include v90 and be done with it.
Links to a still-working (as of 11 Jan 2011) Microsoft download for Visual C++ Express 2005 can be found here:
This should let you compile against the VS2005 runtime without having to buy anything.
(in case the blogspot article goes away, the link for the .iso is

Visual Studio 2008 Express MFC Support

As may be known by many, the Express versions of Visual Studio 2008 don't include support for MFC and a few other packages required to compile a lot of windows programs.
So, here's my problem:
I have the full version of Visual Studio 2005. I've been using this to compile a project that a friend of mine was working on, so that I could test it out for him and continue to track bugs and things. Recently, he upgraded that project to VS 2008, which I don't have. So, I downloaded the express version in the hopes that I could simply compile with that, but no luck, it complains about headers missing left and right.
It seems to me that since I already have the full version of VS 2005, I'm bound to have at least some (perhaps older) version of the files in question that his project needs to compile against.
Is there a way I can convince VS 2008 to also look in 2005's directories for include files and library files to compile against?
Furthermore, is this a bad idea? I would really prefer not to go out and purchase VS 2008 full, as I'll never use it myself. (2005 does the job fine for me at the moment, and I tend to prefer GCC anyway.)
You can use the VC++ compiler directly from the command line, or just create a new project w/ the source in Visual Studio 2005. Unless he is using some functionality provided in the new versions of MFC/ATL in 2008/2008sp1, you should be able to compile the project just fine.
See ("Create Project from Existing Source") in Visual Studio 2005. It is unfortunate that they don't include these libraries with the Express Editions.
Use the vcvars*.bat script(s) from Visual Studio 2005. See this blogpost from VC++ Blog to see how. You will use the old compilers, but the build system from Visual Studio 2008.
You can go into Tools>Options>Projects and Solutions>VC++ Directories
and alter the Include, Library, and Source (and Reference maybe?) folders to use VC++ 2005's folders.
I'd guess you just replace $(VCInstallDir) with a hardcoded VS 2005 path. I'd record the original values before doing this.
However, have you just tried using the OLD 2005 sln and vcproj files? Keep using 2005 on your end and 2008 on his. Keep two sets of these files for each IDE. Any issues are going to be with the library mismatch - which you're not avoiding by using 2008's tools with 2005's libraries.
The simple way to deal with this would be to revert the solution and project files back to their visual studio 2005 state from source control(you are using source control right?). At this point you can compile the project as long as your friend does not use any of the mfc 9 only functions.
The first thing I would try is loading this up in VS 2005 by just modifying the version of the .sln and the .vcproj files. In the .vcproj change the version from 9.00 to 8.00 and in the .sln change the format version from 10.00 to 9.00.
If you don't have fancy stuff in the project you have a high chance of just being able to use it like this. Also this would avoid having to update 2 project and solution files.
On this website it is shown how MFC code can be compiled with the Visual Studio Express versions:
Just for the record, I've done that(by modifying the include directories and library directories from inside the IDE) and it's working pretty well, I have MFC, ATL, everything.
I've found this explanation.