How to implement QProgressDialog? - c++

I try to use a QProgressDialog to give the user some information on the progress of a long task, while allowing him to cancel this task.
Basically, I have a QDialog with a button Compute. By clicking on it, a time consuming method is called on a member of my QDialog's parent. This method takes a callback to tell the caller the progress of work.
The problem is that the progress dialog takes some time before appearing, and doesn't take into account immediately a click on its Cancel button.
It's clear that there is a glitch in my code, but I'm not accustomed with Qt, and I tried many things. I probably need a separate thread.
An extract of my code:
void MyDialog::callbackFunction(int value, void * objPtr) {
((QProgressDialog *)(objPtr))->setValue(value);
void MyDialog::on_mComputeBtn_clicked()
void MyDialog::Compute()
QProgressDialog progressDialog("Optimization in progress...", "Cancel", 0, 100, this);
progressDialog.setMinimumDuration(500); // 500 ms
connect(&progressDialog, SIGNAL(canceled()), this, SLOT(Cancel()));
// probably useless

The dialog is not appearing immediately because you set a minimum duration of 500ms. Set it to 0 to make the dialog show immediately on progress change or call its show function manually.
In order to make the cancel button work, move your long computation to another thread ( e.g. use QThread or std::async ) and let your main event loop continue its execution.
Actually there are a lot of problems with your code but these two points should point you to the right direction. In my experience every manual call to processEvents is a big code smell.

What you do is trying to use modal paradigm of QProgressdialog, not letting main event pump to fire, also you set a 0.5 s timeout, minimal duration would ensure the pause. Maybe modeless variant is more appropriate for your case.
if process got discrete steps, you can do it without separate thread
class MyTask : public QObject
explicit MyTask(QObject *parent = 0);
public slots:
void perform();
void cancel();
int steps;
QProgressDialog *pd;
QTimer *t;
void MyDialog::on_mComputeBtn_clicked()
myTask = new MyTask;
MyTask::MyTask(QObject *parent) :
QObject(parent), steps(0)
pd = new QProgressDialog("Task in progress.", "Cancel", 0, 100000);
connect(pd, SIGNAL(canceled()), this, SLOT(cancel()));
t = new QTimer(this);
connect(t, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(perform()));
void MyTask::perform()
//... perform one percent of the operation
if (steps > pd->maximum())
void MyTask::cancel()
//... cleanup
QThread example existed here: Qt 5 : update QProgressBar during QThread work via signal


How to prevent GUI from hanging while allowing 2nd operation to be performed alongwith 1st operation in Qt

Here I am explaining my problem statement in detail and the efforts I have put so far
A) Problem Statement : During printing if 'Stop Printing' pushbutton is pressed, the printing should stop at that moment!
B) My Work :
1. StartPrinitng_Pressed :
void MainWindow :: on_StartPrinitng_Pressed()
{QSqlquery studentList;
studentList("SELECT Name, address FROM class WHERE Roll No = some variable")
QTimer:: singleShot(1000,this,SLOT(StopNow())); //calling stopNow function
{ //** I am printing the fetched data (in a string) by setting GPIO pins HIGH **// }
2. StopPrinting_Pressed :
void MainWindow::on_StopPrinting_Pressed()
3. StopNow Function Declaration :
void MainWindow::StopNow()
{ //** I have reset all serials ports; Break; **// }
else if(StopPrintingNow==0)
{ QTimer::singleShot(1000,this,SLOT(on_startPrinting_pressed())); }
C) Flow of program execution : As and when "StartPrinting" pushbutton is pressed, the query shown in my question executes which fetches data from database and perform simultaneous printing.
D)Problem Faced -
1.GUI is getting hanged while printing, hence StopPrinting button doesn't respond.
Qtimer is not calling "StopNow function " while printing (though I have called it at correct position)enter image description here
Handling of timers and button presses is both covered by the Qt event loop -- which is blocked while you are looping over that SQL query. You have two options:
1) Periodically dispatch events in your while loop.
This is as simple as
But you have to be careful, however: any events you trigger due to user interaction (or a timer) will block and your while loop will not run until the event is finished. In your case especially, you could end up running a second copy of your on_StartPrinitng_Pressed function.
2) Do the printing on a separate thread.
This involves some more code, but the gist of it is that you create a SqlPrinter object with a startPrinting slot and stopPrinting slot. You then create a QThread and change its owner thread to that thread. Slot invocations will happen across the thread boundary and all will be fine.
class SqlPrinter : public QObject {
SqlPrinter(QObject* parent = nullptr) : QObject(parent) {}
public slots:
void startPrinting();
void stopPrinting();
In your main code, then do something like this, assuming that you have the two buttons named MainWindow_StartButton and MainWindow_StopButton:
QThread* printerThread = new QThread(qApp);
SqlPrinter* printer = new SqlPrinter;
QObject::connect(MainWindow_StartButton, &QPushButton::clicked, printer, &SqlPrinter::StartPrinting);
QObject::connect(MainWindow_StopButton, &QPushButton::clicked, printer, &SqlPrinter::StopPrinting);
Don't forget to clean up SqlPrinter afterwards!

Continuously drawing object using Qt and C++

I have one problem which I can't solve using the Internet. I have label and I set pixmap on it. I put it on main window (widget) where is button (QPushButton) too. I want to do that:
If I click on the button then on this pixmap will be drawn circles continuously
If I click this button for second then drawing must be stopped by function pause()
The second one is easy, it's empty slot:
void pause() {}
But at first I've tried to use loop
but it crashed a program (loop).
Any idea how to solve it?
You should never block the main thread. This will cause the OS to consider your application has hanged. In fact it is a good practice to move any code, whose execution takes more than 50 milliseconds to another thread to keep the main thread responsive, especially in the case of Qt, where it is also the GUI thread.
You should use an event driven approach, which will not block the thread.
class YourClass : public QObject { // QObject or derived
YourClass() { connect(&timer, &Timer::timeout, this, &YourClass::draw); }
public slots:
void start() { timer.start(33); }
void pause() { timer.stop(); }
QTimer timer;
void draw() { ... }
When start() is invoked, draw() will be called every 33 miliseconds. pause() will effectively stop that until start() is invoked again. You can control the rate at which draw() is invoked by adjusting the timer's interval, by default it is 0, which in the case of drawing is overkill, you should adjust for a desired framers per second. In the example above, the it is 33 milliseconds, or roughly 30 FPS.
You should then call draw() with some time interval, instead of halting the whole GUI thread with it.
For that, there's QTimer:
QTimer timer; // should be a member, a pointer optionally - you then do new Qtimer(this);
connect(&timer, &QTimer::timeout, draw);
timer.start(500); // in milliseconds
// assuming you are calling this from member function of QObject-deriving class
// and draw is a non-member function
If you know to do the connections, you can connect it to anything...
The same can be done with QThread and putting it to sleep in that loop.
Anyhow, I don't get how an empty pause() stops the drawing. Aren't you halting your application again? Just do timer.stop();.

QSlider , QTimer and valueChanged usage

I try to use QSlider, QTimer and valueChanged() signal together but I need to differentiate whether value of slider is changed by user or timer tick. How can I accomplish this? By below code I try to decide when slider is changed by timer but I could not decide when signal changed by user. ( Moreover it is a OpenGL animation and slider behaves like timeline evenif timeline changes value every second animation plays 30 Hz therefore if user want to use slider for making animation forward or reverse I need to check signal of slider. However slider has one seconds ticks from timer)
connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this,SLOT(timerTick()));
connect(slider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),this, SLOT(sliderChange()));
void MainWindow::sliderChange()
if (userInterrupt)
.. Call Function A
void MainWindow::timerTick()
EDIT : sender is added but due recursion it is fail to run clearly. Still I could not decide signal
connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this,SLOT(sliderChange()));
connect(slider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),this, SLOT(sliderChange()));
void MainWindow::sliderChange()
QObject * obj =sender();
if (obj==slider)
.. Call Function A
You can use QObject::sender to get a pointer to the QObject that emitted the signal.
After I try sender and blocksignals, I could not manage to solve the issue. Therefore, I find out another more primitive solution on slider handler like below. However, still I think that sender and blocksignal is better way to solve and try to do in that way also, until that time below code solve my issue. Basically, I use different signals for release, click and drag on slider.
connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this,SLOT(timerTick()));
connect(slider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),this, SLOT(sliderChange()));
connect(slider, SIGNAL(sliderReleased()),this, SLOT(userRelease()));
connect(slider, SIGNAL(sliderPressed()),this, SLOT(userClick()));
void MainWindow::sliderChange()
// Action when it is changes
// in my case calculate time where animation will resume on
// but do not show any data on animation until release
// release slot will deal with it
void MainWindow::userClick()
// Actions when mouse button is pressed
// in my case pause animation
void MainWindow::userRelease()
// Action when mouse button is released
// in my case resume showing animation with slider value
void MainWindow::timerTick()

how to add a 1 second delay using Qtimer

I currently have a method which is as follows
void SomeMethod(int a)
//Delay for one sec.
//After one sec
This method is actually a slot that is attached to a signal. I would like to add a delay of one sec using Qtimer.However I am not sure on how to accomplish this. Since the timer triggers a signal when its finished and the signal would need to be attached to another method that does not take in any parameters. Any suggestion on how I could accomplish this task.?
Update :
The signal will be called multiple times in a second and the delay will be for a second. My issue here is passing a parameter to the slot attached to timeout() signal of a timer.
My last approach would be to store the value in a memeber variable of a class and then use a mutex to protect it from being changed while the variable is being used .however I am looking for simpler methods here.
Actually, there is a much more elegant solution to your question that doesn't require member variables or queues. With Qt 5.4 and C++11 you can run a Lambda expression right from the QTimer::singleShot(..) method! If you are using Qt 5.0 - 5.3 you can use the connect method to connect the QTimer's timeout signal to a Lambda expression that will call the method that needs to be delayed with the appropriate parameter.
Edit: With the Qt 5.4 release it's just one line of code!
Qt 5.4 (and later)
void MyClass::SomeMethod(int a) {
QTimer::singleShot(1000, []() { SomeOtherFunction(a); } );
Qt 5.0 - 5.3
void MyClass::SomeMethod(int a) {
QTimer *timer = new QTimer(this);
connect(timer, &QTimer::timeout, [=]() {
} );
I'm a bit confused by the way you phrase your question, but if you're asking how to get the timer's timeout() signal to call a function with a parameter, then you can create a separate slot to receive the timeout and then call the function you want. Something like this: -
class MyClass : public QObject
MyClass(QObject *parent);
public slots:
void TimerHandlerFunction();
void SomeMethod(int a);
int m_a;
QTimer m_timer;
Implementation: -
MyClass::MyClass(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
// Connect the timer's timeout to our TimerHandlerFunction()
connect(&m_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(TimerHandlerFunction()));
void MyClass::SomeMethod(int a)
m_a = a; // Store the value to pass later
m_timer.setSingleShot(true); // If you only want it to fire once
void MyClass::TimerHandlerFunction()
Note that the QObject class actually has a timer that you can use by calling startTimer(), so you don't actually need to use a separate QTimer object here. It is included here to try to keep the example code close to the question.
If you are calling SomeMethod multiple times per second and the delay is always constant, you could put the parameter a to a QQueue and create a single shot timer for calling SomeOtherFunction, which gets the parameter from the QQueue.
void SomeClass::SomeMethod(int a)
QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(SomeOtherFunction()));
void SomeClass::SomeOtherFunction()
int a = queue.dequeue();
// do something with a
That doesn't work because QTimer::start is not blocking.
You should start the timer with QTimer::singleShot and connect it to a slot which will get executed after the QTimer times out.

Implement precise timer in Qt

Since I need a more precise timer than the Qt one with its ~15ms resolution i tried to implement my own timer using QueryPerformanceCounter() from the windows api.
My first shot was to inherit from QObject and build a timer with an infinite loop that fires a signal every second. I tried to move this timer to its own thread with moveToThread() so that it would just update my main window every second and not block the whole thing. However the main window would never show up, removing the infinite loop -> main window shows up.
So I tried a singleshot approach, the basic idea is:
connect( highPerformanceTimer, SIGNAL(timer_tick()), this, SLOT(timeOutSlot()) );
connect( this, SIGNAL(graphics_updated()), highPerformanceTimer, SLOT(timer_start()));
So, timer ticks, ui (opengl) gets updated, at the end of the update a signal is generated to restart the timer.
Still my main window will not show up as long as i don't remove the restart of the timer from the end of the ui update code.
In the debugger I can see that the code seems to work like it should, it jumps from timer to ui and back. Without breakpoints it will result in a sudden segmentation fault.
I would be thankful for any hint where the problem could be or if there is a better way to implement this in Qt.
Edit: Some more code
#include <QObject>
#include <windows.h>
class HighPerformanceTimer : public QObject
void timer_tick();
public slots:
void timer_start();
// some variables
LARGE_INTEGER highPerformanceCounterValue, highPerformanceCounterFrequency, highPerformanceCounterValueOld;
int interval;
float value;
float last_tick_value;
#include "highperformancetimer.h"
#include "windows.h"
#include "QThread"
void HighPerformanceTimer::timer_start(){
float i = 0;
// just burn some time
while( i<1000000 ) i++;
emit HighPerformanceTimer::timer_tick();
Some Code from the main OpenGl Widget:
HighPerformanceTimer *highPerformanceTimer;
protected slots:
virtual void timeOutSlot();
NeHeChapter5( QWidget *parent=0, char *name=0 ) : NeHeWidget( 50, parent, name )
highPerformanceTimer = new HighPerformanceTimer();
connect( highPerformanceTimer, SIGNAL(timer_tick()), this, SLOT(timeOutSlot()) );
connect( this, SIGNAL(graphics_updated()), highPerformanceTimer, SLOT(timer_start()));
void NeHeChapter5::timeOutSlot(){
void NeHeChapter5::timeOut()
void NeHeChapter5::paintGL()
//opengl code *snip*
emit graphics_updated();
Error is here:
NeHeChapter5( QWidget *parent=0, char *name=0 ) : NeHeWidget( 50, parent, name )
highPerformanceTimer = new HighPerformanceTimer();
connect( highPerformanceTimer, SIGNAL(timer_tick()), this, SLOT(timeOutSlot()) );
connect( this, SIGNAL(graphics_updated()), highPerformanceTimer, SLOT(timer_start()));
You call timer_start(); and it's being called in caller thread, not in timerThread. Also you didn't even start your thread. Call timerThread.start() first. To invoke your timer_start() in thread you want you should call
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(highPerformanceTimer, "timer_start", Qt::QueuedConnection);
It will invoke timer_start in newly started thread, not in caller thread.
Also you don't need to call timer_tick with fully qualified name emit HighPerformanceTimer::timer_tick(); can be replaced with emit timer_tick();